Delta DNS-14 Installation And Application Manual

Delta Network Sensor: BACstat I

Product Description

The DNS-14 BACstat I is an intelligent room sensor with four buttons and a 3-digit LCD display that is used with Delta’s product line of BACnet Application Controllers. It is capable of communicating on Delta’s proprietary LINKnet network or directly on a BACnet MS/TP network using the MS/TP BACnet protocol.
When connected to an Application Controller on a LINKnet network the DNS-14 provides programmable remote sensor capabilities to the controller. Up to 12 devices may be connected to the LINKnet network, depending on the controller, where associated BACnet objects located in the Application Controller make the DNS-14 accessible to the rest of the system. These same objects in the Application Controller are used in programming each DNS-14 for various functions and applications.
DNS-14 (Rev 1.6)
Document Edition 1.9
When connected on an MS/TP network the DNS-14 functions as an independent Native BACnet sensor device, similar to any other MS/TP device. Each DNS-14 is configured for operation (including the use of its buttons and display), and can receive commands for mode and setpoint changes from another device across the network (i.e., DCU or other System Controller with V3.22 firmware).

Model Numbers

Product Number Product Description
DNS-14 Standard Model (with default button template)
The appended button template codes specify the desired icons embossed on the template as follows:
[default] Bottom 2 buttons are and (Setpoint Adjust), top 2 are OFF and ON INT Bottom 2 buttons are and (Setpoint Adjust), top 2 are O and IInternational

Package Contents

Delta Network Sensor: BACstat I Product, DNS-14 (Rev 1.6)
DNS-14 (Rev 1.6) Installation Guide
Document Edition 1.9
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Delta Network Sensor: BACstat I DNS-14 (Rev 1.6 ) Installation Guide

Other Relevant Documents

RS-485 Network Installation Guide (DOC818-11)
ORCAview Operator Guide (V3.21 or later)
ORCAview Technical Reference Manual (V3.22 or later)
Release Notes for V3.21 Firmware, V3.22 Firmware, and BACstats

Product Specifications

Power Requirements
24 VAC
2 VA
Class II
Ambient Ratings
32º to 131º F (0º to 55º C)
10 to 90% RH (non-condensing)
Communication Port
LINKnet Connection
Communications Speed @ 76,800 bps
Maximum of 12 devices (depending on the controller)
BACnet MS/TP Connection
Communications Speed @ 9,600 or 19,200 or 38,400 or 76,800 bps (the default)
Maximum of 99 nodes per MS/TP segment (50 without a repeater)
Input (Temperature Sensor)
Thermistor Input – 10,000 ohm @ 77 ºF (25 ºC)
Accuracy of +/- 0.36 ºF from 32 - 158 ºF (+/- 0.2 ºC from 0 - 70 ºC)
Display Resolution of 0.1 º
Stability of 0.24 ºF over 5 years (0.13 ºC)
8-bit Processor c/w internal A/D, Flash, and RAM
3-digit LCD (7 segment characters)
4 momentary push buttons with tactile feedback
Device Addressing
LINKnet Connection
Set via Keypad Configuration Setup
Address Range: 1 to 12
BACnet MS/TP Connection
Set via Keypad Configuration Setup, or Software Setup
Keypad Address Range: 1 to 99 per network segment
Software Address Range: As per the BACnet standard
Supports DNA – Delta’s intuitive addressing scheme
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Document Edition 1.9
4.5” x 2.75”x 1” (11.4 cm x 7 cm x 2.5 cm)
0.16 lb. (71 g.)

PCB Board Layout & Wiring

Network Notes:
Ensure you use the specified balanced cable
and follow documented RS-485 installation guidelines for MS/TP or LinkNet networks. Do not terminate the shield on the BACs tat,
but ensure conductivity is maintained.
Delta Controls
2-Wire Connection (MS/TP or LinkNet)
2-Wire Connection (24 VAC)
Power Notes:
If connected to LinkNet, Power may be supplied from the Power Out port on a DAC product. Ensure polarity is observed when the same
transformer is connected to more than one device.
If the same transformer is used for more than one device, ensure it is sized properly.
NOTE: Do not use 4-wire multi-conductor cable. It will not meet the balanced cable requirements for the MS/TP or LINKnet networks. Use two separate cables: one for the network and the other for power.
Document Edition 1.9
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Delta Network Sensor: BACstat I DNS-14 (Rev 1.6 ) Installation Guide


The DNS-14 backplate is designed for mounting directly on a standard North American electrical box, but may be mounted in other ways as well.


The DNS-14 BACstat requires a 24 VAC @ 2 VA power supply, typically an isolated Class II transformer. More than one device – not including DCUs or V2 products – may be connected to the same transformer, providing the transformer is properly sized, including line losses, and polarity is observed between controllers (in regards to 24~ and GND). The transformer must ONLY be used to provide power to other MS/TP or LINKnet devices. Auxiliary field devices (i.e., 4-20 mA devices) that don’t use ½ wave rectification must be powered separately.

Network & Cabling Requirements

To ensure network stability and reliable comm unication s, particul arly at h igh speeds on the R S-485 MS/TP or LINKnet networks, it is imperative that you adhere to the following network and cabling requirem ents:
Item Description

Cabling For MS/TP and LINKnet networks it is recomm ended that you use network cabling that

matches the following specifications:
Balanced 100 to 120 ohm nomi nal im pedance Tw isted S hi elded Pair (TSP) C able
Nominal capacitance of 16 PF/FT or low er
Nominal velocity of propagation of 66% or higher


Max. Nodes

Termination Boards

For MS/TP and LINKnet networks, ensure th e cable is ins talled as a dais y-chai n f rom one device to the next.
MS/TP: The maximum number of devi ces per MS/ TP netw ork w ithout any repeaters is 50.
LINKnet: The maximum number of dev ices per L INKn et netw ork is 12, depen ding on t he
Application Controller used. Refer to Appendix G in the Technical Refe rence Manual .
MS/TP: A termination board (TRM-768) must be installed at each end of each MS/ TP
network segmen t – or tw o per MS/ TP or LINK net n etw ork. Ens ure y ou do n ot ov erlook t his in laying out y our netw ork archit ecture an d ordering produ ct.
LINKnet: Termination boards need not be installed for only one or two nodes.
However, install a termination board on each end of the network when there are more than 2 nodes.


For more detailed inf orm ation , inclu ding wiri ng, ref er to th e RS- 485 Netw ork Ins tallat ion Gui de (DOC818- 11).
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MS/TP: A repeater (RPT-768) is not necessary unless more than 50 nodes will be installed
on a network or y ou need to ex ten d the n etw ork bey ond 4000 f t (122 0 m ).
LINKnet: Repeaters should not be necessary. Ensure the maximum distance is no
more than 1000’ (300 m).
Document Edition 1.9
+ 8 hidden pages