Delonghi ICM14011 Instruction manuals

Delonghi ICM14011 Instruction manuals

Instructions for use COFFEE MAKER


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important safeguards

Please note:

This symbol identifies important advice or information for the user.

Read this instruction booklet carefully before installing and using the appliance.This is the only way to ensure the best results and maximum safety for the user.

This is a household appliance only.

It is not intended to be used in: staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environment, farm houses,byclientsinhotels,motelsand other residential type environments, bedandbreakfasttypeenvironments.

Any other use is considered improper andthusdangerous.

Materialsandaccessoriescomingintocontactwithfood conformtoEECregulation1935/2004.

Afterpositioningtheapplianceontheworktop,leavea space of at least 5 cm between the surfaces of the appliance and the side and rear walls and at least 20 cm abovethecoffeemaker.

Danger of burns!


Thisapplianceisdesignedandmadeto“preparecoffee”. Be careful to avoid being scalded by spraying water or steam or due to improper use of the appliance.

When using the appliance do not touch the hot surfaces.Usetheknobsorhandles.

Never touch the appliance with wet or damp hands or feet.

Thewarmingplateremainshotaftertheappliancehas been used.



The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by inappropriate,incorrectorirresponsibleuse.

In the event of failure or malfunction, unplug the appliance from the mains. If it requires repair, contact De’Longhi Customer Services only and ask for original spare parts to be used. Failure to respect the above


This appliance can be used by children agedfrom8yearsandaboveandpersons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by childrenwithoutsupervision.


iscompleteandundamaged.Ifindoubt,donotusethe appliance and contact qualified personnel only.

The packing elements (plastic bags, polystyrene foam, etc.)shouldbekeptoutofreachofchildrenastheyare asafetyhazard.

Place the appliance on a work surface far away from watertaps,basinsandsourcesofheat.

Never install the appliance in environments where the temperaturemayreach0°Corlower(theappliancemay bedamagedifthewaterfreezes).


Failuretoobservethewarningmayresultinlifethreatening injurybyelectricshock.

Thepowercableofthisappliancemustnotbereplaced by the user as the operation requires the use of special

tools. If it is damaged or must be repla-

ced, contact De’Longhi Customer Servicestoavoidallrisk.

Never immerse the coffee maker in water. It is an electrical appliance.

Unplug the appliance and turn off the main switch when not in use. Do not leave the appliance switched on unnecessarily.

As with all electrical appliances, use the coffee maker with care and common sense, particularly in the pre-


sence of children.

Check that the voltage of the mains power supply correspondstothevalueindicatedontheappliancerating plate. Connect the appliance to an efficiently earthed electrical socket with a minimum rating of 10A only.

The manufacturer declines all liability for any accidents causedbytheabsenceofanefficientearthsystem.

Ifthepowersocketdoesnotmatchtheplugontheappliance, have the socket replaced with a suitable type by a qualified electrician.

When filling the water tank or removing the jug from themachine,avoidspillingliquidontheplugorpower cable.

Disposing of the appliance

In compliance with European directive 2002/96/EC, the appliance must not be disposed of with household waste, but taken to an authorised waste separation and recycling centre.


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