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This document covers syslog messages included in Dell Networking W-Series Instant release.
In this edition, message definition, recommended action and in some cases the cause that generated he syslog
message are included. Syslog messages were prioritized for definition; this edition includes definitions for
approximately 70% of Instant syslog messages. For those messages yet to be defined, the phrase “No description
available” appears.
Document Organization
This document contains the complete listings of all syslog messages generated by Instant. Each chapter lists
the syslogs for a single category as follows:
Each chapter contains the severity level syslog messages in table format (see Table 1for the complete list of
severity levels). The syslog messages are the actual text displayed by Instant when encountering the syslog,
and some further descriptive text, giving more information about the syslog. The entry may also include
recommended action when this syslog is encountered.
Format of Messages
Take the following message as an example:
Jan 23 16:26:51 2013 sapd[148]: <404003> <WARN> |AP 00:0b:86:cb:85:db@ sapd|
AM 00:0b:86:38:5d:b0: Interfering AP detected with SSID 06B408550367 and BSSID
In this case, the message elements are:
<date and time stamp> = Jan 23 16:26:51 2013
<error location>: = sapd[148]:
<error number> = <404003> (a unique number within the set of messages generated by Dell
Networking W-Series Instant)
<severity> = <WARN> (Warning severity level)
|<process>| = |AP 00:0b:86:cb:85:db@ sapd| (the Access Point Media Access
Control (MAC) device address, along with the IP address)
message text = the remaining part of the message.
The message text portion is frequently constructed from information returned with the syslog. For example,
the message text for the syslog above is constructed as:
(the specific module location where this syslog was generated)
AM <BSSID>: Interfering AP detected with SSID <SSID> and BSSID <BSSID>
These substitutions generate message text as follows:
AM 00:0b:86:38:5d:b0: Interfering AP detected with SSID 06B408550367 and BSSID
In the following chapters, messages are defined in generic terms with variables shown to indicate where
substitutions of actual data will occur.
Severity Levels
The severity levels defined for syslogs are outlined in Table 1, which orders the severity from most to least
severe. Note that the syslog messages with the lowest severity level, “Debug”, is listed in this manual. Also,
note that the severity level string (such as EMERG, or CRIT), as well as the numeric value associated with
that particular severity, is listed in the tables.
Table 1 Message Severity Levels
LevelVal ueMeaning
Emergency <EMERG>0Panic condition that occurs when the system becomes unusable.
Alert <ALERT>1Any condition requiring immediate attention and correction.
Critical <CRIT>2Any critical conditions such as a hard drive error.
Error <ERR>3Error condition.
Warning <WARNING>4Warning message.
Notification <NOTICE>5Significant event of a non-critical and normal nature.
Informational <INFO>6Message of general interest to system users.
Debug <DEBUG>7Message containing information useful for debugging.
Message Process Generation
The process that generates syslog messages is detailed in Table 2.
Table 2 Process Generating Syslog Messages
Process DescriptionCategories used by this component
ecurity, user
802.1XNetwork Access Control authentication
amLogging for AirMonitorsecurity, system, wireless
meshd Logging for Mesh daemonsystem
radiusLogging for RADIUS authentication security, system, user
stmLogging for Station Managementsystem, user, wireless
vcLogging for Virtual Controllersystem
6 | About this GuideDell Networking W-Series Instant | Syslog Messages Reference Guide
Logging for Access Point Manager (AP)system
Syslog Server
To specify a Syslog Server for sending syslog messages to the external servers, navigate to System > Show
advanced options > Monitoring in the UI and update the following fields.
Syslog server— Enter the IP address of the server to send system logs.
Syslog level— For a global level configuration, select one of the logging levels from the standard list of
syslog levels. The default value is Notice.
Figure 1 Configuring Syslog Server Settings
You can also configure Syslog server details and logging levels by using the command-line Interface (CLI).
Searching through the logs for specific events, error categories, or other information, is often quite useful.
In addition, long term storage of data required for audits and other business requirements involving
information kept in the system logs is important. The capabilities required for handling logs should include
the following:
Efficient log management
Sophisticated analysis capabilities
Consistent report generation
Analyzing system logs, and extracting relevant information from them, requires an efficient pattern
matching engine, where the desired patterns can be created with standard pattern matching commands,
such as a regular expression engine.
Driver Log Messages
Some driver log messages such as LIKELY Tx Radio/Antenna Issues - Probe Failure(96%) Total
1252 Failed 1206 are generated when there are TX Radio and Antenna Issues. The IAP uses a timer to monitor TX probe response each hour. If more than 95% failed, this log is triggered. For example, Probe
Failure (98%) Total 1126 Failed 1104 means that within the measured timeframe (1 hour) hour, the IAP
tried to send 1126 Probe responses, but failed to receive an answer 1104 times.
Description: A socket error occurred while receiving RADIUS server response
Recommended Action: If the problem persists, contact your support provider.
121002An error occurred while receiving RADIUS server response
Description: An error occurred while receiving RADIUS server response
Recommended Action: If the problem persists, contact your support provider.
121003Discarding unknown response from server
Description: RADIUS Server has returned a response that does not match the request
or the packet could be corrupt
Recommended Action: Validate RADIUS server configuration. If the problem persists,
contact your support provider.
121005An error occurred while receiving RADIUS server response on port 3799 (RFC 3576)
Description: An error occurred while receiving RADIUS server response on port 3799
(RFC 3576)
Recommended Action: If the problem persists, contact your support provider.
Description: Internal error occurred while initiating connection with the RADIUS server
Recommended Action: If the problem persists, contact your support provider.
121009RADIUS: Error [errno:%d],[errstr:%s] in bind.
Description: Internal error occurred while connecting with the RADIUS server.
Recommended Action: If the problem persists, contact your support provider.
121010Error [errno:%d],[errstr:%s] sending [data_len:%d] bytes on radius socket [sockfd:%d]
Description: Internal error occurred while sending data to the RADIUS server.
Recommended Action: If the problem persists, contact your support provider.
121011Received RADIUS server response with invalid length [len:%d].
Description: The expected length of a RADIUS server response packet is between 20
and 4096 bytes.
Recommended Action: Check the length of response packet from the RADIUS server.
121012Not enough buffer space to verify RADIUS server response packet with length
Description: The internal buffer is not big enough for the RADIUS response packet and
RADIUS secret.
Recommended Action: Check the length of the RADIUS response packet from the
RADIUS server and the length of RADIUS secret.
121013Received non-matching ID in RADIUS server response [id:%d], expecting [seq_nbr:%d].
Description: Received a response from the RADIUS server, but the sequence number
doesn’t match the request.
Recommended Action: Check the RADIUS server is configured properly.
121014Received invalid reply digest from RADIUS server.
Description: The reply digest received from the RADIUS server doesn’t match the
calculated digest.
Recommended Action: Check the RADIUS server is configured properly and verify
shared secret configuration on the controller matches that on the RADIUS server.
121016RADIUS server [server:%s],[fqdn:%s][ipaddr:%s] is out of sequence.
Description: The PENDING request buffer to RADIUS server is already full (256).
Response from RADIUS server seems to be slower than the rate at which the users are
coming in.
Recommended Action: Check the RADIUS server is configured properly and the
connectivity between the controller and RADIUS server is good.
121018Unknown RADIUS attribute ID [attrid:%d] in [func:%s]
Description: The RADIUS attribute is not known.
Recommended Action: Use the show aaa radius-attributes command to check if the
attribute ID is supported.
121019Received attribute with invalid length [attrlen:%d] in [func:%s]
Description: Received RADIUS attribute with invalid length, while extracting the
attribute-value pairs
Recommended Action: Check the RADIUS server is configured properly and the
connectivity between controller and RADIUS server is good.
121021RADIUS attribute [name:%s] has unknown type [type:%d] in [func:%s]
Description: Received unknown RADIUS attribute type, while extracting the attributevalue pairs.
Recommended Action: Please check the supported RADIUS attribute type.
121022Unknown RADIUS attribute name [name:%s] in [func:%s]
Description: Received unknown RADIUS attribute name, while extracting the attributevalue pairs
Recommended Action: Please use the show aaa radius-attributes command to check
if the attribute name is supported.
121023Unknown RADIUS attribute [attr_value:%s] in [func:%s]
Description: Controller received an unknown RADIUS attribute while extracting the
attribute-value pairs from Radius server response.
Recommended Action: Please use the show aaa radius-attributes command to check
if the attribute value is supported.
121025Value pair is NULL or empty attribute [id:%d] in [func:%s].
Description: Internal error occurred while converting the attribute-value pairs received
in RADIUS response to strings.
Recommended Action: If the problem persists, contact your support provider.
Description: Internal error occurred while initiating connection with RADIUS server.
Recommended Action: Please contact Dell technical support if this problem persists.
121030RADIUS: Error [errno:%d], [errstr:%s] in rfc3576 bind.
Description: Error occurred while connecting to RADIUS server.
Recommended Action: IPlease contact Dell technical support if this problem persists.
121033“rc_pack_list: Attribute list exceeds 8192 bytes, dropping request.
Description: rc_pack_list: Attribute list exceeds 8192 bytes, dropping request
Description: Station failed to complete the security association with authentication
Recommended Action: Confirm that the SSID that the supplicant is associating to is
configured to support 802.1X authentication and is configured correctly..
132008Station delete failed, does not exists in the station table.
Description: Failed to clear the station from the AP’s station table.
Recommended Action: Station does not exist in authentication process tables.
Confirm by running the show station command.
132009Station’s dot1x context not initialized [name:%s] [mac:%m] [bssid:%m]
Description: Station’s internal context is not completely initialized.
Recommended Action: Internal error. Clear the station by running the aaa user delete
command and reconnect.
132013AP [bssid:%m] [apname:%s] Configuration not complete, No Transmit WEP Key set
Description: AP’s configuration is not complete. Check if the WEP transmit key is set
Recommended Action: Check of the WEP transmit key is set in the ssid-profile
132015Failed to Deauthenticate the station [mac:%m] [name:%s]
Description: Failed to deauthenticate the specified station
Recommended Action: Internal error. Clear the station and reconnect.
132016Local Database Server not available to cache the machine auth for user [name:%s]
132017Failed to update Machine Auth status to local DB for Station [mac:%m] [name:%s]
132018Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] was deleted before the response from the local database
Description: Internal server is not available for caching the machine authentication for
the specified User.
Recommended Action: Run the aaa test-server pap internal command to verify
connectivity to the local database server. If unavailability of local database server
persists and controller is a local-controller, verify connectivity to master-controller. If all
else fails, restart the udbserver process on the master-controller by executing the
process restart udbserver command and restart the AUTH process on the localcontroller by executing the process restart auth command.
Description: Failed to update the Machine authentication Status for the specified User
because udbserver process is not responding.
Recommended Action: Run the aaa test-server pap internal command to verify
connectivity to the local database server. If unavailability of local database server
persists and controller is a local-controller, verify connectivity to master-controller. If all
else fails, restart the udbserver process on the master-controller by executing the
process restart udbserver and restart the AUTH process on the local-controller by
executing process restart auth.
Description: Station was deleted before receiving response from the Internal Server
due to high latency between local-controller’s AUTH process and master-controller’s
UDBSERVER process.
Recommended Action: Diagnose external IP-latency issues between mastercontroller and local-controller and have the client re-attempt their authenticationrequest.
132023802.1x authentication is disabled in profile [prof:%s] Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m]
Description: 802.1x authentication is disabled for the specified profile.
Recommended Action: Configure the specified aaa-profile to enable 802.1x
132024Station [mac:%m] pre-authenticating with Unknown AP [bssid:%m] vlan [vl:%d]
Description: Station is trying to pre-authenticate with an AP that is not registered. This
log-message is generated when we detect a race-condition between STM, SOS and
AUTH. AUTH is receiving EAP packets from SOS before it received the New-AP
message from STM. Execute show ap database to determine if STM is aware of the
AP. If not, try rebooting the AP by executing apboot or powercycling the AP. If
symptoms persist, then AUTH is either not receiving or not processing New-AP
messages from STM. If all else fails, restart the AUTH process by executing process restart auth or reload the controller.
132025Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] is not enabled for pre-auth.
Description: Preauthentication is always disabled
132026Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] trying to pre-authenticate with AP that does not have
WPA2 enabled
Description: Station trying to preauhenticate with AP that is not WPA2 enabled.
Configure the ssid-profile to enable WPA2 and reload the AP.
132027Station [mac:%m] associating to Unknown AP [bssid:%m] [menc:%d] [vl:%d]
Description: Station is trying to associate with AP that is not registered. This logmessage is generated when we detect a race-condition between STM, SOS and AUTH.
AUTH is receiving EAP packets from SOS before it received the New-AP message from
STM. If not, try rebooting the AP by executing apboot or powercycling the AP. If
symptoms persist, then AUTH is either not receiving or not processing New-AP
messages from STM. If all else fails, restart the AUTH process by executing process
132029Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] sent Unsupported EAPOL Type [type:%d]
Description: Station sent an unsupported EAPOL packet.
Recommended Action: Ensure the station is configured properly to perform EAP
authentication. If the problem persists, check for packet-corruption by capturing sniffertraces between client, AP and controller.
132030Dropping EAPOL packet sent by Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m]
Description: Dropping the EAPOL packet sent by the specified station.
Recommended Action: Check preceding log-messages to determine the reason the
EAPOL packet is being dropped.
132032Invalid length in the [msg:%s] from Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] [len:%d]
Description: Station sent the specified packet with invalid length.
Recommended Action: Ensure the station is configured properly to perform EAP
authentication. If problem persists, check for packet-corruption by capturing sniffertraces between client, AP and controller.
132033Invalid WPA Key Description Version [ver:%d] Station [mac:%m]
Description: Station sent a WPA key message with invalid version.
Recommended Action: Ensure the station is configured properly to perform EAP
authentication. If problem persists, check for packet-corruption by capturing sniffertraces between client, AP and controller.
132035Invalid WPA2 Key Description Version [ver:%d] Station [mac:%m]
Description: Station sent a WPA key message with invalid version.
Recommended Action: Ensure the station is configured properly to perform EAP
authentication. If problem persists, check for packet-corruption by capturing sniffertraces between client, AP and controller.
132036Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] sent Unknown EAP-Request [eaptype:%d]
Description: Station send an EAP packet that is invalid.
Recommended Action: Ensure the station is configured properly to perform EAP
authentication. If problem persists, check for packet-corruption by capturing sniffertraces between client, AP and controller.
132037Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] sent username greater than [MAX_USERNAME_SIZE:%d]
Description: The user name sent by the station is larger than the maximum size
Recommended Action: Configure station to use a shorter username and attempt
authentication again.
132038Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] sent Unsupported EAP type [eaptype:%d]]
Description: Station sent an EAP packet that is not supported.
Recommended Action: Ensure the station is configured correctly to perform an EAP
authentication method that is supported by the controller. Ensure that the aa a-profile
associated with the authentication request matches the authentication-method the
client is sending to authenticate. If problem persists, check for packet-corruption by
capturing sniffer-traces between client, AP and controller.
132039Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] sent Unsupported EAP Code [eapcode:%d]
Description: Station send an EAP packet with unknown EAP code. Ensure the station
is configured correctly to perform an EAP authentication method that is supported by
the Dell controller. Ensure that the aaa-profile associated with the authentication request
matches the authentication-method the client is sending to authenticate. If problem
persists, check for packet-corruption by capturing sniffer-traces between client, AP and
132040Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] sent Unsupported MD5 EAP type [eaptype:%d].
Description: Station sent an EAP packet that is not supported. Ensure the station is
configured correctly to perform an EAP authentication method that is supported by the
Dell controller. Ensure that the aaa-profile associated with the authentication request
matches the authentication-method the client is sending to authenticate. If problem
persists, check for packet-corruption by capturing sniffer-traces between client, AP and
132042Sending empty username for user [mac:%m] - WPS is not enabled on AP [bssid:%m]
Description: Station sent no user name in the EAP Identity Request message.Ensure
the station is configured correctly to perform EAP authentication. If problem persists,
check for packet-corruption by capturing sniffer-traces between client, AP and
132045Error remove stateful dot1x ACL
Description: Failed to remove the Acts configured for stateful dot1x authentication
from the stateful_role or logon_role.
Cause: This is because the stateful-dot1x ACL is not associated with the stateful_role
or logon_role.
Recommended Action: Since we are disabiling stateful-dot1x anyway, no further
action is required.
132049“Received Invalid digest from Server [srvip:%p], AP [ip:%p]
Description: Received radius packet with invalid digest during stateful dot1x
Cause: This error suggests a possible man-in-the-middle attack.
Recommended Action: Contact your administrator to check status of your Radius
server. Radius packet will be dropped.
132050“No Stateful configuration found that could verify the stateful response. [nasip:%p],
132051Failed to validate stateful radius response [nasip:%p] [srvip:%p] station [mac:%m]
132053Dropping the radius packet for Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] doing 802.1x
132055“[__FUNCTION__:%s]: missing configuration for dot1x profile \””[prof:%s]\””
Description: No server config entry was found for verifying the stateful dot1x response.
Recommended Action: Verify that the Radius server in question is configured in the
applicable server-group on the controller.
Description: Stateful dot1x authentication failed because validation failed.
Recommended Action: Refer to previous log-message. If CONFIG_NOTFOUND, verify
that the Radius server in question is configured in the applicable server-group on the
controller. Otherwise, this may be a potential man-in-the-middle attack.Contact your
administrator to validate the status of your Radius sever.”
Description: Radius packet for the specified station is dropped.
Cause: Either the station has disconnected, has already authenticated or it is busy.
Recommended Action: If reauthentication is required, the station will request
authentication again.
Description: Specified Dot1x profile is not configured or has been deleted.
Recommended Action: Validate that the controller configuration contains the specified
132056“[__FUNCTION__:%s]: missing server-group configuration for dot1x in aaa-profile
132057Failed to send the radius request for Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m]
132059Multicast Key type of the AP [bssid:%m] [apname:%s] is not static-wep or dynamic-wep
132060Unknown Multicast Key-type [menc:%d] for AP [mac:%m] [apname:%s]
132061AP [bssid:%m] [apname:%s] configured with aaa profile [prof:%s] does not have an
\””[prof:%s]\”” for Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m]
Description: Specified server group for dot1x authentication in the aaa profile is not
configured or has been deleted.
Recommended Action: Validate that the controller configuration contains the specified
server-group profile.
Description: Radius request for specified station is being dropped due to lack of
system resources.
Recommended Action: Free up system memory and other resources by throttling
user-authentication requests.
Description: Multicast key type is not static wep or dynamic wep for the specified AP.
Recommended Action: Confirm that the specified ssid-profile is configured for WEP
Description: The multicast key type for the specified AP is not known.
Recommended Action: Validate the SSID-profile associated with the AP and reboot
the AP.
associated dot1x profile
Description: No dot1x profile is configured for the specified aaa profile.
Recommended Action: Configure a dot1x profile in the specified aaa profile.
132062Wrong slot configured for AP [bssid:%m] [apname:%s]
Description: Invalid key slot configured for the specified AP. This should never happen.
Recommended Action: If this happens, an internal error has occurred. Reboot your
132063WPA Preshared Key not configured for AP [mac:%m]
Description: WPA Preshared Key is not configured for the specified AP.
Recommended Action: Configure a WPA Preshared Key for this AP.
132064WPA Passphrase not configured for AP [bssid:%m] [apname:%s]
Description: WPA passphrase not configured for the specified AP.
Recommended Action: Configure a WPA Passphrase for this AP.
132065AP [mac:%m] [apname:%s] configured with invalid static-wep key length [slot:%d]
Description: AP is configured with invalid Static WEP key length. The valid key length is
40bits or 128bits.
Recommended Action: Configure the AP with either a 40bit or 128bit key.
132069No Radius server configuration with [srvip:%p] available for creating Stateful AP
Configuration entry
Description: While automatically creating stateful dot1x configuration entry the radius
server specified was not found.
Recommended Action: Configure the specified radius server configuration and try
132073Wrong WPA OUI Element [oui:%d] from Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] [apname:%s]
Description: Station sent WPA key message with invalid OUI element.
Recommended Action: Identify the station and investigate why it is sending incorrect
132074Version [stver:%d] does not match [apver:%d] in the [msg:%s] IE Elements from Station
132075Multicast cipher from Station [mac:%m] [stmc:%X] does not match with AP [bssid:%m]
132076Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] [apname:%s] sent invalid number of unicast ciphers
132077Station’s [mac:%m] [stuc:%X] and AP’s [bssid:%m] [apuc:%X] [apname:%s] unicast
132078Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] [apname:%s] sent invalid number of key management
[mac:%m] [bssid:%m] [apname:%s]
Description: Station sent WPA key message with invalid Version.
Recommended Action: Identify the station and investigate why it is sending incorrect
[apmc:%X] [apname:%s]
Description: Mismatch in the multicast ciphers specified by the station and AP.
Recommended Action: Identify the station and investigate why it is sending incorrect
Description: Station sent invalid number of unicast cipher in the WPA IE element.
Recommended Action: Identify the station and investigate why it is sending incorrect
cipher suites does not match
Description: Mismatch in the unicast cipher specified by the station and the AP
suite [km:%d]
Description: Station sent invalid number of key management suite in the WPA IE
132079Station’s [mac:%m] [stkm:%X] and AP’s [bssid:%m] [apkm:%X] [apname:%s] key
management suites does not match
Description: Mismatch in the key management suite specified by the station and the
132080Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] [apname:%s] did not specify the multicast cipher and the
configured multicast cipher [mc:%X] did not match the default cipher TKIP
Description: Station did not specify any multicast cipher and the multicast cipher
specified by the is not TKIP
132081Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] [apname:%s] did not specify the unicast cipher and the
132082Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] [apname:%s] did not specify the key management
132083[Num:%d] TKIP Michael MIC failure was detected
132084Two TKIP Michael MIC Failures were detected within [last_scan_time:%d] seconds.AP
configured unicast cipher [mc:%X] did not match the default cipher TKIP
Description: Station did not specify any unicast cipher and the multicast cipher
specified by the AP is not TKIP
selector and the configured key management [km:%X] did not match the default -
Description: Station did not specify any key management selector and the configured
key management on the AP is not 802.1x
Description: Specified number of TKIP MIC failure was detected
will be shutdown for next 60 seconds
Description: Two MIC failures was received from the station within 60 secs.
Recommended Action: The AP must be shutdown for 60 secs
132217Failed to convert cert into DER format before sending to certmgr.
132221 Invalid EAP type [eaptype:%d] received for station[mac:%m][bssid:%m] configured in
132222 Received EAP packet on the wrong BSSID for station [mac:%m][bssid:%m]
132224 Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] sent Unsupported EAP code [eapcode:%d]]
[ip:%s]:[port:%d]([app_name:%s]),[msg_code:%d], Msglen [len:%d], and Msgtype
[msg_type:%d] failed with Errno [errno:%d], Errstr [errstr:%s] “
Description: Error occurred during key propagation for a client in split/bridge/d-tunnel
mode for DWEP/AES/TKIP encryption.
Recommended Action: The msg is corrupted, retry the authentication to resolve the
Description: Station sent a cert from which we couldn’t extract the public key
Description: Station sent a cert, but the certificate signature verification failed.
Description: Failed to convert cert into DER format before sending to certmgr.
termination mode
Description: Received invalid EAP type for station that is configured in termination
Description: Received EAP packet on the wrong BSSID.
Description: Station sent an EAP packet that is not supported. Ensure the station is
configured correctly to perform an EAP authentication method that is supported by the
Dell controller.
Recommended Action: Ensure that the aaa-profile associated with the authentication
request matches the authentication-method the client is sending to authenticate. If
problem persists, check for packet-corruption by capturing sniffer-traces between
client, AP and controller.
132225 MAC Authentication was not done for station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m]
Description: MAC Authentication was not done for the specific station
132226 MAC Authentication was not successful and l2-fail-thru is not enabled for station
[mac:%m] [bssid:%m]
Description: MAC Authentication was not successful and l2 fail thru knob was not
enabled for the specific station
132229 Failed to publish PMK Cache to GSM channel for Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m]
Description: Failed to publish PMK Cache to GSM channel for the specified station
132230 Failed to publish Key Cache to GSM channel for Station [mac:%m]
Description: Failed to publish Key Cache to GSM channel for the specified station
Description: Controller has a reference to a RADIUS type that will be dropped.
132000xSec is enabled wired usersx
Description: Sec is enabled for wired users
132001xSec is disabled for wired usersx
Description: Sec is disabled for wired users
132019Station [name:%s] [mac:%m] was Machine authenticated
Description: Station successfully authenticated the machine account
132020Station [name:%s] [mac:%m] failed Machine authentication update role [rl:%s]
Description: Station failed to authenticate the machine account
132021Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] entered Held state
Description: Authenticator is in the held state for the specified station. In this state no
response from the station is accepted till the end of quiet period. This is done to avoid
DOS attacks.
132028Dropping EAPOL request from Station [mac:%m] reason:AP [bssid:%m] [apname:%s]
only is configured for Static-WEP
Description: Station is trying to send EAP packets to AP that is only configured with
Recommended Action: Either configure your client to support static-WEP
authentication or configure the ssid-profile on the controller to support an 802.1x
authentication method.
132044Enabled Stateful Radius“
Description: Stateful Dot1x is enabled. Controller will start monitoring EAPOL frames
to track authentication status.
132048Disabled Stateful Radius“Stateful Dot1x is disabled.
Description: Controller will stop monitoring EAPOL frames to track authentication
132066Station[mac:%m] [bssid:%m] [apname:%s] [vl:%d] [gretype:%d] VLAN has been
132067Cleaning up the Stateful AP Configuration
132068Removing all the Stateful config entries.
132070Removing trusted AP [mac:%m]
132071Added trusted AP [mac:%m]
Description: Station VLAN has been changed.
Cause: This is because of VLAN derivation rules
Description: Clear all the stateful dot1x configuration entries
Description: Remove all stateful dot1 configuration entries.
Description: Remove the Trusted AP with the specified MAC address.
Description: Add the trusted AP with the specified MAC address.
132086“WPA [ver:%d] Key exchange failed to complete, de-authenticating the station
121044Radius authenticate user ([user:%s]) PAP query using server [server:%s].
Description: This shows an internal debug message
121045[func:%s]: sta_update_last_srv_grp failed.
Description: This shows an internal debug message
121046[func:%s]: last_srv_grp [last_srv_grp:%s].
Description: This shows an internal debug message
Description: This is an internal RADIUS debug log
132007Clearing Station state on AP [bssid:%m]
Description: Station is forced to be cleared from the AP’s stations table
132022Station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m] sent 802.1x packet before association/l2 miss - dropping
Description: Received an EAP packet from the station before receiving an association/
l2 miss message.
Cause: This log-message is generated when we detect a race-condition between STM,
SOS and AUTH. AUTH is receiving association-request messages from STM before it
received the L2-Miss message from SOS.
Recommended Action: If symptoms persist, then AUTH is either not receiving or not
processing L2-Miss messages from SOS. Restart the AUTH process by executing
“”process restart auth”” or reload the controller.
132047Disabling Stateful 802.1x - removing all Stateful Config entries
Description: Removing all the stateful dot1x config entries that was created
132213Failed to perform revocation check for client cert
Description: Auth failed to contact certmgr to perform revocation check for client cert
132214Client certificate for mac [mac:%m] and bssid [bssid:%m] has been revoked
Description: Client certificate has been revoked
132215Client certificate for mac [mac:%m] and bssid [bssid:%m] has NOT been revoked
Description: Client certificate has not been revoked
132216Revocation check request for mac [mac:%m] and bssid [bssid:%m] sent to certmgr
Description: Auth sent a revocation check request to certmgr process
132220Debug Log
Description: Debug Log
132223EAP-ID mismatched [id1:%d]:[id2:%d] for station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m]
Description: Mismatch between the eapid station sent and what was expected.
132227EAPOL-Logoff ignored for station [mac:%m] [bssid:%m]
Description: EAPOL-Logff ignored for the specific station.
132228Station [mac:%m] got stm-msg with bssid = [bssid:%m] while sap-bssid =
Description: Should not delete the specified station for this station down.