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Open Source Code
Certain Aruba products include Open Source software code developed by third parties, including softwarecode
subject to the GNU General Public License (GPL), GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), or other Open
Source Licenses. Includes software from Litech Systems Design. The IF-MAP client library copyright 2011
Infoblox, Inc. All rights reserved. This product includes software developed by Lars Fenneberg, et al. The Open
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The use of Aruba Networks, Inc. switching platforms and software, by all individuals or corporations, to
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This style is used for emphasizing important terms and to
mark the titles of books.
This style is used for command names and parameter
options when mentioned in the text.
This fixed-width font depicts command syntax and examples
of commands and command output.
In the command syntax, text within angle brackets represents
items that you should replace with information appropriate to
your specific situation.
For example, ping <ipaddr>
In this example, you would type “ping” at the system prompt
exactly as shown, followed by the IP address of the system to
which ICMP echo packets are to be sent. Do not type the
angle brackets.
In the command syntax, items enclosed in brackets are
optional. Do not type the brackets.
In the command examples, single items within curled braces
and separated by a vertical bar represent the available
choices. Enter only one choice. Do not type the braces or
{ap-name <ap-name>}|{ipaddr <ipaddr>}
Two items within curled braces indicate that both parameters
must be entered together. If two or more sets of curled
braces are separated by a vertical bar, like in the example to
the left, enter only one choice. Do not type the braces or bars.
The following informational icons are used throughout this guide:
Indicates helpful suggestions, pertinent information, and important things to remember.
Indicates a risk of damage to your hardwareor loss of data.
Indicates a risk of personal injury or death.
4 | About this GuideDell Networking W-Series Instant | CLI Reference Guide
Instant supports the use of Command Line Interface (CLI) for scripting purposes. You can access the Instant
CLI through a Secure Shell (SSH).
To enable the SSH access to the Instant CLI:
1. From the Instant UI, navigate to System > Show advanced options.
2. Select Enabled from the Terminal access drop-down list.
3. Click OK.
Connecting to a CLI Session
On connecting to a CLI session, the system displays its host name followed by the login prompt. Use the
administrator credentials to start a CLI session. For example:
(Instant AP)
User: admin
Password: *****
If the login is successful, the privileged command mode is enabled and a command prompt is displayed. For
(Instant AP)#
The privileged mode provides access to show, clear, ping, traceroute, and commit commands. The
configuration commands are available in the configuration (config) mode. To move from privileged mode to
the configuration mode, enter the following command at the command prompt:
(Instant AP)# configure terminal
The configure terminal command allows you to enter the basic configuration mode and the command prompt
is displayed as follows:
(Instant AP)(config)#
The Instant CLI allows CLI scripting in several other sub-command modes to allow the users to configure
individual interfaces, SSIDs, access rules, and security settings.
You can use the question mark (?) to view the commands available in a privileged mode, configuration mode, or
Although automatic completion is supported for some commands such as configure terminal, the
complete exit and end commands must be entered at command prompt for successful execution.
Applying Configuration Changes
Each command processed by the Virtual Controller is applied on all the slave W-IAPs in a cluster. When you
make configuration changes on a master W-IAP in the CLI, all associated W-IAPs in the cluster inherit these
changes and subsequently update their configurations. The changes configured in a CLI session are saved in
the CLI context.
The CLI does not support the configuration data exceeding the 4K buffer size in a CLI session: therefore, it is
recommended that you configure fewer changes at a time and apply the changes at regular intervals.
To apply and save the configuration changes at regular intervals, use the following command in the privileged
To apply the configuration changes to the cluster, without saving the configuration, use the following
command in the privileged mode:
(Instant AP)# commit apply no-save
To view the changes that are yet to be applied, use the following command in the privileged mode:
(Instant AP)# show uncommitted-config
To revert to the earlier configuration, use the following command in the privileged mode.
(Instant AP)# commit revert
(Instant AP)(config)# rf dot11a-radio-profile
(Instant AP)(RF dot11a Radio Profile)# beacon-interval 200
(Instant AP)(RF dot11a Radio Profile)# no legacy-mode
(Instant AP)(RF dot11a Radio Profile)# dot11h
(Instant AP)(RF dot11a Radio Profile)# interference-immunity 3
(Instant AP)(RF dot11a Radio Profile)# csa-count 2
(Instant AP)(RF dot11a Radio Profile)# spectrum-monitor
(Instant AP)(RF dot11a Radio Profile)# end
(Instant AP)# show uncommitted-config
rf dot11a-radio-profile
no legacy-mode
beacon-interval 200
no dot11h
interference-immunity 3
csa-count 1
no spectrum-monitor
Instant Access Point# commit apply
Configuration Sub-modes
Some commands in configuration mode allow you to enter into a sub-mode to configure the commands
specific to that mode. When you are in a configuration sub-mode, the command prompt changes to indicate
the current sub-mode.
You can exit a sub-command mode and return to the basic configuration mode or the privileged Exec (enable)
mode at any time by executing the exit or end command.
Deleting Configuration Settings
Use the no command to delete or negate previously-entered configurations or parameters.
l To view a list of no commands, type no at the prompt in the relevant mode or sub-mode followed by the
question mark. For example:
(Instant AP)(config) # no?
l To delete a configuration, use the no form of a configuration command. For example, the following
command removes a configured user role:
(Instant AP)(config) # no user <username>
l To negate a specific configured parameter, use the no parameter within the command. For example, the
following command deletes the PPPoE user configuration settings:
(Instant AP)(config) # pppoe-uplink-profile
(Instant AP)(pppoe_uplink_profile)# no pppoe-username
The Instant CLI does not support positioning or precedence of sequence-sensitive commands. Therefore, it is
recommended that you remove the existing configuration before adding or modifying the configuration
details for sequence-sensitive commands. You can either delete an existing profile or remove a specific
configuration by using the no… commands.
The following table lists the sequence-sensitive commands and the corresponding no command to remove the
Table 4: Sequence-Sensitive Commands
Sequence-Sensitive CommandCorresponding no command
The running-config holds the current W-IAP configuration, including all pending changes which are yet to be
saved. To view the running-config of a W-IAP, use the following command:
(Instant AP) # show running-config
When you make configuration changes through the CLI, the changes affect the current running configuration
only. To save your configuration changes, use the following command in the privileged Exec mode:
(Instant AP)# write memory
Commands that Reset the W-IAP
If you use the CLI to modify a currently provisioned radio profile, the changes take place immediately. A reboot
of the W-IAP is not required to apply the configuration changes. Certain commands, however, automatically
force W-IAP to reboot. Verify the current network loads and conditions before executing the commands that
enforce a reboot of the W-IAP, as they may cause a momentary disruption in service as the unit resets.
The system records your most recently entered commands. You can review the history of your actions, or
reissue a recent command easily, without having to retype it.
To view items in the command history, use the up arrow key to move back through the list and the down arrow
key to move forward. To reissue a specific command, press Enter when the command appears in the
command history. You can also use the command line editing feature to make changes to the command prior
to entering it. The command line editing feature allows you to make corrections or changes to a command
without retyping. The following table lists the editing controls. To use key shortcuts, press and hold the Ctrl
button while you press a letter key.
Table 5:
Line Editing Keys
Ctrl A
Ctrl B or the
left arrow
Ctrl D
Ctrl E
Ctrl F or the
right arrow
Ctrl K
Ctrl N or the
down arrow
Ctrl P or
up arrow
HomeMove the cursor to the beginning of the line.
BackMove the cursor one character left.
Delete RightDelete the character to the right of the cursor.
EndMove the cursor to the end of the line.
ForwardMove the cursor one character right.
Delete RightDelete all characters to the right of the cursor.
NextDisplay the next command in the command
PreviousDisplay the previous command in the command
TransposeSwap the character to the left of the cursor with
the character to the right of the cursor.
ClearClear the line.
Delete WordDelete the characters from the cursor up to and
including the first space encountered.
Delete LeftDelete all characters to the left of the cursor.
Specifying Addresses and Identifiers in Commands
This section describes addresses and other identifiers that you can reference in CLI commands.
Table 6: Addresses and Identifiers
IP addressFor any command that requires entry of an IP address to specify a network
entity, use IPv4 network address format in the conventional dotted decimal
notation (for example,
Netmask addressFor subnet addresses, specify a subnet mask in dotted decimal notation (for
Media Access Control
(MAC) address
Service Set Identifier
Basic Service Set
Identifier (BSSID)
Extended Service Set
Identifier (ESSID)
For any command that requires entry of a device’s hardware address, use the
hexadecimal format (for example, 00:05:4e:50:14:aa).
A unique character string (sometimes referred to as a network name),
consisting of no more than 32 characters. The SSID is case-sensitive (for
example, WLAN-01).
This entry is the unique hard-wireless MAC address of the AP. A unique BSSID
applies to each frequency— 802.11a and 802.11g—used from the AP. Use the
same format as for a MAC address.
Typically the unique logical name of a wireless network. If the ESSID includes
spaces, enclose the name in quotation marks.
This command configures external antenna connectors for a W-IAP.
Configures the antenna gain. You can configure a gain value
in dBi for the following types of antenna:
l Dipole/Omni
l Panel
l Sector
Diploe/Omni - 6
Panel -14
Sector - 14
Usage Guidelines
If your W-IAP has external antenna connectors, you need to configure the transmit power of the system. The
configuration must ensure that the system’s Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) is in compliance
with the limit specified by the regulatory authority of the country in which the W-IAP is deployed. You can also
measure or calculate additional attenuation between the device and antenna before configuring the antenna
gain. To know if your AP device supports external antenna connectors, see the Install Guide that is shipped
along with the AP device.
EIRP and Antenna Gain
The following formula can be used to calculate the EIRP limit related RF power based on selected antennas
(antenna gain) and feeder (Coaxial Cable loss):
EIRP = Tx RF Power (dBm)+GA (dB) - FL (dB)
The following table describes this formula:
Table 7: Formula Variable Definitions
Formula ElementDescription
EIRPLimit specific for each country of deployment
Tx RF PowerRF power measured at RF connector of the unit
GAAntenna gain
FLFeeder loss
For information on antenna gain recommended by the manufacturer, see
The following example configures external antenna connectors for the W-IAP with the 5 GHz radio band.
This command tests a configured authentication server.
Allows you to specify the authentication server for which the authentication
test is run.
Allows you to specify the user name for which the authentication test is run.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to view the CPU load for application and system processes. This command allows you to
verify a configured RADIUS authentication server or the internal database. You can use this command to check
for an “out of service” RADIUS server.
The following example shows the output of the aaa test-server command:
This command configures the Aeroscout Real-Time Asset Location Server (RTLS) settings for Instant and sends
the Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag information to an Aeroscout RTLS server.
IP address of the Aeroscout RTLS server to which the
location reports are sent.
Port number of the Aeroscout RTLS server to which the
location reports are sent..
Includes the client stations not associated to any W-IAP
when mobile unit reports are sent to the Aeroscout
RTLS server.
Removes the Aeroscout RTLS configuration.—
Usage Guidelines
This command allows you to integrate Aeroscout RTLS server with Instant by specifying the IP address and port
number of the Aeroscout RTLS server. When enabled, the RFID tag information for the stations associated with
a W-IAP are sent to the AeroScout RTLS. You can also send the RFID tag information for the stations that are
not associated with any W-IAP.
The following example configures the Aeroscout RTLS server:
This command configures the AirGroup settings on a W-IAP.
cppm enforce-registration
cppm-server <server-name>
enable [dlna-only| mdns-only]
Enforces the discovery of the CPPM
registered devices. When enabled,
only devices registered with CPPM
will be discovered by Bonjour® or
DLNAdevices, based on the CPPM
policy configured.
Configures a time interval at which
Instant sends a query to ClearPass
Policy Manager for mapping the
access privileges of each device to the
available services.
Configures the ClearPass Policy
Manager server information for
AirGroup policy.
This command configures the availability of AirGroup services for the W-IAP clients.
Specifies the AirGroup service to configure.
The following pre-configured services are available
for W-IAP clients:
l AirPlay™— Apple® AirPlay allows wireless
streaming of music, video, and slideshows from
your iOS device to Apple TV® and other devices
that support the AirPlay feature.
l AirPrint™— Apple® AirPrint allows you to print
from an iPad®, iPhone®, or iPod® Touch directly
to any AirPrint compatible printers.
l iTunes— iTunes service is used by iTunes Wi-Fi
sync and iTunes home-sharing applications across
all Apple® devices.
l RemoteMgmt— Use this service for remote login,
remote management, and FTP utilities on Apple®
l Sharing— Applications such as disk sharing and
file sharing, use the service ID that are part of this
service on one or more Apple® devices.
l Chat— The iChat® (Instant Messenger)
application on Apple® devices uses this service.
l ChromeCast—ChromeCast service allows you to
use a ChromeCast device to play audio or video
content on a high definition television by
streaming content through Wi-Fi from the Internet
or local network.
l DLNAMedia—Applications such as Windows
Media Player use this service to browse and play
media content on a remote device.
l DLNAPrint—This service is used by printers that
You can allow all services or add custom services. Up
to 10 services can be configured on a W-IAP.
description <description>
disallow-role <role>
disallow-vlan <VLAN-ID>
id <airgroupserviceid>
Adds a description to the AirGroup service profile.—
Disables AirGroup services for the profile.—
Restricts the user roles specified for role from
accessing the AirGroup service.
Restricts the AirGroup servers connected on the
specified VLANs from being discovered.
Enables the AirGroup service for the profile.—
Allows you to specify the AirGroup service ID
corresponding to the service that you are trying to
NOTE: The service IDs cannot be added for the preconfigured services.
Removes the AirGroup service configuration.—
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to enforce AirGroup service policies and define the availability of a services for an AirGroup
profile. When configuring AirGroup service for an AirGroup profile, you can also restrict specific user roles and
VLANs from availing the AirGroup services.
The following example configures AirGroup services:
This command integrates W-AirWave Real-Time Asset Location Server (RTLS) settings for Instant and sends the
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag information to a W-AirWave RTLS server with the RTLS feed to
accurately locate the wireless clients.
Configures the IP address of the W-AirWave RTLS
Configures the port for the W-AirWave RTLS server.—
Configures key for service authorization.—
Configures the frequency at which packets are sent to
the RTLS server in seconds.
When enabled, this option sends mobile unit reports to
the W-AirWave RTLS server for the client stations that
are not associated to any W-IAP (unassociated
Removes the specified configuration parameter.—
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to send the RFID tag information to W-AirWave RTLS. Specify the IP address and port
number of the W-AirWave server, to which the location reports must be sent. You can also send reports of the
unassociated clients to the RTLS server for tracking purposes.
This command allows you to modify the configuration settings for Application Layer Gateway (ALG) protocols
enabled on a W-IAP. An application-level gateway consists of a security component that augments a firewall or
NAT used in a network.
Disables the Skinny Call Control Protocol (SCCP).Enabled
Disables the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for VOIP
and other text and multimedia sessions.
Disables the VOCERA protocol.Enabled
Removes the specified configuration parameter.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to functions such as SIP, Vocera, and Cisco Skinny protocols for ALG.
The following example configures the ALG protocols:
(Instant AP)(config)# alg
(Instant AP)(ALG)# sccp-disable
(Instant AP)(ALG)# no sip-disable
(Instant AP)(ALG)# no vocera-disable
(Instant AP)(ALG)# end
(Instant AP)# commit apply
This command adds the IP address or domain name of the backup W-AirWave Management server.
<IP-address or domain
Configures the IP address or domain name of the secondary W-AirWave
Management Server.
Removes the specified configuration parameter.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to add the IP address or domain name of the backup W-AirWave Management Server. The
backup server provides connectivity when the W-AirWave primary server is down. If the W-IAP cannot send
data to the primary server, the Virtual Controller switches to the backup server automatically.
The following command configures a W-AirWave backup server.
This command uniquely identifies the group of W-IAPs managed or monitored by the W-AirWave Management
console. The name can be a location, vendor, department, or any other identifier.
ams-identity <Name>
Configures a name that uniquely identifies the W-IAP on the WAirWave Management server. The name defined for this command
will be displayed under the Groups tab in the W-AirWave user
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to assign an identity for the W-IAPs monitored or managed by the W-AirWave Management
The following command configures a W-AirWave identifier: