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It is strongly recommended that you read this section, "Dell Systems Build
and Update Utility Overview," and "Before You Begin With The Dell Systems
Build and Update Utility" before proceeding further.
Who Should Read This Document?
This document is for system administrators who are responsible for deploying
and updating Dell™ systems in their organizations.
As an existing Dell customer, you may have been using:
•Dell OpenManage™ Server Assistant
•Dell OpenManage Server Update Utility
•Dell OpenManage Deployment Toolkit
You will have to re-orient your deployment and update processes to be in line
with the Dell Systems Build and Update Utility that is replacing the first
product and offers functionalities of the second and third products listed above.
How Will This Document Help Me?
This document introduces you to the Dell Systems Build and Update Utility,
and give tips on how to make the product effective in helping you streamline
your deployment and update procedures for Dell systems.
•If you are a first-time user of this product, this document will help you set
up your systems prior to, during, and after using the Dell Systems Build
and Update Utility.
•If you are an existing user of any of the products listed above, this
document will help you understand how and where this product now fits
in the Dell Systems Build and Update Utility, and also help you set up
your systems to continue getting benefits of your earlier product. It will
also help you use the unified and integrated features of the Dell Systems
Build and Update Utility to leverage the benefits without having to
dramatically change your existing deployment and update processes.
About This Document7
This document focuses only on setting up your Dell systems to use the Dell
Systems Build and Update Utility effectively and efficiently, and the possible
scenarios in which to use this utility.
How Do I Use This Document?
This document provides an overview of the various modules of the Dell
Systems Build and Update Utility and the possible scenarios in which you
might use them. However, it does not cover all scenarios and possibilities. For
specific information on Dell products whose functionalities are now provided
by the Dell Systems Build and Update Utility, see "Are There Other Dell
Documents I Might Need?."
Depending on the Dell systems you want to deploy, redeploy or update, it is
recommended that you use the document as follows.
Table 1-1. Organization of Information in This Guide
TopicsFor Dell systemsFor Dell PowerEdge SC
Information on this
document, its intended
audience, purpose, and
Overview of the Dell
Systems Build and Update
Utility and what
functionalities it offers
What you need before
proceeding to use the Dell
Systems Build and Update
Utility and where to get
other information that you
may need while using this
Important information
about the entry point to
the Dell Systems Build and
Update Utility
"About This Document""About This Document"
"Dell Systems Build and
Update Utility Overview"
"Before You Begin With
The Dell Systems Build
and Update Utility"
"Boot Menu""Boot Menu"
"Dell Systems Build and
Update Utility Overview"
"Before You Begin With
The Dell Systems Build
and Update Utility"
8About This Document
Table 1-1. Organization of Information in This Guide (continued)
TopicsFor Dell systemsFor Dell PowerEdge SC
Information about the
Server Operating System
Installation module
Important information
about the Firmware Update
Important information
about the Update Utility
Creation module
Important information
about the Hardware
Configuration Scripting
Important information
about the Content
Manager tool
"Server Operating System
"Firmware Update"Not applicable
"Update Utility Creation"Not applicable
"Hardware Configuration
Scripting Tool"
"Content Manager"Not applicable
"Server Operating System
Not applicable
Now that you have an idea of what this document is about and how to use it
to easily access the information you want, see "Dell Systems Build and
Update Utility Overview" to get an overview of Dell Systems Build and
Update Utility and the functionalities it offers.
About This Document9
10About This Document
Dell Systems Build and Update
Utility Overview
This section provides an overview of the Dell™ Systems Build and Update
Utility. This section helps you to understand the functionalities that the Dell
Systems Build and Update Utility provides to update and deploy your Dell
If you are an existing user of the Dell OpenManage™ products, see "What
Dell Systems Build and Update Utility Offers."
If you are a first-time user, see "What Can I Do With Dell Systems Build and
Update Utility?."
What Dell Systems Build and Update Utility Offers
Table 2-1 lists the Dell OpenManage products that are either replaced by or
whose functionality is now available in Dell Systems Build and Update Utility.
Table 2-1. What Dell Systems Build and Update Utility Offers
What You Were Using EarlierIs Available In Dell Systems Build and
Update Utility As
Dell OpenManage Server AssistantServer Operating System Installation
What Can I Do With Dell Systems Build and
Update Utility?
Table 2-2 lists the functionalities of the Dell Systems Build and Update
Utility to deploy and update your Dell systems.
Table 2-2. Dell Systems Build and Update Utility Functionalities
You Want ToGo ToFor
Run Dell Systems Build and
Update Utility on your system.
Install an operating system on
your system (one-to-one)
Update your system firmware
(Baseboard Management
Controller [BMC], Dell Remote
Access Controller [DRAC],
Redundant Array of
Independent Disks [RAID]) and
BIOS in a pre-operating system
Update your system firmware
and install operating system.
Customize the Server Update
Utility and use it to update your
Dell system one-to-one
(requires an operating system on
your system).
Use the customized repository
on a CD or DVD to update your
system one-to-one.
"Boot Menu"Dell systems (including
"Server Operating
System Installation"
"Firmware Update"Dell systems (excluding
"Firmware Update"
"Server Operating
System Installation"
"Update Utility
"Update Utility
Dell systems (including
PowerEdge SC systems)
PowerEdge SC systems)
Dell systems
(excluding PowerEdge
SC systems)
2 Dell systems
(including PowerEdge
SC systems)
Dell systems (excluding
PowerEdge SC systems)
Dell systems (excluding
PowerEdge SC systems)
™ SC
12Dell Systems Build and Update Utility Overview
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