Dell System E-Support Tool Version 3.4 Quick Start Manual

Dell System E-Support Tool (DSET) Version 3.4 Installation Guide
Notes, Cautions, and Warnings
NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer.
CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.
WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.
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Notes, Cautions, and Warnings...................................................................................................2
1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................5
Installation Types......................................................................................................................................................5
Other Documents You May Need.............................................................................................................................5
Accessing Documents From Dell Support Site.........................................................................................................5
Contacting Dell.........................................................................................................................................................6
2 Installing, Upgrading, and Running DSET Application On Windows Operating
Installation Prerequisite For Windows Operating System........................................................................................7
Creating One-time Local System DSET Report On Windows Operating System.....................................................7
Using GUI For Windows Operating System........................................................................................................7
Using CLI For Windows Operating System........................................................................................................8
Permanently Installing DSET Application And Generating Report On Windows Operating System........................9
Using GUI For Windows Operating System........................................................................................................9
Using CLI For Windows Operating System......................................................................................................10
Clearing Dell Hardware Logs On Windows Operating System...............................................................................10
Using Installer For Windows Operating System..............................................................................................10
Using GUI For Windows Operating System......................................................................................................11
Extracting MSI Package For Large Site Automated Deployment...........................................................................11
Upgrading DSET Application On Windows Operating System...............................................................................12
Using The Installer...........................................................................................................................................12
Using CLI..........................................................................................................................................................12
3 Installing, Upgrading, And Running DSET Application On Linux Operating System......15
Installation Prerequisite For Linux Operating System............................................................................................15
Device Dependency On Linux Operating System...................................................................................................15
Creating One-time Local System DSET Report On Linux Operating System..........................................................16
Creating One-time Local System DSET Report Silently....................................................................................17
Permanently Installing DSET Application On Linux Operating System..................................................................17
Permanently Installing DSET Application Silently On Linux Operating System...............................................19
Clearing Dell Hardware Logs On Linux Operating System.....................................................................................19
Upgrading DSET Application On Linux Operating System......................................................................................19
Upgrading DSET Application Silently On Linux Operating System..................................................................20
4 Maintaining DSET Application................................................................................................23
Modifying Installed DSET Application Features.....................................................................................................23
For Windows Operating System.......................................................................................................................23
For Linux Operating System.............................................................................................................................23
Repairing DSET Application....................................................................................................................................24
5 Uninstalling DSET Application................................................................................................25
Using GUI For Windows Operating System............................................................................................................25
From The Start Menu........................................................................................................................................25
From The Windows Add Or Remove Programs (Or Programs And Features) Wizard.....................................25
From the Application Maintenance Window...................................................................................................25
Using CLI For Windows And Linux Operating Systems..........................................................................................26
For Windows Operating System.......................................................................................................................26
For Linux Operating Systems............................................................................................................................26
6 Error Codes.................................................................................................................................27
Installer Error Codes...............................................................................................................................................27
For Windows Operating System.......................................................................................................................27
For Linux Operating System.............................................................................................................................27


Dell System E-Support Tool (DSET) is a utility that collects configuration and log data for various chassis hardware, storage, software, and operating system components of a Dell PowerEdge server and consolidates the data into a .zip file.
This guide provides the steps to install, maintain, upgrade, and uninstall the DSET application on Windows and Linux operating systems.

Installation Types

You can install DSET in the following methods:
Create a One-Time Local System DSET Report — Generates a DSET report of the local system without permanently installing the application.
DSET and Remote Provider — Installs DSET and Remote Provider in the local system. The Remote Provider provides data using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service (for Windows) and Open-pegasus or Small Footprint CIM Broker (SFCB) (for Linux). This data is collected locally or remotely using the DSET. For Windows, any other WMI collection tool can be used and for Linux, other CIM clients can be used.
NOTE: This option installs DSET and Remote Provider permanently in the system.
DSET — Installs DSET in the local system that collects the data (provided by various providers) available from remote systems.
NOTE: This option installs DSET permanently in the system.
Remote Provider — Installs Remote Provider in the system that provides data using WMI service (for Windows) and Open-pegasus or SFCB (for Linux).
NOTE: This option installs Remote Provider permanently in the system.

Other Documents You May Need

In addition to this user’s guide, you can view the
During installation:
– For Linux, run the ./dell-dset-lx(bit)-(Version Number).bin file and select option 1.
After permanently installing the application:
– For Windows, in the Start menu, navigate to DSET 3.4View Readme . The – On Linux, Readme.txt is available at /opt/dell/advdiags/ dset/ folder.
For information on using DSET, see the User's Guide available at
is displayed.

Accessing Documents From Dell Support Site

To access the documents from Dell Support site:
1. Go to
2. In the Tell us about your Dell system section, under No, select Choose from a list of all Dell products and click Continue.
3. In the Select your product type section, click Software, Monitors, Electronics & Peripherals.
4. In the Choose your Dell Software, Monitors, Electronics & Peripherals section, click Software.
5. In the Choose your Dell Software section, click the required link from the following:
– Client System Management
– Enterprise System Management
– Remote Enterprise System Management
– Serviceability Tools
6. To view the document, click the required product version.
NOTE: You can also directly access the documents using the following links:
For Client System Management documents —
For Enterprise System Management documents —
For Remote Enterprise System Management documents —
For Serviceability Tools documents —

Contacting Dell

NOTE: If you do not have an active Internet connection, you can find contact information on your purchase invoice, packing slip, bill, or Dell product catalog.
Dell provides several online and telephone-based support and service options. Availability varies by country and product, and some services may not be available in your area. To contact Dell for sales, technical support, or customer service issues:
1. Visit
2. Select your support category.
3. Verify your country or region in the Choose a Country/Region drop-down menu at the top of page.
4. Select the appropriate service or support link based on your need.

Installing, Upgrading, and Running DSET Application On Windows Operating System

This chapter provides information to install DSET application on Windows operating system. You can install and run the application using the GUI or the Command Line Interface (CLI).
If you install or upgrade the DSET application on a system having OpenManage Server Administrator version lower than
5.5 or an incompatible application, then an error message is displayed and the installation is not completed. Install a compatible version of the Server Administrator or remove the incompatible application and then install or upgrade DSET application.
If DSET application version 3.4 is already installed in the system and you try to install version 3.3, then an error message is displayed. Uninstall version 3.4 and then run the setup program.

Installation Prerequisite For Windows Operating System

Before installing DSET application, make sure that:
WMI service is installed and running.
– If WMI service is stopped, the application starts the service automatically and continues with
– If WMI service is disabled, installation of application terminates with an error message.
For installing Remote Provider, in addition to WMI, also make sure that:
Operating system is Windows 2003 or later.
OpenManage Server Administrator (if installed) version is 5.5 or later.
For installing DSET application, make sure that Windows operating system is Windows XP or later.
NOTE: Only DSET can be installed on system having Windows XP.

Creating One-time Local System DSET Report On Windows Operating System

DSET application enables you to generate configuration report without permanently installing the application. This is also known as zero footprint report collection. After the report is generated and saved on the system, all files used to create the report are removed from the system.

Using GUI For Windows Operating System

To run DSET application and create one-time report:
NOTE: You must be logged in as an Administrator or have administrator privileges to run the application. For Windows Server 2008 and later, you must be running Remote Provider with full administrator privileges.
1. Run the Dell_DSET_(Version Number).exe file.
The Welcome to the Dell System E-Support Tool (3.4) Installation Wizard window is displayed.
2. Click Next.
The License Agreement is displayed.
3. Select the I accept the license agreement and click Next.
The Installation Type window is displayed.
4. Select Create a One-Time Local System DSET Report and click Next.
The Report Settings window is displayed.
5. Enter the following:
– Report Name or Full Path to Save the Report — Enter only the filename or the complete path with the
filename to save the generated report. If you mention only the filename, the report is saved to the default location.
NOTE: You can only save the report to an internal network path and not a HTTP path.
NOTE: The default location for Windows (x86) systems is C:\Program Files\Dell and for Windows (x86_64) systems is C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell.
– Enable report Filtering — Select this option to filter the data from the report. For the list of data that is
filtered, see the
– Automatically Upload the Report to Dell — Select this option to upload the report to Dell Technical Support
when requested.
6. Click Next.
The Report Settings to Skip Specific Information window is displayed.
7. Clear the options for which information is not required to be collected in the report. The options are:
Report Filtering
section in the user's guide.
– Hardware Information
– Storage Information
– Software Information
– Log Files
8. Select the Gather Advanced Log Files Information option to collect all the log information in the report.
NOTE: If you select advanced log files option, by default, all the logs are collected and may create large size reports.
9. Click Next.
The Ready to Collect Report window is displayed.
10. Click Start.
The Updating System window is displayed indicating the status of report collection.
11. Click Finish in the Dell System E-Support Tool (3.4) report has been successfully created window.
The report is saved on the desktop or at the specified location.
To view the report, unzip the .zip file using the password ’dell’. For more information, see the section in the user's guide..
Viewing DSET Report

Using CLI For Windows Operating System

To run the DSET application, run the following command:
Dell_DSET_(version number).exe — This invokes the GUI.
Dell_DSET_(version number).exe REPORTNAME=<name> COLLECT=<hw,sw,st,lg,ad> UPLOAD=auto PRIVACY='yes|no' /qn — This is for silent Zero Footprint report collection.
<name> is a valid Windows filepath, filename, or both filepath and filename
<hw,sw,st,lg,ad> are independent report options that can be specified together with a comma separator without
any space.
hw = All hardware information
sw = All software (and operating system) information
st = All storage information
lg = All logs from the operating system and various applications
ad = Include advanced log items
Usage Examples on silent Zero Footprint report collection:
Example 1: To collect the hardware, software data and upload the report automatically:
Dell_DSET_(version number).exe REPORTNAME= COLLECT= hw,sw UPLOAD=auto
Example 2: To collect the software, storage, logs and report filtering:
Dell_DSET_(version number).exe REPORTNAME= COLLECT= sw,st,lg PRIVACY=yes

Permanently Installing DSET Application And Generating Report On Windows Operating System

Before installing DSET application, make sure that the installation prerequisites are met. For more information, see
Installation Prerequisite For Windows Operating System.

Using GUI For Windows Operating System

To permanently install DSET application on Windows operating system:
1. Run the Dell_DSET_(Version Number).exe file.
The Welcome to the Dell System E-Support Tool (3.4) Installation Wizard window is displayed.
2. Click Next.
The License Agreement is displayed.
3. Select I accept the license agreement and click Next.
The Installation Type window is displayed.
4. Select Install DSET and click Next.
The Select Installation Type window is displayed.
5. Select one of the following options and click Next:
– DSET and Remote Provider (Recommended) – DSET – Remote Provider
The Destination Folder window is displayed.
6. Click Browse and select the folder to install the DSET application or use the default location and click Next.
The User Information window is displayed.
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