Dell Storage Designed for Scality RING
Support Matrix
Regulatory Model: E26S Series
Regulatory Type: E26S001

Notes, cautions, and warnings
NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer.
CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you
how to avoid the problem.
WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.
© 2016 Dell Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual
property laws. Dell and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other
marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
2016 - 05
Rev. A01

1 Introduction...........................................................................................................4
2 Dell Storage Designed for Scality RING solution rules..................................5
3 Supported server firmware and drivers............................................................ 7
4 Supported server boot drives.............................................................................8
5 Supported SSD, SATA, and SAS drive models.................................................. 9
6 Supported NDC and NIC................................................................................... 10
7 Supported server operating systems...............................................................11
8 Supported switches............................................................................................12
9 Documentation resources................................................................................ 13
Dell documentation.............................................................................................................................13
Scality documentation.........................................................................................................................13
10 Getting help....................................................................................................... 15
Contacting Dell....................................................................................................................................15
Documentation feedback................................................................................................................... 15
Quick resource locator........................................................................................................................15

This document provides information about supported software, firmware, and hardware versions for the
Dell Storage Designed for Scality RING solution. This solution is a storage building block based on
PowerEdge servers and Dell Storage, which enables you to deploy an ultra-dense storage platform paired
with Scality software. The Dell Storage Designed for Scality RING solution excels at deployment of
object-based storage on the petabyte scale. For more information see, Dell.com/sdscalityseriesmanuals.

Dell Storage Designed for Scality RING
solution rules
This section contains consideration rules when using the Dell Storage Designed for Scality RING solution.
NOTE: You can install the Supervisor server as a virtual machine.
Table 1. Dell Storage Designed for Scality RING Rules for Dell SD630-S server
Information Description
Minimum Memory
Connectors 64 GB
The required amount of memory (RAM) is related
to the number of objects and their average size.
Minimum number of Connectors File Storage: One
Minimum number of Supervisors One
Table 2. Dell Storage Designed for Scality RING Rules for Dell SD7000-S server
Information Description
Minimum number of physical storage servers
Minimum Memory
The required amount of memory (RAM) is related
to the number of objects and their average size.
Minimum Cache on RAID controller 1 GB
Minimum number of Connectors Object Storage: Two, directly installed on the Dell
Supervisor 32 GB
NOTE: Object storage connectors are
installed directly on the Dell SD7000-S server.
Dell SD7000-S Single Node: Six
Dell SD7000-S Dual Node: Three
192 GB
SD7000-S server.
NOTE: File storage connectors must be
installed on the Dell SD630-S server.
Minimum ratio of solid state drives (SSDs) to hard
disk drives (HDDs)
Minimum number of HDDs Dell SD7000-S Single Node: 20
1 SSD: 15 HDDs