intellectual property laws. Dell™ and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell Inc. in the United States and/or other
jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
Set Consistency Group Attributes.................................................................................................... 276
Set Consistency Group Snapshot Virtual Disk................................................................................. 277
Set Disk Group ................................................................................................................................. 278
Set Disk Group Forced State.............................................................................................................279
Set Disk Pool.....................................................................................................................................280
Set Disk Pool Complete.................................................................................................................... 281
Set Enclosure Attribute..................................................................................................................... 281
Set Enclosure Identification..............................................................................................................282
Set Event Alert Filtering.....................................................................................................................283
Set Foreign Physical Disk to Native..................................................................................................283
Set Host.............................................................................................................................................284
Set Host Channel..............................................................................................................................285
Set Host Group................................................................................................................................. 286
Set Host Port..................................................................................................................................... 287
Set iSCSI Initiator...............................................................................................................................287
Set iSCSI Target Properties...............................................................................................................288
Set Physical Disk Channel Status..................................................................................................... 289
Set Physical Disk Hot Spare..............................................................................................................289
Set Physical Disk State......................................................................................................................290
Set RAID Controller Module.............................................................................................................290
Set Read-Only Snapshot Virtual Disk To A Read/Write Virtual Disk............................................... 294
Set Remote Replication....................................................................................................................294
Set Remote Replication Group........................................................................................................ 296
Set Session........................................................................................................................................300
Set Snapshot Group Attributes......................................................................................................... 301
Set Snapshot Group Media Scan......................................................................................................302
Set Snapshot Group Repository Virtual Disk Capacity....................................................................303
Set Snapshot Group Schedule......................................................................................................... 304
Set Snapshot (Legacy) Virtual Disk...................................................................................................305
Set Snapshot Virtual Disk Media Scan..............................................................................................308
Set Snapshot Virtual Disk Repository Virtual Disk Capacity............................................................309
Set Storage Array...............................................................................................................................310
Set Storage Array Enclosure Positions..............................................................................................312
Set Storage Array ICMP Response....................................................................................................313
Set Storage Array iSNS Server IPv4 Address..................................................................................... 313
Set Storage Array iSNS Server IPv6 Address.....................................................................................314
Set Storage Array iSNS Server Listening Port................................................................................... 314
Set Storage Array Learn Cycle.......................................................................................................... 315
Set Storage Array Redundancy Mode...............................................................................................316
Set Storage Array Security Key..........................................................................................................316
Set Storage Array Time......................................................................................................................317
Set Storage Array Unnamed Discovery Session............................................................................... 317
Set Thin Virtual Disk Attributes..........................................................................................................317
Set Virtual Disk...................................................................................................................................319
Set Virtual Disk Attributes For A Disk Pool....................................................................................... 322
Set Virtual Disk Copy.........................................................................................................................327
Set Virtual Disk Mapping...................................................................................................................328
Show Blocked Events....................................................................................................................... 329
Show Consistency Group Snapshot Image.....................................................................................330
Show Current iSCSI Sessions............................................................................................................331
Show Disk Group.............................................................................................................................. 332
Show Disk Group Export Dependencies..........................................................................................333
Show Disk Group Import Dependencies......................................................................................... 333
Show Disk Pool................................................................................................................................. 334
Show Host Ports............................................................................................................................... 334
Show Physical Disk........................................................................................................................... 335
Show Physical Disk Channel Statistics.............................................................................................336
Show Physical Disk Download Progress..........................................................................................337
Show RAID Controller Module.........................................................................................................338
Show RAID Controller Module NVSRAM......................................................................................... 338
Show Remote Replication Group.................................................................................................... 339
Show Remote Replication Group Synchronization Progress.........................................................340
Show Remote Replication Virtual Disk Candidates......................................................................... 341
Show Remote Replication Virtual Disk Synchronization Progress..................................................341
Show SNMP Communities............................................................................................................... 342
Show SNMP MIB II System Group Variables....................................................................................344
Show Snapshot Group......................................................................................................................344
Show Snapshot Image......................................................................................................................346
Show Snapshot Virtual Disks............................................................................................................ 347
Show SSD Cache.............................................................................................................................. 348
Show SSD Cache Statistics...............................................................................................................349
Show Storage Array...........................................................................................................................352
Show Storage Array Auto Configure................................................................................................354
Show Storage Array Core Dump......................................................................................................356
Show Storage Array DBM Database.................................................................................................356
Show Storage Array Host Topology.................................................................................................356
Show Storage Array LUN Mappings................................................................................................. 357
Show Storage Array Negotiation Defaults........................................................................................357
Show Storage Array Power Information.......................................................................................... 358
Show Storage Array Unconfigured iSCSI Initiators..........................................................................358
Show Storage Array Unreadable Sectors.........................................................................................358
Show String....................................................................................................................................... 359
Show Thin Virtual Disk......................................................................................................................359
Show Virtual Disk...............................................................................................................................361
Show Virtual Disk Action Progress................................................................................................... 362
Show Virtual Disk Copy.................................................................................................................... 363
Show Virtual Disk Copy Source Candidates.................................................................................... 363
Show Virtual Disk Copy Target Candidates.....................................................................................364
Show Virtual Disk Performance Statistics........................................................................................364
Show Virtual Disk Reservations........................................................................................................ 365
Configuration Script Example 1....................................................................................................... 403
Configuration Script Example 2.......................................................................................................404
CLI Command Updates
This chapter reflects new and updated commands that are available for use with the Dell PowerVault
MD34XX/MD38XX Series storage arrays.
NOTE: Not all commands are valid with all storage arrays. Some commands are specific to certain
CAUTION: Script commands are capable of changing the configuration and may cause loss of
data if not used correctly. Command operations are performed as soon as you run the
commands. Before using the script commands, ensure that you have backed up all data, and have
saved the current configuration so that you can reinstall it if the changes do not work.
New Commands
The following commands have been added to this guide to reflect the additional functionality available in
the PowerVault MD34xx and MD38xx series of storage arrays.
•Recover SAS Port Mis-Wire
•Reduce Disk Pool Capacity
•Register SNMP Community
•Register SNMP Trap Destination
•Set Event Alert Filtering
•Show Blocked Events
•Show SNMP Communities
•Show SNMP MIB II System Group Variables
•Show Storage Array Power Information
•Test SNMP Trap Destination
•Unregister SNMP Community
•Unregister SNMP Trap Destination
•Update SNMP Community
•Update SNMP Trap Destination
•Update SNMP MIB II System Group Variables
Updated Commands
The syntax of the following commands has been modified, updated, or enhanced since the last release of
this document.
NOTE: not all commands are valid with all storage arrays. Some commands are specific to certain
•Activate Remote Replication (Legacy)
•Download Storage Array NVSRAM
•Resume Remote Replication Group
•Resume Snapshot (Legacy) Rollback
•Set RAID Controller Module
•Set Remote Replication (Legacy)
•Set Storage Array
•Start Remote Replication Synchronization
•Stop Snapshot (Legacy) Rollback
About The Command Line Interface
This guide is intended for system administrators, developers, and engineers who need to use the
command line interface (CLI) tool and its associated commands and script files. Selected CLI commands
perform functions that can also be accessed from the Modular Disk (MD) Storage Manager, which is the
graphical user interface (GUI) to the storage array. See the Administrator's Guide, which describes the
Storage Manager software that is used to create and manage multiple storage arrays. For additional
information, see the hardware and software manuals that shipped with your system.
NOTE: Always check for updates on and read the updates first because they often
supersede information in other documents.
NOTE: CLI commands do not have interactive warnings for destructive commands.
CLI is a software tool that enables storage array installers, developers, and engineers to configure and
monitor storage arrays. Using the command line interface, you can issue commands from an operating
system prompt, such as the Microsoft Windows command prompt (C:\) or a Linux operating system
Each command performs a specific action for managing a storage array or returning information about
the status of a storage array. You can enter individual commands, or run script files when you need to
perform operations more than once (such as installing the same configuration on several storage arrays).
A script file can be loaded and run from the command line interface. You can also run commands in an
interactive mode. Interactive mode enables you to connect to a specific storage array and rapidly enter a
command, determine the effect on the storage array, and then enter a new command.
The command line interface gives you direct access to a script engine utility in the Dell PowerVault
Modular Disk Storage Manager software (MD Storage Manager). The script engine reads the commands,
or runs a script file, from the command line and performs the operations instructed by the commands.
You can use the command line interface to perform the following functions:
•Directly access the script engine and run commands in interactive mode or using a script file.
•Create script command batch files to be run on multiple storage arrays when you need to install the
same configuration on different storage arrays.
•Run script commands on a storage array directly connected to a host, a storage array connected to a
host by an Ethernet, or a combination of both.
•Display configuration information about the storage arrays.
•Add storage arrays to and remove storage arrays from the management domain.
•Perform automatic discovery of all storage arrays attached to the local subnet.
•Add or delete Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) trap destinations and e-mail alert
•Specify the mail server and sender e-mail address or Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) server for
alert notifications.
•Direct the output to a standard command line display or to a named file.
How To Use The Command Line Interface
Using the CLI commands, you can access the script engine, specify which storage array receives the
script commands, and set operation environment parameters.
A CLI command consists of the following elements:
•The term SMcli
•Storage array identifier
•Script commands
The following syntax is the general form of a CLI command:
SMcli storageArray parameters script-commands;
SMcli invokes the command line interface.
storageArray is the host name or IP address of the storage array.
parameters are the CLI parameters that define the environment and purpose of the command.
script-commands are the commands or name of the script file containing the script commands.
The script commands are the storage array configuration commands. About The Script Commands
presents an overview of the script commands. Script commands provide definitions, syntax, and
parameters for the script commands.
Usage Notes
If you enter SMcli and a storage array name but do not specify CLI parameters, script commands, or a
script file, the command line interface runs in interactive mode. Interactive mode enables you to run
individual commands without prefixing the commands with SMcli. You can enter a single command, view
the results, and enter the next command without typing the complete SMcli string. Interactive mode is
useful for determining configuration errors and quickly testing configuration changes.
If you enter SMcli without any parameters or with an incorrect parameter, the script engine returns usage
NOTE: The SMcli command is installed under the client directory of the selected path during a
management station install of the MD Storage Manager software.
NOTE: The SMcli command should be a component of the system environment command path.
CLI Commands
This section lists the CLI commands you can use to perform the following functions:
•Identify storage arrays
•Set passwords
•Add storage arrays
•Specify communication parameters
•Enter individual script configuration commands
•Specify a file containing script configuration commands
The following are general forms of the CLI commands, showing the parameters and terminals used in
each command. The table below lists definitions for the parameters shown in the CLI commands.
Table 1. Command Name Conventions
pipe symbol indicating alternative ("a" or "b")
[...] (square brackets)zero or one occurrence
{...} (curly brackets)zero or more occurrences
<...> (angle brackets)occurrence exceeds maximum limit of 30
SMcli -A [host-name-or-IP-address
[host-name-or-IP-address]] [-S]
SMcli -X (-n storage-array-name | -w WWID |
-h host-name)
SMcli -?
Command Line Parameters
Table 2. Command Line Parameters
Specify either the host name or the Internet
Protocol (IP) address of an in-band managed
storage array (IPv4 or IPv6) or an out-of-band
managed storage array (IPv4 or IPv6).
•If you manage a storage array by using a host
connected directly to the storage array (in‑band
storage management), you must use the -n
parameter if more than one storage array is
connected to the host.
•If you manage a storage array through an
Ethernet connection (out-of-band storage
management), you must specify the
host‑name‑or‑IP‑address of the redundant array
of independent disks (RAID) controller modules.
•If you have previously configured a storage
array in the graphical user interface (GUI) of the
MD Storage Manager, you can specify the
storage array by its user‑supplied name by
using the -n parameter.
Use to add a storage array to the configuration
files. If you do not follow the -A parameter with a
host‑name‑or‑IP‑address, automatic discovery
scans the local subnet for storage arrays.
Use to add an SNMP trap destination or an e-mail
address alert destination.
•When adding an SNMP trap destination, the
SNMP community is automatically defined as
the community name for the trap and the host
is the IP address or Domain Name Server (DNS)
host name of the system to which the trap
should be sent.
•When adding an e-mail address for an alert
destination, the email-address is the e-mail
address to which to send the alert message.
-F (uppercase)
-f (lowercase)
Use to indicate that you are entering one or more
script commands to run on the specified storage
array. Terminate each command by using a
semicolon (;).
You cannot place more than one -c parameter on
the same command line. You can include more
than one script command after the -c parameter.
Use to display the contents of the script
configuration file.
Use to disable syntax checking when executing the
current CLI command.
Use to specify the e-mail address from which all
alerts will be sent.
Use to specify a file name containing script
commands intended to run on the specified
storage array.
This parameter is similar to the -c parameter in
that both are intended for running script
commands. The -c parameter allows you to
execute individual script commands. The -f
script commands contained in a file.
NOTE: By default, any errors encountered
when running the script commands in a file
are ignored, and the file continues to run. To
override this behavior, use the set session errorAction=stop command in the script
parameter allows you to execute
Use to specify an ASCII file that contains e-mail
sender contact information to include in all e-mail
alert notifications. The CLI assumes the ASCII file is
text only, without delimiters or any expected
format. A typical file contains the following
NOTE: You can use any file name that your
operating system supports. You must not use
userdata.txt. Some operating systems reserve
userdata.txt for system information.
Use with the -a and -x parameters to specify the
host name that is running the SNMP agent to
which the storage array is connected.
Use to specify the type of information to be
included in the e-mail alert notifications. The
following are valid information arguments:
•eventOnly— Only event information is
included in the e-mail.
•profile— Event and array profile information
is included in the e-mail.
•supportBundle— Event and support bundle
information is included in the e-mail.
NOTE: You can enter only one information
argument each time you execute the
command. If you want all of the information,
you must run the command three times.
Use with the -d parameter to display the IP address
of the known storage arrays.
Use to specify the host name or IP address of the
e-mail server from which to send e-mail alert
Use to specify the name of the storage array on
which to run the script commands. This name is
optional when you use host‑name-or-IP-address; however, if you are using the in-band
method for managing the storage array, you must
use the
array is connected to the host at the specified
address. The storage array name is required when
host‑name-or-IP-address is not used;
however, the name of the storage array configured
for use in the MD Storage Manager GUI (that is,
listed in the configuration file) must not be a
duplicate name of any other configured storage
-n parameter if more than one storage
Use with the -c or -f parameter to specify a file
name for all output text that is a result of running
the script commands.
Use to specify the password for the storage array
on which to run commands. A password is not
necessary under the following conditions:
•A password has not been set on the storage
•The password is specified in a script file that is
•The storage array password is specified by
using the -c parameter and the set session
password=password command.
Use to specify how frequently to include additional
profile or support bundle information in the e-mail
alert notifications. An e-mail alert notification that
contains at least the basic event information is
always generated for every critical event. If you set
the-I parameter to eventOnly, the only valid
argument for -q is everyEvent. If you set the-I
parameter to either profile or supportBundle,
this information is included with the e-mails with
the frequency specified by the-q parameter.
Valid frequency arguments are:
•everyEvent— Information is returned with
every e-mail alert notification.
•2— Information is returned no more than once
every two hours.
•4— Information is returned no more than once
every four hours.
•8— Information is returned no more than once
every eight hours.
•12— Information is returned no more than
once every 12 hours.
•24— Information is returned no more than
once every 24 hours.
Use with the -a or -x parameter to specify the
name of a management station. The name of a
management station can be either direct_sa (outof-band storage array) or host_sa (in-band storage
arrays [host-agent]). The -r parameter enables you
to set or change the alert notifications for all
storage arrays under each management station.
-S (uppercase)
Use to suppress the informational messages
describing command progress that appear when
running script commands. (Suppressing
informational messages is also called silent mode.)
This parameter suppresses the following messages:
•Performance syntax check
•Syntax check complete
•Executing script
•Script execution complete
•SMcli completed successfully
-s (lowercase)
-X (uppercase)
-x (lowercase)
Formatting Considerations
Use with the -d parameter to display the alert
settings in the configuration file.
Use with the -d parameter to display the current
global status of the known devices in the storage
array configuration file. (The configuration file lists
all of the devices in a storage array configuration
and the relationship between the devices. Use the
configuration file to reconstruct a storage array).
Use to delete a storage array from the
configuration file. (The configuration file lists all of
the devices in a storage array configuration and the
relationship between the devices. Use the
configuration file to reconstruct a storage array).
Use to remove an SNMP trap destination or an email address alert destination. The community is
the SNMP community name for the trap, and the
host is the IP address or DNS host name of the
system to which you want the trap sent.
Use this parameter to display usage information
about the CLI commands.
Quotation marks (" ") used as part of a name or label require special consideration when you run the CLI
and script commands on a Microsoft Windows operating system. The following explains the use of
quotation marks in names while running CLI and script commands on Windows.
When quotation marks (" ") are part of an argument, you must insert a backslash (\) before each quotation
mark character unless you are in interactive mode. For example:
-c "set storageArray userLabel=\"Engineering\";"
where, Engineering is the storage array name.
You cannot use quotation marks (" ") as part of a character string (also called string literal) within a script
command. For example, you cannot enter the following string to set the storage array name to
On a Linux operating system, the delimiters around names or labels are single quotation marks (‘ ’). The
Linux versions of the previous examples are:
-c ‘set storageArray userLabel="Engineering";’
Detailed Error Reporting
Error data collected from an error encountered by the CLI is written to a file. Detailed error reporting
under the CLI works as follows:
•If the CLI must abnormally end execution or abort script command execution, error data is collected
and saved before the CLI aborts.
•The CLI automatically saves the error data by writing the data to a file with a standard name.
•The CLI does not have any provisions to avoid overwriting an existing version of the file containing
error data.
For error processing, errors appear as two types:
•Parameter or syntax errors you might enter
•Exceptions that occur as a result of an operational error
When the CLI encounters either type of error, it writes information describing the error directly to the
command line and sets a return code. Depending on the return code, the CLI might also write additional
information about which parameter caused the error. The CLI also writes information about what
command syntax was expected to help you identify any syntax errors you might have entered.
When an exception occurs while executing a command, the CLI automatically saves the error
information to a file named excprpt.txt. The CLI attempts to place excprpt.txt in the directory specified by
the system property devmgr.datadir, which by default is the "client/data" directory under the main
installation directory in Windows and the /var/opt/SM directory in Linux. If for any reason the CLI cannot
place the file in the devmgr.datadir-specified directory, the CLI saves the excprpt.txt file in the same
directory from which the CLI is running. You cannot change the file name or location. The excprpt.txt file
is overwritten every time an exception occurs. To save the information in the excprpt.txt file, you must
copy the information to a new file or directory.
Exit Status
After you run a CLI command or a CLI and script command, status is displayed that indicates the success
of the operation defined by the command. The status values are shown in the following table.
Table 3. Exit Status
Status ValueMeaning
0The command terminated without an error.
1The command terminated with an error. Error information is also
2The script file does not exist.
3An error occurred while opening an output file.
4A storage array is not at the specified address.
5Addresses specify different storage arrays.
6A storage array name does not exist for the host agent connected.
7The storage array name was not at the specified address.
8The storage array name was not in the configuration file.
10A management class does not exist for the storage array.
11A storage array was not found in the configuration file.
12An internal error occurred.
Status ValueMeaning
13Invalid script syntax was found.
14The RAID controller module was unable to communicate with the
storage array.
15A duplicate argument was entered.
16An execution error occurred.
17A host was not at the specified address.
18The World Wide Identifier (WWID) was not in the configuration file.
19The WWID was not at the address.
20An unknown IP address was specified.
21The event monitor configuration file was corrupted.
22The storage array was unable to communicate with the event
23The RAID controller module was unable to write alert settings.
24The wrong management station was specified.
25The command was not available.
26The device was not in the configuration file.
27An error occurred while updating the configuration file.
28An unknown host error occurred.
29The sender contact information file was not found.
30The sender contact information file could not be read.
31The userdata.txt file exists.
32An invalid -I value in the e-mail alert notification was specified.
33An invalid -f value in the e-mail alert notification was specified.
Usage Examples
The following examples show how to enter CLI commands on a command line. The examples show the
syntax, form, and in some examples, script commands. Examples are shown for both Windows and Linux
operating systems. The usage for the -c parameter varies depending on your operating system. On
Windows operating systems, put quotation marks (" ") around the script command following the -c
parameter. On Linux operating systems, put single quotation marks (‘ ’) around the script command
following the -c parameter.
NOTE: See Script Commands for descriptions of the script commands used in the following
This example shows how to change the name of a storage array. The original name of the storage array is
Payroll_Array. The new name is Finance_Array.
This example shows how to delete an existing virtual disk and create a new virtual disk on a storage array.
The existing virtual disk name is Stocks_<_Bonds. The new virtual disk name is Finance. The RAID
controller module host names are finance1 and finance2. The storage array is protected and requires the
password TestArray.
This example shows how to run commands in a script file named scriptfile.scr on a storage array named
Example. The -e parameter runs the file without checking syntax. Executing an SMcli command without
checking syntax enables the file to run more quickly; however, the SMcli command may not execute
correctly if the syntax is incorrect.
SMcli -n Example -f scriptfile.scr -e
This example shows how to run commands in a script file named scriptfile.scr on a storage array named
Example. In this example, the storage array is protected by the password My_Array. Output, as a result of
commands in the script file, goes to file output.txt.
SMcli -n Example -f scriptfile.scr -p "My_Array" - o output.txt
SMcli -n Example -f scriptfile.scr -p ‘My_Array’ - o output.txt
This example shows how to display all storage arrays that are currently discovered in the current
configuration. The command in this example returns the host name of each storage array.
SMcli -d
If you want to know the IP address of each storage array in the configuration, add the -i parameter to the
SMcli -d -i
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