Greg Henderson and Jose L. Flores
Cable Routing Procedures for Dell™
PowerEdge™ T320 & T420 Systems
This Dell Technical White Paper explains the best pract ices for routing
and securing the cables exiting the back of the T320 & T420 systems.
Data Center Infrastructure En gin eering
May 2012

Cable Routing Procedures for the Dell PowerEdge T320 & T420 Systems
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May 2012| Rev 1.0

Cable Routing Procedures for the Dell PowerEdge T320 & T420 Systems
Introduction ............................................................................................................. 4
Section 1: Cabling a PowerEdge T320 & T420 system with a CMA ............................................. 4
1.1. Connecting the cables to the system ................................................................... 4
1.2. Routing the power cables through the strain reliefs ................................................. 5
1.3. Installing the CMA .......................................................................................... 6
Section 2: Replacing a hot swap power supply on a PowerEdge T320 & T420 system with a CMA ...... 8
2.1. Replacing a hot swap power supply with a left-side mounted CMA ............................... 8
2.2. Replacing a hot swap power supply with a right-side mounted CMA ............................. 8
Section 3: Cabling a PowerEdge T320 & T420 system without a CMA ........................................ 9
Figure 1. System with cables installed ............................................................................. 5
Figure 2. Routing power cables through the strain reliefs on hot swap power supplies .................. 5
Figure 3. Routing the power cable through the strain relief on a fixed power supply .................... 5
Figure 4. Left-side mounted CMA installation (preferred) ...................................................... 6
Figure 5. Right-side mounted CMA installation (CMA shown in service position) ........................... 7
Figure 6. Replacing a hot swap power supply ..................................................................... 8
Figure 7. Cable routing without a CMA ............................................................................. 9