Dell PowerEdge 350 User Manual

Chapter 1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Supported Operating Systems . . ......................................1-2
Front-PanelFeatures ............................................1-3
SurgeProtectors ...............................................1-7
GettingHelp ......................................................1-8
Safety,Regulatory,andWarrantyInformation ............................1-8
Chapter 2 Using the Dell OpenManage
Server Assistant CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Starting the
SettingUpYourSystem .............................................2-2
ServerSetupMode .............................................2-2
Dell OpenManage Server Assistant
Chapter 3 Using the System Setup Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
EnteringtheSystemSetupProgram ................................... 3-1
RespondingtoErrorMessages.................................... 3-2
UsingtheSystemSetupNavigationKeys............................ 3-2
System Setup Menus and Options. .................................... 3-4
MainMenu.................................................... 3-4
AdvancedMenu................................................ 3-6
BootMenu.................................................... 3-8
SystemManagementMenu ......................................3-9
UsingtheSystemPasswordFeatures.................................. 3-9
Assigning a Supervisor Password (System Setup Only) . . . ............. 3-10
UsingYourSupervisorPasswordtoSecureYourSystemSetup ......... 3-11
DeletingorChanginganExistingSupervisorPassword ................ 3-12
UsingtheUserPasswordFeature .................................... 3-12
AssigningaUserPassword...................................... 3-13
OperatingWithaUserPasswordInstalled .......................... 3-14
DeletingorChanginganExistingUserPassword..................... 3-14
DeletingaForgottenPassword....................................... 3-14
Appendix A Technical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
Appendix B I/O Ports and Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1
I/O Ports and Connectors . . ..........................................B-1
SerialPorts .......................................................B-2
Serial Port Connectors . ..........................................B-2
Keyboard and Mouse Connectors. . ....................................B-3
KeyboardConnector ............................................B-3
Mouse Connector ..............................................B-3
Video Connector ...................................................B-4
USB Connectors ...................................................B-5
Integrated Network Interface Controller Connector ........................B-6
Network Cable Requirements . ....................................B-6
Figures Figure1-1. RemovingtheOptionalFrontBezel..........................1-3
Figure1-2. Front-PanelFeatures ..................................... 1-3
Figure1-3. Front-PanelIndicators .................................... 1-4
Figure1-4. Front-PanelIndicators(BezelRemoved).......................1-4
Figure1-5. Front-PanelSwitches..................................... 1-5
Figure 1-6. Back-Panel Connections . . ................................1-6
Figure3-1. BIOSSetupUtilityScreen.................................3-4
FigureB-1. I/OPortsandConnectors..................................B-1
Figure B-2. Pin Numbers for the Serial Port Connectors . . . ................B-2
FigureB-3. PinNumbersfortheKeyboardConnector.....................B-3
Figure B-4. Pin Numbers for the Mouse Connector. . .....................B-4
Figure B-5. Pin Numbers for the Video Connector. . . .....................B-4
Figure B-6. Pin Numbers for the USB Connector.........................B-5
Tables Table1-1. Front-PanelIndicators ....................................1-5
Table1-2. Front-PanelSwitches.....................................1-6
Table3-1. SystemSetupNavigationKeys .............................3-2
TableA-1. TechnicalSpecifications...................................A-1
TableB-1. SerialPortPinAssignments................................B-2
Table B-2. Keyboard Connector Pin Assignments . . .....................B-3
TableB-3. MouseConnectorPinAssignments .........................B-4
TableB-4. VideoConnectorPinAssignments ..........................B-5
Table B-5. USB Connector Pin Assignments ...........................B-6
This guide is intended for anyone who uses a Dell PowerEdge 350 system. The guide can be used by both first-time and experienced users who want to learn about the features and operation of their systems or who want to upgrade their systems. The sections are summarized as follows:
Chapter 1, “Introduction” — Overview of system features, description of indica-
tors on the front panel, and general discussion of connecting external devices to the system back panel
Chapter 2, “Using the Dell OpenManage Server Assistant CD” — Overview on
using the utilities and diagnostics
Chapter 3, “Using the System Setup Program” — Overview of configuration
changes to the system and password features
Appendix A, “Technical Specifications”— Overview of technical specifications of
PowerEdge 350 systems
Appendix B, “I/O Ports and Connectors” — Overview of ports and connectors on
the back panel of your system
“Glossary” — Definitions of terms, acronyms, and abbreviations used in this
Warranty and Return Policy Information
Dell Computer Corporation(“Dell”) manufacturesits hardware products fromparts and components that are new or equivalent to new in accordance with industry-standard practices. See your ranty information for your system.
Dell PowerEdge System Information
document for complete war-
Other Documents You May Need
In addition to this system:
You may also have one or more of the following documents:
Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
tem hardware and includes troubleshooting and diagnostic procedures for testing
your computer system.
Dell PowerEdge System Information
about your system.
Users Guide
, the following documentation is included with your
provides instructions for installing sys-
document, which provides information
Operating system documentation is included with the system if you ordered the
operating system software from Dell. This documentation describes how to
install (if necessary), configure, and use the operating system software.
The rack installation documentation provides detailed instructions for installing
the system in a rack.
Documentation is included with any options you purchase separately from the
system. This documentation includes information that you need to configure and
install these options in your Dell system.
Technical information filessometimes called readmefilesmay be installed
on the hard-disk drive to provide last-minute updates about technical changes to
the system or advanced technical reference material intended for experienced
users or technicians.
Documentation updates are sometimes included with the system to describe
changes to the system or software. Always read these updates before consulting
any other documentation because the updates often contain information that
supersedes the information in the other documents.
Typographical Conventions
The following list defines (where appropriate) and illustrates typographical conven­tions used as visual cues for specific elements of text throughout this document:
Interface components
and selections, and other options that appear on the monitor screen or display.
They are presented in bold.
Example: Click OK.
angle brackets.
Example: <Enter>
Key combinations
wise indicated) to perform a single function.
Example: <Ctrl><Alt><Enter>
are labels that appear on the keys on a keyboard. They are enclosed in
are window titles, button and icon names, menu names
are series of keys to be pressed simultaneously (unless other-
not intended to be typed when referenced.
Example: Use the format command to. . . .
In contrast, commands presented in the Courier New font are part of an instruc­tion and intended to be typed.
Example: Typ e format a: to format the diskette in drive A.
Examples: autoexec.bat and c:\windows
Syntax lines
are presented in lowercase bold; variable parameters (those for which you substi­tute a value) are presented in lowercase italics; constant parameters are presented in lowercase bold. The brackets indicate items that are optional.
Example: del [
Command lines
mand’s possible parameters. Command lines are presented in the Courier New font.
Example: del c:\myfile.doc
Screen text
mand (referred to as a New font.
Example: The following message appears on your screen:
presented in lowercase bold are for reference purposes only and are
directory names
consist of a command and all its possible parameters. Commands
consist of a command and may include one or more of the com-
is a message or text that you are instructed to type as part of a com-
command line
are presented in lowercase bold.
). Screen text is presented in the Courier
No boot device available
Example: Typ e md c:\programs and press <Enter>.
italics. Example: DIMM
are placeholders for which you substitute a value. They are presented in
(wherexrepresents the DIMM socket designation).
The Dell™ PowerEdge™ 350 system is an ultra-slim, rack-mounted server. This sys­tem is a full-featured system which provides a robust, reliable, rack-optimized platform on which both large and small customers can deploy Internet infrastructure applications.
This chapter describes the system’s major hardware and software features, provides information about the indicators and controls on the system's front panel, and dis­cusses connecting external devices.
NOTE: The PowerEdge 350 system is a “headless” system that operates without keyboard, monitor or mouse. While it is possible to connect these peripherals to the system, it is generally not necessary unless troubleshooting the system.
System Features
PowerEdge 350 systems contain the following major features:
An Intel
memory and a minimum operating speed of 600 megahertz (MHz). or
An Intel Pentium operating speed of 750 MHz.
Celeron™microprocessor with 128 kilobytes (KB) of level 2 (L2) cache
III microprocessor with 256 KB of L2 cache memory and an
Two 1-inch integrated drive electronics (IDE) hard-disk drives.
A single, 1.44-megabyte (MB) 3.5-inch diskette drive.
An IDE CD-ROM drive.
A video graphics array (VGA)-compatible video controller card.
Two integrated Intel PRO/100+ network interface controllers (NICs), which pro-
vide two Ethernet interfaces.
A Personal System/2 (PS/2)-style keyboard port and mouse port, two serial ports,
and two Universal Serial Bus (USB) connectors.
Introduction 1-1
The System Setup program, which can be accessed at system boot for quickly
viewing and changing the system configuration information for your system. For
more information about the System Setup program, see Chapter 3, Using the
System Setup Program.
The Dell OpenManagesoftware. For information on this software, see the soft-
ware documentation provided with your system.
Diagnostics for evaluating your system’s components and devices. For informa-
tion on using the system diagnostics, see Running the Dell Diagnosticsin your
Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
Supported Operating Systems
Dell supports the following network operating systems for use on PowerEdge 350 systems:
Microsoft Windows NT
Red Hat Linux 7.
NOTE: Installation service and support for other operating systems are available through DellPlus Troubleshooting Guide.
Windows®2000 Server
Server 4.0
. For more information, see Getting Helpin your Installation and
System Orientation
The front panel of your system contains switches, indicator lights, and diskette and CD-ROM drives. To view the front panel, you must remove the optional front bezel from the system.
Removing the Optional Front Bezel
To remove the optional front bezel, press the tab on each end of the bezel and lift the bezel from the chassis (see Figure 1-1).
1-2 UsersGuide
tabs (2)
Figure 1-1. Removing the Optional Front Bezel
Front-Panel Features
Figure 1-2 shows the main features on the system front panel.
diskette drive
CD-ROM drive
system indicators (5)
serial port 2
Figure 1-2. Front-Panel Features
system switches (3)
Introduction 1-3
System Indicators
While troubleshooting your system, you may need to check the status of the indica­tors on the system’s front panel, shown in Figure 1-3 and Figure 1-4.
hard-disk drive activity indicator system fault indicator
power indicator
Figure 1-3. Front-Panel Indicators
hard-disk drive activity indicator
system fault indicator
power indicator
LAN 1 activity/link indicator
LAN 2 activity/link indicator
LAN 1 activity/link indicator
LAN 2 activity/link indicator
1-4 UsersGuide
Figure 1-4. Front-Panel Indicators (Bezel Removed)
Table 1-1 describes the appearance and function of the front-panel indicators.
Table 1-1. Front-Panel Indicators
Indicator Color Function
Power Green Lights up when the system is connected to
an AC power source; blinks when the sys­tem is in sleep mode
System fault Amber Blinks during system startup, or when a
system fault is detected
Hard-disk drive activity Green Blinks when hard-disk drive activity occurs
LAN 1 activity/link Amber Lights up when the LAN 1 connector is
linked to an Ethernet port; blinks when activity occurs on this channel
LAN 2 activity/link Amber Lights up when the LAN 2 connector is
linked to an Ethernet port; blinks when activity occurs on this channel
System Switches
Figure 1-5 shows the location of the three switches on the system front panel. To acti­vate a switch, press the corresponding icon on the front panel as shown in Figure 1-5.
NOTICE: To prevent accidental system lockup, system reset, or false error messages, do not press areas of the front panel other than the three switch locations shown in Figure 1-5. Reserved test switches are located in other areas of the front panel.
power switch
sleep switch
reset switch
Figure 1-5. Front-Panel Switches
Introduction 1-5
Table 1-2 describes the function of the three front-panel switches.
Table 1-2. Front-Panel Switches
Switch Function
Power switch Turns power to the system board on or off.
NOTE: To turn system power off, press and hold this switch for at least 4 seconds.
Sleep switch Places the system in sleep mode.
Reset switch Reboots the system. If the system locks up
and you cannot shut down the system using the operating system,press the reset switch.
Connecting External Devices
You can connect various external devices, such as a mouse or network connection, to the input/output (I/O) ports and connectors on the system’s back panel. Figure 1-6 shows the back-panel connections on your system.
AC power receptacle
1-6 UsersGuide
keyboard and mouse connectors (2)
USB connectors 0 (top) and 1
LAN connectors 2 (top) and 1
serial port 1
video connector
Figure 1-6. Back-Panel Connections
The system basic input/output system (BIOS) detects the presence of external devices when you boot or rebootyour system. When you connect external devices to your system, follow these guidelines:
Check the documentation that accompanied the device for specific installation
and configuration instructions.
Always attach external devices while your system is turned off. Turn on any exter-
nal devices before turning on the system unless the documentation for the device specifies otherwise. (If the system does not seem to recognize the device, try turning on the system before turning on the device.)
Power Protection Devices
A number of devices are available that protect your system against power problems such as power surges, transients, and power failures. The following subsections describe some of these devices.
Surge Protectors
Surge protectors are available in a variety of types and usually provide a level of pro­tection commensurate with the cost of the device. Surge protectors prevent voltage spikes, such as those caused during an electrical storm, from entering a system through the electrical outlet. Surge protectors, however, do not offer protection against brownouts, which occur when the voltage drops more than 20 percent below the normal AC line voltage level.
Line Conditioners
Line conditioners go beyond the overvoltage protection of surge protectors. Line con­ditioners keep a system's AC power source voltage at a fairly constant level and, therefore, can handle brownouts. Because of this added protection, line conditioners cost more than surge protectorsup to several hundred dollars. However, these devices cannot protect against a complete loss of power.
Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems offer the most complete protection againstvariations in powerbecause they usebattery power tokeep thesystem running when AC power is lost. The battery is charged by the AC power while it is available, so once AC power islost, thebattery canprovide powerto thesystemfor a limited amount of timefrom 15 minutes to an hour or sodepending on the UPS system.
UPS systems range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, with the more expensive units allowing you to run larger systems for a longer period of time when AC power is lost. UPS systems that provide only 5 minutes of battery power let you conduct an orderly shutdown of the system, but are not intended to provide continued operation. Surge protectors should be used with all UPS systems, and the UPS system should be Underwriters Laboratories (UL) safety-approved.
Introduction 1-7
Getting Help
If at any time you do not understand a procedure described in this guide, or if your system does not perform as expected, Dell provides a number of tools to help you. Formoreinformationonthesehelptools,seeGetting Helpin your
Troubleshooting Guide.
Installation and
Safety, Regulatory, and Warranty Information
For safety, regulatory, and warranty information for your system, see the
document included with your system.
1-8 UsersGuide
Using the Dell OpenManage Server Assistant CD
Dell OpenManage Server Assistant
other items that can help you configure your system to best meet your needs. This chapter describes how to use the
Starting the Dell OpenManage Server Assistant CD
The Dell OpenManage Server Assistant application program has two modes of opera­tion: a
setup mode
and viewing information, and a mation. Documentation is available on the
In both setup mode and service mode, the Dell OpenManage Server Assistant main screen gives youthe option to choose one ofthe supported languages as thelanguage for the screen text. You can choose a language at any time from the main screen.
for setting up and configuring your system, creating diskettes,
service mode
CD contains utilities, diagnostics, drivers, and
Dell OpenManage Server Assistant
for creating diskettes and viewing infor-
Dell Online Documentation
Setup Mode
To set up your system, as well as to access the utilities, drivers, and other items avail­able on the
Server Assistant
Dell OpenManage Server Assistant main page appears.
If the CD does not boot, verify that the Boot Sequence is set to CD-ROM device in the System Setup program.
Dell OpenManage Server Assistant
CD into your CD-ROM drive, and turn on or reboot the system. The
CD, insert the
Dell OpenManage
Service Mode
You can create system diskettes and view information on any system that has Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 (or later). When you insert the CD in a system that uses the Microsoft Windows NT or Windows 2000 Server operating system, the sys­tem automatically starts the browser software and displays the Dell OpenManage Server Assistant main page.
Using the Dell OpenManage Server Assistant CD 2-1
Navigating the CD
Dell OpenManage Server Assistant
Navigating the CD is accomplished by clicking the mouse on the various icons and text hyperlinks.
Click the Back icon to return to the previous screen. Click the Exit icon to exit the program. Exiting the program causes the system to reboot to the standard operating system boot partition.
CD utilizes a standard Web browser interface.
Setting Up Your System
If you purchase a system that does not have an operating system preinstalled by Dell, or if you reinstall an operating system at a later date, you should use the Server Setup option to configure your system or install your operating system.
Server Setup Mode
Dell recommends using the Server Setup program for most situations including install­ing and reinstalling an operating system. The guidesyou throughtheoperating system setupand configurationprocess. The program prompts you to select the operating system used on the drive and leads you through a step-by-step process to install the operating system.
To start the Server Setup program, perform the following steps:
1. C l i ck t h e SETUP icon at the top of the screen.
Dell OpenManage Server Assistant
2-2 User’s Guide
2. Click Server Setup.
After you start the Server Setup program, follow the directions on the screen to com­plete the installation and configuration process. The Server Setup program takes you through the following tasks:
Configuring your redundant array of independent disks (RAID) controller (if
Entering operating system and hard-disk drive information
Entering operating system configuration
Installing an operating system
Running System Diagnostics
To run the system diagnostics you must create diagnostics diskettes from the
Dell OpenManage Server Assistant
nostic Diskettes.
The system hardware diagnostics are described in Running the Dell Diagnosticsin your
Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
CD. See the following subsection, Creating Diag-
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