Dell Latitude Cpi User Manual [en, de, fr, es]

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February 1998 P/N 07815 Rev. A06
Dell® Latitude® CP

Before You Turn On Your Computer

efore turning on your Dell Latitude CP portable computer for the first time, use the instructions in this document to install or load the appropriate drivers for use with the Dell Latitude C/Dock Expansion Station or C/Port Advanced Port Replicator (APR).
If your computer uses the Microsoft ating system, see the next section for instructions.
If your computer uses the Microsoft Windows NT ating system, see the section titled “Windows NT” found
later in this document.
NOTE: If you are not planning to use a C/Dock Expan­sion Station or C/Port APR, you do not have to f ollow the instructions in this document . For details on completing the setup of the operating sys tem for use with your Dell computer, see the Setup Guide that came with the computer.
indows 95
If your computer uses Windows 95, the computer is already configured to work with the Dell Latitude C/Dock Expansion Station or C/Port APR . Use the fol­lowing procedure the first time you turn on the computer.
Windows® 95 oper-
2. Turn on the computer undocked, and complete the operating system setup.
For setup instructions, see the Dell-Installed Microsoft Windows 95 Setup Guide that came with
the computer .
3. If you want to use a C/Dock Expansion Station or C/Port APR, shut down the computer, dock it, and turn it on again.
Follow the instructions on the display to load th e appropriate drivers.
4. Install the appropriate drivers to use a Peripher­als Component Interconnect (PCI) video or network expansion card in the C/Dock Expansion Station.
For instructions on installing the drivers, see the doc­ument titled “Before You Dock” that came with the C/Dock Expansion Statio n.
indows NT
Complete the following procedure before you turn on your Latitude CP computer for the first time to begin the Windows NT set up .
CAUTION: Do not dock the computer before turn­ing it on for the first time.
1. Remove any PC Card installed in the PC Card slot of the computer.
PC Cards that are left in the computer during the Windows 95 setup may cause installation difficul­ties. You may insert PC Cards after the operating system setup is compl eted and y ou have re started the computer .
CAUTION: Do not dock the computer before turn­ing it on for the first time.
1. Remove any PC Card installed in the PC Card slot of the computer.
PC Cards that are left in the computer during the Windows NT setup may cause installation difficul­ties. You may insert PC Cards after the operating system setup is compl eted and y ou have re started the computer .
Dell Latitude CP Before You Turn On Your Comput er 1-1
2. Turn on the computer undocked, and complete the operating system setup.
For detailed information, see the Dell-Installed Microso f t Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Se t up Guide .
3. If you plan to connect a C/Port APR to a network, go to step 6. If you plan to use a C/Dock Expan­sion Station for any purpose, continue with step 4.
4. With the computer still undocked, install the driver for the IDE controller (CMD 646U Ultra DMA controller) that supports a CD-ROM drive in the C/Dock media bay.
NOTE: You must install the IDE controller driver if you want to use the C/Dock Expansio n Station with a network.
For instructions, see the next subsecton, “IDE Con­troller Driver.”
5. With the computer still undocked, install the driver for the SCSI controller (Adaptec AIC-7860 PCI SCSI controller).
For instructions, see “SCSI Controller Driver” found later in this document.
6. Shut down the computer, dock it, and turn it on again.
Follow the instructions on the dis play to load the appropriate drivers.
7. If you plan to connect the C/D ock E xpansion Sta­tion or C/Port APR to a network, install the network driver.
For instructions, see “Network Controller Driver” found later in this document.
8. Create a hardware profile for use with the C/Dock Expansion Station or C /Port APR.
For instructions, see “Setting Up a Hardware Pro­file” in the Windows NT documentation that accompanied the computer.

IDE Controller Driver

If your computer uses Windows NT, use the following procedure to install the driver for the IDE controller on the C/Dock Expansion Station. The IDE controller sup­ports a CD-ROM drive in the C/Dock media bay.
The diskettes you need in this procedure came with the C/Dock Expansion Statio n.
NOTES: Y ou must install the IDE controller driver if you want to use the C/Dock Expansion Station with a network.
You must have administrator privileges to perform the following procedure.
1. Undock the computer.
2. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
3. Double-click the SCSI Adapters icon.
4. Click the Drivers tab and click Add.
5. In the Install Driver window, click the Have Disk button.
6. Insert the Dell Latitude C/Dock Expansion Station Windows NT 4.0 IDE Driver diskette into the com­puter’s diskette drive.
7. In the Copy the manufacturer ’s files from box, type a:\ and click OK.
8. Highlight CMD CSA-646U Ultra DMA IDE Adapter and click OK.
9. Type a:\ and click Continue.
10. When prompted to restart the computer, remove the diskette and click Yes.
After the driver is installed, you may configure it for maximum performance as follows:
1. Click the Start button and click Run.
2. Type cmdcfgnt.exe and click OK.
3. Click the General tab.
4. Select the PCI bus speed that matches that of the computer.
T o deter mine th e PCI bu s speed of the computer, see the section titled “Chip Set and Bus” in Appendix A of the Reference and Troubleshooting Guide that accompanied the Latitude CP computer. If a documentation update came with the computer, check whether a new PCI bus speed has been added.
5. To enable the DMA features of the controller, click the Enable DMA box so that a check mark appears in the box.
1-2 Dell Latitude CP Before You Turn On Your Computer
6. Use the Boot Controller tab to tune each drive in a specific DMA channel.

SCSI Controller Driver

If your computer uses Windows NT, use the following procedure to install the driver for the SCSI controller on the C/Dock Expansion Station.
The diskettes you need in this procedure came with the C/Dock Expansion Station.
NOTE: You must have administrator privileges to per­form the following procedure.
1. Undock the computer.
2. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
3. Double-click the SCSI Adapters icon .
4. Click the Drivers tab and click Add.
5. In the Install Driver window, click the Have Disk button.
6. Insert the Dell Latitude C/Dock Expansion Station Windows NT 4.0 SCSI Driver diskette into the computer’s diskette drive.
7. In the Copy the manufacturer’s files from box, type a:\ and click OK.
8. At the Install Driver window, click OK.
9. In the Windows NT Setup window, type a:\ and click Continue.
10. When prompted to restart the computer, remove the diskette and click Yes.

Network Controller Driver

If your computer uses Windows NT, use the following procedure to install the network driver if you want to connect a C/Dock Expansion Station or C/Port APR to a network.
NOTE: You must have administrator privileges to per­form the following procedure. If necessary, see your network administrator before beginning this procedure.
1. Shut down and dock the computer; then press the power button and log on.
If a PCI video card is installed in the C/Dock Expan­sion Station, select Windows NT Workstation Version 4.00 (VGA mode).
If there is no PCI video card installed, select Win­dows NT Workstation Version 4.00.
2. If a PCI video card is installed in the C/D ock Expansion Station, conti nue with step 3. If there is no PCI video card installed, or if you are using a C/Port APR, go to step 9.
3. At the Invalid Display Setting s window, click OK.
4. At the Display Properties window, click Load Drivers Now.
5. Click Display Type.
6. Click Change.
7. Click Have Disk.
8. Install the PCI video card driver.
For instructions, see “Installing a Windows NT Driver for a PCI Video Card” in the document titled “Before You Dock” that came with the C/Dock Expansion Station.
9. Highlight the Network Neighborhood icon on the desktop and right click.
10. From the menu, select Properties.
11. In the Network window, click the Adapters tab.
12. Click Add.
13. Click Have Di sk.
14. Type c:\drvlib\netcard\x86\3c90x and click OK.
15. In the Select OEM Option window, highlight 3Com Fast EtherLink XL Adapter (3C905) and click OK.
16. After the driver is installed, click Continue.
17. In the 3Com NIC Diagnostics window, select the Properties tab.
18. In the Individual Settings box, click Media Type and set the option to Autoselect.
19. In the 3NICDiag window, click OK.
20. In the 3Com NIC Diagnostics window, click OK.
21. When prompted, click No to change configura­tion settings and restart your computer.
22. In the Network window, click the Identification tab.
23. Click Change.
Dell Latitude CP Before You Turn On Your Comput er 1-3
24. Enter the computer name and workgroup name appropriate for your network.
If the computer name and workgroup name are not correct, the computer cannot recognize other computers on the network. If necessary, see your net­work administrator for the proper identifications.
25. Click OK to close the Identification window.
26. Click Close to close the Network window.
27. When prompted, click Yes to restart the computer.
1-4 Dell Latitude CP Before You Turn On Your Computer
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