800 x 600 (SVGA) 16 M (24-bit) 60, 75, 85 Hz 60-Hz NTSC, 50-Hz PAL
800 x 600 (SVGA) 4.2 B (32-bit) 60, 75, 85 Hz 60-Hz NTSC, 50-Hz PAL
1024 x 768 (extended graphics array [XGA]) 256 (8-bit) 60, 70, 75, 85 Hz 60-Hz NTSC, 50-Hz PAL
1024 x 768 (XGA) 65 k (16-bit) 60, 70, 75, 85 Hz 60-Hz NTSC, 50-Hz PAL
1024 x 768 (XGA) 16 M (24-bit) 60, 70, 75, 85 Hz 60-Hz NTSC, 50-Hz PAL
1024 x 768 (XGA) 4.2 B (32-bit) 60, 70, 75, 85 Hz 60-Hz NTSC, 50-Hz PAL
1280 x 1024 (super XGA [SXGA])* 256 (8-bit) 60, 70, 75, 85 Hz 60-Hz NTSC, 50-Hz PAL
1280 x 1024 (SXGA)* 65 k (16-bit) 60, 70, 75, 85 Hz 60-Hz NTSC, 50-Hz PAL
1280 x 1024 (SXGA)* 16 M (24-bit) 60, 70, 75, 85 Hz 60-Hz NTSC, 50-Hz PAL
1280 x 1024 (SXGA)* 4.2 B (32-bit) 60, 70, 75, 85 Hz 60-Hz NTSC, 50-Hz PAL
1400 x 1050 (SXGA Plus)* 256 (8-bit) 60 Hz 60-Hz NTSC, 50-Hz PAL
1400 x 1050 (SXGA Plus)* 65 k (16-bit) 60 Hz 60-Hz NTSC, 50-Hz PAL
1400 x 1050 (SXGA Plus)* 16 M (24-bit) 60 Hz 60-Hz NTSC, 50-Hz PAL
1400 x 1050 (SXGA Plus)* 4.2 B (32-bit) 60 Hz 60-Hz NTSC, 50-Hz PAL
1600 x 1200 (UGA)* 256 (8-bit) 60 Hz 60-Hz NTSC, 50-Hz PAL
1600 x 1200 (UGA)* 65 k (16-bit) 60 Hz 60-Hz NTSC, 50-Hz PAL
1600 x 1200 (UGA)* 16 M (24-bit) 60 Hz 60-Hz NTSC, 50-Hz PAL
1600 x 1200 (UGA)* 4.2 B (32-bit) 60 Hz 60-Hz NTSC, 50-Hz PAL
*Pan mode may be turned on for the 1280 x 1024 (SXGA), 1400 x 1050 (SXGA Plus), and 1600 x 1200 (ultra graphics array [UGA])
computer displays. In pan mode, the screen resolution is too high to be completely displayed on the computer display. For example, the
taskbar that usually appears at the bottom of the desktop may no longer be visible. To view the rest of the screen, use the touch pad or
track stick to pan up and down and left and right.
To display more colors, select a lower resolution. If you select a resolution and color combination that the system does not support, the
system automatically selects the next supported combination.
NOTE: Color depth is based on 256 colors for 8-bit, 65,536 colors for 16-bit, 16,842,752 colors for 24-bit, and
4,294,967,296 colors for 32-bit displays.
To find the maximum color depth for various combinations of resolutions without DVD or 3D software, select the primary resolution in the
first column in Table 2 and move across the row to the right under the corresponding second resolution.
Table 2. Display Resolution and Color Depth Without DVD and 3D Software Running (in Bits)
640 x 480 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024
640 x 480 (8 bit) 32 32 32 32
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