A DX Storage cluster routinely replicates content objects to other nodes in the same cluster in order
to improve fault tolerance and performance. For disaster recovery and other reasons, it may also be
desirable to automatically replicate content objects to another, remote cluster. The remote cluster
may typically have the following properties:
• A different multicast domain than the local cluster
• Connectivity to the local cluster via Transport Control Protocol (TCP)
• One or more firewalls separating it from the local cluster
• Unpredictable network latency that may prevent communication for long periods of time
The normal replication techniques used within a DX Storage cluster are not appropriate for remote
replication between clusters of this sort. DX Content Router (CR) supplies a more appropriate
mechanism for remote replication. It also supplies enumeration of DX Storage content for other
purposes like search indexing or virus scanning.
1.2. About this Document
1.2.1. Audience
This document is intended for people in the following roles.
1. Storage system administrators
2. Network administrators
3. Technical architects
4. Application integrators writing with the Enumeration API
Throughout this document, the storage system administrator and network administrator roles will be
referred to as the administrator. The administrators are normally responsible for allocating storage,
managing capacity, monitoring storage system health, replacing malfunctioning hardware, and
adding additional capacity when needed.
This document will be valuable to technical architects in designing scalable, highly redundant, cost
effective application storage solutions.
1.2.2. Scope
This document covers the steps needed to deploy DX Content Router and the administrative actions
necessary to monitor and run one or more DX Content Router nodes. The reader is expected to
have a background in TCP/IP networking, basic knowledge of server-class hardware, and optional
experience with regular expression languages.
A replication topology is a defined arrangement between independent DX Storage clusters,
connected to one another via DX Content Router nodes. DX Content Router supports several
alternative replication topologies.
2.1. Disaster Recovery
DX Content Router allows an administrator to replicate some or all the streams stored in a primary
cluster to a disaster recovery site. In case of a complete failure or loss of the primary cluster, all
replicated streams can be recovered from the DR site. Hence, it is important that the administrator
carefully plan the type of content that should be replicated to the DR site.
2.2. Mirrored Clusters
DX Content Router allows mirroring between two or more primary clusters. All designated streams
stored in Cluster A will be replicated to Cluster B, and vice versa. The administrator of each cluster
can decide, based on stream metadata, which streams should be replicated to the other cluster. It is
possible that the two replication sets may identical, completely disjoint or have some overlap.
2.3. Multi-Site Disaster Recovery
Using a combination of one-way DR replication and mirrored clusters, more complex disaster
recovery topologies can be deployed. Such deployments rely upon a unique metadata identifier for
the origin of each object to ensure the correct subset of content is recovered from a pooled (manyto-one) DR cluster in the event of a disaster. See Appendix I for an overview of the various means
by which metadata can be associated with streams in DX Storage. Some or all the DR sites may be
shared with other independent primary clusters. In case of loss of the primary cluster, all replicated
streams can be recovered from one or more DR clusters. This requires modification of the rules set
in the DR cluster and you should seek the assistance of your designated support resource.
Below is a figure showing multiple primary clusters rolling up to one DR cluster. In order to
distinguish the streams in Primary Cluster 1 from those in Primary Cluster 2, metadata needs to be
stored with each stream identifying, at a minimum, the cluster of origin.
2.4. Content Distribution
An alternative use for DX Content Router replication infrastructure is to roll up or distribute content
within an organization or between cooperating organizations. With a little forethought and planning
when storing descriptive metadata with each stream, a very sophisticated data distribution and
storage infrastructure can be created. Because you have the ability to create your own rules, a
dynamic pool of data can be created and moved around with relative ease.
In the example below we use a combination of mirrored and one-way replication to create a
network of clusters with distinctly different data sets. The only two identical clusters are the Central
Repository in Singapore and the DR Cluster in Utah. This same model could be used for roll up of
major functional areas, such as Financial, Legal, Engineering, HR, etc.
A DX Content Router lives within a DX Storage cluster but is always visible to other clusters, and
perhaps to the external network at large. Consequently, it is assumed that all communication
between DX Content Router services occurs over a secure TCP connection.
The following diagram illustrates, at a high level, the flow of messages that takes place between
two DX Storage clusters, one acting as the Primary Cluster and the other as a Disaster Recovery
Cluster. Dotted lines represent local cluster communication. Solid lines represent TCP traffic over
the HTTP protocol between DX Content Router services and also between storage nodes within the
two independent clusters.
Alternatively, if network configuration prevents direct communication between the storage nodes
(such as when DX Content Router installed on a CSN), communications can be configured to route
through an SCSP Proxy:
DX Content Router consists of a server machine running Linux and executes one or both of two
1. Publisher - processes all streams stored in a cluster, filters them based on stream metadata, and
publishes UUIDs to remote Subscribers.
2. Subscriber - retrieves UUID publications from remote Publishers. A Replicator, the most
common subscriber, retrieves remote UUIDs and sends replication requests to local nodes
and must be installed on a server in the same subnet as its target storage cluster. A 3rd party
application, which may or may not be installed on a node with other DX Content Router services,
can also function as a subscriber by integrating with the Enumerator API defined in the Appendix.
DX Content Router service configuration parameters are used to enable one or both services,
depending on the intended network topology. For the simple example in the previous section, where
a primary cluster replicates in one direction to a single DR cluster and all nodes in both clusters are
mutually visible, the DX Content Router in the primary cluster would likely be configured to run only
the Publisher service and the DX Content Router in the DR cluster would run just the Subscriber. A
slightly more complex example would be a pair of mirrored clusters where all nodes in both clusters
still have mutual visibility. DX Content Router servers for this topology would look like the diagram
below. For clarity, the assumed direct connections between storage nodes in the two clusters as
shown and discussed in the previous example have been omitted.
Similar to the previous proxy-enabled example, if the storage nodes are not able to communicate
directly in the configured network topology, the Publisher can be configured to send responses via
an SCSP Proxy in a mirrored configuration as well:
The two optional DX Content Router services are designed and deployed as independent processes
running on a server. We discuss each of these services in more detail in the following sections.
3.1.2. Publisher Service
The Publisher service collects a comprehensive list of all the UUIDs stored in the cluster (as well as
those that have been deleted), filters those UUIDs, and publishes the resulting lists of UUIDs to one
or more remote Subscribers. The Publisher consists of several subcomponents:
1. Simple HTTP server
2. Attached data store
3. Filter Rules Engine Filtering UUIDs for Publication
The Publisher traverses the list of UUIDs and evaluates one or more existence validations or simple
filter expressions against the values of certain headers in the metadata. A set of matching rules can
be configured by the administrator that will determine the topology of the intercluster network. These
rules are specified using an XML syntax, the full definition of which can be found below.
By way of an example, suppose we want to configure our local cluster to remotely replicate all
high and medium priority streams to a primary disaster recovery site, while all other streams get
replicated to a secondary DR site. The General XML rule structure to do this might look like this:
The example above is a good starting point, but it, alone, will not perform the filtering required for
this example. In order to select the PrimaryDR cluster as the destination of some of the locally
stored streams, we want to find all streams whose content metadata contains a header called
"DX Storage-priority" whose value starts with either a "1", a "2" or one of the words "high" or
"medium". Note that the header name is not case sensitive but the actual header value with a match
expression is case sensitive. Here is a select rule that uses a filter with a matches() expression that
would accomplish this:
A select clause specifies a pattern for a single set of data to be retrieved by the Subscriber process
by name. The select can contain zero or more filter clauses. If there are multiple filter clauses,
then all of them must match a stream’s metadata before the stream is published. As in HTTP, the
order of headers within the metadata is not significant. If there are multiple headers in the stream
metadata with the given header-name, then any of them can match the given pattern in order for the
select to execute. If there are no filter clauses, then the select matches any and every stream, as in
the following:
<select name="SecondaryDR">
The root tag for a set of DX Content Router rules is called rule-set, which can contain one or more
publish tags as shown above. The example rule set below will replicate all high and medium priority
streams to the PrimaryDR cluster and all others to the SecondaryDR cluster. It will also also send
all streams whose Content-Disposition header does not contain a file name ending with ".tmp" to the
Backup cluster.
Notice that a rule-set can contain multiple publish clauses, and each publish clause can contain
multiple select clauses. The Filter Rules Engine evaluates all content elements for each publish
clause. In the example above, where there are two publish clauses, all content streams can be
queued for remote replication once for each publish. In addition, when there are two select clauses
in a given publish clause, the content metadata is evaluated against each select clause’s filter
set. The select clauses are evaluated in order from top to bottom. When the rules engine finds
a select whose filter clauses all evaluate to true, the content stream is placed in the appropriate
queue, (i.e. PrimaryDR or SecondaryDR), and awaits remote replication. Once the evaluation of that
publish clause is complete, the rules engine begins evaluation of the next publish clause. When all
publish clauses have been evaluated for a given content stream, then the Filter Rules Engine begins
evaluation for the next content stream. Rules
The full syntax for the filter rules of a Publisher is presented in simplified RELAX-NG Compact
start = RuleSet
RuleSet = element rule-set {
Publish = element publish {
Select = element select {
attribute name { text }
Filter = element filter {
# filter expression, using olderThan(), matches() etc.
Exists = element exists {
NotExists = element not-exists {
HeaderAttr = attribute header { text }
Exists and NotExists are tests to check if the header is present or not. An empty header will match
an exists query.
Filter expressions are built using a small set of functions. The set of functions available to a filter
• matches(regexstr) or contains(regexstr) - matches any part of the header value to a given regular