CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.
User Accessible
for external
Remedial Action (Action
necessary to prevent loss of
Non Volatile memory. 1M bit. Stores
DP Hub FW.
Non Volatile memory. 8M bit. Stores
Non Volatile memory. 8KB One-
Time-Programmable (OTP) ROM.
Stores USB Configuration FW.
Non Volatile memory. 4K-bit One-
Time-Programmable (OTP) ROM.
Stores LAN Configuration FW.
Non Volatile memory. 64KB
Program Memory. Stores EC
Configuration FW.
CAUTION: All other components on the system board lose data if power is removed from the system. Primary power loss (unplugging
the power cord) destroys all user data.
Statement of Volatility – Dell Dock WD15
The Dell Dock WD15 contains both volatile and non-volatile (NV) components. Volatile components lose
their data immediately after power is removed from the component. Non-volatile (NV) components
continue to retain their data even after power is removed from the component. The following NV
components are present on the Dell Dock WD15 system board.
Table 1. List of Non-Volatile Components on System Board
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January 2017