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This document is written for network administrators to provide a complete set of Brocade 5000
switch installation procedures and an overview of the switch hardware. This document is specific to
the Brocade 5000 switch running Fabric OS v5.2.1.
“About This Document” contains the following sections:
•“How This Document Is Organized,” next
•“Supported Hardware and Software”on page vi
•“What’s New in This Document” on page vi
•“Document Conventions”on page vi
•“Additional Information” on page vii
•“Getting Technical Help” on page ix
•“Document Feedback”on page x
How This Document Is Organized
This document is organized to help you find the particular information that you want as quickly and
easily as possible. The document begins with an introduction to the Brocade 5000 switch and
gradually proceeds through installation and operation procedures.
The document contains the following components:
•Chapter 1, “Introducing the Brocade 5000” provides a brief overview of the switch itself.
•Chapter 2, “Installing and Configuring the Brocade 5000” describes the installation
procedures for the switch.
•Chapter 3, “Operating the Brocade 5000” provides an overview of switch operation.
•Appendix 4, “Product Specifications” provides all of the technical specifications for the switch.
•The index points you to the exact pages on which specific information is located.
Although many different software and hardware configurations are tested and supported by
Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. for the Brocade 5000, documenting all possible
configurations and scenarios is beyond the scope of this document.
What’s New in This Document
Minor corrections were made in several chapters.
Document Conventions
This section describes text formatting conventions and important notices formats.
The following table describes the narrative-text formatting conventions that are used in this
Table 0-1
bold text
•Identifies command names
•Identifies GUI elements
•Identifies keywords/operands
•Identifies text to enter at the GUI or CLI
italic text
•Provides emphasis
•Identifies variables
•Identifies paths and internet addresses
•Identifies document titles and cross references
code text•Identifies CLI output
•Identifies syntax examples
viBrocade 5000 Hardware Reference Manual
Publication Number: 53-1000424-03
The following notices appear in this document.
A note provides a tip, emphasizes important information, or provides a reference to related information.
An attention alerts you to potential damage to firmware, hardware, and software.
A caution alerts you to potential injury to personnel.
A danger alerts you to potential danger to personnel.
For definitions of SAN-specific terms, visit the Storage Networking Industry Association online
dictionary at
Additional Information
This section lists additional Brocade and industry-specific documentation that you might find
The following related documentation is provided on the Brocade Documentation CD-ROM and on
the Brocade Web site, through Brocade Connect.
Go to and click Brocade Connect to register at no cost for a user ID and
For practical discussions about SAN design, implementation, and maintenance, you can obtain
Building SANs with Brocade Fabric Switches through:
For additional Brocade documentation, visit the Brocade SAN Info Center and click the Resource
Library location:
Release notes are available on the Brocade Connect Web site and are also bundled with the Fabric
For additional resource information, visit the Technical Committee T11 Web site. This Web site
provides interface standards for high-performance and mass storage applications for Fibre
Channel, storage management, as well as other applications:
For information about the Fibre Channel industry, visit the Fibre Channel Industry Association Web
viiiBrocade 5000 Hardware Reference Manual
Publication Number: 53-1000424-03
Getting Technical Help
Contact your switch support supplier for hardware, firmware, and software support, including
product repairs and part ordering. To expedite your call, have the following information available:
1. General Information
-Technical Support contract number, if applicable
-Switch model
-Switch operating system version
-Error numbers and messages received
-supportSave command output
-Detailed description of the problem and specific questions
-Description of any troubleshooting steps already performed and results
2. Switch Serial Number
The switch serial number and corresponding bar code are provided on the serial number label,
as shown here:
The serial number label is located as follows:
-SilkWorm 2000-series switches: Bottom of chassis.
-SilkWorm 3200, 3250, 3800, and 3850 switches: Back of chassis.
-SilkWorm 3900 switch: Bottom of chassis.
-SilkWorm 4100 and Brocade 5000 switches: On the switch ID pull-out tab located on the
bottom of the port side of the switch.
-SilkWorm 12000 and 24000 directors: Inside the front of the chassis, on the wall to the
left of the ports.
-SilkWorm Fabric AP7420: On the bottom of the chassis and on the back of the chassis.
3. World Wide Name (WWN)
-SilkWorm 3250, 3850, 3900, 4100, Brocade 5000 switches, and SilkWorm 12000 and
24000 directors: Provide the license ID. Use the licenseIdShow command to display the
license ID.
-SilkWorm Fabric AP7420: Provide the switch WWN. Use the switchShow command to
display the switch WWN.
-All other SilkWorm switches: Provide the switch WWN. Use the wwn command to display
Because quality is our first concern at Brocade, we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy
and completeness of this document. However, if you find an error or an omission, or you think that
a topic needs further development, we want to hear from you. Forward your feedback to Provide the title and version number and as much detail as
possible about your issue, including the topic heading and page number and your suggestions for
xBrocade 5000 Hardware Reference Manual
Publication Number: 53-1000424-03
Introducing the Brocade 5000
This chapter provides the following information:
-“Overview of Brocade 5000,” next
-“Managing the Brocade 5000” on page 3
-“Supported Features” on page 4
Overview of Brocade 5000
The Brocade 5000 switch is a 1U Fibre Channel switch with 32 fixed Fibre Channel SFP ports that
supports link speeds up to 1, 2, or 4 Gbit/sec. It includes the Brocade Fabric Operating System and
is compatible with the entire Brocade SilkWorm product family. The Brocade 5000 can operate in a
fabric containing multiple switches or independently.
The switch’s enclosure has forced-air cooling, with the fans pushing the air from the rear part
intake through the enclosure, and exhausting across the SFP devices through venting holes in the
front panel (port side). The SFP media and integrated power supply/fan assembly FRUs are
hot-swappable so they can be removed and replaced without interrupting the system power.
On the port side of the unit there are two port connections:
-Ethernet Port: The Brocade 5000 provides a fully IEEE-compliant 10/100BaseT Ethernet
port for switch management console interface. When a device is connected to the port,
both ends negotiate to determine the optimal speed. The Brocade 5000 adopts a 1x2
RJ45 connector to provide Ethernet and serial ports to the outside. The Ethernet
connection uses one of two RJ-45 ports. There are two integrated visible LEDS for Ethernet
port (see Figure 1 on page 2). One indicates transmit/receive activity and one indicates
speed (10 Mbps or 100 Mbps). The TCP/IP address for the port can be configured from
the serial port or directly from the Ethernet port itself.
-Serial Port: An RS-232 DTE terminal port is provided on the Brocade 5000. The serial
console uses the other RJ45 port in the 1x2 RJ45 connector. The serial port parameters
are fixed at 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity and no hardware flow control (except during
boot up for the console port). This connector is for initial IP address configuration and for
recovery of the switch to its factor y default settings should Flash memory contents be lost.
The serial port connection is not intended for performance of normal
administration/maintenance functions. Customer or field personnel accessible functions
are limited to connecting a terminal to the port to re-initialize the switch defaults, which
will restore the switch to its factory configuration. This will be required to restore the switch
passwords to a known state and to allow users to set a specific switch IP address.
The Fibre Optic cables, Ethernet cables and Serial port cables connect in to the port side of the
switch. AC power input cables and the power supply/fan assembly FRUs are inserted and removed
from the port side of the switch.
The Brocade 5000 can be mounted in a 1U 19-inch Electronic Industries Association (EIA) rack,
with a height of 1U. Because of the shallow depth, no rail kits are required for a rack mount,
however the switch can be installed using the fixed or slide rack mount kits. The Brocade 5000 can
also be used in a tabletop configuration.
Figure 1 shows the port side of the Brocade 5000.
FIGURE 1Port Side View of the Brocade 5000
1System Console Port
2System Ethernet Port
3Power Supply/Fan Assembly Field Replaceable Unit (2x)
4Power Cord Retainer (2x)
5Switch ID Pull Out Tab
The Fibre Channel ports are numbered from left to right, in eight-port groups, and are also
numbered on the faceplate (see Figure 2).
FIGURE 2Port Numbering in the Brocade 5000
Blade port numbers (physical port numbers) do not correspond directly to user port numbers (which are
displayed in Figure 2).
Brocade ISL Trunking is an optionally licensed software that allows you to create trunking groups of
ISLs between adjacent switches. For more information about Brocade ISL Trunking, refer to the
Brocade Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide.
The port side of the Brocade 5000 also displays the system status LED, power status LED, and port
status LEDs (see Figure 3 on page 16).
2Brocade 5000 Hardware Reference Manual
Publication Number: 53-1000424-03
Power supply/fan assembly units are the only Field Replaceable Units (FRUs) in the Brocade 5000.
There are two power supply/fan assembly units in the Brocade 5000. They are hot-swappable and
redundant, and capable of functioning universally without voltage jumpers or switches. The FRU
units are identical and interchangeable. The front panel of the FRUs has a status LED to indicate
status of the unit.
Managing the Brocade 5000
You can use the management functions built into the Brocade 5000 to monitor the fabric topology,
port status, physical status, and other information to help you analyze switch performance and to
accelerate system debugging.
The Brocade 5000 automatically performs power-on self-test (POST) each time it is turned on. Any
errors are recorded in the error log. For more information about POST, see “POST and Boot
Specifications” on page 29.
For information about upgrading the version of Fabric OS installed on your switch, refer to the
Brocade Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide.
Managing the Brocade 5000
You can manage the Brocade 5000 using any of the management options listed in Table 1.
TABLE 1Management Options for the Brocade 5000
Management ToolOut-of-band
Command line interface (CLI)
Up to two admin sessions and four user sessions
simultaneously. For more information, refer to the
Brocade Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide and the
Brocade Fabric OS Command Reference Manual.
Brocade Advanced Web Tools
For information, refer to the Brocade Advanced Web Tools Administrator’s Guide.
Standard SNMP applications
For information, refer to the Brocade MIB Reference Manual.
Brocade Fabric Manager (option to purchase)
For information, refer to the Brocade Fabric Manager User’s Guide.
Management Server
For information, refer to the Brocade Fabric OS
Administrator’s Guide and the Brocade Fabric OS
Command Reference Manual.
To achieve in-band support for IP over Fibre Channel, the software must be run on both the HBA and
the switch, and it must be supported by both the HBA and HBA driver.
Supported Features
The Brocade 5000 services include:
-Brocade Advanced Web Tools
-Brocade Advanced Zoning
-Registered State Change Notification (RSCN)
-Simple Name Server
The Brocade 5000 supports the following optional Brocade software, which you can activate by
purchasing a corresponding license key:
-Brocade Advanced Performance Monitoring
-Brocade Extended Fabrics
-Brocade Fabric Watch
-Brocade ISL Trunking
-Brocade Ports on Demand (1 and 2)
-Brocade Secure Fabric OS
For information on these features, refer to the Brocade Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide.
The Brocade 5000 has 32 ports. By default, ports 0-15 are enabled. To enable additional ports,
you must install Ports On Demand (POD) licenses.
To enable ports 16 through 23, you must install the POD1 license. To enable ports 24 through 31,
you must install the POD2 license. Although you can install the POD2 license without having the
POD1 license installed, you cannot use ports 16 through 23 until the POD1 license is enabled.
For detailed information on enabling additional ports using the Ports on Demand license, refer to
the Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide.
4Brocade 5000 Hardware Reference Manual
Publication Number: 53-1000424-03
Installing and Configuring the Brocade 5000
This chapter provides the following information:
-“Items Included with the Brocade 5000,” next
-“Installation and Safety Considerations” on page 5
-“Setting Up the Switch Using Mounting Ears” on page 6
-“Setting Up the Brocade 5000 as a Standalone Unit” on page 7
-“Configuring the Brocade 5000” on page 7
-“Recommendations for Cable Management” on page 13
Items Included with the Brocade 5000
The following items are included with the standard shipment of the Brocade 5000:
-The Brocade 5000 switch, containing two power supply/fan assembly units
-One accessory kit, containing the following items: