Other Documents You May Need......................................................................................................................................10
2 Resource URI Endpoints.................................................................................................11
Dates in query strings........................................................................................................................................................14
Get the current timezone............................................................................................................................................16
Set the current timezone............................................................................................................................................ 16
Get all dened Credentials...........................................................................................................................................17
Dene new Credential................................................................................................................................................. 17
Get all Managed Devices.............................................................................................................................................18
Get all ServiceTemplates.............................................................................................................................................19
Get a ServiceTemplate by name..................................................................................................................................19
Publish a ServiceTemplate..........................................................................................................................................20
Get all deployed Services........................................................................................................................................... 20
Deploy a new Service..................................................................................................................................................21
Tear down a Service....................................................................................................................................................21
Check Firmware compliance of all Resources............................................................................................................. 22
Health ............................................................................................................................................................................108
Link .................................................................................................................................................................................115
List ................................................................................................................................................................................. 115
VM .................................................................................................................................................................................120
IOM ................................................................................................................................................................................126
Server ............................................................................................................................................................................ 127
User ............................................................................................................................................................................... 132
10 Appendix C -Ruby Code Usage...................................................................................148
This document is intended for a technical audience. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with REST, and programmatic interaction
with REST APIs. In reality, any programming languages can be used with these APIs, however, the code examples contained in this
guide are written in Ruby. XML is also used extensively for these examples.
ASM is intended to automate the processes involved in provisioning, conguring, and managing bare metal hardware: chassis,
servers, switches, and network storage devices. ASM supports processes such as automated discovery of hardware, automated
installation of operating systems, creation of virtual networks, and rmware management.
Two essential concepts in ASM are, ServiceTemplate and Deployment process. A ServiceTemplate describes a blueprint for
provisioning and conguring a collection of devices as a named unit, also known as a Service. Deployment is the process of utilizing a
ServiceTemplate to physically realize what service the ServiceTemplate describes. While the names Deployment and Service are
synonymous, ASM-UI uses the term Service while the REST API uses the term Deployment.
ASM is distributed as a virtual appliance running a collection of interacting web applications that communicate through the REST
interfaces. An additional web application, ASM-UI, also residing on the appliance, provides full browser-based GUI access to ASM.
This ASM-UI interacts with ASM through the same REST interfaces described in this guide.
It is possible to eectively integrate ASM with any custom UI or access it through programs for better automation experiences.
In this API guide, we have described how to use these APIs with appropriate examples.
A full reference to all of the available REST methods is explained in Appendix A.
NOTE: Most of these REST methods exchange complex data models within the HTTP requests and responses, which
can be represented as either XML or JSON depending on the preference. The structure of these models is contained in
Appendix B for further reference.
Other Documents You May Need
Go to dell.com/asmdocs for additional supporting documents such as:
•Active System Manager Release 8.3 User’s Guide
•Active System Manager Release 8.3 Installation Guide
•Active System Manager Release 8.3 Compatibility Matrix
•Active System Manager Release 8.3 Release Notes
•Active System Manager Release 8.2 SDK Reference Guide
•Active System Manager Integration for VMware vRealize Orchestrator User's Guide
For more information about ASM, including how-to videos, white papers, and blogs, see the Active System Manager page on Dell
Resource URI Endpoints
An example of resource endpoint is:https://Api/V1/ServiceTemplate
From this example, API endpoints are accessible over https (at port 443 ).
All URI paths are prexed with /Api/V1/ where V1 is the current API version.
Following the prex above the remainder of the URI path (endpoint) will have the form /<resource>/<action>?<query>.
Where action and query are optional, and resource is one of the following resources:
Each of these resources is fully detailed in Appendix A, showing the applicable HTTP methods for each, optional actions and query
parameters, and relevant payloads for POST and PUT methods.
Authentication Headers
All API requests require 3 custom HTTP headers for authentication.
In order to compute the authentication headers, rst a REST call must be made to the /Authenticate endpoint. The Full URI
is /Api/V1/Authenticate.
This call must be a POST request supplying either an XML or JSON payload. For illustration, the XML payload will follow the
structure below providing the user name and password:
This call must be a POST request supplying either an XML or JSON payload. For illustration, the XML payload will follow the
structure below providing the user name and password:
Depending on the Accept header, the response will contain either an XML or JSON payload. For illustration we show the XML
The returned apiKey and apiSecret from the XML response above will then be used to generate the security headers. The method is
to concatenate 5 values and then compute a digest using the apiSecret from above. For illustration, a Ruby implementation of the
generated headers is shown. This relies on the base64 and openssl gems to compute the signature and is extracted from the
supplied Ruby ASM module discussed further in Appendix C.
# Concatenate the following values
requestString = "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % [apiKey,httpMethod,uriPath,userAgent,timestamp]
# Compute a digest on concatenated string using apiSecret
hash_str = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha256',apiSecret,requestString)
signature = Base64.strict_encode64(hash_str)
NOTE: Due to the timestamp component, authentication of future requests may fail if the 2 systems communicating with
each other have system clocks that are not well synchronized. So, this is essential before anything else, to synchronize
the system clocks of 2 dierent systems.
Generic Query Parameters
Many GET methods which return a list of objects support generic query parameters for ltering, sorting, and pagination. These
methods are indicated in the API reference section but the detailed syntax is described here.
To include resources where columnName is columnValue OR columnValue2.
– "eq,columnName,"
To include resources where columnName is empty.
– "eq,columnName,,columnValue[,columnValue2…]"
To include resources where columnName is empty OR columnValue.
– "co,columnName,columnValue"
To include resources where columnName contains columnValue:
•sort=[-]<valid sort column>, where valid sort columns are listed for each supporting method in the API reference and a minus
sign preceding the column name indicates descending order
•oset= <integer> default is 0
•limit= <integer> default is 50
Dates in query strings
Some of the columns that are sortable or lterable are dates such as createdDate. When using the lter parameter with date strings,
only the eq operator is valid. The format for these date strings is:
example: 30-07-2015
HTTP Message Bodies
All HTTP Requests and Responses support both XML and JSON content types. The examples used throughout this document show
HTTP body content in XML form. The represented data models accepted and returned by the API calls can be quite complex. The
structure of these data models is detailed in Appendix B in a language independent representation. While it is possible to craft say an
XML request body from this reference documentation, a much more convenient method is to GET an existing object from ASM in
the desired representation ( XML or JSON ) and save it to a le for use as a skeleton for future requests involving that model type.
Since a fresh system will not have any existing Deployments. A Deployment model is shown below for illustration. It is actually only a
skeleton because it is lacking the essential ServiceTemplate content that would make it useful. For more information see the Usage
Example called Deploy a Service.
Message bodies are subject to a wide range of validations. Capturing every validation rule is currently beyond the scope of this
document but a few general rules are worth noting.
•In general validation failures generate exceptions and structured messages to isolate the violation. See the section on Exception
Handling for more details. Most validation exceptions return a 400 HTTP response, but some API methods generate specic
HTTP response codes to indicate particular exceptions. These are listed in the API reference in the Appendix.
•Uniqueness validations. Many models require unique names. Notable models include ServiceTempate, Deployment, Network,
User. This violation returns a 409 HTTP response in these cases.
•Relationship constraints. In the case of deletion, an exception will occur when trying to delete an entity which is being used by
another entity.
•In a ServiceTemplate containing a Server component, if a hostname is supplied in addition to a hostname_template (hostname
generator ), this will not generate a validation exception and the behavior is to use the hostname_template over the supplied
Usage Examples
The following examples use a simple Ruby module called ASM which utilizes the publicly available RestClient gem to perform the
HTTP requests. This module contains utilities to generate the security headers so we can focus on the API calls themselves. See
Appendix C for detailed information on using and conguring the ASM module.
In addition to the API requests, there is sometimes signicant XML processing required to prepare the request bodies or parse the
responses. A utility module ASM::Payload is provided for simple get/set operations on XML document elements and simple load/save
operations on XML les for use as starting templates and intermediate data storage between API calls. This module is not required
but is useful for simplifying the example code that follows.
Get the current timezone
require 'ASMConfig'
# Get timezone settings
url = ASM::API::URI("/Timezone")
response = ASM::API::sign {
RestClient.get url
# Save it for future use as a payload
payload = ASM::Payload.from_xml(response)
Here we utilize a block construct to sign our request. All RestClient invocations inside the sign block will automatically be signed. The
url is specied simply as ‘/Timezone’ because ASM has already been congured with the base path prex /Asm/V1. The response
object as XML is:
<timeZone>(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)</timeZone>
which we saved in the le ‘timezone.xml’ as a payload used in the next example to set the timezone.
Set the current timezone
Here we utilize the simple XML utility class called ASM::Payload to do simple manipulations of our XML.
Credential objects can be created and referenced in ASM. These named credentials are used to gain access to the various Resources
during the Discovery process. Credentials are also typed according to their target resource such as, Server, Storage, VCenter, IOM,
Chassis, and SCVMM.
Get all dened Credentials
Default credentials are dened for several hardware types. These can be listed for the purpose of obtaining their reference id’s
needed for the Discovery process and to utilize as XML skeleton.
# Save it for future use as a payload
payload.save_xml("credential_%s.xml" % credId)
A DiscoveryRequest is a set of credential references and a set of IP ranges. A sweep of the given IP ranges will attempt to determine
if Resources of the given types, specied by the credential types referenced in the request, exist at those IP addresses.
Discover Chassis and contained Blade Servers
Using the predened chassis and server credentials, initiate a discovery request against an IP address that is known to belong to a
# Get the job status
jobStatus = payload.get('DiscoveryRequest/status')
print "<status>%s</status>\n" % jobStatus
rescue RestClient::Exception => e
print "Got exception with status: %d\n" % e.response.code
print "%s\n" % e.response
ManagedDevice is a generic interface to any Resources on the network which is being managed by ASM. A successful discovery
request results in the creation of instances of ManagedDevice.
Get all Managed Devices
Assuming the Discovery process succeeded, ASM will now know about some or all of the devices available on the network.
require 'ASMConfig'
url = ASM::API::URI('/ManagedDevice')
response = ASM::API::sign {
RestClient.get url
doc = Nokogiri::XML(response)
# Print selected info for each device
print "%30s%15s%20s%20s%15s\n" % %w(ServiceTag State IP Model Type)
A ServiceTemplate is a reusable structure that denes the network topology and components of a future service deployment. A
trivial example template could be a single server component setup to run Linux. Deploying this template would result in a single
server being chosen from the available discovered resources and installing Linux on it.
Get all ServiceTemplates
Here we retrieve all ServiceTemplates and output the names of those not in draft mode ( published ). The draft property determines
if a template is in the published state. Only published templates can be deployed.
require 'ASMConfig'
url = ASM::API::URI('/ServiceTemplate')
result = ASM::API::sign {
RestClient.get url
# Do some XML processing to find all published templates
doc = Nokogiri::XML(result)
templates = doc.xpath('//ServiceTemplate')
published = templates.select{|t| t.at_xpath('draft').content == 'false'}
template_names = published.collect{|t| t.at_xpath('templateName').content}
Here we retrieve an existing ServiceTemplate from ASM named 'TwoServers' by passing the 'lter' query parameter. See the detail
for ServiceTemplate in Appendix B for the full list of names that can be sorted and ltered on. Note that even if the template name is
unique this method will always return a container around the result(s). For example, in the case of XML the root element is
The response object is not shown for this example because it is too verbose. However, within the ServiceTemplate XML are
parameters designated with the element <requiredAtDeploy>. If this value is true, then this parameter will be required when this
ServiceTemplate is deployed. Otherwise the parameter is optional. For example, the server host name is required in this extracted
snippet of the ServiceTemplate. Save the result above to a le inspect the full XML for a ServiceTemplate.
In order to use a ServiceTemplate to deploy a Service, the ServiceTemplate must be rstpublished. This is accomplished by setting
the ServiceTemplate element <draft> to false. i.e. it is no longer in the draft state.
response = ASM::API::sign {
RestClient.get url
# Set draft to false
payload = ASM::Payload.from_xml(response)
payload.set('//draft', 'false')
# Send it back as a PUT
response = ASM::API::sign {
RestClient.put url, payload.to_xml, :content_type => :xml
While the ASM UI refers to a Service, the REST API resource is not Service, but rather Deployment. The two terms are synonymous.
Deployments require an instance of a ServiceTemplate with its required parameters supplied.
doc.xpath('//Deployment').each do |deploy|
id = deploy.at_xpath('id').content
name = deploy.at_xpath('deploymentName').content
status = deploy.at_xpath('jobStatus').content
print "%s : %s : %s\n" % [id,name,status]
After getting all Services we print the id, name, and status of each. Services that are still in the act of being deployed will have a
status of IN_PROGRESS. So calling this method with the Deployment Id as a path parameter can also be used to periodically poll a
Deployment to nd out when it has nished.
Deploy a new Service
Here, after having previously gotten an existing ServiceTemplate by name, and saved it to a le, we then set the required parameters
in the ServiceTemplate le, and nally embed the ServiceTemplate into a prefabricated Deployment structure that is read from a le.
As mentioned previously we can monitor the status of this Deployment by performing a GET with the deployment id as a path
# Set Deployment parameters
deployment.set("deploymentName", 'ManualAPIDeploymentDeux')
deployment.set("deploymentDescription", 'Manual API Deployment')
deployment.set("numberOfDeployments", '1')
# Inject the template into the deployment
deployment.replaceInner('serviceTemplate', template.doc.at_xpath('ServiceTemplate'))
In order to completely tear down a Service we set the teardown element to true for all components in the Deployment plus the
Deployment itself, and then we PUT this Deployment back to ASM.
Firmware versions reported by individual resource components are compared against a rmware repository to determine if
component rmware is up-to-date with the latest required versions.
Check Firmware compliance of all Resources
Here we check the rmware compliance state of all resources. Note this is done by the POST method and supplying a
ManagedDevice as the request body. The response is the same ManagedDevice with the addition of a compliance eld.
require 'ASMConfig'
# Get all managed devices
url = ASM::API::URI('/ManagedDevice')
response = ASM::API::sign {
RestClient.get url
doc = Nokogiri::XML(response)
print "Device %s firmware is %s\n" % [serviceTag,compliance]
rescue RestClient::Exception => e
print "Got exception with status: %d\n" % e.response.code
print "%s\n" % e.response
Exception Handling
When an HTTP error code is returned the response payload will contain information about the error that occurred. For the purpose
of illustration the following exception response was intentionally generated by trying to get a ServiceTemplate with an id that doesn't
exist. In this case the HTTP response was 404 and the XML response is below. See the API reference section for the relevant HTTP
responses that may be returned by each REST endpoint.
The example code used to catch this exception and report the error is below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<displayMessage>Unable to find the Template Id: ABC.</displayMessage>
<responseAction>Make sure that a correct Template Id is entered and retry the
operation. Template Ids are case sensitive. Verify the list of devices under the Summary
tab to make sure whether or not the Template already exists.</responseAction>
<detailedMessage>The Template Id cannot be found.</detailedMessage>
<agentId>ASM Manager</agentId>
require 'ASMConfig'
templateId = "ABC" // bogus id
url = ASM::API::URI("/ServiceTemplate/%s"%templateId)
response = ASM::API::sign {
RestClient.get url
rescue RestClient::Exception => e
print "Got exception with status: %d\n" % e.response.code
print "%s\n" % e.response
Appendix A - API Reference
Retrieve all AddOnModule with lter, sort, paginate which returns Array of AddOnModule.class