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Document No. D0006224-001_2
Basic Tasks and the Overview Tab ............................................................................................................ 1
Setting up Storage ................................................................................................................................. 13
ABOUT STORAGE POOLS FOR ION ACCELERATOR ....................................................................... 13
Customer Support .................................................................................................................................. 71
Glossary of Terms ................................................................................................................................... 72
Appendix A: WEEE Advisement Disposal and Acknowledgment ............................................................. 73
Appendix B: Changing Node Names and IP Addresses ........................................................................... 74
Changing a Node Name in a Cluster ...................................................................................... 74
Changing the Management IP Address .................................................................................. 74
Changing the ION Accelerator Cluster Name or Cluster IP Address ........................................ 74
Changing the Gateway IP Address ......................................................................................... 75
Changing the IP Addresses for Cluster Interconnect Ports ...................................................... 75
Changing the iSCSI Port IP Address ........................................................................................ 75
Appendix C: System Alert Rules and Alert Parameters ............................................................................ 76
It is a best practice to save and back up configurations of your ION Accelerator system on a
regular basis. As you set up storage pools, create volumes, manage initiator groups, etc., be
sure to back up your current configuration. For information on backing up and restoring
configurations, see the Configuration commands in the ION Accelerator Appliance CLI Reference. Note: Configuration backups should be taken only when the ION Accelerator
system is in a healthy state.
Below is a list of the basic ION Accelerator tasks and the section of this guide that explains each
GUI Guide Section Tasks
Basic Tasks and the Overview Tab
(this section)
Setting up Storage • Choosing a storage profile to balance performance and
Configuring Volumes • Creating or removing volumes
Managing Initiators • Setting up and managing initiator groups and access
Getting Help, logging out
• Changing the admin password
• Viewing summary and slot information
• Viewing real-time performance metrics
• Updating software
• Performing and saving basic or extended searches for ION
• Creating and removing storage pools for volumes
• Performing basic or enhanced searches (applies to all
configuration screens)
• Expanding volume capacity
• Assigning initiator groups to volumes
• Adding, editing, or removing initiators
Configuring Targets • Viewing target information
• Creating a target alias
Managing ioMemory • Getting information about the ioMemory modules
currently deployed in your ION Accelerator appliance
• Saving searches for ioMemory attributes
Getting ION Accelerator Host
HA and Configuring Clusters • Understanding HA concepts and configurations
Monitoring ION Accelerator
Handling ION Accelerator Alerts
• Viewing information about the configured hosts
• Collecting system logs
• Shutting down the ION Accelerator appliance
• Restarting the appliance (
• Using the chassis monitor URL (
• Selecting and configuring HA hardware components for
Fibre Channel or iSCSI
• Managing information in a configured HA cluster
• Viewing and analyzing real-time performance statistics,
with Performance Overview graphs and Live Meter
• Creating custom reports for performance attributes,
including IOPS, bandwidth, temperature, and endurance
Understanding and managing alerts: error, warning, and
• Displaying or archiving system alerts for errors, warnings,
and informational conditions
system:restart in CLI)
node:list in CLI)
Configuring ION Accelerator Settings
Appendixes • Details for system alert rules and alert parameters
Viewing network information for ports
• Setting up remote access, user accounts, and alert rules
and subscribers
• Configuring SMTP Server and SNMP notifications
• SNMP MIB information
After login, the Overview screen appears. (The Capacity section displays “No Storage Pool” until a
storage pool has been configured.) The two basic areas are the Tabs bar (at the top) and the
Overview screen (the main portion of the Overview tab), each described in this section.
The HA example below shows tabs for two HA nodes (middle of the screen). Only one tab is
available for standalone appliances.
Using multiple browser windows for the same ION Accelerator host is not supported.
The Tabs bar appears at the top of the Overview screen:
The Overview, Configuration, Alerts, and Settings tabs help you manage your ION
Accelerator appliance. These tabs are each described in later sections in this guide.
Additionally, there are Admin | Logout | Help links that are described below, as well as a basic
Search function (described in Managing Initiators
Clicking Help in the upper-right corner of the tabs bar displays the following choices for help:
• Fusion-io Knowledge Base
• Fusion-io Support
Changing the Admin Password
To change the admin password,
1. Click the Admin link in the upper-right corner of the tabs bar. The Edit User dialog
2. Click the Change Password link. The dialog now shows password and confirmation
3. Fill in the “Old password”, “New password”, and “Confirm new password” fields.
4. Click Save Changes to update the admin password.
To log out from the ION Accelerator, click Logout in the upper-right corner of the menu bar.
Legal Information
To display information about Fusion-io trademarks and related items, click the Legal link in the
lower-right corner of the screen.
The Overview screen is divided into the Summary, Slot, and Performance areas.
Summary Area
A sample Summary area is shown below.
•Summary – Shows the host name of the appliance (or cluster name, if in HA mode), the
IP address of the server hosting ION Accelerator (or the cluster IP address, if in HA mode),
the version on software currently running, and the Update Software link (see
Software). In a single-server configuration, clicking the host name displays the ioMemory
Configuration screen; in HA configurations, details are available in the Host tab (see Slot
Area below) for each cluster node.
• Volumes and Initiators – Number of volumes and initiators that have been configured
• Capacity – Available (green) on the storage pool for creating volumes; and configured
(gray) space for the entire appliance. If no storage pool has been created, Capacity
indicates that condition:
Slot Area
A sample slot diagram for an HA system is shown below (standalone appliances have one tab).
Host tabs (HA only) – Click a tab to display the slot configuration for the selected host. On a
tab, you can click the Details link to display the Host Configuration screen.
•Slot Usage – ioMemory devices or network fabric cards are indicated for each
slot. The status light in the slot icon indicates functioning (green), or a problem
(red), or an offline condition (red). Unused slots are indicated by dashed outlines.
Slot numbers listed here are intended to match the physical locations of the slots
in the server.
•Details – For HA, click the Details link to display the Configure access tab for the
selected host. (For standalone, click the Host screen for the server to get similar
information.) See ioMemory Configuration
•To see port numbering information, place the
cursor over the desired port icon at the bottom of
any CNA slot diagram. To see adapter
information, place the cursor over the desired title
description at the top of any CNA slot diagram.
The example at the right hovers over the Slot 0
title (Mellanox Technologies) and then the top
port (green light).
in Managing ioMemory for details.
Performance Area
You can see a graphical view of current ION Accelerator performance in the Show Performance
area at the bottom of the Overview tab.
For details on the graphical elements, see Performance Graphs (Overview Tab)Accelerator Performance.
in Monitoring ION
1. In the Show Performance drop-down list, select the node whose performance you want to
monitor (multiple nodes are shown for HA). If a cluster exists, select it (first figure below)
or one of its nodes (second figure).
By default, Data (bandwidth, or GB/sec) performance statistics are displayed. The
examples in this section all show Data performance. To switch to IOPS performance
statistics, select Operations.
2. To display the read or write statistics for a given point in time, mouse over the yellow or
green performance line. A popup appears, showing the statistics for that point in time.
This point-in-time performance display is also available for the “All ioMemory” options
described below.
Selecting a Performance View
To display performance statistics for all ioMemory devices or CNAs in the ION host,
1. Click the host name box.
2. Click the ALL IOMEMORY box below the host name.
3. Select the device you want to monitor from the drop-down menu.
If an expansion chassis is used, the ioMemory device slot numbers show ION slot # canister # - canister slot # (such as 4-1-6):
•Choosing “Slot n” under ALL IOMEMORY shows performance for only the ioMemory
module(s) in the selected slot.
• Choosing “All CNA” shows combined performance stats for all network devices.
• Choosing “Slot n” under ALL CNA shows combined performance for all ports
connected to the network device in the selected slot. Or, you can can track
performance for one or all ports by clicking ALL PORTS:
For more information on interpreting ION Accelerator performance statistics, see
Accelerator Performance.
Monitoring ION
Software updates can also be done using the Command-Line Interface (CLI). For details, see
Quick Start Tasks: Software Update in the ION Accelerator Appliance CLI Reference Guide.
When a new version of the ION Accelerator software becomes available, you can install it using
the software update package (without using the ISO image on the installation DVD). Refer to the
current ION Accelerator Appliance Release Notes on the Fusion-io Support site
update restrictions or special instructions.
If you are updating the software for all nodes in an HA cluster, a rolling update is automatically
done. When one node is being updated, its HA complement node goes into failback mode until
the update finishes. This process continues until all nodes in the cluster are updated.
Do not make changes to HA configuration when the system is in a degraded state, such as
when one node is down.
To update the software (firmware) on the appliance,
1. Visit the Fusion-io Support website
for the latest software update package (.IOP file).
for any specific
2. Save the .IOP file to the local computer (/tmp directory is recommended) from where
you will be doing the software update.
3. Click the Update Software link in the Summary box. The Update Software dialog appears:
If this appliance is a secondary node connected to a cluster IP address, the browser will be
redirected to the master node. For example:
In any case, the node other than the one you are connected to will be updated first (if
you are connected to the master node, the secondary node updates first, and vice versa).
4. Click Browse and navigate to the update file (.IOP) you want to install.
5. Click Open in the File Upload dialog.
Data about the update file is included in the dialog, such as file version number, release
date, build number, description, hotfix ID, reboot-required indicator, and estimated
update time.
6. Click Install Update to update the software.
A notification message appears regarding the success of the update. A reboot may occur
without prompting.
The browser will lose its connection to ION Accelerator. If you are updating cluster nodes,
the browser will reconnect to the other (primary) node; then after that update finishes, its
browser connection will also be lost.
7. When the browser connection is lost after the last update, wait for at least five minutes
and then reconnect to the GUI.
If the update fails on either node, an error dialog will appear. You can then use the CLI to
determine the state of the nodes in the cluster (see Node Commands in the ION Accelerator Appliance CLI Reference Guide).
Reverting to a Previous Software Version
If it becomes necessary to revert to a previous version of the software, that must be done via the
CLI, not the GUI. For instructions on reverting, see soft:revert in Software Commands in the ION Accelerator Appliance CLI Reference Guide.
If the network connection to an ION Accelerator host server is lost, the software automatically
attempts to reconnect to it, as shown in the following dialog.
When you upgrade the ION Accelerator software on Node 1 of an HA cluster, that connection will
be lost and will need to be re-established.
Setting up a storage pool is required before you can create volumes for data. You can do this
either through the GUI (as explained below) or with the CLI (see Quick Start Tasks: Management
in the About the Command-Line Interface (CLI) section of the ION Accelerator Appliance CLI Reference Guide. There are a few considerations in choosing between the GUI and CLI for create
a storage pool:
• You can create multiple storage pools with either the GUI or the CLI.
• Commands for adjusting RAID configurations are found in the CLI but not in the GUI.
See Naming Requirements at the end of this section for rules on choosing names for storage
pools, volumes, initiators, initiator groups, aliases, and targets in ION Accelerator.
Four types of storage pools can be created, each with its own storage profile (description of the
pool type). These storage profiles are described below.
Storage Profile Types
The basic types of storage profiles are described below. In each case you can click the “More
Details” link next to the profile description to get additional information.
•Reliable Performance (default) – Reliability and performance are emphasized over
capacity, using a RAID 10 configuration. Storage is divided into two equal segments that
are mirrored to each other, so that an unlikely failure of an ioMemory module will not
result in data loss. This configuration requires a minimum of four ioDrives or additional
increments of two ioDrives, which must all be the same type and capacity.
•Maximum Performance – Performance is emphasized, using a RAID 0 configuration. This
does not provide redundant storage. With this configuration, the storage capacity is
striped across the available ioDrives (minimum 2) installed in the server. All ioDrives in this
profile must be of the same capacity.
•Reliable Capacity – Capacity is emphasized over performance and fault tolerance,
employing a RAID 5 configuration. A single ioDrive failure can be sustained without loss
of data, and read performance is better than write performance. At least three ioDrive devices are required, and they must all be of the same type and capacity.
The Reliable Capacity option is supported only in standalone mode, not HA.
•Direct Access – Maximum capacity is emphasized, similar to a JBOD storage
configuration, without redundant storage or striping. In Direct Access mode, each
ioMemory module is presented as an individual storage pool. This option uses
host/appliance/application-based logical volume management instead of using this
appliance’s logical volume management.
The available capacity is affected by the storage profile you choose. For each profile, RAID
configuration and overhead is factored into the available capacity displayed.
Naming Conventions for Storage Pools
The default storage pool name is “storagepool-#” where “#” is 1 or the next unused number.
You can change any storage pool name according to the requirements listed below.
Naming Requirements
When you choose names for storage pools, volumes, initiators, initiator groups, aliases, or targets,
they must follow these rules:
• Only alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers), dashes, and underscores may be used.
• There is a 16-character maximum for names.
• Any combination of lowercase or uppercase letters may be used.
• Names must begin with a letter (not a digit, dash, or underscore).
• Names may not be duplicated within the ION Accelerator appliance.
HA Considerations
Storage profiles that are based on HA configurations may have slightly different characteristics.
With two-node HA clusters, identical pools are created on each node, and the pool name will be
the same for each.
In the Storage Pools screen (Configuration tab, Storage Pools link at the left), one or more storage
pools can be set up from the raw ioMemory drives. The initial Storage Pools screen is shown below.
You can adjust the width of any column by dragging the divider bar of the adjacent column.
To create a new storage pool, click the Add Storage Pool link. The Add Storage Pool dialog
appears, allowing you to first choose a storage profile that best suits your needs.
If you are not familiar with the storage profiles used by ION Accelerator, review
Profile Types and HA Considerations before configuring the storage pool.
1. Type a name for the storage pool in the Name field. (For Direct Access, the name defaults
to “storagepool-n”, depending on the number of existing pools.)
2. Select a storage profile type: Maximum Performance, Reliable Performance, Reliable
Capacity, or Direct Access. Click the More Details link if you need more information on
the profile type.
For all types except Direct Access, a star-rating chart is displayed that shows how the
selected type favors performance, reliability, or capacity. For example:
3. If you selected any Storage Profile type besides Direct Access, a drop-down appears so
you can specify the capacity of ioMemory to use in the storage pool. Note any
requirements listed next to the drop-down menu as you make the selection. For example:
4. If you want the new storage pool to use the ioDrives that are currently pictured in the slot
diagrams, click Add to finish creating the pool and proceed to Storage Pool Information
In the ioMemory Selection area, click the Change Selection link to specify the ioDrives
for the new pool. The slot icons for any available (not in use) ioDrives now appear with
selection boxes, as in the example below, which has four available ioDrives for the new
storage pool:
5. Select the ioDrives you want to include in the new storage pool. (If you want to return to
the original drive selection, click the Use Default Selection link that has replaced the
Change Selection link.)
6. Click Add to create the storage pool.
When you have decided on the type of storage profile you want to use, select it in the dialog and
click Configure to continue. The Storage Pools screen appears, displaying the newly created pool.
You can add more storage pools (see Creating a Storage Pool
available capacity. A given ioMemory module can belong to only one pool.
previously), so long as there is
A sample Storage Pools screen is shown below, with two storage pools already set up.
The following information columns are available:
•Storage Pool – Name of the storage pool. Click Edit to change the name of an existing
•Status – Indicates whether the storage pool is online or offline; also indicates whether
there are any warning or error conditions, such as with volumes
•Storage Profile – Type of profile: Reliable Performance, Maximum Performance, Reliable
Capacity, or Direct Access
• Available Capacity – Total usable capacity for adding new volumes to the storage pool.
• Configured Capacity – Total capacity configured into volumes.
•Volumes – Number of volumes currently belonging to this storage pool. To view the
volume(s), click the link in this column. See the Configuring Volumes
•Delete – You can delete a storage pool only when all volumes have first been deleted
from it. Click the red icon to mark the storage pool for deletion, and then click Confirm Delete.
section for details.
The default columns for the Storage Pools screen are shown below. To change the columns that
are displayed, click the Columns link and clear or check the boxes as desired. Then click Update Columns to save the changes.
You can also use the basic Search feature and the Enhanced Search tab to find attributes in your
ION appliance that correspond to the column entries. See Basic Search and Enhanced Search
The basic Search feature is available in the Tabs bar, on the main Configuration and Alerts
screens. To perform a basic search,
1. Click the “Search <item>” box at the right of the Tabs bar.
2. Type the term you want to search for and press Enter. The results list on the screen will
be filtered to contain only entries with the search item you specified.
3. To clear the search results and return to the unfiltered list, click clear search.
The Enhanced Search feature, available from each Configuration screen, enables you to find ION
Accelerator elements (initiators, devices, volumes, targets, etc.) that match the attributes that you
To use Enhanced Search,
1. Click the Enhanced Search tab at the upper-right corner of the Configuration screen
area. The Choose Attribute button appears:
2. Click the Choose Attribute button and select an attribute to search for, from the drop-
down menu of attributes.
3. In the “condition” drop-down list that appears, select the condition for your search.
4. In the values box, type a search value. For example:
5. Click Apply to begin the search. The results are displayed in the window.
The search parameters remain active in the window so you can repeat the search.
6. To start a new search, click “clear search” and click the Enhanced Search tab again.
Screens available from the Configuration tab have built-in navigation and refresh aids. To scroll
among pages of entries, use the navigation buttons at the bottom of the entry list. To refresh the
screen view, click the Refresh icon ( ).
Multi-page scrolling and refresh are also available at the bottom of other screens in the GUI.
To configure volumes in an existing storage pool, click the Volumes link on the Configuration
The Volumes screen appears, similar to the one shown below (if volumes are already set up).
The following columns are displayed:
• Volume Name – Name of the volume as it was created
• Status – “Online” ( ); or “Disconnected”; or “Error” with an alert link ( ); or
“Warning” with an alert link ( ).).
•Capacity – Number of gigabytes allocated to the volume, including metadata. Click the
“plus” icon to expand the capacity (see Expanding Capacity
• Storage Pool – Name of the storage pool this volume belongs to
• Active Initiators – Link (such as “4 of 4”) to the initiators for this volume, followed by an
Edit button for changing the initiator group assignment. For more information, see
Assigning an Initiator Group to a Volume
• Active Targets – Link to the target ports currently used to access this volume. (See the
Viewing Targets
•Preferred Cluster Node (HA only) – Link to the primary HA node for the volume. To see
details about the preferred node and its active alerts (if any), click the corresponding link.
(See Host Configuration Details
•Delete – Deletes the selected volume (see Editing or Deleting a Volume below).
section for details.)
in Getting Host Information for details.)
in the Managing Initiators section.
Volumes cannot be added if all the capacity of the storage pool has been used, or if one node
of an HA cluster is down. With Fibre Channel, a maximum of 16 volumes can be used
concurrently for HA and 96 for standalone mode. With iSCSI, 32 volumes for HA or 96
volumes for standalone mode can be used concurrently.
To add a volume in the storage pool,
1. Click the Add Volume link in the upper left of the Volumes screen. The Add Volume
dialog appears:
2. If you have multiple storage pools, select the one that the new volume should belong to
from the Storage Pool drop-down list (near the top of the dialog).
3. Specify the Volume Name (maximum of 16 alphanumeric characters, including dashes or
underscores, starting with a letter).
4. Specify the capacity for the volume in GB. The minimum size is 1GB, and values may be
entered to two decimal places.
The default is the maximum size of the pool, so make sure you set the size to a smaller
amount if you don’t want the volume to use all the available space.
5. If clustering has been set up for the system, you can select a Preferred Cluster Node (the
default is “Auto”). This capability is available only with the High Availability Feature.
“Preferred node” indicates which node will normally serve I/O to this volume. Here are
some suggestions for choosing the preferred cluster node:
•If you know how active a volume is, try manually load balancing volumes across
cluster nodes.
•If you don’t know the activity rate but want to load-balance, alternate the
preferred cluster node.
•If you prefer a completely active:passive configuration, place all volumes on one
active cluster node.
6. To add more volumes, click the Add Another Volume link in the dialog. Another “New
Volume” area appears in the dialog where you can configure additional capacity.
You can repeat the Add Volumes process in this dialog, with each new volume’s name
being incremented by 1 (volume0, volume1, etc.). To cancel creating a new volume, click
the corresponding Remove link.
7. When you have finished adding volumes, click Create.
To edit the name of a volume,
1. Make sure no initiators have access to the volume in question. To take a volume offline,
click Edit in the Active Initiators column and remove all initiator access.
2. Click the Edit button to the right of the Volume Name (first column).
3. Type the desired name for the volume.
4. Click outside the name field to save the new name.
To delete a volume,
1. Make sure no initiators have access to the volume in question. (If you have assigned
initiators to the volume, remove all initiator access to the volume.)
2. Click the red trashcan icon at the right of the volume entry and follow the prompt.
You can expand the size of a volume, up to its pool’s allowable capacity limits. However, you
cannot directly decrease a volume’s size; to do that, you need to delete the volume (which deletes
all its data) and then recreate it with a smaller capacity.
To expand a volume,
1. Click the “plus” icon to the right of the capacity total for the volume. The Expand
Volume dialog appears, showing the current capacity in GB.
2. Type the new size in the Capacity field, which may include up to two decimal places. This
enables the Expand button in the dialog.
The resulting value must not cause the volume to exceed the total capacity for the
storage pool.
3. Click Expand.
The default columns for the Volume screen are shown below. To change the columns that are
displayed, click the Columns link and clear or check the boxes as desired. Then click Update Columns to save the changes.
The SCSI Device ID is a combination of the Unit Serial Number and the Volume Name, joined by a
dash. For example:
You can also use the basic Search feature and the Enhanced Search tab to find attributes in your
ION appliance that correspond to the column entries. See Basic Search and Enhanced Search
earlier in this guide.
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