DAVIS Wireless Temp Hum Station User Manual

Wireless Temperature/Humidity Station
Installation Manual
For Vantage Pro® or Vanta g e Pr o Plus
The Wireless Temperature/Humidity Station, referred to as the Temp/Hum
Station in this manual, is for use with Wireless Vantage Pro
weather stations.


The Temp/Hum Station consi sts of a t empera tur e and h umidity sen sor loc ated in a radiation shield, plus a sensor interface module and transmitter located in a protective housing.
1-1/2" U-Bolts
1/4" Flat Washers
1/4" Hex Nuts
3-Volt Lithium Battery
Sensor Interface Module Housing
Radiation Shield

Tools for Setup

In addition to the hardware provided, you will need some or all of the follow­ing materials:
• Small Phillips-head screwdriver
• Adjustable wrench or 11/32" wrench and 7/16" wrench
• Ballpoint pen or paper clip (small pointed object of some kind)
• Drill and 3/16" (5 mm) drill bit (if mounting on a flat, vertical surface)
• Four 1/4" x 1-1/2 " ( 6 x 38mm) lag screw s (i f m ou nt ing o n a fl at , v ert ic al surface) and a wrench to fit the lag screw hex head.
Product # 6380

Installation Steps

For ease of installation, please follow the steps in the order presented.
• Preparing the Temp/Hum Station, page 2
• Rotating the Mounting Bracket, page 2
• Applying Power, page 3
• Setting the Transmitter ID, page 4
• Setting Console Station ID on the Cons ole, page 5
• Setting the Console Station ID using WeatherLink, page 6
• Viewing Current Temperature and Humidity , page 6
• No Communication with Temp/Hum Station?, page 6
• Choosing a Location for the Temp/Hum Station, page 7
• Testing Transmission from Proposed Location, page 7
• Mounting the Temp/Hum Station, page 8
• A Note on Securing Cables, page 11
See “Maintenan ce” on page 10. For Technical Support, see “Co ntacting Davis Instruments” on page 11.

Preparing the Temp/Hum Station

Rotating the Mounting Bracket

To facilitate packing and shipping the Temp/Hum Station, the mounting bracket is installed upside down at the factory. You will need to rotate the mounting bracket 180° before you install the station.
1. Place the Temp/Hum Station on a leve l surface.
2. Loosen the three mount­ing screws that hold the mounting bracket and the radiation shield togeth er.
3. When the screws are com­pletely loosened, lift the mounting bracket away from the radiation shield.
4. Rotate the mounting bracket and replace it on the radiation shield.
Remove Mounting Screws
Radiation Shield Assembly
Remove and Rotate Mounting Bracket
2 Installation Steps
5. Fasten the mounting bracket in place using the three long screws as shown
in the illustration below.
4" Bolts
Lock Washers
Flat Washers
Radiation Shield Assembly
Re-install Mounting Bracket

Applying Power

1. Turn the main part of the ISS ups ide dow n. Th is is th e par t th at inclu des the
rain collector and the radiation shield.
2. Push back on the two plastic latches to release the cover, then open the cover.
You should now be able to see the sensor interface module (SIM).
Use your thumbs to push back on the two (2) plastic latches.
SIM Housing Cover
SIM Housing
Opening the SIM Housing Cover
With the latches pushed back, use your fingers to lift up on the corner edges of the cover.
Optional Screw Fastening Holes. Use self-threading screws: #6 x 0.5" (3.5mm x 12 mm)
Preparing the Temp/Hum Station 3
3. V erify that the temp/hum sensor cable is plugged into the receptacle labeled “TEMP HUM” on the SIM.
3-Volt Lithium Battery
Cable Routing Channels
(press cables fully into channel)
Temp/Hum Station Sensor Interface Module (SIM)
(wireless models only)
Transmitter ID
DIP Switches
4. Insert the 3-volt lithium battery into the battery holder, matching the “+” sign on the battery with the “+” sign on the battery holder.
5. Consult this drawing to locate the DIP switches. You will work with them when you set the trans m itter ID.

Setting the Transmitter ID

Your Temp/Hum Station must be set to one of eight transmitter IDs. You set the transmitter ID using DIP switches #1, 2 and 3, located on the SIM near the battery holder. The transmitter and receiver communicate with each other only when both are set to the same ID.
Note: DIP switch #4 is used for transmission testing and does not affect the ID.
The factory default tra nsmitte r ID set ting is ‘ 1’. Looki ng at the tab le on th e next page, you can see that means the DIP switches are in the OFF position.
Since the ISS is included with every Wireless Vantage Pro, the console is set at the factory to find the ISS on ‘1’. Set your Temp/Hum Station to a different
transmitter ID number. Use a ballpoint pen or paper clip to toggle DIP switches #1, 2, and 3. The
settings for tr ansmitter IDs 1 – 8 are shown in the table on the following page:
4 Setting the Transmitter ID
+ 8 hidden pages