DAVIS Wireless Repeater WITH SOLAR OR AC-POWER User Manual

The Wireless Repeater receives data from any DavisTalk™-compatible trans­mitter and re-transmits it to any DavisTalk-compatible receiver. The repeater extends the transmission range and improves reception between the transmit­ter and the receiver.
Each repeater has a transmitting and receiving range of up to 400' (120 m) depending upon the terrain. The repeater can listen for up to eight different transmitter signals and can pass those signals on to another repeater or to any number of receivers.
Note: The Wireless Repeater operates on a low power frequency that does not require an FCC
The repeater allows you to put together your weather system in a number of different ways. The most common setup is to install the repeater between a transmitter and a receiver to improve reception. You can also install a chain of up to eight repeaters to carry the transmitter’s signal over a longer distance, or around obstacles. Or, you can establish a network of weather stations by linking the chain of repeaters to up to eight different wireless stations.
This manual describes three different setup options in separate sections based on how many repeaters and transmitters you plan to install:
The first section, “Single Transmitter, Single Repeater Installation” on
page 3, discusses the most common and simplest installation—that of one transmitter, one repeater and one or more receivers.
The second section, “Daisy-Chain Installation (Multiple Repeaters)” on page 10, discusses daisy-chaining up to eight repeaters in succession to increase the range between a single transmitter and one or more receiv­ers.
And the third section, “Network Installation (Multiple Transmitters)” on page 12, discusses setting up a complex network of transmitters, repeat­ers, and receivers.
These setup instructions apply whether you have a solar-powered or an AC-powered repeater.
Product # 7624 & 7625
The Wireless Repeater includes the following components. Please be sure you have everything you need for either the AC-powered or the solar-powered model.
Wireless Repeater Components
1/4" x 1-1/2" Lag Screws
1/4" Flat Washers 1/4" Lock Washers 1/4" Hex Nuts
110 Volt AC
Power Adapter
(AC-Powered Repeaters Only)
Tools and Materials
You may need the following tools and materials for either the AC-powered or solar-powered model.
Adjustable Wrench
Medium Flathead Screwdriver
Medium Phillips Screwdriver
Compass or Local Area Map
Pencil or Other Pointed Object
Page 2 Wireless Repeater
Single Transmitter, Single Repeater Installation
If you have just one DavisTalk transmitter and just one repeater, simply follow the instructions below to install your system. If you have a more complex setup that involves multiple repeaters or multiple transmitters within 400' (120 m) of each other, see “Advanced Installations” on page 10.
Quick Install Instructions
First off, open the repeater housing. Inside, you should see a green circuit board in the upper part of the right-hand side of the box. Compare the circuit board in your repeater with the picture below. You should be able to identify the Transmitter ID DIP switch component with its eight switches on the left edge of the board, the Repeater ID DIP switch, recognized by its four switches, and finally the two test LEDs in the upper left part of the board.
1 2
Transmitter ID
DIP switch
Repeater ID
DIP switch
5 6 7 8
Test Switch
Transmitter ID Code Set to One (1)
Test LEDs
The DIP switches are used to configure the repeater.
If you’re using only one repeater, the Repeater ID DIP switches are not
required. Leave them at the factory settings (all off).
Use the Transmitter ID DIP switches to select which Transmitter IDs to
For example, if you have one transmitter, say a Vantage Pro ISS
(#6320), transmitting on ID five (5), turn Transmitter ID DIP switch five on and turn all others to off.
For example, if you have two transmitters (and you could have up
to eight), say a Vantage Pro ISS (#6320) and a Wireless Temperature Station (#6370), transmitting on IDs four (4) and eight (8), turn Transmitter ID DIP switches four and eight to on and all others to off.
Single Transmitter, Single Repeater Installation Page 3
Note: If you’re using only one transmitter, one repeater, and one console, all three devices are set at
the factory to broadcast and receive on Davis ID code #1. You won’t need to change anything, unless you’ve got a neighbor broadcasting on the same ID code.
Choosing a Location
The range of the radio transmission depends on several factors.
Note: Given the maximum ranges below, the repeater may need to be somewhat closer to the
receiver than to the transmitter.
Typical maximum ranges between the transmitter and the repeater:
Line of Sight: 400 feet (120 m)
Through Walls and Ceilings: 150 feet (46 m)
Through Trees and Foliage: 150 feet (46 m)
Typical maximum ranges between the repeater and the receiver:
Line of Sight: 400 feet (120 m)
Through Walls and Ceilings: 75 to 150 feet (23 to 46 m)
Through Trees and Foliage: 75 to 150 feet (23 to 46 m)
AC-Powered Repeaters
Look for a sheltered location with access to an AC-power outlet. For example, you could mount the repeater in a room or garage.
Solar-Powered Repeaters
Look for a location where you can position the solar panel to receive maxi­mum exposure to the sun’s rays as follows:
The solar panel works best when the surface of the panel receives full sunlight. Mount the panel away from fences, buildings, trees or other obstructions that may cast shadows over the panel.
The solar panel should be mounted facing south in the Northern
Hemisphere and north in the Southern Hemisphere for maximum sun exposure.
You can use a compass or a local map to help find north and south.
Page 4 Wireless Repeater
Testing Proposed Locations
Test your proposed transmitter, repeater and receiver locations to ensure successful data transmission as follows:
1. Make sure your transmitter and receiver are in position and are operating in test mode.
To place the Wireless Repeater in test mode, flip Repeater ID DIP switch #4 to “TEST” and then power the repeater. Refer to the figure on page 3.
Now, verify that the receiver is in test mode. Please refer to your receiver manual to learn how to start the test mode.
In test mode, depending on your model, the transmitter either beeps or flashes when it is transmitting and the receiver beeps or flashes whenever it is receiving data from the transmitter (approximately every 2.5 seconds if the signal is within range).
2. Place the repeater temporarily where you plan to mount it. Don’t complete the installation, because you may need to move the
3. Apply power to the repeater.
AC-Power Model
Plug the AC-power adapter into the jack marked POWER, and into an AC-power outlet. Watch for the LEDs to light (as described below).
Install three AA-cell batteries for backup power (optional).
AC-Power Connections
Cable Connections
AC Power Adapter
Applying Power to the AC-Powered Repeater
Single Transmitter, Single Repeater Installation Page 5
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