DAVIS Vantage Pro ISS Retrofit Kit User Manual

Va nt ag e P ro® ISS Retrofit Kit

INSTRUCTIONS Estimated Time Required: 30 Minutes
This Instructio n Shee t desc ribes how t o inst all the I SS Retrofit Kit for a Vantage


The ISS Retrofit Kit includes the following components and hardware:

• New Sensor Interface Module (SIM) preinstalled in a SIM housing, attached to a new bo ttom radiation shield plate along with a new sepa­rate Temp/Hum sensor module
• Three long screws with nuts, flat washers, and lock washers
• One 3-volt CR-123A lithium battery

Tools for Setup

In addition to the kit, you will need the following tools:

• 7/16” (12mm) wrench or adjustable wrench
• Phillips screw driver
• Hammer
• Pliers

Overview of Kit Installation

1. Remove the ISS from its Mounted Position

2. Dissassemble the ISS Radiation Shield

3. Install the Retrofit Kit components

4. Connect Cables and Power the New SIM

5. Verify Communications - Wireless Models

6. Mount the ISS

7. Return the Old SIM to Davis

Product # 6920, 6920C

Remove the ISS from its Mounted Position

In order to take down your ISS you will first need to disconnect the anemome­ter cable. If you have a Cabled Vantage Pro station, you will also need to dis­connect the console cable from the ISS.

CAUTION:Please work on your Vantage Pro ISS in a safe place.

1. At your Vantage Pro console, press and hold t he DONE ke y and th en press the “-” (down arrow) key to put the console in Setup Mode. This will pre­vent the reception of erroneous rain counts from the rain collector.
2. At the ISS, remove and discard the three (3) wing nuts from the bottom of the radia­tion shield.

3. Remove the three (3) bottom plates from the shield.

4. Set aside the two open (middle) plates.

5. Discard the bottom closed plate.

6. Disconnect the WI ND sensor (anemometer) cable.

7. Cabled Stations Only: Disconnect the Con­sole cable from the SIM.
8. You can now remove the ISS from it’s mounted position. Move it to a safe place to install the kit com­ponents.
Sensor Interface Module (SIM)
Antenna Deployment Hole (Wireless only)
#8 Flat Washer
Rain Collector
Top Closed Plate
(Save this plate)
Open Plate
(Save this plate)
Open Plate
(Save this plate)
Bottom Closed Plate
(Discard this plate)
#8 Lock Washer
#8 Wing Nut

Opening the Radiation Shield

Page 2 Vantage Pro® ISS Retrofit Kit

Dissassemble the ISS Radiation Shield

Note:We recommend using a workbench or equivalent flat surface for the following pro-

1. With the rain collector cone in place, turn the ISS over so it rests on the top of the cone.

2. Disconnect the rain collector ca ble and (if pr esent) the so lar panel cab le, and the SUN (solar radiation) and UV sensor cables.
Mounting Screws (4)
UV Sensor
Solar Sensor
Rain Collector
Solar Panel Cable (wireless only)
3-Volt Lithium Battery (wireless only)
AC Power (optional)
Console Cable (cabled only)
DavisTalk Transmitter ID Switches
Green Test LED

Old SIM Connections and Screw Locations

3. The SIM transmitter board, dust cover, and small rear cover plate (not shown) are attached to the top radiation shield plate by 4 sc rews . Unscrew these screws and remove the front dus t co ver along with the SIM and the rear cover plate.
4. Make a note of the transmitter ID switch settings. You will use these set­tings in the new replacement SIM.
Switch Position1234 Switch Setting OFF

5. Remove the battery fr om the cir cuit b oar d and se t all ID code pos iti ons ON . With all the transmitter ID switches set to ON, the power stored in the old

SIM’s super capacitor should dissipate within one hour.
Note:Setting the #1, 2 and 3 ID switches to ON will set your transmitter ID to “8”. Setting the
#4 ID switch will turn on the ISS test mode. Set the #1, 2 and 3 switches differently if you are using Station 8 in your weather station. Refer to Appendix A.”Wireless Transmitter Settings” in your ISS Installation Manual for more information.

6. Save the battery as a back-up and s et aside the SIM board for return to Davis.

Dissassemble the ISS Radiation Shield Page 3
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