Dave Smith Instruments Prophet 12 User Manual

Prophet 12 Manual Addendum
OS Version 1.3
Prophet 12 OS version 1.3 adds a number of new features not covered in the main Operation Manual. These features are described in the following Addendum in the order shown below.
New Features in OS 1.3
• Linear frequency modulation for classic DX-style FM
• MIDI note output for the arpeggiator
• New modulation destinations: Slop, Osc All Shape, All Delays
• Disable screen saver option for OLED display
• Soft knobs allow Playlist list and set selection
• Support for alternate tunings
Checking Your Operating System Version
If you’ve just purchased your Prophet 12 new, OS 1.3 should already be installed. If you purchased your Prophet 12 prior to Dec, 2015 and wish to use the new features described above, you’ll need to update your OS to version 1.3 or later.
To update your Prophet 12 OS, you’ll need a computer and a USB cable, or a MIDI cable and MIDI interface. To download the latest version of the Prophet 12 OS along with instructions on how to perform a system update, visit the DSI website at:
To check your OS version:
1. Press the global button. The screen displays the version of the currently loaded OS.
2. If your OS is out of date, download the latest version from the URL above and update your instrument using the instructions included with the download.
New DX-Style Linear FM
The Prophet 12 now provides a choice between its original exponential method of FM (frequency modulation), and linear FM, which is the type found on the classic Yamaha DX-series of synthesizers. Exponential FM is selected by default. To choose linear FM, you’ll need to use the menus in the Prophet 12 display.
To choose linear FM:
1. Press the front panel oscillator 1 selector to show the oscillator controls in the display.
2. Press soft button 4 (osc level).
3. Use soft knob 4 (fm mode) to set the FM mode to linear.
Level SyncSub Osc FM Mode
Osc Shape Osc Tuning Osc Mode
Choosing Linear FM
Osc Level
Select FM mode here
Creating Sounds with FM
To create sounds with FM you’ll use one oscillator (the modulator) to modulate the frequency of another oscillator (the carrier). This creates a new waveform that has additional harmonics known as sidebands.
The type of sidebands created depends on the tuning relationship between the modulator and the carrier. If both are tuned to the same note or a multiple of the same note (for example, carrier = C2, modulator = C3) then the harmonics created will be harmonically related and “in tune.”
However, if the modulator is tuned to a note that is not the same as the carrier or is not a multiple of it (for example, carrier = C2, modulator = D#2) the sidebands won’t be harmonically related and the resulting sound will be clangorous. This is why FM synthesis is well-known for creating metallic, bell-like timbres.
The amount of sidebands created is directly related to the amount of modulation
applied (the fm amount parameter) and also the waveform of the modulator. The greater the fm amount setting, the more sidebands produced, and the “brighter” the sound will become. Think of the fm amount as being similar to a low pass
lter cutoff: the higher the setting, the brighter the resulting waveform.
A modulator with a large number of harmonics, (a sawtooth wave, for example), will create many more sidebands than a modulator with a no harmonics (a sine wave, for example).
The original DX-7 synthesizer provided only sine waves for its oscillators (called opera-
tors in DX-7 terms). The Prophet 12, however, supplies a much broader range of waveshape
choices. Experiment with different waveshapes for both the carrier and modulator to see how this changes the harmonic content of a sound.
The Default Carrier/Modulator Relationship
If you look at the oscillators section on the front panel of the Prophet 12, you’ll see arrows between the oscillator selector buttons. These indicate the default carrier/modulator relationship between the oscillators. The arrows indicate which oscillator modulates which.
4 2
Default FM carrier/modulator relationship between the 4 oscillators on the front panel
Turning up the FM amount on Oscillator 1 causes it to be modulated by Oscillator 2.
Turning up the FM amount on Oscillator 2 causes it to be modulated by Oscillator 3.
Turning up the FM amount on Oscillator 3 causes it to be modulated by Oscillator 4.
Turning up the FM amount on Oscillator 4 causes it to be modulated by Oscillator 1.
Though the above shows the default oscillator relationships for performing FM, you can actually route any oscillator to another using the modulation matrix. This also allows you to modulate the same carrier oscillator with more than one modulator oscillator. When doing so, set the wave reset parameter to on for the various oscillators to avoid phase cancellation.
When creating a typical linear FM sound, you’ll want to turn up the output level of the carrier oscillator so that you can hear it, but turn down the output level of the modulator oscillator so that you don’t hear it.
To create a basic linear FM sound:
1. Press the global button, then turn soft knob 1 and select basic patch.
2. Press soft button 1 (write now). Then press the global button again to exit the Global menu.
3. Press the front panel oscillator 1 selector to show the oscillator controls in the display, then press soft button 4 (osc level).
4. Use soft knob 4 (fm mode) to set the FM mode to linear. (Setting any oscil­lator to linear FM sets all oscillators to linear FM.)
5. Turn soft knob 1 to set the oscillator level to 127.
6. Turn the shape/noise knob and select sine as the waveshape.
7. Turn the fm knob to 150.
8. Press the Oscillator 2 selector on the front panel, then turn the shape/noise knob and select sine as the waveshape.
9. Turn the pitch knob for Oscillator 2 and listen to the effect on the tone of Oscillator 1.
10. Repeat steps 5-7 for Oscillator 3 and Oscillator 4. Use Oscillator 3 as the carrier and Oscillator 4 as the modulator.
11. Remember to leave the output level at zero for the modulators (oscillators 2 and 4) so that you don’t hear them. It’s only necessary to hear the carriers (oscillators 1 and 3).
Adjust the Pitch (note) value of Oscillators 2 and 4 (the modulators) to hear how this changes the timbre of your sound. For metallic, bell-like sounds, tune the pitch of Oscillator 2 and 4 to something other than C.
For evolving timbres, try routing Auxiliary Envelope 3 or 4 to the FM Amount parameter of Oscillator 1 and/or 3. The envelope causes the FM amount to change over time, thus chang­ing the resulting waveform either subtly or drastically, depending on the envelope shape.
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