Datalogic PowerScan BT8300 Family Manual

BT8300 Family
Industrial Handheld Bar Code Reader
with Bluetooth® Wireless Technology
Initial Bluetooth® Connection Guide
Datalogic Scanning, Inc.
959 Terry Street Eugene, Oregon 97402 USA Telephone: (541) 683-5700 Fax: (541) 345-7140
An Unpublished Work - All rights reserved. No part of the conte
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Datalogic has taken reasonable measures t
o provide information in this manual that is complete and accurate, however, Datalogic reserves the right to change any specification at any time without prior notice. Datalogic and the Datalogic logo are register
ed trademarks of Datalogic S.p.A. in many countries, including the U.S.A and
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PowerScan is a registered trademark of Datalogic Scanning, I
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Microsoft Windows®, Windows® XP and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Bluetooth® is th
e registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. BlueSoleil
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This product is covered by one or more of the following patents:
US Pat.: 6,512,218 B1; 6,808,114 B1; 6,877,66
4 B1; 6,997,385 B2; 7,053,954 B1; 7,102,116 B2; 7,282,688 B2; 7,387,246 B2.
European Pat.: 996,284 B1; 999,514 B
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Additional patents pending.
Initial Bluetooth® Connection Guide
Table of Contents
Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Overview ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
SPP Profile ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
About SPP Profile Modes ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Restore Defaults ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Microsoft Windows® XP ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Serial Port Profile (Slave) ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Testing the “Slave” Connection .........................................................................................................................................................................................................7
Serial Port Profile (Master) ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Testing the “Master” Connection ...................................................................................................................................................................................................10
HID Profile ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Microsoft Windows® 7.................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Serial Port Profile (Slave) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Testing the “Slave” Connection .......................................................................................................................................................................................................20
Serial Port Profile (Master) .......................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Testing the “Master” Connection ...................................................................................................................................................................................................25
HID Profile ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
WIDCOMM®..................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
WIDCOMM® ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Serial Port Profile (Slave) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Testing the “Slave” Connection .......................................................................................................................................................................................................36
Serial Port Profile (Master) .......................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Testing the “Master” Connection ...................................................................................................................................................................................................42
HID Profile ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Toshiba® .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Toshiba® ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 47
Serial Port Profile (Slave) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 47
Testing the “Slave” Connection .......................................................................................................................................................................................................52
Serial Port Profile (Master) .......................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Testing the “Master” Connection ...................................................................................................................................................................................................57
HID Profile ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
BlueSoleil ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 63
TM ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................63
Serial Port Profile (Slave) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 63
Testing the “Slave” Connection .......................................................................................................................................................................................................68
Serial Port Profile (Master) .......................................................................................................................................................................... 70
Testing the “Master” Connection ...................................................................................................................................................................................................72
HID Profile ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 74
iPhone®............................................................................................................................................................................................ 79
HID Profile ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 79
Testing the HID Connection .............................................................................................................................................................................................................83
iPad® ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 85
HID Profile ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 85
Testing the HID Connection .............................................................................................................................................................................................................88
Numeric Keypad ............................................................................................................................................................................. 89
PowerScan™ BT8300
Initial Bluetooth® Connection Guide
The PowerScanTM BT8300 reader can connect to a Bluetooth-enabled PC. This guide covers the basic steps of associating the reader with a host PC. It will work with a device that uses the typical Microsoft Bluetooth
Stack that is standard with a Microsoft Windows® operating
system or other driver such as BlueSoleil
, WIDCOMM® or Toshiba®.
Additional information is available in the Product Reference Guide (PRG).
There are two different ways the reader can connec
t to a PC, either using the standard
Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP) or HID Profile.
The reader connects to the Bluetooth-enabled PC and emu­lates a serial cable to provide a simple substitute for an existing RS-232 connection, includi
ng the familiar control signals. The reader supports two communication types:
Serial Port Profile (Master) and Serial Port Profile (Slave).
E - The reader connects to the Bluetooth-enabled PC and emulates a virtual
keyboard on the Host.
SPP Profile
About SPP Profile Modes
Two modes are available in SPP Profile:
Master - Ac
tive mode. The device seeks out other Bluetooth devices with which to con-
nect. In other words, the computer searches for Bl
uetooth devices such as keyboards, ear-
phones, mobile phones, etc.
Slave - P
assive mode. The device listens for a connection request from other Bluetooth
Some PCs and/or Bluetooth® devices may be provided with drivers that dif­fer in appearance or terminology, nevertheless, the basic steps to associate the devices should be similar.
Before attempting to make the connection between the reader and a Blue­tooth-enabled PC, ensure the Bluetooth adapter device is plugged into the computer, and any drivers provided with that device are installed.
SPP Profile
PowerScan™ BT8300
Restore Defaults
If something goes wrong during configuration/connection, use the bar code below to restore the reader to its original default settings.
Restore PowerScan BT8300 Defaults
Initial Bluetooth® Connection Guide
Microsoft Windows® XP
Serial Port Profile (Slave)
1. Read the following bar code to set the reader to Serial Port Profile (Slave) mode.
Serial Port Profile (Slave)
2. From your PC’s Control Panel (or the system tray), open Bluetooth Devices. Click the Add button to search for Bluetooth devices
Serial Port Profile (Slave)
PowerScan™ BT8300
3. Select My device is set up and ready to be found. Click Next
After a few seconds, a window will appear showing all Bluetooth devices within radio range. Select the PowerScan BT8300 reader you want to connect with.
Each reader found will list the default Bluetooth name of PowerScan BT8300 and its serial number (look on the body of your PowerScan BT8300 for the label con­taining the serial number). To set up a unique user-friendly name for each reader, see the PRG for instructions.
Serial Port Profile (Slave)
Initial Bluetooth® Connection Guide
4. Select Let me choose my own passkey and type the default Pin code: 1234. Click Next to continue.
5. Wait as your Bluetooth device connects to the reader.
The Pin Code can be changed for additional security. See the PRG for more infor­mation.
Serial Port Profile (Slave)
PowerScan™ BT8300
When completed, a window will appear showing the reader is successfully connected in SPP. The Outgoing & Incoming COM port assignments shown are used for the different types of profile:
• Outgoing COM Port: for Serial Port Profile (Slave)
• Incoming COM Port: for Serial Port Profile (Master)
6. Click Finish.
7. The reader is now connected to your PC, and will be displayed in the Bluetooth Devices window.
Serial Port Profile (Slave)
Initial Bluetooth® Connection Guide
Testing the “Slave” Connection
1. To test the connection, on the PC go to Start > Programs > Accessories > Communi-
cations, and open HyperTerminal to set up a serial connection.
2. The N
ew Connection d
ialog will open. Enter a name in the Connection Description
window, then click OK.
3. In the Connect using field, select the Outgoing COM port displayed when you com-
pleted the Add Bluetooth Device
Wizard in the previous sequence. Click OK to con-
4. Four ascending beeps will be emitted, signaling the reader has been successfully connected
to the Bluetooth-enabled PC. Now the user can read bar code labels and verify the data appears in the Terminal window on the PC.
Serial Port Profile (Master)
PowerScan™ BT8300
Serial Port Profile (Master)
Read the bar code below to configure the reader in Serial Port Profile (Master) mode.
Serial Port Profile (Master)
1. Create a label to link the reader to the PC Bluetooth connection. The label must be Code 128 symbology and contain the PC Bluetooth address with following formatting:
$+QS<12hex characters>$-
The address is usually shown in the Hardware tab of the Bluetooth Devices window. The label should look similar to this example:
Linking Label Demo in Serial Port Profile (Master)
2. Open the Bluetooth Devices program in the Control Panel (or in the system tray). Select the COM Ports tab and click Add.
Serial Port Profile (Master)
Initial Bluetooth® Connection Guide
3. Click to select the Incoming COM Port.
4. You will receive a notification when the Incoming COM Port is added successfully.
If you made a Connection in Serial Port Profile (Slave) previously, the Incoming COM Port should be specified already. In this case you will NOT need to add it again.
Serial Port Profile (Master)
PowerScan™ BT8300
Testing the “Master” Connection
1. To test the connection, on the PC go to Start > Programs > Accessories > Communi­cations, and open HyperTerminal.
2. The N
ew Connection d
ialog will open. Enter a name in the Connection Description
window, then click OK.
3. In the Connect using field, select the Incoming COM port displayed when you com­pleted the Add Bluetooth Device W
izard. Click OK to continue.
4. Using the reader, scan the label you created above to initiate the connection to the PC.
5. A message alert will appear in the PC’s taskbar system tray
, showing that a device wants to
connect to the PC.
Serial Port Profile (Master)
Initial Bluetooth® Connection Guide
6. Click on the message and input the Default Pin Code = 1234. Click Next to continue.
7. Click Finish.
8. The reader will emit four ascending beeps, signaling a successful connection to the PC.
Now the user can read bar code labels and verify the data appears in the Terminal window.
When the terminal connection is closed, the reader will emit a series of four descending beeps to indicate
it is no longer connected. The reader will automatically reconnect when
the terminal connection is re-opened, indicated by four ascending beeps.
The Pin Code can be changed for additional security. See the PRG for more information.
HID Profile
PowerScan™ BT8300
HID Profile
1. To configure the reader to work in HID Profile, scan the label below:
HID Profile
2. From your PC’s Control Panel (or the system tray), open Bluetooth Devices. Click the Add button to search for Bluetooth devices
3. Select My device is set up and ready to be found. Click Next to continue
HID Profile
Initial Bluetooth® Connection Guide
4. After a few seconds, a window will appear showing all Bluetooth devices within radio
range. Select the reader you want to connect with.
5. Select Don't use a passkey, then click Next to continue.
Each reader found will list the default Bluetooth name of PowerScan BT8300 and its serial number (look on the body of your PowerScan BT8300 for the label con­taining the serial number). To set up a unique user-friendly name for each reader, see the PRG for instructions.
HID Profile
PowerScan™ BT8300
6. Wait as your Bluetooth device connects to the reader. Four ascending beeps will be emit­ted, signaling that the reader has been successfully c
onnected to the Bluetooth-enabled
PC. Devices connected via BT will be displayed in the Bluetooth Devices window.
7. Now the user can read bar code labels and verify the data can be observed in Notepad on the PC.
Initial Bluetooth® Connection Guide
Microsoft Windows® 7
Serial Port Profile (Slave)
1. Read the following bar code to set the reader to Serial Port Profile (Slave) mode.
Serial Port Profile (Slave)
2. From your PC’s system tray, click on the Bluetooth icon and choose Add a Device to
search for Bluetooth devices
Serial Port Profile (Slave)
PowerScan™ BT8300
3. After a few seconds, a window will appear showing all Bluetooth devices within radio range. Select the reader you want to connect with.
4. Type the default Pin code: 1234. Click Next to continue.
Each reader found will list the default Bluetooth name of PowerScan BT8300 and its serial number (look on the body of your reader for the label containing the serial number). To set up a unique user-friendly name for each reader, see the PRG for instructions.
The Pin Code can be changed for additional security. See the PRG for more infor­ma
Serial Port Profile (Slave)
Initial Bluetooth® Connection Guide
5. Wait as your Bluetooth device connects to the reader.
6. Notification will appear in the system tray showing the COM Port being used for the SPP
Profile (Slave).
7. The next window indicates the reader has been successfully added to the Host.
Serial Port Profile (Slave)
PowerScan™ BT8300
8. The reader is now connected to your PC, and will be displayed in the Bluetooth Devices window.
Serial Port Profile (Slave)
Initial Bluetooth® Connection Guide
9. In addition, when a reader has been successfully added to the Host, the COM port assign-
ment(s) will be shown from the Open Se
ttings\COM Ports selection of the Bluetooth
menu. These assignments represent the different profile types as follows:
Outgoing COM Port: F
or Serial Port Profile (Slave)
Incoming COM Port: F
or Serial Port Profile (Master)
Serial Port Profile (Slave)
PowerScan™ BT8300
Testing the “Slave” Connection
Since HyperTerminal is not included in Microsoft Windows 7, an equivalent application such as MicroRidge Serial Test Program (available free from the web), can alternatively be used to test the connection.
1. Start the MicroR
idge Serial Test Program and click the Serial Port button in the
lower right-hand corner of the screen to open the COM Port.
2. In the Seri
Port field, select the Outgoing COM port displayed when you completed
the Add Bluetooth Device Wizard in the previous sequence. Click OK to continue.
Serial Port Profile (Master)
Initial Bluetooth® Connection Guide
3. Four ascending beeps will be emitted, signaling that the reader has been successfully con-
nected to the Bluetooth-enabled PC. Now you can re
ad bar code labels, and the data will
appear in the MicroRidge Serial Test Program window.
Serial Port Profile (Master)
Read the bar code below to configure the reader in Serial Port Profile (Master) mode.
Serial Port Profile (Master)
1. Create a label to link the reader to the PC Bluetooth connection. The label must be Code
128 symbology and contain the PC Bluetooth address with the following formatting:
$+QS<12hex characters>$-
The address is usually shown in the Hardware tab of the Bluetooth Devices window. The label should look similar to this example:
Linking Label Demo in Serial Port Profile (Master)
Serial Port Profile (Master)
PowerScan™ BT8300
2. To learn the Bluetooth address of your PC, click the Bluetooth icon from your system tray and choose Open Settings, then click on the Hardware tab and select Properties.
3. Next, select the Advanced tab to see the 12-character hex Bluetooth Address of your PC.
Serial Port Profile (Master)
Initial Bluetooth® Connection Guide
4. From your system tray, click the Bluetooth icon, then open Settings. Select the COM
Ports tab and then click Add.
5. Select the Incoming COM Port and click OK to continue.
Serial Port Profile (Master)
PowerScan™ BT8300
6. A notification screen will advise that an incoming COM Port is successfully added.
If you made a Connection in Serial Port Profile (Slave) previously, the Incoming COM Port should be specified already. In this case you will NOT need to add it again.
Serial Port Profile (Master)
Initial Bluetooth® Connection Guide
Testing the “Master” Connection
Since HyperTerminal is not included in Microsoft Windows 7, an equivalent application such as MicroRidge Serial Test Program (available free from the web), can alternatively be used to test the connection.
1. Start the MicroRidge Serial Test Program and click the Serial Port button in the
lower right-hand corner of the screen to open the COM Port.
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