Datalogic PBT9500-RT Quick Reference Manual

PowerScan™ Retail
Industrial Cordless Handheld
Area Imager Bar Code Reader
Quick Reference Guide
959 Terry Street Eugene, OR 97402 USA Telephone: (541) 683-5700 Fax: (541) 345-7140
©2013-2017 Datalogic S.p.A. and/or its affiliates
All rights reserved.  Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this documentation may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Datalogic S.p.A. and/or its affiliates. Owners of Datalogic products are hereby granted a non-exclusive, revoca­ble license to reproduce and transmit this documentation for the pur­chaser's own internal business purposes. Purchaser shall not remove or alter any proprietary notices, including copyright notices, contained in this documentation and shall ensure that all notices appear on any reproduc­tions of the documentation. Should future revisions of this manual be published, you can acquire printed versions by contacting your Datalogic representative. Electronic versions may either be downloadable from the Datalogic website (
) or provided on appropriate media. If you visit our website and would like to make comments or suggestions about this or other Datalogic publications, please let us know via the "Contact Datalogic" page.
Datalogic has taken reasonable measures to provide information in this manual that is complete and accurate, however, Datalogic reserves the right to change any specification at any time without prior notice. Datalogic and the Datalogic logo are registered trademarks of Datalogic S.p.A. in many countries, including the U.S. and the E.U. PowerScan is a trademark of Datalogic S.p.A. and/or its affiliates, registered in many countries, including the U.S. and the E.U. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Data­logic Group companies is under license. All other brand and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
See for patent list.
See the Regulatory Addendum included with your product for additional regulatory, safety and legal information.
Quick Reference Guide i
Table of Contents
Software Product Policy ............................................................... vii
Customers Under Software Support .................................. vii
Description ....................................................................................... 1
General Features .................................................................... 1
Using the PowerScan™ PBT9500-RT ............................................. 2
Installing the Battery Pack ............................................................ 3
Charging the Batteries .......................................................... 6
Changing the Batteries ................................................ 6
Programming ................................................................................... 7
Using Programming Bar Codes ............................................7
Configure Other Settings ....................................................... 7
Resetting Product Defaults ..................................................7
Set Date and Time .......................................................................... 8
Linking the Reader ..........................................................................9
Link Datalogic RF Devices to Base.............................. 9
Linking to a Bluetooth Adapter in Serial Port Profile
(Slave) Mode .................................................................. 9
Linking to a Bluetooth Adapter in HID mode........... 10
Variable PIN Code ....................................................... 11
HID Country Mode .........................................................................12
HID Caps Lock State ......................................................................16
HID Alt Mode ..................................................................................17
Power Off .......................................................................................17
Reading Parameters ..................................................................... 18
Good Read Green Spot Duration ........................................18
Digital Watermark Reading .................................................19
Operating Mode ............................................................................. 20
Scan Mode ............................................................................20
Motion Aiming Control ........................................................21
Pick Mode .......................................................................................22
Multiple Label Reading ........................................................22
Technical Specifications ...............................................................23
LED and Beeper Indications .........................................................26
Error Codes ....................................................................................29
Cleaning ..........................................................................................30
Datalogic Limited Factory Warranty ...........................................31
Ergonomic Recommendations ....................................................33
Support Through the Website .....................................................34
Hex-Numeric Keypad ....................................................................35
For HID Variable Pin Code only.................................. 37
ii PowerScan™ Retail PBT9500-RT
Quick Reference Guide iii
Notice to End User: There are two types of software covered by this END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT ("EULA"): (1) The Datalogic Product you have acquired contains embedded software ("Embedded Soft­ware") which is integral to the Product's operation; and (2) Optional Application Software provided to you on an optional basis ("Applica­tion Software"). Embedded Software and Application Software are col­lectively referred to as "Software" and are subject to the terms and conditions contained in this EULA. Software is provided only for use with, and for authorized end users of, the Datalogic PowerScan™ 95XX ("Product"). Portions of the Embedded Software include or operate with Open Source software or libraries ("Open Source"). Use of Open Source is subject to the Open Source licenses available at the following website:
This EULA (End User Software License Agreement) ("EULA” or "Agree­ment") is a legally binding agreement governing the licensing of the Software and Documentation by Datalogic IP Tech S.r.l. and its subsid­iaries and affiliates ("Datalogic") to the entity or person who has pur­chased or otherwise acquired a Datalogic Product ("End User"). For purposes of this Agreement, any software that is not Embedded Soft­ware or Application Software is software associated with a separate end-user license agreement is licensed to you under the terms of that license agreement. Datalogic and End User hereby agree as follows:
1. Definitions
1.1 "Affiliate" means a business entity currently existing or later acquired that is controlled by, or is under common control with Datalogic S.p.A.
1.2 "Documentation" means materials such as user's guides, program reference guides, quick reference guides, manuals, or similar mate­rials associated with or related to the Datalogic Product, whether in printed, "online", or other form.
1.3 "Proprietary Information" means: (a) source code, object code, soft­ware, documentation, and any related internal design, system design, data base design, algorithms, technology, technical data or information, implementation techniques, and trade secrets related to the Software, (b) any other trade secrets marked appropriately or identified as proprietary or confidential, and (c) any information that End User, under the circumstances, should recognize as confi­dential. Proprietary Information does not include any information that the receiving party can establish was (1) in the public domain, (2) already in the receiving party's possession or rightfully known prior to receipt, (3) rightfully learned from a third party not in viola­tion of any other's proprietary rights, or (4) independently devel­oped without access to Proprietary Information.
1.4 "Datalogic Product" means the Datalogic Powerscan™ series scan­ner product, including all embedded Software in and all Documen­tation related to such product, which has been purchased or otherwise acquired by End User, whether obtained directly or indi­rectly from Datalogic.
1.5 "Software" means any software or computer programs of Datalogic or its third party licensors in machine readable form which is embedded in the Datalogic Product, whether obtained directly or indirectly from Datalogic, including any replacement, update, upgrade, enhancement or modification.
2. Scope Of License Granted
2.1 Datalogic grants to End User a non-exclusive, non-transferable, perpetual license to use the Software, solely on the Datalogic Prod­uct in which it is embedded ("designated Datalogic Product"), in
iv PowerScan™ Retail PBT9500-RT
machine-readable form only, solely for End User's internal busi­ness purposes. This Agreement does not convey ownership of the Software to End User. Title to the Software shall be and remain with Datalogic or the third party from whom Datalogic has obtained a licensed right. As used in this Agreement, the term "purchase" or its equivalents when applied to the Software shall mean "acquire under license." End User is not entitled to receipt or use of the source code to any Software.
2.2 End User shall not copy, modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or otherwise reproduce or remanufacture the Software, whether modified or unmodified, nor sell, assign, sublicense, dis­tribute, lend, rent, give, or otherwise transfer the Software to any other person or organization, for purposes other than as expressly provided in this Agreement, without Datalogic's prior written con­sent.
3. Transfers, Support
3.1 Any copying, installing, reproduction, remanufacture, reverse engi­neering, electronic transfer, or other use of the Software on other than the designated Datalogic Product will be a material breach of this Agreement. However, Datalogic may elect not to terminate this Agreement or the granted licenses, but instead may elect to notify End User that End User is deemed to have ordered and accepted a license for each breaching use. End User shall pay Data­logic the applicable list price for such licenses as of the date of such breach.
3.2 End User shall not sell, assign, sublicense, distribute, lend, rent, give, or otherwise transfer the Datalogic Product to any third party unless such third party agrees with Datalogic in writing to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Any such transfer of the Datalogic Product absent such agreement shall be null and void.
3.3 End User may obtain support for Software from Datalogic at Data­logic's standard support fees and under Datalogic's standard sup­port terms and conditions in effect at the time the support is requested.
4. Intellectual Property
End User acknowledges that the Software comprises valuable trade secrets of Datalogic or Datalogic's third party licensors and that the Software is protected by United States copyright law and trade secret law, and by all applicable international intellectual property laws and treaty provisions. The license set forth in this Agreement does not transfer to End User any ownership of Datalogic's or its third party licensors' copyrights, patents, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, or other intellectual property rights and End User shall have no right to commence any legal actions to obtain such rights. End User shall not remove, modify, or take any other action that would obscure any copy­right, trademark, patent marking, or other intellectual property notices contained in or on the Datalogic Product.
5. Proprietary Information
5.1 End User acknowledges that Proprietary Information is the confi­dential, proprietary, and trade secret property of Datalogic and Dat­alogic's third party licensors and End User acquires no right or interest in any Proprietary Information.
5.2 End User shall not disclose, provide, or otherwise make available the Proprietary Information of Datalogic or its third party licensors to any person other than End User's authorized employees or agents who are under confidentiality agreement, and End User shall not use the Proprietary Information other than in conjunction with use of the Datalogic Product exclusively for End User's internal business purposes. End User shall take steps to protect the Propri­etary Information no less securely than if it were End User's own
Quick Reference Guide v
intellectual property.
5.3 The provisions of this Proprietary Information Section shall survive and continue for five (5) years after the termination of this Agree­ment.
6. Limited Warranty
6.1 Datalogic warrants that, under normal use and operation, the Dat­alogic Product will conform substantially to the applicable Docu­mentation for the period specified in the Documentation. During this period, for all reproducible nonconformities for which Datalogic has been given written notice, Datalogic will use commercially rea­sonable efforts to remedy nonconformities verified by Datalogic. End User agrees to supply Datalogic with all reasonably requested information and assistance necessary to help Datalogic in remedy­ing such nonconformities. For all defects reported to Datalogic within the warranty period, Datalogic's liability is limited to provid­ing End User with one copy of corrections or responding to End User's problem reports according to Datalogic's standard assis­tance practices. Datalogic does not warrant that the product will meet End User's requirements or that use of the product will be uninterrupted or error free, or that Datalogic's remedial efforts will correct any nonconformance. This limited warranty does not cover any product that have been subjected to damage or abuse, whether intentionally, accidentally, or by neglect, or to unautho­rized repair or unauthorized installation, and shall be void if End User modifies the product, uses the product in any manner other than as established in the Documentation, or if End User breaches any of the provisions of this Agreement.
7. Infringement
To the maximum extent permitted by law, End User agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Datalogic, its affiliates and their respec­tive directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims, actions, suits or proceedings, as well as any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of or accruing from (a) the End User’s use of Software, (b) any application the End User develops on the Software that infringes any Intellectual Property Rights of any person or defames any person or violates their rights of publicity or privacy, and (c) any non-compliance by the End User of this Agreement.
8. Limitation Of Liability
9. Government Restricted Rights; International Use
9.1 Use, duplication, or disclosure of the Software by the U.S. Govern­ment is subject to the restrictions for computer software devel-
vi PowerScan™ Retail PBT9500-RT
oped at private expense as set forth in the U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulations at FAR 52.227-14(g), or 52.227-19 or in the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227­7013(c)(1)(ii), whichever is applicable.
9.2 If End User is using the Datalogic Product outside of the United States, End User must comply with the applicable local laws of the country in which the Datalogic Product is used, with U.S. export control laws, and with the English language version of this Agree­ment. The provisions of the "United Nations Convention on Inter­national Sale of Goods" shall not apply to this Agreement.
10. Termination
10.1Either party may terminate this Agreement or any license granted under this Agreement at any time upon written notice if the other party breaches any provision of this Agreement.
10.2Upon termination of this Agreement, End User immediately shall cease using any nonembedded software and shall return to Data­logic or destroy all non-embedded software covered by this Agree­ment, and shall furnish Datalogic with a certificate of compliance with this provision signed by an officer or authorized representa­tive of End User. For embedded software, End User agrees to sign a waiver prepared by Datalogic concerning further use of the embed­ded Software. End User's resumed or continued use of the embed­ded Software after termination shall constitute End User's agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agree­ment for such use.
11. General Provisions
11.1 Entire Agreement; Amendment. This document contains the entire agreement between the parties relating to the licensing of the Software and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agree­ments, written or oral, between the parties concerning the licens­ing of the Software. This Agreement may not be changed, amended, or modified except by written document signed by Data­logic.
11.2 Notice. All notices required or authorized under this Agreement shall be given in writing, and shall be effective when received, with evidence of receipt. Notices to Datalogic shall be sent to the attention of Datalogic IP Tech S.r.l., Legal & IP Department, Via San Vitalino 13, 40012 Calderara di Reno (Bologna), Italy or such other address as may be specified by Datalogic in writing.
11.3 Waiver. A party's failure to enforce any of the terms and condi­tions of this Agreement shall not prevent the party's later enforce­ment of such terms and conditions.
11.4 Governing Law; Venue: Both parties agree to the application of the laws of the country in which End User obtained the license to gov­ern, interpret, and enforce all of End User’s and Datalogic’s respec­tive rights, duties, and obligations arising from, or relating in any manner to, the subject matter of this Agreement, without regard to conflict of law principles. The United Nations Convention on Con­tracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply.
All rights, duties, and obligations are subject to the courts of the country in which End User obtained the license. For licenses granted by Licensee who operates in the countries specified below, the following terms applies.
For Americas. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Oregon.
This Agreement and the rights of the parties hereunder shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon U.S.A, without regard to the rules governing con­flicts of law. The state or federal courts of the State of Oregon located in either Multnomah or Lane counties shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all matters regarding this Agreement, except that
Software Product Policy
Quick Reference Guide vii
Datalogic shall have the right, at its absolute discretion, to initiate proceedings in the courts of any other state, country, or territory in which End User resides, or in which any of End User's assets are located. In the event an action is brought to enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees, both at trial and on appeal.
For Europe, Middle East and Africa This Agreement is governed by the laws of Italy. This Agreement
and the rights of the parties hereunder shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Italy, without regard to the rules governing conflicts of law. Italian Court of Bologna shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all matters regarding this Agree­ment, except that Datalogic shall have the right, at its absolute dis­cretion, to initiate proceedings in the courts of any other state, country, or territory in which End User resides, or in which any of End User's assets are located. In the event an action is brought to enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees, both at trial and on appeal.
For Asia- Pacific Countries
This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Hong Kong. This Agreement and the rights of the parties hereunder shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Hong Kong without regard to the rules governing conflicts of law. The Court of Hong Kong shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all matters regarding this Agreement, except that Datalogic shall have the right, at its absolute discretion, to initiate proceed­ings in the courts of any other state, country, or territory in which End User resides, or in which any of End User's assets are located. In the event an action is brought to enforce the terms and condi­tions of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees, both at trial and on appeal.
11.5 Attorneys' Fees. In the event an action is brought to enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees, both at trial and on appeal.
- END -
Software Product Policy
Datalogic reserves the right to ship its products with the latest version of software/firmware available. This pro­vides our customers with the very latest in Datalogic soft­ware technology.
The only exception to this policy is when the buyer has a signed contract with Datalogic that clearly defines the terms and conditions for making software/firmware changes in products shipped to the buyer.
Customers Under Software Support
To arrange for a Software Maintenance and Support Agreement please contact your Datalogic sales person.
Software Product Policy
viii PowerScan™ Retail PBT9500-RT
Quick Reference Guide 1
PowerScan™ PBT9500-RT
The PowerScan™ Retail 9500 series is the first handheld scanners family on the market capable of reading digital watermarks, including Digimarc® Barcode. The Power­Scan™ PBT9530-RT is a feature-rich and rugged area imager reader. It is offered in several different models to better fit the different needs of each customer.
The table below shows the unique features of each model:
General Features
Model P/N Optical feature
PBT9500-XX-RT Standard optic, standard and low density codes
Omni-directional Operating
To read a symbol or capture an image, you sim­ply aim the reader and pull the trigger. Since the PowerScan™ PBT9500-RT is a powerful omni-directional reader, the orientation of the symbol is not important.
Thanks to powerful algorithms, PowerScan™ PBT9500-RT reader reliably decodes all major 1D (linear) barcodes, 2D stacked codes (such as PDF417), 2D matrix symbols (such as DataMa­trix), postal codes (such as POSTNET, PLANET). The data stream — acquired from decoding a symbol — is rapidly sent to the host. The reader is immediately available to read another symbol.
Formatting and Concatenating
The string of a decoded code may be processed according to either a simple or advanced data formatting and be concatenated.
PowerScan™ PBT9500-RT reader can also function as a camera by capturing entire images (valid only for RS-232 and USB-COM on the Base Station).
Using the PowerScan™ PBT9500-RT
2 PowerScan™ Retail PBT9500-RT
Using the PowerScan™ PBT9500-RT
The PowerScan™ PBT9500-RT reader normally functions by capturing and decoding bar codes. The reader is equipped with an internal Motionix™ motion-sensing function which activates the aiming system on device motion. The intelligent aiming system indicates the field of view which should be positioned over the bar code:
Table 1. Aiming System
The field of view indicated by the aiming system will be smaller when the reader is closer to the bar code and larger when it is farther from the code. Symbologies with smaller bars or elements (mil size) should be read closer to the unit. Symbologies with larger bars or elements (mil size) should be read farther from the unit.
An autoscan command causes the reader to scan continuously and to monitor the central zone of its reading area.
Flash Memory
Flash technology allows you to upgrade the PowerScan™ PBT9500-RT reader as new sym­bologies are supported or as new features become available.
USA Driver License Parsing
The reader can be set up to select and output a subset of data elements from USA Driver License PDF417 barcodes. This feature can be enabled using either Datalogic Aladdin™ or the barcodes in the USA Driver License Parsing Quick Reference Guide (QRG), available on the Datalogic website.
Aimer pattern
Installing the Battery Pack
Quick Reference Guide 3
If the entire bar code is within the aiming field, you will get a good read. Successful reading is signaled by an audible tone plus a good-read green spot LED indicator.
Reference the PowerScan™ 9500 Product Reference Guide (PRG) for more information about this feature and other programmable settings.
Installing the Battery Pack
To install, charge and/or do any other action on the bat­tery, follow the instructions in this manual.
To charge the Battery Pack, See “Charging the Batteries” on page 6.
Datalogic recommends annual replacement of rechargeable battery packs to ensure maximum performance.
Do not discharge the battery using any device except for the scanner. When the bat­tery is used in devices other than the desig­nated product, it may damage the battery or reduce its life expectancy. If the device causes an abnormal current to flow, it may cause the battery to become hot, explode or ignite and cause serious injury. Lithium-ion battery packs may get hot, explode or ignite and cause serious injury if exposed to abusive conditions. Be sure to follow the safety warnings that follow:
• Do not place the battery pack in fire or heat.
• Do not connect the positive terminal and negative terminal of the battery pack to each other with any metal object (such as wire).
• Do not carry or store the battery pack together with metal objects.
Installing the Battery Pack
4 PowerScan™ Retail PBT9500-RT
• Do not pierce the battery pack with nails, strike it with a hammer, step on it or other­wise subject it to strong impacts or shocks.
• Do not solder directly onto the battery pack.
• Do not expose the battery pack to liquids, or allow the battery to get wet.
• Do not apply voltages to the battery pack contacts.
In the event the battery pack leaks and the fluid gets into your eye, do not rub the eye. Rinse well with water and immediately seek medical care. If left untreated, the battery fluid could cause damage to the eye.
Always charge the battery at 32° – 113°F (0°
- 45°C) temperature range. Use only the authorized power supplies, bat-
tery pack, chargers, and docks supplied by your Datalogic reseller. The use of any other power supplies can damage the device and void your warranty.
Do not disassemble or modify the battery. The battery contains safety and protection devices, which, if damaged, may cause the battery to generate heat, explode or ignite.
Do not place the battery in or near fire, on stoves or other high temperature locations.
Do not place the battery in direct sunlight, or use or store the battery inside cars in hot weather. Doing so may cause the battery to generate heat, explode or ignite. Using the battery in this manner may also result in a loss of performance and a shortened life expectancy.
Do not place the battery in microwave ovens, high-pressure containers or on induction cookware.
Immediately discontinue use of the battery if, while using, charging or storing the bat­tery, the battery emits an unusual smell, feels hot, changes color or shape, or appears abnormal in any other way.
Installing the Battery Pack
Quick Reference Guide 5
As with other types of batteries, Lithium-Ion (LI) batteries will lose capacity over time. Capacity deterioration is noticeable after one year of service whether the battery is in use or not. It is difficult to precisely predict the finite life of a LI battery, but cell manufacturers rate them at 500 charge cycles. In other words, the batteries should be expected to take 500 full discharge / charge cycles before needing replacement. This number is higher if partial dis­charging / recharging is adhered to rather than full / deep discharging.
The typical manufacturer advertised useful life of LI bat­teries is one to three years, depending on usage and num­ber of charges, etc., after which they should be removed from service, especially in mission critical applications. Do not continue to use a battery that is showing excessive loss of capacity, it should be properly recycled / disposed of and replaced. For most applications, batteries should be replaced after one year of service to maintain customer satisfaction and minimize safety concerns.
Collect and recycle waste batteries separately from the device in comply with European Directive 2006/66/EC, 2011/65/EU, 2002/96/EC and 2012/19/EU and subse­quent modifications, US and China regulatory and others laws and regulations about the environment.
Do not replace the battery pack when the device is turned on.
Do not remove or damage the battery pack’s label.
Do not use the battery pack if it is damaged in any part. Battery pack usage by children should be supervised.
Installing the Battery Pack
6 PowerScan™ Retail PBT9500-RT
Charging the Batteries
Once the BC 90x0-BT is powered, you can charge the reader's batteries. Place the PowerScan
BT9500 into the BC 90x0-BT cradle. The Reader LED on the cradle/battery charger turns red. The battery is completely charged when the Reader LED on the cradle/battery charger turns green.
Changing the Batteries
Fixed Pack Models
1. Unscrew the bottom of the handle as shown to release the battery.
2. Pull down to remove the battery.
Removable Pack models
1. Push the button at the bottom of the handle as shown to release the battery.
2. Pull down to remove the battery.
Do not incinerate, disassemble, short termi­nals or expose to high temperature. Risk of fire, explosion. Use specified charger only. Risk of explosion if the battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of the batteries as required by the relevant laws in force.
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