Datalogic AL5010 Product Line Manual

Product Line Manual
AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manual
PN 1000068393 2.1 | CMS 11-0023 | 2013.01.31 | RAY
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Copyright © 2011-2012 DATALOGIC. All rights reserved.
No part of this document is to be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system without prior written consent of Datalogic Systems, Inc. All drawings and specifications contained in this manual are the property of Datalogic Systems, Inc. and shall not be reproduced, copied or used in whole or in part as the basis for the sale or manufacture of products without the written permission.
Datalogic and DRX® are registered trademarks and the AS logotype, 1-800­BAR-CODE™ is a trademark of Datalogic.
All other company or product names are mentioned for purposes of identification only, and may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Disclaimer Information
The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice. Supplemental information or documentation may be required for certain applications or usage.
The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Datalogic cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.
No patent liability is assumed by Datalogic with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software described in this manual.
In no event will DATALOGIC. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment.
Datalogic 511 School House Rd. Telford, PA 18969 1-800-BAR-CODE™
AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals Contents iii
Intended Audience Thank Overview Other Conventions Customer
...................................................................................................... vii
of Contents
Sources of Information
........................................................................ viii
.................................................................................................. viii
......................................................................................... viii
1 Introduction
AL5010 Product Line Overview .......................................................................9
The AL5010 Scan Head ................................................................................10
The AL5010 Mounting Base ..........................................................................10
The AL5010 Interface Module
AccuLazr™ User Interface.............................................................................12
Typical AL5010 Mid-Range Bar Code Reading Applications ........................13
Options and Accessories ...............................................................................14
2 Safety
Symbols .........................................................................................................15
General Precautions ......................................................................................16
Unpacking, Mounting and Installation Recommendations
Compliance Requirements ............................................................................17
Electrical Safety .............................................................................................17
Electrical Grounding Requirements Elec
trostatic Discharge ..................................................................................18
Rules for ESD
Laser Safety...................................................................................................19
Safety Labels and Locations..........................................................................20
3 Mechanical Installation
Prerequisites ..................................................................................................21
Tools Required...............................................................................................21
Additional Information ....................................................................................21
Installation Sequence.....................................................................................22
Orientation Considerations ............................................................................
Read Range...................................................................................................23
Bar Code Orientation to
General Mounting Guidelines ........................................................................
Dimensions and Clearances..........................................................................
Attaching the Mounting Base.........................................................................26
Attaching Installing an AL5010
Mounting the Trigger Photoeye .....................................................................29
Mounting the Interface Module ......................................................................31
Mounting the I/O
ng Instruct
the Universal Mounting Bracket (UMB) .........................................
the Tachometer
ions ..................................................................................21
Scanning Area .......................................................24
Scan Head ...................................................................28
00b-AL5010_Table of Contents_R10.doc Accu-Sort Systems, Inc.
iv Contents AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals
4 Electrical Installation
Prerequisites ..................................................................................................37
Tools Required.............................................................................................. 37
Additional Information ....................................................................................37
Installation Sequence(s) ................................................................................38
Multiple Readers.............................................................................38
General Electrical Installation Guidelines and Precautions...........................39
Cable and Conduit Connections ....................................................................40
the AL5010 Interface Modules............................................................
Power Requirements .....................................................................................45
Supply Connections............................................................................45
Trigger Connections.......................................................................................46
Tachometer Connections...............................................................................
Serial Communications Connections Ethernet Communications
Connections ........................................................50
(COM1 and COM2) ............................48
I/O Module Connections ................................................................................51
DeviceNet ......................................................................................................53
Profibus Connecting Wiring to the AL5010 without an Interface Module
the AL5010 .................................................................................
Check Installation...........................................................................................55
5 Setup
Getting Started...............................................................................................57
AccuLazr User Interface Basics.....................................................................60
Getting Help ...................................................................................................
Modify Settings ..............................................................................................61
Configuration ...........................................................................................62
Modulo Checks........................................................................................65
Stripping/Padding ....................................................................................66
Match Serial Communic
Network ...................................................................................................71
Trigger .....................................................................................................74
Relay .......................................................................................................75
FAST Monitor™.......................................................................................77
Save / Retrieve
Diagnostics ....................................................................................................81
Update Firmware.....................................................................................90
6 Operations
First-time Startup ...........................................................................................91
Default Parameters ........................................................................................91
First-time Setup..............................................................................................92
k Operations using Test
Chec Operations Checklist
Control Panel Indicators ................................................................................94
Backup / Restore Procedures........................................................................
Checking Operations with
Mode ..............................................................92
User Interface ....................................................100
Accu-Sort Systems, Inc. 00b-AL5010_Table of Contents_R10.doc
AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals Contents v
Standalone Operation ..................................................................................102
Tracking Operation ......................................................................................103
Dual X-Scanning Operation .........................................................................104
Multiple-Reader Network Operatio Scanning Array / Tunnel
Operation .............................................................106
n ............................................................105
7 Maintenance
Laser Shutoff Procedure..............................................................................107
Maintenance Tasks......................................................................................108
Cleaning Exit Window ..................................................................................109
Cleaning Trigger Photoeye ..........................................................................110
Cleaning Tachometer...................................................................................110
Tighten Mounting Hardware ........................................................................
Checking Interface Module Connections.....................................................111
Verify Reader Operation ..............................................................................
Verify Photoeye Operation...........................................................................112
Verify Tachometer Operation.......................................................................112
8 Troubleshooting
Test Mode ....................................................................................................113
Status Indicators ..........................................................................................113
Control Panel Indicators ..............................................................................114
Diagnostics ..................................................................................................
Log Viewer ...................................................................................................120
Update Firmware .........................................................................................126
Troubleshooting Tables ..............................................................................131
9 Service
Replacement Procedures ............................................................................129
AL5010 Field Replaceable Units (FRUs) Spare Parts ...............................130
Interface Module FRU Spare Parts .............................................................131
A Specifications
Al5010 Technical Specifications
Interface Module Technical
Basic Enhanced Power Supply
Output Modules............................................................................................135
Input Modules ..............................................................................................135
Certifications ................................................................................................
Interface Module Technical
133 133
B Read Charts
AL5010 Read Charts ...................................................................................137
C User Interface
AccuLazr User Interface ..............................................................................149
Modify Settings ............................................................................................150
Configuration .........................................................................................151
00b-AL5010_Table of Contents_R10.doc Accu-Sort Systems, Inc.
vi Contents AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals
Bar Codes..............................................................................................153
Modulo Checks......................................................................................155
Stripping/Padding ..................................................................................156
Match Code Patterns.............................................................................157
Serial Communications .........................................................................161
Network .................................................................................................166
Trigger ...................................................................................................170
Relay .....................................................................................................172
Save / Retrieve ............................................................................................
Diagnostics ..................................................................................................181
Update Firmware...................................................................................185
D Networking Guide
.................................................................................................................... 187
E FAST Monitor Configuration
F Installation Drawings
G Test Label for Adjustable Raster Setup
Accu-Sort Systems, Inc. 00b-AL5010_Table of Contents_R10.doc
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00c-AL5010_Preface_R20.doc Accu-Sort Systems, Inc.
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viii Preface AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals
WARNINGS or CAUTIONS: This symbol identifies a hazard or
procedure that, if incorrectly performed, could cause personal injury or result in equipment damage. It is also used to bring the user’s attention to details that are considered IMPORTANT.
HIGH VOLTAGE CAUTION: This symbol alerts the user they are about to perform an action involving, either a dangerous level of voltage, or to warn against an action that could result in damage to devices or electrical shock.
LASER CAUTION: This symbol alerts the user they are about to perform an action involving possible exposure to laser light radiation.
ESD CAUTION: This symbol identifies a procedure that requires you take measures to prevent Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) e.g., use an ESD wrist strap. Circuit boards are most at risk. Please follow ESD procedures.
NOTES: This symbol draws attention to details or procedures that may be useful in improving, maintaining, or enhancing the performance of the hardware or software being discussed.
NOTE REGARDING DIMENSIONAL REFERENCES: This manual provides all dimensional references in inches and in most cases Metric referenced in brackets, for example 10 inches [254 mm].
Customer Service
Accu-Sort Systems offers a complete set of training courses to help you and your staff get the most out of your investment. We can help you develop a training plan that provides thorough training for both your project team and your end users. We will work with you to organize courses appropriate to your job or area of responsibility. Training professionals can show you how to plan your training throughout the implementation process so that the right amount of information is delivered to key people when they need it the most. You can attend courses at our training center, or you can arrange for our trainers to teach at your facility. In addition, we can tailor standard courses or develop custom courses to meet your needs.
From on–site support to central support, our team of experienced professionals provides the help and information you need to keep your equipment working for you. This team includes your Account Manager and Accu-Sort’s large staff of support specialists with expertise in your business area and managing your hardware and software environment.
NOTE: If you have any problems or questions that require Accu-Sort's assistance, direct your calls to Customer Service at 1-800-BAR-CODE
(215) 723-0981.
Accu-Sort Systems, Inc. 00c-AL5010_Preface_R20.doc
AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manual Introduction 1
1 Introduction
This chapter presents an introductory description of the AccuLazr™ AL5010 laser barcode scanner product line including:
AL5010 Product Line Overview  AccuLazr User Interface
AL5010 Product Line Overview
The AL5010 line of laser barcode readers is designed with industrial and manufacturing applications in mind, providing high-speed scanning and high reliability in a rugged industrial enclosure. The entire AL5010 product line offers a large depth of field that provides accurate barcode reading from as little as 4 inches up to 48 inches.
The AccuLazr AL5010 Mid-Range Laser Barcode Readers include:
AL5010 Scan Head  AL5010 Mounting Base  AccuLazr Interface Module (optional)  Power Supply Module (optional)
AL5010 Barcode Reader
AccuLazr Basic Interface Module
01-AL5010_Introduction_R20.doc Accu-Sort Systems, Inc.
2 Introduction AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals
AL5010 Scan Head
The AL5010 Scan Head incorporates the optics and laser module(s) for scanning barcodes as well as the decoding engine and parameter storage module. The control panel provides several LED status indicators and three function buttons.
There are five models of the AL5010 Scan Head (each available with optional adjustable raster):
One-laser models for standard and high-density  Two-laser models for standard, near-focus high-density and high-density
An optional Adjustable Raster (adjustable up to 20-degrees above or below 0-degrees, variable DOF) is available in the existing scan head housing. No
bolt-on additions are required.
AL5010 Mounting Base
The AL5010 Mounting Base provides for the mounting of the AL5010 as well as the wiring interface between the scan head and AccuLazr Interface Module. It includes a parameter storage module that enables parameters to be uploaded/downloaded with the ‘hot-swappable’ scan head.
Accu-Sort Systems, Inc. 01-AL5010_Introduction_R20.doc
AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manual Introduction 3
AccuLazr Interface Module
The AccuLazr Interface Module is fully compatible with the AL5010 line of barcode readers and is available in both a Basic and Enhanced version.
The AccuLazr Basic Interface Module provides the following connections:
Scanner (15-pin and RJ45)  Ethernet / EtherNet/IP (1)  Serial ports (2)  Trigger Input  Power
The Enhanced Interface Module provides the following additional connections:
 Tach Input Up to four Opto22 I/O modules  Fieldbus communications (either DeviceNet or Profibus)
01-AL5010_Introduction_R20.doc Accu-Sort Systems, Inc.
4 Introduction AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals
AccuLazr™ User Interface
The AccuLazr User Interface lets you configure an AL5010 through a series of intuitive, user-friendly menus, tools and dialog boxes accessed via a web browser. Context sensitive help is available to assist with use of the software.
With the user interface, you can: Integrate AL5010 to your system and application without custom
Modify output messages to accommodate your system needs.  Add or modify the barcode symbologies read by AL5010.  Define up to four (4) relay input/outputs.  Monitor AL5010 performance using diagnostic tools.  Fine-tune optional adjustable raster.
You can easily configure your AL5010 reader by using a desktop or laptop computer, an Ethernet network connection and the browser-based interface.
Accu-Sort Systems, Inc. 01-AL5010_Introduction_R20.doc
AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manual Introduction 5
Typical AL5010 Mid-Range Barcode Reading Applications
Use the AL5010 in the following applications:
single-reader applications (side or top)  pick module scanning  multi-sided scanning retail distribution centers  industrial manufacturing
With optional Adjustable Raster:
 pallet scanning  hard-to-read barcodes plastic shrink-wrapped barcodes  unknown label positioning
01-AL5010_Introduction_R20.doc Accu-Sort Systems, Inc.
6 Introduction AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals
Options and Accessories
Contact your sales representative for assistance in determining which options and accessories will be applicable to your application.
If you know which items are needed, contact Accu-Sort’s Customer Service Department (ask for the Spare Parts Coordinator) between 8 AM and 4:30PM (EST) Monday through Friday at 1-800-BAR-CODE (Fax: 215-723-
Accu-Sort Systems, Inc. 01-AL5010_Introduction_R20.doc
AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals Safety 7
2 Safety
Please follow the safety precautions and warnings found in this manual when installing, setting up, operating, maintaining, troubleshooting or replacing any Accu-Sort products, parts, or related equipment. Following these precautions will prevent personal injury or damage to the unit. Failure to follow these precautions may also void your warranty.
This section provides important information regarding safety and your AL5010, especially involving issues regarding:
General Precautions during Mounting and Installation
Compliance Requirements
Electrical Safety
Electrical Grounding Requirements
Electrostatic Discharge Precautions and Control
Laser Safety
Contact Accu-Sort at 1-800-BAR-CODE™ if you need more information.
Throughout this manual, special safety alerts are indicated by the following symbols:
WARNINGS or CAUTIONS: This symbol identifies a hazard or procedure that, if incorrectly performed, could cause personal injury or result in equipment damage.
HIGH VOLTAGE CAUTION: This symbol alerts the user they are about to perform an action involving, either a dangerous level of voltage, or to warn against an action that could result in damage to devices or electrical shock.
LASER CAUTION: This symbol alerts the user they are about to perform an action involving possible exposure to laser light radiation.
ESD CAUTION: This symbol identifies a procedure that requires you take measures to prevent Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) e.g., use an ESD wrist strap. Circuit boards are most at risk. Please follow ESD procedures.
Alerts help you to:
02-AL5010_Safety_R20.doc Accu-Sort Systems, Inc.
Identify a hazard and its consequences
Avoid a hazard by taking adequate safety precautions
Get the most out of your bar code solution
8 Safety AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals
General Precautions
Installation and Service by Qualified Service Technician Only
WARNING: All procedures involving exposure to the inside of the AL5010 Interface Module must be performed by a trained technician because of possible exposure to emitted laser radiation, high voltage, and could reduce the effectiveness of the device’s IP rating. There are no user-serviceable parts inside. Do not attempt to open the unit or perform any installation/service procedures unless you are a trained technician! DO NOT REMOVE the faceplate from the scan head enclosure. Opening the AL5010 will void the factory warranty.
Refer all servicing and advanced troubleshooting to a qualified service technician. Technical training is available from Accu-Sort Systems.
Furthermore, even trained technicians should always reference the specific product documentation for more detailed service procedures that may not be described in the AL5010 Product Manual.
Unpacking, Mounting and Installation Recommendations
CAUTION: Firmly fasten mounting structures in place before installing the
equipment to any mounting structure. Avoid using freestanding mounting structures. If your application requires a freestanding mounting structure, avoid making the structure top-heavy.
Follow all procedures regarding electrical safety, laser safety, and
electrostatic discharge safety (ESD) as outlined in this manual.
Save all packing material in case you have to transport your readers.
Use steel or aluminum as a mounting structure. An Accu-Sort mounting
structure is recommended for optimum system performance.
Check mounting hardware periodically for tightness and stability.
Do not use sheet rock, plaster board, wood, or other unstable mounting
Do not use mounting surfaces that are subject to high vibrations.
Do not create any obstructions of airflow around the modules. Keep the
area around the modules clean to provide for cooling. (Refer to specific product manuals for minimum clearances.)
Avoid dropping the readers during unpacking and installation.
Do not touch the window glass of the scan head.
Accu-Sort Systems, Inc. 02-AL5010_Safety_R20.doc
AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals Safety 9
Compliance Requirements
FCC NOTICE: The AL5010 has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Title 47, Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide a reasonable protection against
harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manuals, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
WARNING: These are Class A products. In a domestic environment, these products can cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures. (Ref. CISPR 22 = EN 55 022:1995.)
IMPORTANT: Follow the guidelines below to maintain Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Compliance:
Interconnecting cables must be twisted pair cables.
Electrical Safety
All shielded I/O cables shall have the shield terminated to the chassis.
Do not remove the shielding covers.
Refer to the details on making custom cables as provided in the specific
technical manual for the component.
AL5010 must be installed in accordance with Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, CSA C22.1; CSA C22.2 No. 0; and the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70. For complete requirements, National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, C22.1, or other national standard must be consulted.
incorporate a readily accessible disconnect device in the fixed wiring.
outlet near the equipment so it is easily accessible.
Make sure that all personnel who work with the equipment know where
the disconnect switches or circuit breakers are located.
Before performing any type of maintenance, turn off power to the unit and
disconnect the power cord.
02-AL5010_Safety_R20.doc Accu-Sort Systems, Inc.
Be certain your hands and the floor of your work area are dry before
touching electrical equipment or connecting cords.
Routinely check all power cords, plugs, wiring, and cable connections for
any signs of exposed wire or deteriorating insulation. If you notice any damage, make arrangements with service personnel to repair or replace the damaged item immediately.
10 Safety AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals
Electrical Grounding Requirements
Before applying power to any device, ALL components MUST be electrically grounded. Follow these precautions:
Ensure all AC power outlets have a properly grounded receptacle.
ALL components MUST be properly cabled and grounded with three-
conductor AC power cords.
Use the correct power cord for your country.
Reference specific grounding instructions for each component.
Do not use a two-prong adapter.
Do not cut/remove the round grounding prong from any plug.
Do not use an extension cord to defeat any ground.
Electrostatic Discharge
ESD CAUTION: Measures must be taken to prevent Electrostatic
Discharge (ESD) at all times when handling any product, equipment, unit or part (e.g. use a grounded ESD wrist strap). It should be noted that circuit boards are at greatest risk to damage from ESD. Please follow standard ESD precautions!
Electrostatic discharge (ESD), the transfer of static electricity from one object to another, is an often-unnoticeable hazard to electronic components. Boards and other devices with integrated circuits are particularly sensitive to ESD damage. Product failures may not occur until days or weeks after the component was damaged.
Static damage to units can take the form of upset failures or catastrophic failures (direct and latent).
An upset failure occurs when an electrostatic discharge is not significant enough to cause total failure, but may result in intermittent gate leakage, causing loss of software or incorrect storage of information.
Direct catastrophic failures occur when a unit is damaged to the point where it is permanently damaged.
Basic Rules for ESD Control
Below are some keys to effectively control unnecessary ESD damage when working with ESD-sensitive devices:
Define an ESD protective area and work on the ESD-sensitive devices in
this area only.
Define static sensitivity of devices to be handled in ESD protective area.
Establish suitable static control program that limits static generation to
less than the damage threshold of the most sensitive device and provides a safe, defined path for static charge dissipation.
Accu-Sort Systems, Inc. 02-AL5010_Safety_R20.doc
Prevent contamination of the protective area by unnecessary non-static
controlled materials.
Audit the ESD protective area regularly to ensure that static control is
maintained. Document the findings for future reference.
AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals Safety 11
Refer to the specific ESD precautions for each component.
Laser Safety
The AL5010 uses visible laser diodes and emits a “moving” red beam. Do not stare into the AL5010’s exit window at the laser light source. Avoid unintentional exposure to laser light whenever possible. The laser light level does not constitute a health hazard, however staring at the laser light for prolonged periods could result in eye damage.
The following appears next to the AL5010 laser exit window:
Warning on AL5010 Laser Exit Window to Avoid Exposure
WARNING: Use of controls, adjustments, or procedures other than those specified in this document may result in hazardous laser light exposure.
The AL5010 Line Scanning Bar Code Reader is rated as a Class 1 Laser Product by the International Electrotechnical Commission. Compliances are as follows: Class 1 Laser Product (IEC-60825-1) 2007.
Before performing any maintenance or service procedures, perform the laser shutoff procedure provided in Chapter 7.
02-AL5010_Safety_R20.doc Accu-Sort Systems, Inc.
12 Safety AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals
Safety Labels and Locations
Refer to the following figures for specific label locations and warnings. When operating, repairing, or replacing an AL5010, note all label content on the unit. These labels provide special precautions for operation, usage specifications, product identification, and service information.
Label Placement AL5010 Scan Head
Accu-Sort Systems, Inc. 02-AL5010_Safety_R20.doc
03-AL5010_Mechanical_Installation_R20.doc Accu-Sort Systems, Inc.
14 Mechanical Installation AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals
Unpacking Instructions
IMPORTANT: The AL5010 packaging is designed to protect the unit(s)
during shipment. Do not throw it away. Save all packing material in case you need to transport your unit(s).
Accu-Sort Systems, Inc. 03-AL5010_Mechanical_Installation_R20.doc
AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals Mechanical Installation 15
Installation Sequence
NOTE: Everything should be MECHANICALLY INSTALLED before
performing any ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION. Reference Chapter 4 for electrical installation details.
Installing a Single Unit
To install a single unit, follow this sequence of steps:
Complete mechanical installation.
Review the details of your application’s requirements.
Determine and mark the reader mounting location.
Erect mounting frame or other supporting structures.
Attach the Universal Mounting Bracket (UMB) to the frame.
(UMB and mounting frame options are available from Accu-Sort.)
Install the mounting base to the UMB (or frame, if UMB not used).
Mount the AccuLazr Basic or Enhanced Interface Module to
Mount the Accu-Sort power supply to structure.
Mount Trigger Photoeye (optional).
Mount tachometer (Enhanced Interface Module only).
Complete electrical installation.
Install the scan head to the mounting base and wire interface
module. (See Chapter 4.)
NOTE: To reduce the possibility of damage to the scan head, install it after the mounting base is mounted, wired, and all wiring checked for accuracy.
Setup your reader.
See Chapter 5.
Check operations.
See Chapter 6.
03-AL5010_Mechanical_Installation_R20.doc Accu-Sort Systems, Inc.
Installing multiple units
To mechanically install multiple units, follow the same sequence of steps, per reader, as defined in Installing a Single Unit. Your application will define how the mounting requirements vary for each reader.
Multiple-reader networks may require a different approach to physical location of the power source, trigger photoeye, and tachometer since they are most likely being shared by the group of readers.
16 Mechanical Installation AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals
Orientation Considerations
Consider the important factors that affect how the reader is oriented in respect to the barcoded packages (products) and their method of conveyance.
Mounting the reader for optimum performance depends on these factors:
Read Range defining the distance (and variations) between the reader
and packages, including the near/far distances, and overall depth of field
Barcode Orientation on products (ladder or picket fence) as well as the
angle in which codes will appear (skew, pitch and tilt)
Reader Positioning for type of scanning required to accommodate
picket fence or ladder barcode orientation (yaw, pitch and roll angles)
Read Range
The AL5010 must be positioned in the scanning area to accommodate reading products over a read range specific to your application. Use the following diagram to determine the near/optimum/far read distances. These dimensions result in the overall depth of field your application requires.
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Barcode Orientation to Scanning Area
Picket Fence or Ladder Orientation Barcode placement usually
determines the AL5010’s positioning. The AL5010 can be mounted to read codes in either a ladder or picket fence orientation.
Picket Fence and Ladder Orientation Illustrated
Barcode Skew, Pitch and Tilt These angles affect barcode readability.
Barcodes pitched or skewed up to 45 degrees are still readable. Although some skew may occur, it should not exceed 45 degrees.
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18 Mechanical Installation AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals
General Mounting Guidelines
As you plan and install the AL5010 barcode solution for your application, be sure to keep the following mounting guidelines in mind:
Determine the proper orientation and position of the reader.
Leave adequate clearances for maintenance and wiring.
AL5010 Reader: ~ 1-inch [25 mm]
Required for scan head removal from mounting base.
Interface Modules: ~ 8-12 inches [203-305 mm]
Plan mechanical installation based on the application’s electrical require-
ments. See General Electrical Installation Guidelines in Chapter 4.
It is important that you follow all safety precautions when installing, setting up, operating, maintaining, troubleshooting or replacing any Accu-Sort
products, parts or related equipment. See Chapter 2, Safety.
Reader Positioning: Fixed Laser
IMPORTANT: The AL5010 is able to decode barcodes at a variety of
angles; however significant angular distortion may degrade reading performance. When positioning the reader, remember that the scan beam exits the scan window parallel to the mounting base.
When mounting the AL5010, take into consideration your
application’s barcode orientation.
Mount the reader so that the scan beams will intersect barcodes.
IMPORTANT: To avoid the laser reflecting back onto itself and lowering performance, install at a 10-degree skew.
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AL5010’s Range of Motion with Universal Mounting Bracket (UMB)
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Reader Positioning: Adjustable Raster
The Adjustable Raster version (sometimes referred to as “vibrating vein”) of the AL5010 uses an additional mirror that oscillates to throw the laser over a configurable area. This extra functionality has all been engineered into the original AL5010 housing. As the mirror oscillates, the scan line sweeps across the target surface in application where greater coverage is needed. Specifically, the AL5010 Adjustable Raster can be configured to sweep up to 20-degrees above or below zero. When an AL5010 with the adjustable raster
feature is installed, the user interface will include a Raster setup screen (see
chapter 5 Setup).
The adjustable raster is ideal for pallet scanning or other applications when the position of the barcode is variable, but scan rate (scans/second) is decreased because of the oscillation of the mirror. The sweep of the raster and scanner skew angle is adjusted to get the best coverage over the probable scan area.
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20 Mechanical Installation AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals
Raster Setup
The Adjustable Raster version of the AccuLazr™ AL5010 Laser barcode scanner requires some extra care during installation. The procedures below will help achieve the coverage needed for your application while ensuring the maximum read rate.
AL5010 Adjustable Raster Installation
Mount the Scanner
1. Mount the scanner according to specifications.
2. Tilt the scanner back at a 15-degree angle.
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Set Up the Raster Sweep
1. Start the user interface (See chapter 5, Setup).
2. In Modify Settings > Barcode, select Code 128. The test barcode
label is a 12 character, code 128.
3. Print out or photo copy the barcode test label sheet found at the end of this appendix.
4. Place the barcode test labels on a test box.
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5. Position box at nearest read distance to the scanner.
6. Identify the highest and lowest code placement on the side of a box in your system. Mark the highest and lowest code positions on the test box.
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22 Mechanical Installation AccuLazr™ AL5010 Product Line Manuals
7. In the user interface, navigate to Modify Settings > Raster.
8. Type -20 in the Upper Sweep and Lower Sweep text fields.
NOTE: This will stop the raster from
sweeping and lock it in position at the -20 degrees.
9. Adjust the height of the scanner, so that at -20-degrees, the scan line is aligned with the lowest barcode mark on the test box.
10. With the laser line intersecting the barcode, put the scanner into test
mode using the user interface. To do this, navigate to Diagnostics > Monitor.
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11. On the Monitor screen, click Start Test Mode.
12. Check the read quality on the monitor. The quality should be 100%.
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