Large Drill Attachment
Congratulations on the purchase of your Darex
XT-3000 Large Drill Attachment. (21 mm—30
mm) As part of the assembly (see picture from
left to right) you should have a SA16565XA Large
drill alignment, SA16575CA Sharpening fixture,
and SA16500TA Large Drill Chuck.
By now you are familiar with the ‘quick disconnect’
feature of your XT-3000. Start by placing the
Large Drill Alignment on the top of your XT-
3000. Rotate the ‘Docking Lever’ clockwise to
securely lock the fixture in place. In a similar
manner, remove your current sharpening fixture
and replace it with the Large Drill Sharpening
alignment is adjusted by
rotating the black lever
located at on the front of the
alignment fixture. As per the
decal, rotating the lever
towards the operator will
reduce the amount of relief
ground onto the drill and
pushing the lever away from
the operator will increase the relief. Placing the
pin at the midway point on the decal is a good
starting place for 118° drills. For 135°-150° drills
start with the alignment 2 marks towards the
operator. You can set the alignment at any setting
necessary to achieve the amount of relief desired.
Place the drill in the chuck and turn the chuck
knob clockwise until the drill slides freely through
the chuck jaws. Next slide the Chuck and drill into
the alignment rotating the chuck until one of the
Now would be a great
time to determine the
point angle of the drill
that is to be sharpened
and adjust both the
sharpening fixture and
alignment to that point
angle. The Sharpening
fixture is adjusted by
pulling the red lever
towards (counter
clockwise) the operator
and sliding the fixture to
the point angle desired. Lock the fixture by
returning the red lever to its original position. The
‘cam dogs’ aligns with the
mating ‘notch’ in the fixture.
You will notice the opposite
‘dog’ aligns with a reference
mark machined into the
alignment fixture.
Now push the drill through the chuck until it
contacts the stop. Rotate the drill clockwise until
Incorrect Correct
the outer edge of the cutting lip is touching the
pins in the setting fixture.
Firmly tighten the chuck by turning the knob
clockwise while the chuck is still in the fixture.
Remove the chuck and drill. The drill is now
aligned and set to length to the chuck cam for the
necessary grinding.
Slide the chuck into the Sharpening fixture and
rotate the Chuck clockwise applying slight
pressure into the wheel. It is also necessary to
keep the cam up against the swing cam follower
Try to sharpen the drill
in such a manner that
the drill is off the wheel
before you reposition
your hand on the chuck.
Grinding time will vary depending on wheel
condition and amount of material removal but it
should require a minimum of 8-10 rotations.
NOTE: The MTO drill stop setting is adjustable
using a 5/32” or 4 mm hex key if you think more
or less material removal is desired.
Please Note, you do not have the ability to split
drills from 21 mm to 30 mm on the XT-3000.
Large Drill Attachment LEX050
SA16615BA Pivot Lock Lever Assembly
PP16615BF Pivot lock lever
PP16630FF 5mmX8mm SSS
SA16585TA Timing Adjuster Assembly
PP16283RF Material adjust spring
PP16285TF Material adjust screw
PP03924TF PS Latch Screw Handle
PP16585TF Large Drill Timing Adjuster
PP11015FF 1/8" Dowel Pins
SA16652TA Feed Bearing Assembly
PP16652TF Feed Bearing Bolt
PP08560LF Bearing
SA16657TA Swing Bearing Assembly
PP16655LF Swing Bearing
PP16657TF Swing Bearing Bolt
SA16645TA Spring Tensioner Assembly
PP16645TF Spring Tensioner
PP12280FF M6 x 1 x 8mm SSS
21-30 MM Chuck
PP16500TF Large chuck Body 21-30mm
PP16505TF 21-30mm chuck cam
PP16510TF 21-30mm chuck knob
PP16515TF 21-30mm Closing sleeve
PP16520TF 21-30mm closing screw
PP16525NF Thrust Washer
PP16530SF Jaws
PP16535TF Jaw guide
PP16472FF Snap ring
PP16540LF Jaw race
PP12560RF Jaw springs
PP16440FF Jaw key screw
XY Table Attachment
X-Y Table No Sub Assemblies, Send in for Repair