Data Sheet
Electric regulating valve
Type KVS 1C, 2C, KVS 3C, KVS 5C
KVS Colibri® is a series of electric suction
modulating valves for AC transport and
refrigeration applications.
Accurate temperature or pressure control is
obtained by modulating the refrigerant ow in
the evaporator with a current or voltage driver.
The balanced design provides bi-ow
operation as well as solenoid shut-o function
in both ow directions at MOPD 40 bar (580

Electric regulating valve, Type KVS 1C, KVS 2C, KVS 3C, KVS 5C
• Precise control
◦ Precise pressure and temperature control
• Liniar ow chararateristic
◦ Repetitive operation of the valve at all conditions
• Balanced cage design
◦ Higher MOPD
◦ Easily ts in various application and operating conditions
◦ Bi-ow
• Direct driven valve motor technology
◦ Powerful motor that guarantees precise ow control and increased energy eciency of the system
◦ Reduced complexity by reducing number of parts
• Supports variety of refrigerants, approved for oil free applications
◦ Wide application scope
◦ Supports an extended list of refrigerants
◦ Approved for oil free application
• Fast opening/closing time of 2.5 sec.
◦ Quick reaction to the operation condition
• Solenoid tight shut-o
◦ Prevents migration of the refrigerant during stand-still
• Compact, lightweight and in-line design
◦ Flexible and easy integration in any system
• Bi-Metal connectors
◦ Fast and improved brazing process – no wet wrap needed
• Stainless construction
◦ Internal and external corrosion resistant
• Fully hermetic laser welded design
◦ Hermetic valve in accordance to EU F-gas Regulation EU 517/2014
◦ No external leakage which saves cost on maitenance and refrigerant loss
◦ Protecting the environment and climate
• Manufactured according to ISO/TS 16949
◦ Second – to – none quality and reliability
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Temperature sensor
KVS Colibri®
regulating valve
Electric regulating valve, Type KVS 1C, KVS 2C, KVS 3C, KVS 5C
Figure 1: Typical application
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R1233zd(E), R1234yf, R1234ze(E), R1270, R134a, R22, R227ea, R23, R245fa, R290,
R32, R404A, R407A, R407B, R407C, R407F, R407H, R410A, R412A, R413A, R417A,
R422A, R422B, R422D, R427A, R438A, R442A, R444B, R447A, R448A, R449A, R449B,
R450A, R452A, R452B, R454A, R454B, R454C, R455A, R463A, R500, R502, R507A,
R512A, R513A, R513B, R515A, R515B, R516A, R600, R600a
POE, PVE, All mineral oils, ester oils and supports oil free
Yes, Fluid group 1 and 2, Article 4 paragraph 3
Max. working pressure PS/MWP
Refrigerant temperature range (measured at the inlet of the valve)
-40 – 100 °C / -40 – 212 °F
-40 – 70 °C / -40 – 158 °F
10% – 100% of total opening degree
Environmental transport/storage temperature and humidity
Max. 75 °C / 167 °F, Humidity: <100% RH
Body: Stainless Steel / Connector: Bimetal (stainless steel and copper)
Bi-polar - permanent magnet
Microstepping (recommended), 2 phase full step or half step
No permanent holding current needed. Max. 20% permanent holding current
recommended For optimal performance, driver should keep 100% current on
coils 10ms after last step
10 Ω ± 10% at +20 °C / 68 °F
Nominal Power consumption
7.44 W RMS at 20 °C (total, both coils)
Total number of full steps
Current control driver: a. Step type: Microstep (1⁄4 th or higher): 240 full steps/sec.
recommended b. Step type: Full step or Half steps: 240 full steps/sec. recommended Emergency close : 240 full steps/sec. OEMs with 3rd party controller, please
contact Danfoss
NOTE! For refrigerant temperatures above 70 deg.C => only use micro step!
2.5 seconds at 240 steps/sec
Overdriving against the full close position
1% (6 full steps) Overdrive is recommended for optimum performance 628 steps
in closing direction recommended for initialisation Overdriving in open position
not recommended
According to EN 61076-2-101
Danfoss driver: EKE 1A, EKE1B and EKE 1C
Certain third party drivers. Contact Danfoss for details
Electric regulating valve, Type KVS 1C, KVS 2C, KVS 3C, KVS 5C
Product specication
Technical data
Table 1: Technical data
Electrical data
Table 2: Electrical data
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