Installation Guide
Fan Replacement for MA02c/MA01a/MA02a
iC2-Micro Frequency Converters
1 Overview
1.1 Description
This installation guide explains how to replace the cooling fan for enclosure sizes MA02c, MA01a, and MA02a of iC2-Micro Frequency Converters.
1.2 Items Supplied
Use these instructions with the following items.
Table 1: Items Supplied
1.3 Safety Information
Only qualified personnel are allowed to replace the cooling fan described in this installation guide.
For important information about safety precautions for installation, refer to the drive's operating guide.
The drive contains DC-link capacitors, which can remain charged even when the drive is not powered. High voltage can be
present even when the warning indicator lights are off.
Stop the motor, and disconnect AC mains, permanent magnet type motors, and remove DC-link supplies, including battery
back-ups, UPS, and DC-link connections to other drives.
Wait for the capacitors to discharge fully and measure it before performing any service or repair work.
The minimum waiting time is 4 minutes for MA02c, MA01a, and MA02a drives.
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Illustration 1: Removing the Fan (MA02c)
Illustration 2: Removing the Fan (MA01a/MA02a)
Fan Replacement for MA02c/MA01a/MA02a
Installation Guide
2 Installation
2.1 Replacing the Cooling Fan
Use a flat-edged screwdriver to release the retaining lever.
Unplug the fan cable.
Illustration 3: Fan Cable Plug (Plug Location Depends on Fan Type)
Connect the new fan cable and click the new fan into place.
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