The EIM 336 is a superheat controller that can
be used to control the opening degree of a
valve based on the superheat of the evaporator.
This is applicable in applications such as air
conditioning, heat pumps and refrigeration.
An alternative option is to use the controller in
manual mode via modbus communication and
use it as a valve driver by setting the valve
opening degree manually.
• The evaporator is charged optimally even
when there are large variations in load and
suction pressure.
• The superheat control can save energy by
ensuring optimum utilization of the
• The superheat is controlled to the lowest
stable value.
• It controls EEV in microsteps providing a
smooth superheat curve and less noise.
LOC Loss of charge indication
SH Superheat
MOP Maximum operating pressure
MSS Minimum stable superheat
Te Saturated suction temperature
Pe (Po) Evaporator pressure
S2 Evaporator refrigerant outlet temperature
S4 Evaporator medium outlet temperature
OD Opening degree
PNU Parameter number - is equivalent to the modbus register no. (modbus adress + 1)
2.2 Functions
Minimum Stable Superheat (MSS)
The controller will search for the minimum stable superheat between an upper and lower boundary set by the user.
If the superheat has been stable for a period of 6 minutes, the superheat reference is decreased. If the superheat
becomes unstable, the reference is raised again. This process continues as long as the superheat is within the
bounds set by the user. The purpose of this is to search for the lowest possible superheat that can be obtained while
still maintaining a stable system. The superheat reference can also be xed, in which case this function is disabled.
Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP)
In order to reduce the strain on the compressor, a maximum operating pressure can be set. If the pressure comes
above this limit the controller will control the valve to provide a lower pressure instead of a low superheat. The limit
for this function is usually a xed pressure, but it is possible to oset the limit temporarily.
Evaporator temperature (Te) control for de-humidifying
A function is provided to control on the evaporator temperature instead of the superheat. This can be used to dehumidify the air owing through the evaporator. By lowering the evaporators surface temperature, the water vapor
in the air is condensed.
Superheat close
When the superheat is below a set minimum value, the valve will close faster in order to protect the compressor
from the risk of getting liquid in the suction line.
Manual control
The valve can be controlled manually by setting the desired opening degree via modbus.
Start/stop of regulation
The start or stop of the regulation can be controlled by setting the software main switch, which is accessible via
modbus. It is however also possible to use a digital input from an external Regulation control On / O switch.
Loss Of Charge indication (LOC)
A function is provided to indicate loss of refrigerant charge. This is only indicated by setting an alarm ag which can
be accessed via modbus. No special action is performed by the controller.
External sensor values
The EIM 336 has sensor inputs for the suction pressure and evaporator temperature (S2). It is however possible to
substitute these sensor inputs by sending external sensor values via modbus. These external values need to be
updated frequently.
Forced opening during startup
In some applications it is necessary to open the valve quickly when the compressor turns on, to prevent too low
suction pressure. This is ensured by setting a xed opening degree and a startup time for the controller. Note that
this will give a xed opening degree for the duration of the start time, regardless of the superheat value.
In some applications the valve must remain open when the controller is o. This can be done by setting a xed
opening degree. When normal control is switched o with the main switch, the valve will keep this opening degree.
Defrost handling
The controller does not itself handle defrost of the evaporator. It is however possible to enter a special defrost
sequence, which will overrule the normal control of the valve.
Standalone function
The EIM 336 is designed to operate in conjunction with a system master controller, which will control the EIM 336
via modbus. It is however possible to use it in a standalone mode with no external control, except a digital input
from the Regulation control On / O switch. In this conguration some of the other functions will not be available.
The evaporator superheat is controlled by one pressure sensor Pe (evaporator pressure) and one temperature
sensor S2 (refrigerant temperature). Alternatively the pressure and temperature signals can be received as data via
modbus. This can be useful if the pressure and temperature sensors are mounted on a separate controller.
Fitting the S4 (evaporator medium outlet temperature) is optional and has no eect on regulation, it is a readout
value only. S4 can however be setup as a Regulation control On / O switch instead to provide an external ON/OFF
function for the controller.
Enabling Regulation control ON/O switch
HwMainSwitch = 1 (default is 0, i.e S4 sensor)
For standalone conguration it is recommended to enable Regulation control ON/O switch in order to control start/
stop regulation when needed, otherwise the controller will start regulating when controller is powered up.
Select Refrigerant
o30 = 1 - 42 (default value is 20 i.e R407C)
Select valve setting(optional)
n37 = 384 x 10 micro step (3840 micro steps = 480 half steps).
n38 = Max. steps/sec, default value is 31 half steps
For other valve type than Danfoss check the technical spec. of the valve.
Dene pressure sensor range in bar absolute
o20 = Min. Transducer pressure
o21 = Max. Transducer pressure
Dene min/max superheat
n10 = min. superheat reference
n09 = max. superheat reference
For xed superheat dene n09 = n10
Dene MOP (optional)
n11 = maximum operating pressure (default is 12.5 bar absolute, max. 200 = MOP o)
Set force opening of the valve ( optional)
Start OD% (n17 )
StartUp time (n15)
To start the superheat control
Set r12= ON
Select Application mode
o18 (PNU 2075 )= 1 i.e Manual control
Select valve setting(optional)
n37 = 384 x 10 micro step (3840 micro steps = 480 half steps).
n38 = Max steps/sec, default value is 31 half steps
for other valve type than Danfoss check the technical spec of the valve
Table 3: Setting controller in Superheat control mode.
4.3.2 Setting controller in valve driver mode using Modbus signal
Make sure that r12 = 0 (OFF) and change the settings so they t to their application.
Table 4: Setting controller in valve driver mode using Modbus signal
By changing parameter o45 Manual OD, the valve will move accordingly regardless of r12 parameter value.
4.3.3 Selecting a refrigerant
The controller needs to know which refrigerant is used in order to accurately control the superheat. This can be
selected by setting the “o30 Refrigerant” to the desired refrigerant as dened in the list below.
If no refrigerant is selected (“o30 Refrigerant” is set to 0 meaning the refrigerant is undened), the “No Rfg. Sel.”
alarm is set and the controller will not start regulating.
Refrigerant setting
Before refrigeration can be started , the refrigerant has to be dened. You can select the following refrigerant.
Table 5: Related parameters
Wrong selection of refrigerant may cause damage to the compressor.
4.3.4 Connecting and setting up a valve
The EIM 336 controller is designed to be used with Danfoss ETS 6 valves with a maximum of 480 pulses from fully
closed to fully open. This setting should not be changed.
Backlash, is the additional amount of steps, in percent, to close at startup and when the valve opening degree is less than 1%.
n40 Backlash
Start Backlash is the amount of steps to compensate for spindle play.
Symbolic name
o20 MinTransPres
Minimum transducer pressure (in bar absolute x 10). Example: 0 bar absolute is entered as 0
o21 MaxTransPres
Maximum transducer pressure (in bar absolute x 10). Example: 13 bar absolute is entered as 130
Superheat controller, Type EIM 336
The speed of the valve can be changed by increasing or decreasing the number of pulses per second, “n38 Max
StepsSec”. A larger value will make the valve open or close faster. Note that the torque of a stepper motor decreases
as the speed increases. Too high speeds should therefore be avoided. For the ETS 6 valve, the recommended speed
setting is 31 pulses per second.
When the controller is powered, the valve will rst be closed fully so that the controller starts from a known opening
degree (0%). In order to make sure that it is fully closed, the valve will be closed 100% plus an additional
contribution known as start backlash. The start backlash takes into account that the stepper motor may loose some
steps due to too low torque or mechanical slippage in the gears etc. The start backlash is the amount of extra steps
in percent to close once the valve is closed (less than 1%). If the valve is opening and reaches its destination, it will
move additional steps in the opening direction, then move the same amount of steps in the closing direction. This is
called backlash and is the amount of steps to add to compensate for spindle play.
Table 6: Related parameters
4.3.5 Connecting and setting up a pressure sensor
The pressure sensor input is setup by default to accept an AKS32R pressure transducer. If another sensor is to be
used, it is important to note that it needs to be a 0.5 - 4.5 V d.c. ratiometric type (10% - 90% of supply voltage).
The default range for the sensor is 0 to 16 bar absolute. This can be changed by setting the minimum transducer
pressure, “o20 MinTransPres” and the maximum transducer pressure, “o21 MaxTransPres” to the new values. The
values must be entered in bar absolute so a sensor with a range of -1 to 12 bar gauge, needs to bedened as 0 to 13
bar absolute.
Table 7: Related parameters
Both Danfoss AKS 32R and Danfoss Saginomiya Pressure transmitter NSK-BExxx follows the relative (gauge)
pressure, therefore same rules applies as explained above in converting and dening it in bar absolute in EIM
Mounting pressure transmitter
Installation of the pressure transmitter is less critical, but mounting of pressure transmitter should be closer to the
temperature sensor, right after the evaporator and with its head in upright position.
Power supply:
• Grounding of secondary (output) of transformer is not recommended.
• Do not reverse the polarity of the power connection cables and avoid ground loops (i.e. avoid connecting one
eld device to several controllers as this may result in short circuits and can damage your device).
• Use individual transformers for EIM 336 controller to avoid possible interference or grounding problems in the
power supply.
• Separate the sensor and digital input cables as much as possible (at least 3 cm) from the power cables to the loads
to avoid possible electromagnetic disturbance.
• Never lay power cables and probe cables in the same conduits (including those in the electrical panels).