Data sheet
Automatic balancing valve
ASV-P (DN 15-40)
ASV balancing valves are designed to guarantee
high quality of the automatic balancing by:
- a pressure released cone,
- an adapted membrane for every valve
dimension which provide constant quality
performance for all sizes.
A 90° angle between all service features (shut-off,
draining, measuring) allows an easy access under
any installing condition.
ASV valves (DN 15-40) are packaged in styropore
(EPS) which can be used for insulation at
ASV-P valves are automatic balancing valves
with fixed setting (10 kPa) for creating optimal
hydronic balance in residential heating systems.
The setting can be increased to 20 or 30 kPa
by spring replacement. Spring can be replaced
under pressure.
temperatures up to 80 °C. An insulation cap is
available as an accessory for insulation at higher
temperatures (up to 120 °C).
ASV-P valves are to be mounted in return pipe,
in combination with partner valves mounted
in f low pipe. As a partner valve ASV-M/I/BD are
ASV-P balancing valve, inclusive in the box: 1.5 m impulse tube (G ⁄ A) and drain cock (G ⁄ A)
Constant differential pressure 10 kPa ; can be upgraded to 20 or 30 kPa setting respectively
Internal thread
Typ e DN
15 1.6 Rp ½ 003L7621 G ¾ A 003L7626
20 2.5 Rp ¾ 003L7622 G 1 A 0 03L7627
25 4.0 Rp 1 0 03L7623 G 1¼ A 003L7628
32 6.3 Rp 1¼ 003L7624 G 1½ A 003L762 9
40 10 Rp 1½ 003L7625 G 1¾ A 003L7630
Note: for whole rang e of ASV partner valves, spa re parts and accessories pl ease refer to ASV datasheet.
/h) (I SO 7/1) (ISO 228/1)
Code No. Ty pe
External thread
Code No.
Accessories and spare parts
© Danfoss | 2017.07
Typ e Description Comments/connection Co de No.
1.5 m 003L 8152
Impulse tube, with O-rings
ASV-P 20 kPa spring (yellow)
ASV-P 30 kPa spring (green)
2.5 m 003Z0690
5 m 003L 8153
DN 15 003 L8182
DN 20 003L8183
DN 25 003L8184
DN 32 / DN 40 003 L8185
DN 15 003L8192
DN 20 003L 8193
DN 25 003L 8194
DN 32 / DN 40 003 L8195
VD.A9.L1.02 | 1

Data sheet Automatic balancing valves ASV-P
Technical data
Nominal diameter DN 15- 40
Max. pressure
Test pressure 25
Differential pressure over the valve kPa 10 -150
Temperature °C –20 … 120
Materi al of parts in cont act with water
Valve body Brass
Cone ASV-P DZR brass
Membrane / O-rings EPDM
Spring Stainless steel
Please note tha t the maximum admissible dif ferential pressure across t he valve 150 kPa should also not be e xceeded at partial lo ad.
16 (PN 16)
There are two basic configurations when using
ASV partner valves (ASV-BD, ASV-I, ASV-M,
- partner valve outside the control loop (Fig. 1).
Recommended configuration: it results in best
performance since whole controlled pressure
range is available to the riser. Flow limitation
is done on each terminal unit in the riser (for
example, RA-N with presetting on radiator,
- partner valve inside control loop (Fig. 2).
Offers flow limitation on the riser however
part of the controlled pressure range is used
by pressure drop on partner valve (p
recommended when flow limitation on each
). It is
terminal units is not possible.
2 | © Danfoss | 2017.07
Fig. 1 Setting of ASV-P = Δpriser Fig. 2 Setting of ASV-P = ∆priser + ∆p
ASV-BD can be used outside or inside control loop by choice of which measuring nipple is open.
To be used outside control loop, blue measuring nipple needs to be open. In this position, flow
verification can be done (default position). To be used inside control loop, red measuring nipple
needs to be open. In this position, flow verification & flow verification can be done.
Fig. 3 ASV in riser / typical heating application (general example)