Daktronics Valo Digital Billboard User Manual

Reproduction Reference
DD1740664 – P1335, P1343, P1408
Service and Maintenance Manual
2) Copy this manual on front and back pages on 8 ½ x 11" paper. Note: The first page (cover page) uses the front of the page (blank on back). Section heading
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3) Insert all supplementary material as listed in Appendix A.
4) Insert SL-02374 in Appendix B.
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Digital Billboard
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7) Direct questions and suggestions to Engineering Secretarial.
Service and Maintenance Manual
Digital Billboard
DD1740664 Rev 1 – 25 October 2010
201 Daktronics Dr. PO Box 5128 Brookings SD, 57006 Tel 866-343-3122 Fax 605-697-4700 www.daktronics.com
Project/Contract 1335, 1343, 1408
Rev 1 – 25 October 2010
Copyright © 2010
All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the p ublisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electron ic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems – without written permission of the publisher.
Valo®, V-Link® and Venus® are registered trademarks of Daktronics, Inc.
, CaiLube™, Mate-n-Lok™, and are trademarks of their respective companies.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 About This Manual ................................................................................................................. 1
Section 2: Display Identification ................................................................................................. 3
2.1 1000 Series Display ................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 2000 Series Display ................................................................................................................. 3
2.3 3000 Series Display ................................................................................................................. 3
Section 3: Display Troubleshooting ........................................................................................... 5
3.1 Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................................... 5
1000 Series Display Troubleshooting ............................................................................ 5
2000 and 3000 Series Display Troubleshooting ........................................................... 7
Section 4: Removing Modules from the Display ....................................................................... 9
4.1 Front Access ............................................................................................................................. 9
4.2 Rear Access ............................................................................................................................ 10
16 OT Module Removal ................................................................................................ 11
20 MT and 23 MT Module Removal ............................................................................ 13
Section 5: Replacing Display Components ............................................................................. 17
5.1 1000 Series Specific Procedures ........................................................................................... 17
Note on Removing Modules ........................................................................................ 17
Fine Mesh Screen ........................................................................................................... 17
Metal Frame Filter .......................................................................................................... 17
Optional Thermostat Addition to Digital Billboard Fan Filter Displays ................ 17
Reattaching Borders....................................................................................................... 18
Module Gears ................................................................................................................. 18
Legacy Cat-5 Cables ...................................................................................................... 19
5.2 2000 and 3000 Series Specific Procedures .......................................................................... 20
Note on Removing Modules ........................................................................................ 20
Replacing a Mobotix Webcam with a Panasonic Webcam ...................................... 20
Multi-line Controllers (MLC) ....................................................................................... 22
Power Supplies ............................................................................................................... 22
Filters ............................................................................................................................... 23
Photo/Temp Cell ........................................................................................................... 23
Section 6: Routine Maintenance ............................................................................................... 25
6.1 Inspecting a Display ............................................................................................................. 25
Table of Contents
6.2 Restarting a Display .............................................................................................................. 25
6.3 Applying Silicone to Display Back Sheets ......................................................................... 26
6.4 Cleaning a Webcam Lens ..................................................................................................... 26
6.5 Applying a Gasket to the Spare Parts Box ......................................................................... 26
6.6 Fan Operation ........................................................................................................................ 27
6.7 Control Cabinet Heating Inspection ................................................................................... 27
6.8 Structural Inspection ............................................................................................................. 28
6.9 Spare Parts .............................................................................................................................. 28
6.10 Service Call ............................................................................................................................. 29
Service Instructions ........................................................................................................ 29
6.11 Annual Maintenance Checks ............................................................................................... 31
Service Instructions ........................................................................................................ 31
6.12 Cleaning a Display Face ....................................................................................................... 35
Wet Cleaning Instructions ............................................................................................ 35
Dry Cleaning Instructions ............................................................................................. 35
Section 7: Power and Signal Testing ........................................................................................ 37
7.1 Testing the Display Ground ................................................................................................ 37
Testing with a Ground Meter ....................................................................................... 37
Testing with a Multimeter ............................................................................................ 37
Glossary .................................................................................................................................... 39
Appendix A:Supplementary Material ......................................................................................... A-1
Appendix B:Daktronics Warranty and Limitation of Liability .................................................. B-1
Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction

This manual provides service and maintenance information for Valo® digital billboards. To ensure optimal display life, take time to read and understand the information in this manual.

1.1 About This Manual

This manual is divided into seven sections:
Introduction: Explains basic information needed to use this manual.
Display Identification: Explains differences between series displays.
Display Troubleshooting: Explains basic troubleshooting steps.
Removing Modules from the Display: Explains the various ways of removing
modules from a display.
Replacing Display Components: Explains how to replace display components.
Routine Maintenance: Explains recommended guidelines for service calls and
annual maintenance checks.
Power and Signal Testing: Explains how to test power and signal.
At the end of this manual are a glossary and two appendices:
Glossary: Defines various terms.
Appendix A: Supplementary Material: Contains retrofit kit drawings, checklists,
technical service bulletins, and quick guides referenced throughout the manual.
Appendix B: Daktronics Warranty and Limitation Liability: Provides information
on warranty and liability.
Figure 1 illustrates a Daktronics drawing label. The drawing number is located in the lower-right corner of a drawing. This manual refers to drawings by listing the last set of digits and the letter preceding them. In the example, the drawing would be referred to as Drawing A-69945.
Figure 1: Daktronics Drawing Label
All references to drawing numbers, appendices, figures, or other manuals are presented in bold typeface, as shown above.
Introduction 1

Section 2: Display Identification

Daktronics has shipped three major series of Valo® digital billboards. The 1000 series shipped from 2005 to 2008. The 2000 series shipped from October 2007 to November 2009. The 3000 series started shipping on December 2009. There are differences in the design and components in each series, and it is important to be able to identify the differences as service and maintenance requirements vary by series.

2.1 1000 Series Display

There were many variations within the 1000 series displays; however, the cabinet design remained consistent. The 1000 series displays are front access only. This is the easiest way to identify the series. Refer to Figure 2.

2.2 2000 Series Display

The 2000 series displays have minor variations in the series. The cabinet and technologies remain similar. The 2000 series displays can be accessed from the rear as well as the front. To identify these displays, look for rear access doors on the back of the display. Refer to Figure 3.

2.3 3000 Series Display

The 3000 series rear-mounted remote enclosure is standard for all shipments. The 3000 series displays can be accessed from the rear as well as the front. To identify these displays, look for rear access doors on the back of the display. Refer to Figure 4.
Figure 2: 1000 Series
Figure 3: 2000 Series
Display Identification
Figure 4: 3000 Series

Section 3: Display Troubleshooting

The following table lists some problems that may occur while operating a display. The left column contains a list of display problems. The right column contains a list of troubleshooting steps to help resolve the issue. While this table does not cover all possible problems that may occur, it does cover those that may occur most often. The first table covers troubleshooting issues for the 1000 series display, and the second table covers troubleshooting issues for the 2000 and 3000 series displays.

3.1 Troubleshooting

1000 Series Display Troubleshooting

1000 Series Display Problem Troubleshooting Steps
Entire display is blank Check that the display is receiving power and that all breakers are on.
Verify power supply LEDs are on when power is applied to display
(data distributor, multi-line controller, control cabinet, etc).
Check the status of the data distributor card to make sure it is not blank (signal locked, configured, etc).
Ensure fiber-optic signal cable is connected to the data distributor and the signal is locked.
Check that the V-Link
Blank section of display Ensure the power status LEDs on the modules, power supplies, and
multi-line controllers in the blank section are all on.
Verify all RJ45 connections to the multi-line controllers are secure. Change the connections with one another to test.
Make sure all ribbon cable connections to the modules are secure.
Blank 5 high × 4 wide module section
Blank 5 high × 2 wide module section
Blank row of modules Check the ribbon cable connections between the modules and multi-
Check the power status LED on the multi-line controllers in the blank section.
Make sure the status indicator LCD on the multi-line controller is changing.
Verify all RJ45 connections to the multi-line controllers in the blank section are secure. Change the connections with one another to test.
Check the power supply to the affected modules.
line controller in the blank section. From the front of the display, check the connection of the left-most module first.
Ensure the modules are receiving signal and power. Signal will not pass through a module that does not receive signal and power.
content output is on (not blank).
Blank 1 high x 10 wide module section
Display Troubleshooting
Check the power supply to the modules.
Blank module Check the power status LEDs on all power supplies connected to the
module. If a power indicator LED is off, check to make sure the fuse on the power supply output is intact and all power connections are securely fastened.
Check the ribbon cable input to the module and the output from the previous module or multi-line controller.
Blank half-module Check the ribbon cable of the module to the left of the blank module.
Garbled half-module Check the ribbon cable connections between modules and the multi-
line controller in the garbled section. From the front of the display, check the connection of the left-most module first.
Garbled module Check the ribbon cable input to the module and the output from the
module to its multi-line controller.
Ensure all connections on the module power supplies are tight. A garbled module can be an indicator of power supply failure. A module with no power will be blank and will not pass signal to the next module.
Garbled row Check the ribbon cable connections between the modules and the
multi-line controller in the garbled section. From the front of the display, check the connection of the left-most module first.
Garbled or uncontrollable display Check the d ata distributor receiver board status LEDs to make sure it
is receiving power.
Verify the V-Link configuration.
Ensure the fiber-optic signal cable is connected to the data distributor
and the signal is locked and receiving configuration.
Verify all RJ45 connections and ribbon cables are connected to the correct locations.
Section of display is lighter than rest
Discolored 1 high × 4 wide module section
Discolored module Check all ribbon cables and make sure all power connections are
Hanging module Check the module to see if the module will reinsert and lock into the
Test RJ45 cable input for the multi-line controller.
Test the power supply for the multi-line controller.
Replace the multi-line controller.
Check that RJ45 and power connections to the multi-line controllers
are securely fastened.
Verify that calibration frame being used is correct, and re-send if required.
securely fastened.
Verify the correct calibration frame is being used.
display. If it does not lock to the display, replace it with a spare module and send the old module to Daktronics for repair.
Display Troubleshooting

2000 and 3000 Series Display Troubleshooting

2000 and 3000 Series Display Problem Troubleshooting Steps
Entire display is blank Check that the display is receiving power and all
breakers are turned on. When power is applied to the display, power supply LEDs should turn on.
Check the data distributor LCD status to make sure the input signal is locked and the output is not blank.
Make sure the fiber-optic signal cable connects to the data distributor. The input signal should be locked.
Section of display is blank Make sure the power status LEDs on the
modules, power supplies, and in the blank section are all on.
Make sure fiber connections to the multi-line controllers in the blank section are secure. Change the connections with one another to test.
16-48 high section of display is blank Check the power status LED on the multi-line
controller in the blank section.
Verify the status indicator digit on the multi-line controller.
Make sure fiber connections to the multi-line controllers in the blank section are secure. Change the connections with one another to test.
16 high section of display is blank Check the ribbon cable connections between
modules and the multi-line controller in the blank section. From the front of the display, check the connection of the left-most module first.
Make sure that modules are receiving signal and power. Signal will not pass through a module that does not receive signal and power.
Module is blank Check the power status LEDs on all power
supplies connected to the module. If a power indicator LED is off, ensure the fuse on the power supply output is intact.
Check the ribbon cable input to the module and the output from the previous module.
Entire display is garbled or uncontrollable Check the data distributor receiver board status
LEDs to make sure the data distributor is receiving power.
Ensure the fiber-optic signal cable is connected to the data distributor. The input signal should be locked. If the input signal is not locked, check the fiber connections.
8 high section of the display is garbled Check the ribbon cable connections between
modules in the garbled section. From the front of the display, check the connection of the left-most module first.
Display Troubleshooting
Single module is garbled Check the ribbon cable input to the module and
the output to the previous module.
Make sure all connections on the module power supplies are tight. A garbled module could indicate power supply failure. A module with no power is blank and does not pass signal to the next module.
Display Troubleshooting
+ 35 hidden pages