Daktronics S-100, S-200 User Manual

Display Manual
S-100 and S-200
0.7”, 1.2” and 2.1”
DataTrac is a trademark and Venus is a registered trademark of Daktronics, Inc.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
ED-10191 Product 1120 Rev 6 – 10 March 2002
All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems – without written permission of the publisher.
331 32nd Ave PO Box 5128 Brookings SD 57006 Tel 605-697-4036 or 877-605-1115 Fax 605-697-4444 www.daktronics.com e-mail: helpdesk@daktronics.com

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction....................................................................................................1-1
1.1 How to Use this Manual ..................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Safety Precautions .............................................................................................. 1-4
1.3 Network Concepts..............................................................................................1-4
RS232 Network..................................................................................................1-4
RS422 Network..................................................................................................1-5
Modem Network................................................................................................1-5
TCP/IP Network................................................................................................1-5
1.4 Display Overview ............................................................................................... 1-5
1.5 Definitions..........................................................................................................1-7
1.6 Daktronics Nomenclature....................................................................................1-8
Section 2: Mechanical Installation.................................................................................2-1
2.1 Support Structure Design ....................................................................................2-1
2.2 Display Ventilation Requirements ........................................................................2-1
2.3 Display Mounting................................................................................................2-2
Hanging Mount...................................................................................................2-2
Wall Mount........................................................................................................2-2
Section 3: Electrical Installation.....................................................................................3-1
3.1 Common Connectors ..........................................................................................3-1
3.2 Signal.................................................................................................................3-2
Cables ...............................................................................................................3-2
Installing an RJ Connector ................................................................................... 3-2
Pin-Outs ............................................................................................................3-4
3.3 Power................................................................................................................3-4
Power Requirements ..........................................................................................3-4
Grounding ..........................................................................................................3-4
Power Connection B Pluggable Cord Connected Displays .....................................3-4
3.4 Computer to Sign ................................................................................................ 3-5
RS232 System....................................................................................................3-5
RS422 System....................................................................................................3-5
Modem System..................................................................................................3-7
TCP/IP or LAN System.....................................................................................3-7
3.5 Sign to Sign Connections .....................................................................................3-7
Section 4: Maintenance & Troubleshooting................................................................4-1
4.1 Opening the Display............................................................................................4-1
4.2 Accessing the Interior of the Display...................................................................4-2
4.3 Display Interior ................................................................................................... 4-3
LED Module Replacement .................................................................................. 4-3
Table of Contents
Power Supply Replacement.................................................................................4-4
0.7" Displays ..........................................................................................4-4
1.2" & 2.1" Displays ...............................................................................4-5
Both 0.7” and 1.2/2.1” Displays ............................................................... 4-5
Display Controller ............................................................................................... 4-6
Fans (0.7" Display, 8 & 12 Lines Only) ................................................................4-7
Light Detector....................................................................................................4-7
Fuse ..................................................................................................................4-8
4.4 Controller Address and Test Mode ......................................................................4-8
4.5 Troubleshooting..................................................................................................4-9
4.6 Replacement Parts ........................................................................................... 4-10
Common Parts (All Models) .............................................................................. 4-10
0.7" Display...................................................................................................... 4-10
1.2" Display...................................................................................................... 4-10
2.1" Display...................................................................................................... 4-11
4.7 Daktronics Exchange/Repair & Return Programs............................................... 4-11
Appendix A: Optional Temperature Sensor...................................................................... A-1
Appendix B: Reference Drawings......................................................................................B-1
Table of Contents

List of Figures

Figure 1: Drawing La bel............................................................................................................ 1-2
Figure 2: Display ID Label ....................................................................................................... 1-2
Figure 3: Removing Retaining Screws........................................................................................ 2-2
Figure 4: Eyebolt Insertion ......................................................................................................... 2-2
Figure 5: Attaching the Wall Mounting Clip ................................................................................. 2-2
Figure 6: Mounting Clip Placement; Rear View .......................................................................... 2-2
Figure 7: Mounting Bracket Placement; Rear View .................................................................... 2-3
Figure 8: Securing the Mounting Bracket.................................................................................... 2-3
Figure 9: RJ11/ RJ45 Connector ................................................................................................ 3-1
Figure 10: Mate -n-Lok Connector.............................................................................................. 3-1
Figure 11: Ribbon Cable Connector #2 ....................................................................................... 3-1
Figure 12: Ribbon Cable Connector #1 ....................................................................................... 3-1
Figure 13: 6-Conductor RJ-11 Connector, 8-Conductor RJ-45 Connector and Cable ...................... 3-2
Figure 14: Flipped Cable with RJ Connectors .............................................................................. 3-2
Figure 15: Wire with Outer Jacket Stripped................................................................................ 3-2
Fi gure 16: Power Cord Connection ............................................................................................ 3-4
Figure 17: Input Signal Cable Connection.................................................................................... 3-5
Figure 18: Output Signal Cable Connection................................................................................. 3-7
Figure 19: Removing the Face Panel Screws.............................................................................. 4-1
Figure 20: Face Panel Partially Removed................................................................................... 4-1
Figure 21: Loosening of 1/4-Turn Fasteners (0.7") ....................................................................... 4-2
Figure 22: Loosening of 1/4-Turn Fasteners (1.2" & 2.1")............................................................ 4-2
Figure 23: Removi ng LED Module Panel (0.7") .......................................................................... 4-2
Figure 24: Removing LED Module Panel (1.2" & 2.1") ................................................................ 4-2
Figure 25: Disconnecting LED Module Panel Power Cable ......................................................... 4-3
Figure 26: Disconnecting Signal from a Module (0.7” Display Shown).......................................... 4-3
Figure 27: Disconnecting a Power Supply from a Module (0. 7" Display Shown) ............................ 4-3
Figure 28: Loosening LED Module Attachment Screws (0.7") ..................................................... 4-4
Figure 29: Loosening LED Module Attachment Screws (1. 2" & 2.1") .......................................... 4-4
Figure 30: LED Module Removal (0.7") ..................................................................................... 4-4
Figure 31: LED Module Removal (1.2" & 2.1") ........................................................................... 4-4
Figure 32: Loosening Power Supply Screws (0.7") ...................................................................... 4-4
List of Figures
Figure 33: Power Supply & Plate (1.2" & 2.1" Displays) ............................................................. 4-5
Figure 34: Power Supply Cable Connections............................................................................... 4-5
Figure 35: Display Controller ..................................................................................................... 4-6
Figure 36: Modem .....................................................................................................................4-6
Figure 37: Installation of Modem................................................................................................ 4-6
Figure 38: Removing Fan Finger Guard...................................................................................... 4-7
Figure 39: Fan, Filter & Fan Cover............................................................................................. 4-7
Figure 40: Removing the Light Detector ..................................................................................... 4-7
Figure 41: Fuse......................................................................................................................... 4-8
Figure 42: Temperature Sensor Cable Connection .......................................................................... 1
Figure 43: Pin Orientation ............................................................................................................. 1
Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction

1.1 How to Use this Manual
This manual explains the installation and maintenance of the Daktronics DataTrac displays. For questions regarding the safety, installation, operation or service of this system, please refer to the telephone numbers listed on the cover page of this manual.
KImportant Safeguards:
1. Read and understand these instructions before installing.
2. Do not drop the control console or allow it to get wet.
3. Be sure the display is properly grounded with a ground rod at the display location.
4. Disconnect power to the display when it is not in use.
5. Disconnect power when servicing the display.
6. Do not modify the display structure or attach any panels or coverings to the display without
the written consent of Daktronics, Inc.
The manual is divided into five sections: Introduction, Mechanical Installation, Electrical Installation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting and Appendix.
Introduction covers the basic information needed to make the most of the rest of this manual.
Take time to read the entire introduction as it defines terms and explains concepts used throughout the manual.
Mechanical Installation provides general guidance on display mounting.
Electrical Installation provides general guidance on terminating power and signal cable at
the display.
Maintenance & Troubleshooting addresses such things as removing basic display
components, troubleshooting the display, performing general maintenance and exchanging display components.
Appendix A: Optional Temperature Sensor provides instructions on installing the
temperature sensor, if it was purchased.
Appendix B: Drawings at the end of this manual contains drawings specific to these types of
Listed below are a number of drawing types commonly used by Daktronics, along with the information that each is likely to provide.
System Riser Diagrams: overall system layout from control room to display, power and
phase requirements.
Shop Drawings: fan locations, transformer locations, mounting information, power and signal
entrance points and access method (front or rear).
Schematics: power wiring, signal wiring, load center or power termination panel assignments,
signal termination panel assignments and transformer assignments.
Final Assembly: component locations, part numbers, display dimensions, and
assembly/disassembly instructions.
The following box, Figure 1, is an illustration of a Daktronics drawing label. The drawing number is located in the lower-right corner of the drawing. This manual refers to drawings by listing the last set of digits and the letter preceding them. In the following example, the drawing would be referred to as
Figure 1: Drawing Label
Drawing A-114667.
All references to drawing numbers, appendices, figures or other manuals are presented in bold typeface, as shown below.
“Refer to Drawing A-114667 for the location of the load center.”
In addition, any drawings referenced within a particular sub-section are listed at the beginning of that sub-section in the following manner:
Reference Drawing: Shop Drawing;16 High 2 ½” Small Matrix................Drawing A-114667
Referenced drawings are found in Appendix B .
Daktronics identifies manuals by an ED number located on the cover page of each manual. Any manuals referenced in this manual will be identified by its ED number. For example, this manual would be referred to as ED-10191.
The serial number and model numbers can be found on the ID label, located on the display. This label will look similar to the one shown in Figure 2. When calling Daktronics Customer Service, please have this information available to ensure that your request is serviced as quickly as possible.
Figure 2: Display ID Label
Daktronics displays are built for long life and require little maintenance. However, from time to time, certain display components will need replacing. The Replacement Parts List in Section 4.6 provides the names and part numbers of components that may need to be ordered during the life of this display.
Following the Replacement Parts List is the Exchange/Replacement Procedure. Refer to these instructions if any display component needs to be replaced or repaired.
1.2 Safety Precautions
1. Read and understand these instructions before installing.
2. Be sure that the display is properly grounded.
3. Disconnect power before working on the display.
4. Do not modify the displays or attach any panels or coverings to the display without the express
written consent of Daktronics, Inc.
5. Most products are equipped with a 3-wire grounding-type plug, a plug having a third
(grounding) pin. This plug will only fit into a grounding-type power outlet. This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug into the outlet, contact a qualified electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the purpose of the grounding-type plug.
1.3 Network Concepts
Reference Drawings:
System Riser Diagram; RS/232................................................................Drawing A-91388
System Riser Diagram; RS/422................................................................Drawing A-91387
System Riser Diagram; Modem................................................................Drawing A-91386
V1500 System Riser Diagram...................................................................Drawing A-93904
The concept of using LED displays as a cost effective, high impact method of communication is rapidly growing throughout many industries and businesses. The reasons for this growth are many, but the need for additional features and complexity of multiple sign installations has emerged, and the Daktronics display systems have been designed to meet those needs. The common thread to most clients= requests is a means of programming and controlling a group of signs from a central control point. Daktronics responded by developing a powerful system of interconnecting and controlling signs. Great care has been taken to design products that will satisfy a wide variety of installations. Some of the design goals of these systems include the following:
Easy transfer of messages
The ability to tell a sign in the network which message it should run
The ability to determine the status of any sign on the network
The ability to control multiple sign technologies on the same network
All of the programming features would seem insignificant if the installation of the systems could not be accomplished with basic tools and without technical difficulty. Daktronics decided to use the very popular and readily available RJ-11 connector. This connector is also used on modern home and office telephone equipment.
All that is required for signal insta llation is standard six (6) conductor modular telephone wire. Tools required for mounting the display depend on the location and size of the display. For some installations, it may be possible to buy pre-terminated telephone cables for use with the displays.
There are four (4) network systems available: RS232, RS422, modem and TCP/IP.
RS232 Network
RS232 (EIA/TIA-232-E) is a standard communication interface that employs a single-ended serial transmission scheme that uses a maximum cable length of 7.62 meters (25 feet). This interface
was designed for computer communication at short distances. All computers have an RS232 communications port. Refer to Drawing A-91388.
RS422 Network
RS422 (EIA/TIA-422-B) is a standard communication interface that utilizes a differential balanced transmission scheme that uses a typical maximum cable length of 1.2 km (approximately 4000 feet). The main advantage to RS422 over RS232 is the longer cable length that is possible. A signal converter is needed to convert the compute r’s RS232 to RS422. Refer to Drawing A-91387.
Modem Network
The modem is a standard communication interface that utilizes standard phone transmission lines. The phone company assigns each phone line a number that the modem uses to communicate between controller and display. Refer to Drawing A-91386.
TCP/IP Network
The TCP/IP protocol is an interface allowing the Ethernet network card (installed in the operator’s computer) to communicate with the serial server via a Local Area Network (LAN). Information for the individual displays is distributed from the serial server’s RS232 and output. Refer to Drawing A-93904.
1.4 Display Overview
The Daktronics Indoor LED displays have been designed and manufactured for performance, reliability, easy maintenance and lo ng life. The displays consist of an array of LED pixels. The configuration of the LED pixels is dependent on the family of LED displays. The standard character is seven pixels high by five pixels wide.
A typical system consists of a Windows-based personal computer (PC) running Venus 1500 software and one or more displays. The PC controls one ore more DataTrac displays. The displays are offered as single-face displays, which are single-sided stand-alone units. They can become double­faced by mounting the m back-to-back with a second unit.
The Venus 1500 is a software package that runs under Windows 3.1x or Windows 95 operating systems on an IBM-compatible computer. Refer to the Venus 1500 controller manual, ED-12717, for installation and maintenance of the Venus 1500 editing station.
DataTrac displays are character-based indoor LED displays that are available in monochrome red or tri -color (red, green and amber) characters. This display family is for 5x7 single -stroke fonts and graphic fonts. Daktronics offers the DataTrac displays with a 0.7@, 1.2@ or 2.1@ character in various lengths. The DataTrac model numbers are described as follows: S-X00-LLL-CCC-DD
S X00
= DataTrac Display = 100 = Indoor Monochrome Red
200 = Indoor Tri-Color (Red, Green, Amber) = Number of Lines Tall (4, 8 and 12 are available) = Number of Characters per Line (18, 24, 30, 36, 42 or 48)
= Character Height (0.7”, 1.2” or 2.1”)
1.5 Definitions
Com Port: A Com Port is a connector on the back of the controller PC. The Com Port is used to control the sign network through either a 9- or 25-pin serial connector.
Display Configuration: Display configuration refers to a display’s model number, address, etc. This information will be automatically displayed when the display is powered up. Display configuration is as follows:
1. Output Test (DDD’s)
2. Display Model Number (i.e. S-100-12-24-0.7)
3. Firmware Version
4. COM1 Configuration (typically V1500)
5. COM2 Configuration (either DataView or RTD)
6. Power Line Frequency (i.e. 60 Hz)
7. Display Address – displayed in binary code (i.e. 001)
8. Sign Name
9. Modem (if present)
Flipped Cable: The flipped cable is a six (6) conductor phone cable. Pin 1 of connector A connects
to pin 6 of connector B.
LAN: Local Area Network
Loop Back Test: The loop back te st is a troubleshooting test that connects the output to the input.
Contact Daktronics customer service for this test.
Module: A module is one unit of the display. A module for a 0.7@ display consists of 4 lines by 12 characters of LEDs. The 1.2@ and 2.1@ displays = modules consist of 4 lines by 6 characters.
Network: A network consists of multiple signs connected to each other. Up to 240 Venus 1500 controlled displays can exist on one network.
RS232: RS232 is a standard PC communication type with a maximum cable length of 25 feet (7.62 meters).
RS422: RS422 is a standard differential communication type with a maximum cable length of 4000 feet (1.2 kilometers).
RX LED: A RX LED is a LED on the signal converter that indicates if the display is sending data back to the signal converter.
Serial Server: A serial server is a device used to obtain information off of a LAN.
Sign Address: The sign address is an identification number assigned to each sign of a network . The
control software uses the address to lo cate and communicate with each display. Displays that are on the same network cannot have the same address.
Signal Cable Tester: The signal cable tester is used to test the cable connections and data communication.
Signal Converter: The signal converter is a Daktronics supplied unit that converts the data from RS232 to RS422. The signal converter is used in RS422 systems.
TCP/IP: The TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is a communications protocol used for LANs.
TX LED: A TX LED is a LED on the serial converter that indicates the control PC is sending data to the display.
Venus 1500: The Venus 1500 is a Daktronics designed, Windows-based software used to run the displays.
1.6 Daktronics Nomenclature
To fully understand some Daktronics drawings, such as schematics, it is necessary to know how various components are labeled in those drawings. You will find this information useful when trying to communicate maintenance or troubleshooting efforts.
The label “A” on a drawing typically denotes an assembly. An assembly can be a single circuit board or a collection of components that function together, usually mounted on a single plate or in a single enclosure. Assemblies are divided into two types: those that route signal and those that route power.
In addition, the following labeling formats might be found on various Daktronics drawings:
“TB??” denotes a termination block for power or signal cable.
“F??” denotes a fuse.
“E??” denotes a grounding point.
“J??” denotes a power or signal jack.
“P??” denotes a power or signal plug for the opposite jack.
Finally, Daktronics part numbers are commonly found on drawings. Those part numbers can be used when requesting replacement parts from Daktronics Customer Service. Take note of the following part number formats. (Not all possible formats are listed here.)
“0P-????-????” denotes an individual circuit board.
“0A-????-????” denotes an assembly, such as a circuit board and the plate or bracket to
which it is mounted. A collection of circuit boards wor king as a single unit may also carry an assembly label.
“W-????” denotes a wire or cable. Cables may also carry the assembly numbering format in
certain circumstances. This is especially true of ribbon cables.
“F-????” denotes a fuse.
“T-????” denotes a transformer
“PR-?????-?” denotes a specially ordered part.
Single Face Cabinet
RG Indoor Character-Based—S-100 and S-200 Series
DataTrac™ S-100 displays show text in red and S-200 displays show text in a combination of red, green and amber characters. Both displays are programmed with Venus
display control software.
Model Specifications
(All Specifications are Approximate)
Feet -Inches
(H x W x D)
Single Face Cabinet
(H x W x D)
S-100 – 0.7" high characters
4x24 4x36 4x48
8x24 8x36 8x48
12x24 12x36 12x48
10" x 1'7" x 5" 10" x 2'3" x 5" 10" x 2'10" x 5"
1'4" x 1'7" x 5" 1'4" x 2'3" x 5" 1'4" x 2'10" x 5"
1'10" x 1'7" x 5" 1'10" x 2'3" x 5" 1'10" x 2'10" x 5"
.25 x .48 x .13 .25 x .69 x .13 .25 x .86 x .13
.41 x .48 x .13 .41 x .69 x .13 .41 x .86 x .13
.56 x .48 x .13 .56 x .69 x .13 .56 x .86 x .13
S-100 and S-200 – 1.2" high characters
4x18 4x24 4x30 4x36 4x42 4x48
8x18 8x24 8x30 8x36 8x42 8x48
12x18 12x24 12x30 12x36 12x42 12x48
11" x 2'4" x 5" 11" x 2'11" x 5" 11" x 3'6" x 5" 11" x 4'2" x 5" 11" x 4'9" x 5" 11" x 5'4" x 5"
1'6" x 2'4" x 5" 1'6" x 2'11" x 5" 1'6" x 3'6" x 5" 1'6" x 4'2" x 5" 1'6" x 4'9" x 5" 1'6" x 5'4" x 5"
2'1" x 2'4" x 5" 2'1" x 2'11" x 5" 2'1" x 3'6" x 5" 2'1" x 4'2" x 5" 2'1" x 4'9" x 5" 2'1" x 5'4"x 5"
.28 x .71 x .13 .28 x .89 x .13 .28 x 1.07 x .13 .28 x 1.27 x .13 .28 x 1.45 x .13 .28 x 1.63 x .13
.46 x .71 x .13 .46 x .89 x .13 .46 x 1.07 x .13 .46 x 1.27 x .13 .46 x 1.45 x .13 .46 x 1.63 x .13
.64 x .71 x .13 .64 x .89 x .13 .64 x 1.07 x .13 .64 x 1.27 x .13 .64 x 1.45 x .13 .64 x 1.63 x .13
S-100 and S-200 – 2.1" high characters
4x18 4x24 4x30 4x36 4x42 4x48
8x18 8x24 8x30 8x36 8x42 8x48
12x18 12x24 12x30 12x36 12x42 12x48
1'4" x 3'2" x 5" 1'4" x 4'1" x 5" 1'4" x 5'0" x 5" 1'4" x 5'11" x 5" 1'4" x 6'10" x 5" 1'4" x 7'8" x 5"
2'4" x 3'2" x 5" 2'4" x 4'1" x 5" 2'4" x 5'0" x 5" 2'4" x 5'11" x 5" 2'4" x 6'10" x 5" 2'4" x 7'8" x 5" 3'4" x 3'2" x 5" 3'4" x 4'1" x 5" 3'4" x 5'0" x 5" 3'4" x 5'11" x 5" 3'4" x 6'10" x 5" 3'4" x 7'8" x 5"
.41 x .97 x .13 .41 x 1.24 x .13 .41 x 1.52 x .13 .41 x 1.8 x .13 .41 x 2.08 x .13 .41 x 2.34 x .13
.71 x .97 x .13 .71 x 1.24 x .13 .71 x 1.52 x .13 .71 x 1.8 x .13 .71 x 2.08 x .13 .71 x 2.34 x .13
1.02 x .97 x .13
1.02 x 1.24 x .13
1.02 x 1.52 x .13
1.02 x 1.8 x .13
1.02 x 2.08 x .13
1.02 x 2.34 x .13
Additional matrix sizes are avail able
Measurements are approximate. For precise measurements, request a Daktronics shop drawing.
Single Face
Pounds (kg)
15 (7) 20 (9) 25 (11)
25 (11) 30 (14) 35 (16)
30 (14) 40 (18)
50 (23)
20 (9) 25 (11) 30 (14) 35 (16) 40 (18) 45 (20)
30 (14) 40 (18) 45 (20) 50 (23) 60 (27) 65 (29)
40 (18) 50 (23) 60 (27) 70 (32) 80 (36) 90 (41)
35 (16) 40 (18) 50 (23) 55 (25) 65 (29) 75 (34)
55 (25) 65 (29) 80 (36) 95 (43) 105 (48) 120 (54)
75 (34) 90 (41) 110 (50) 130 (59) 150 (68) 170 (77)
Char ac ters
24 36 48
24 36 48
24 36 48
18 24 30 36 42 48
18 24 30 36 42 48
18 24 30 36 42 48
18 24 30 36 42 48
18 24 30 36 42 48
18 24 30 36 42 48
Max. Watts
per Face
100 150 190
190 280 370
280 420 550
140 180 220 260 300 350
260 350 430 510 590 680
390 510 630 760 880
140 180 220 260 300 350
260 350 430 510 590 680
390 510 630 760 880
S-100 & S-200 Technical Specifications
Character Heights: S-100 – 0.7", 1.2" and 2.1" S-200 – 1.2" and 2.1" Color Capability: S-100 – red S-200 – RG: red, green and amber LEDs per Pixel: Monolithic block Estimated LED Lifetime: 100,000+ hours Viewing Angle: 140 degrees horizontal x 140 degrees vertical Contrast Enhancement: Polycarbonate face Service Access: Front access Control Software: Venus Power: 120 VAC single phase Communication Options: RS232, RS422, Modem and TCP/IP Compliance Information: ETL Listed
Model Number Guide
Ford Motor Company Edison, New Jersey
8x42 matrix RG
Sysco Food Services Fremont, California
12x42 matrix RG
Mod el Se ries
Let ter
100 Red
200 RG
Number of Lines
Number of Character Blocks per Line of Display
Char ac ter
Daktronics, Inc. 331 32nd Avenue, PO Box 5128, Brookings, SD 57006 Phone 605-697-4300 Fax 605-697-4700 e-mail: sales@daktronics.com DataTrac™ and Venus® are trademarks of Daktronics, Inc. Copyright © 2004 Daktronics, Inc.
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Section 2: Mechanical Installation

LNote: Daktronics engineering staff must approve any changes made to the display. If any
modifications are made, detailed drawings of the changes must be submitted to Daktronics for evaluation and approval, or the warranty may be void.
Refer to the appropriate shop drawing for your type of display during installation.
Reference Drawings:
Shop Drawing; S-***-4-24-0.7"..................................................................Drawing A-89791
Shop Drawing; S-***-4-36-0.7"..................................................................Drawing A-92153
Shop Drawing; S-***-4-48-0.7"..................................................................Drawing A-92154
Shop Drawing; S-***-8-24-0.7"..................................................................Drawing A-92155
Shop Drawing; S-***-8-36-0.7"..................................................................Drawing A-92156
Shop Drawing; S-***-8-48-0.7"..................................................................Drawing A-92157
Shop Drawing; S-***-12-24-0.7"................................................................Drawing A-89360
Shop Drawing; S-***-12-36-0.7"................................................................Drawing A-92158
Shop Drawing; S-***-12-48-0.7"................................................................Drawing A-92159
Shop Drawing; S-***-4-*-1.2".....................................................................Drawing A-96635
Shop Drawing; S-***-8-*-1.2".....................................................................Drawing A-96637
Shop Drawing; S-***-12-*-1.2"...................................................................Drawing A-96639
Shop Drawing; S-***-4-*-2.1".....................................................................Drawing A-77323
Shop Drawing; S-***-8-*-2.1".....................................................................Drawing A-77321
Shop Drawing; S-***-12-*-2.1"...................................................................Drawing A-77322
2.1 Support Structure Design
Support structure design depends on mounting methods, display size and weight. The structure design is critical and should be done only by a qualified individual. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the structure and connectors are adequate. Daktronics is not responsible for the installations or the structural integrity of support structures done by others.
2.2 Display Ventilation Requirements
Fresh air inlets and exhaust vents should not be obstructed in any way. Using the Daktronics suggested mounting methods will ensure proper ventilation. If you are using a different mounting method, consult a Daktronics sales representative for clearance requirements regarding your particular display. If ventilation requirements are not met, the display warranty will be void.
Mechanical Installation
2.3 Display Mounting
Reference Drawings:
Mtg. Detail; Top Hanging Mount, All Displays ............................................Drawing A-92315
Mtg. Detail; Rear Hanging Mount, 0.7” Displays........................................Drawing A-92292
Mtg. Detail; Rear Hanging Mount, 1.2” and 2.1” Displays..........................Drawing A-76158
It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the installation will meet local standards. The mounting hardware must be capable of supporting all components to be mounted. Daktronics is not responsible for the installations or the structural integrity of support structures done by others.
Daktronics recommends either a wall mount or a hanging mount method. A removable wall mounting bracket and eyebolts for hanging are included with each display. Have all mounte d displays inspected by a qualified structural engineer.
Hanging Mount
The DataTrac has two pre-drilled holes in the top of the display for use in the hanging mounting method. To hang a display refer to Drawing A-92315 and the following instructions:
1. Remove the two retaining screws from the top
of the display using a 5/32" Allen wrench (refer to Figure 3).
Figure 3: Removing Retaining Screws
2. Slide a washer over the threads of each eyebolt.
3. Insert the eyebolts into the pre-drilled holes on the display (refer to Figure 4).
4. Hand-tighten the eyebolts.
Note: Hanging the display without using th e supplied eyebolts will negate the warranty. Attaching or hanging anything from the display will render the warranty null and void.
Wall Mount
The DataTrac has eight (8) or twelve (12) holes on the back of the display for the attachment of the wall mounting clips. Refer to
Drawing A-92292 or Drawing A-76158 and the following instructions:
1. Using the #8-32 screws or ¼-20 bolts provided with the display, attach the mounting clips to the rear of the display as shown (refer to Figure 5 and Figure 6). Use all clips
Figure 4: Eyebolt Insertion
Figure 5: Attaching the Wall Mounting Clip
Figure 6: Mounting Clip Placement; Rear View
Mechanical Installation
2. Mount the wall bracket or
brackets to the wall where the display is to be located. Refer to Drawing A-92292 or Drawing A-76158 to determine the location of the bracket or brackets with
Figure 7: Mounting Bracket Placement; Rear View
respect to the display. Be sure the bracket is mounted to sufficiently support the weight of the display. Have all mountings inspected by a qualified structural engineer.
3. Set the display on the wall-mounted bracket. The
bracket fits onto the wall mounting clips as shown in
Figure 7. Open the display as described in Section
4.1. Using two (2) #8 screws, fasten the mounting
bracket to the rear of the display (refer to Figure 8). The display should now be attached to the wall­mounted bracket.
Note: Mounting the display to the wall without using the supplied mounting clips and bracket will negate the display warranty. Attaching or hanging anything from the display will render the warranty null and void.
Figure 8: Securing the Mounting Bracket
Mechanical Installation

Section 3: Electrical Installation

3.1 Common Connectors
This display uses many different types of connectors for power and signal termination. Take special care when disengaging any connector so as not to damage the connector, the cable or the circuit board.
When pulling a connector plug from a jack, do not pull on the wire or cable; pull on the jack itself. Pulling on the wires may damage the connector.
The following information presents some common connectors that may be encountered during display maintenance. Not all of these connectors are found in every display.
1. Phone Jacks (RJ11/RJ45 Connectors):
RJ connectors, as seen in Figure 9, are similar to the telephone connectors found in homes and are used on the ends of RJ45 cable. In order to remove this plug from the jack, depress the small clip on the underside of the plug.
Before replacing an RJ connector, spray it with Deoxit™ contact cleaner to remove any foreign matter that may cause signal problems. In addition, apply a generous amount of Cailube™ protector paste to the plug before inserting it into the jack. This paste will protect both the plug and the jack from corrosion.
2. Mate -n-LokJ Connectors: The Mate -n-Lok connectors found in this display are white and come in a variety of sizes. Circuit boards often used 9-pin Mate -n-Lok connectors while four -pin connectors and two-pin connectors are often used for power connection. Figure 10 shows a four -pin Mate-n-Lok connector. To remove the plug form the jack, squeeze the plastics locking clasps of the side of the plug and pull it from the jack.
3. Ribbon Cable Connectors: Daktronics uses a variety of ribbon cables and ribbon cable connectors. Figure
Figure 10: Mate-n­Lok Connector
12 and Figure 11 illustrate two of the most commonly used ribbon cable
connectors. To disconnect ribbon cable connector #1, squeeze the metal locking clips inward and pull the plug out of the jack. To disconnect ribbon cable connector #2, pull each of the plastic locking arms outward and remove the plug.
Before replacing a ribbon cable connector, spray it with Deoxit contact cleaner to remove any foreign matter that may cause signal problems. In addition, apply a generous amount of Cailube protector paste to the plug before inserting it into the jack. This paste will protect both the plug and the jack from corrosion.
Figure 12: Ribbon Cable Connector #1
Figure 11: Ribbon Cable Connector #2
Figure 9: RJ11/ RJ45 Connector
Electrical Installation
3.2 Signal
The conductor connector used in the network is an industry standard, 6-pin RJ-11 or an 8-pin RJ-45. This connector can be found on many telephones and LANs.
The cable used in the network is a standard flat six -conductor telephone cable (standard flipped cable). Refer to Figure 13. This cable has one end that is the mirror image of the other end (i.e. the cable is flipped). Refer to Figure 14 for a standard flipped cable.
Notice in Figure 14 that the color code on one connector must be made the opposite on the other connector. When installing a network, it is not easy to remember in which direction the previous end was oriented. One simple way to avoid confusion is to standardize the color code, having one color for the connector going into the output of a sign and the opposite color for a connector going into the in put of a sign. This will help ensure correct cabling since cables are always installed from the output jack of one sign to the input jack of the next sign.
Figure 13: 6-Conductor RJ-11 Connector, 8-Conductor RJ-45 Connector and Cable
Figure 14: Flipped Cable with RJ Connectors
Installing an RJ Connector
Installing an RJ connector on the end of the conductor cable is a simple task when the correct tools are used. The RJ crimping tool (Daktronics part number TH-1033) performs two separate steps.
First, use the crimping tool to strip the outer insulation from the inner wires. This does not result in bare wires since only the gray outer jacket is removed. After correct stripping, the wire will appear as shown in Figure
Figure 15: Wire with Outer Jacket Stripped
The crimping tool is then used to crimp the RJ connector onto the cable. The RJ connector is locked into a special socket in the tool. The stripped wire is inserted into the RJ connector. Finally, the tool is squeezed like a pliers to crimp the connector onto the wire. This completes the installation of an RJ connector onto the wire.
Electrical Installation
Electrical Installation
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