Radar Gun
Speed of Pitch Interfaces
Configuration Manual
ED-12224 Rev 5 – 15 October 2012
201 Daktronics Drive PO Box 5128 Brookings, SD 57006-5128
Tel: 1-800-DAKTRONICS (1-800-325-8766) Fax: 605-697-4746

Product 1157
Rev 5 – 15 October 2012
Copyright 2003-2012
All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the publisher
assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be
reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying,
taping, or information storage and retrieval systems – without written permission of the publisher.
All Sport® and Venus® are trademarks of Daktronics, Inc. Other trademarks used in this manual are the property of their
respective owners.

Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 General Pitch & Speed Information ...................................................................................... 1
1.2 Resources .................................................................................................................................. 1
Section 2: Radar Gun Placement & Mounting .................................................................................... 3
Section 3: Wired Speed of Pitch Configurations ................................................................................ 5
3.1 Interface Configurations ........................................................................................................ 5
Kit #1: Remote Radar Gun – Current Loop Scoreboard & RTD ................................ 5
Kit #2: Remote Radar Gun – Current Loop Scoreboard & RS-232 RTD ................... 6
Kit #3: Radar Gun Near All Sport – Current Loop Scoreboard & RS-232 RTD ....... 7
Kit #4: Radar Gun Near All Sport – Current Loop Scoreboard & RTD .................... 7
Section 4: Radio Speed of Pitch Configurations ................................................................................. 9
4.1 Radio Settings .......................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Interface Configurations ........................................................................................................ 9
Kit #1: Remote Radar Gun – Radio Scoreboard & Current Loop RTD ................... 10
Kit #2: Remote Radar Gun – Radio Scoreboard & RS-232 RTD .............................. 10
Kit #3: Radar Gun Near All Sport – Radio Scoreboard & RS-232 RTD .................. 11
Kit #4: Radar Gun Near All Sport – Radio Scoreboard & Current Loop RTD ...... 12
Section 5: Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................... 13
5.1 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................... 13
5.2 Replacement Parts ................................................................................................................. 14
Appendix A: Reference Drawings ............................................................................................................ 15
Table of Contents i

Figure 1: Daktronics Drawing Label
Section 1: Introduction
This manual explains the installation of several baseball speed of pitch systems. By connecting a
JUGS radar gun to an All Sport 5000 control console, the user is able to output data to Daktronics
scoreboards, matrix display controllers (Venus, Show Control), and the Daktronics Scoring-Timing
Interface (DSTI). This manual is not specific to a particular installation.
Important Safeguards:
Please read and understand all instructions before beginning the installation process.
Do not drop control equipment or allow it to get wet.
Do not disassemble control equipment; failure to follow this safeguard will make the
warranty null and void.
Disconnect display power when not in use or when servicing.
Disconnect display power before servicing power supplies to avoid electrical shock.
Power supplies run on high voltage and may cause physical injury if touched while
Project-specific information takes precedence over any other general information found in
this manual.
1.1 General Pitch & Speed Information
Section 5 of the All Sport 5000 control console manual (ED-11976) contains complete
instructions for operating the Pitch & Speed mode. Drawing A-130895 in Appendix A shows
the All Sport insert (LL-2482) used to operate this mode.
The manufacturers of the Jugs and Stalker radar guns also provide fully detailed operating
instructions in their respective manuals.
1.2 Resources
Figure 1 illustrates a Daktronics
drawing label. The drawing number is
located in the lower-right corner of a
drawing. This manual refers to
drawings by listing the last set of digits
and the letter preceding them. In the
example, the drawing would be
referred to as Drawing C-325405.
Reference Drawing:
System Riser Diagram ........................................................................... Drawing C-325405
Daktronics identifies manuals by the DD or ED number located on the cover page of each
manual. For example, this manual would be referred to as ED-12224.
Introduction 1

Figure 2: Radar Gun Placement,
Horizontal Angle
Figure 3: Radar Gun Placement, Vertical Angle
Section 2: Radar Gun Placement & Mounting
Refer to Figure 2 and Figure 3 for general placement
guidelines. Refer to the gun manufacturer's manual for
precise placement. Radar gun should be located no
more than 300' (91 m) from pitcher’s mound.
If a radar gun is located in a control room, the gun may
not read correct speeds through glass and tinted glass.
Note: Daktronics does not provide any standard
enclosure or rain shield for radar guns.
The Jugs radar gun package includes both a tripod
(preferred) and a wall mount bracket. Refer to Drawing
B-1023369 in Appendix A for instructions on how to
attach a radar gun to these devices.
Note: The tripod can be set as low as 22.5" (570 mm)
to not block the view of fans. It can also be set as high
as 55" (1390 mm) to provide a good angle for
accurate speed measurements.
If the gun is still off angle after mounting, speed adjust
calculations can be performed to offset this. Refer to the
instructions in Drawing A-243741 in Appendix A and
enter the final coefficient value into the All Sport console.
Radar Gun Placement & Mounting 3