DakStats Web-Sync Setup Guide 1 of 7
201 Daktronics Drive PO Box 5128, Brookings, SD 57006-5128
Tel: 1-800-DAKTRONICS (1-800-325-8766) Fax: 605-697-4746
Web: www.daktronics.com
ED-14571 Rev 3
12 December 2012
This guide will help you set up your DakStats® software to report scores and statistics using the Web-Sync® service. If you have any questions about
registering or setting up the Web-Sync service, please email dakstats@daktronics.com.
Before You Start
DakStats, Ver. 4.06 or higher
Internet access on the DakStats computer
98 or higher
DakStats Setup
Please read the following hints to ensure that data is being entered properly.
Refer to the quick guide/manual for the specific sport for more information
about setting up seasons and games, as well as entering scores and stats.
Helpful Hints
Opponent Stats
When recording stats for a game, you should enter team totals for your
opponent if you want your defensive stats to be correct. It is not necessary to
input individual stats for your opponents. Only your opponent’s team totals
will be synced. When your opponent syncs, the individual stats are posted.
Entering Text
The data you enter in DakStats will be visible online. Your stats will look
better with proper capitalization and spelling. Please avoid using ALL CAPS.
Player Rosters
Select the player position from the drop list rather than typing your own
Season Schedule
It is a good idea to check your schedule after Web-Syncing to ensure that
your records are correct.
Assign Team Codes
Team codes are necessary to correctly identify the teams when
synchronizing. All teams using the Web-Sync are already entered in
DakStats and have team codes assigned to them.
1. Go to Configure > Teams.
2. Select the current Season.
3. There are 3 options when adding teams or codes:
a. If you need to add a new team that is a member of your
league, click the Via List button.
b. If you need to assign a code to a team you already created,
select that team from the list on the left and click Look Up
c. If you need to add a team that is not a member of your
league, click Add New. Enter the appropriate team
information and then click Look Up ID/Code. Click Select
as a Non-Member School. Skip to Step 7.

DakStats Web-Sync Setup Guide 2 of 7
201 Daktronics Drive PO Box 5128, Brookings, SD 57006-5128
Tel: 1-800-DAKTRONICS (1-800-325-8766) Fax: 605-697-4746
Web: www.daktronics.com
ED-14571 Rev 3
12 December 2012
4. In the Look Up League ID window, select your League. If the team you
are trying to select is not a member of your league see step 3c to set
the team code as a non-member team.
5. Teams are in alphabetical order. Highlight the team you would like
to add from the list and click Select. If you are still unable to locate
the team, see Step 3c to set the team code as a non-member team.
6. Click OK on the “Team successfully added” message. This message
won’t appear if you clicked Look Up ID/Code.
7. The team you selected is now in the team list. Make sure all team
information is correct. You may change any of this information
except the Team Code.
8. Close the Configure Teams window or repeat steps 1-7 to add
additional teams as needed.
Add a Profile
1. To create a new Web-Sync profile, go to Web-Sync > Setup.
2. On the DakStats Web Synchronization window, click Add Profile.
3. On the Configure Web-Sync Profile window, select your league.
If your league is not in the list, click Update League.

DakStats Web-Sync Setup Guide 3 of 7
201 Daktronics Drive PO Box 5128, Brookings, SD 57006-5128
Tel: 1-800-DAKTRONICS (1-800-325-8766) Fax: 605-697-4746
Web: www.daktronics.com
ED-14571 Rev 3
12 December 2012
4. Select the Season and a Team. Both of these must be setup beforehand
through the appropriate Configure menus.
5. Enter your E-mail address.
6. Select Full Web-Sync.
Note: Retrieve Only Web-Sync is for teams that Webcast to the
Web-Sync site.
7. Click Save and then click Done. This will be your profile for the
entire season.
8. Repeat steps 1-7 for any other teams that will be using the Web-Sync.
(Ex: Men’s and Women’s teams are Web-Synced separately.)
Web-Sync Season
With the Web-Sync profile set up, follow the steps below. Web-Syncs should
be performed as soon as possible after every game.
1. To start the Web-Sync, go to Web-Sync > Web-Sync Season, and
then select the appropriate profile from the list.
2. Enter your Password provided by DakStats. If you do not have your
password, e-mail dakstats@daktronics.com with your league and
school name.
3. Click Synchronize button. The gray box will display the status of the
4. Click Done when the sync is finished.
Note: The following steps do not occur each time a team Web-Syncs:
1. When Web-Syncing for the first time, a window will appear
asking to verify the team and gender. Click Yes if it is correct.
2. DakStats will download last year’s roster to compile career
reports. You will then see the Problem Resolving Player window.
3. There will be a name in the gray box at the top of the window.
Select the same player from the roster in white and click Select.
If the player in gray is no longer with the team, choose Add New.
4. After the roster has been resolved, the Configure Rosters screen
will appear. Highlight any player that is no longer on the team
(added from step 3) and click Delete.
5. Click Close when finished.