DakStats Football GameCast
Installation and Operation Manual
ED-15731 Rev 1 16 September 2009
201 Daktronics Drive PO Box 5128 Brookings, SD 57006-5128
Tel: 800-325-8766 605-697-4300 fax: 605-697-4700
www.daktronics.com email: helpdesk@daktronics.com

Product 1149
Rev 1 – 16 September 2009
Copyright 2005-2009
All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the publisher
assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be
reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
taping or information storage and retrieval systems – without written permission of the publisher.
All trademarks used in this manual are property of their respective owners.

1.1 System Requirements ............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Software Conventions ............................................................................................................ 2
2.1 Installation ............................................................................................................................... 3
Downloading from the Internet ..................................................................................... 3
Installing from the Installation CD ................................................................................ 3
2.2 Registration .............................................................................................................................. 3
3.1 DakStats Football Setup ......................................................................................................... 5
3.2 GameCast Setup ...................................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Creating Season Files .............................................................................................................. 5
Visitor Season Files ................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Creating Game Files................................................................................................................ 6
3.5 Saving Files to Network Drives ............................................................................................ 7
4.1 Main Application Screen ........................................................................................................ 9
4.2 Game Overview Mode ......................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Offense Mode ........................................................................................................................ 10
4.4 Defense Mode ........................................................................................................................ 11
4.5 Special Teams Mode ............................................................................................................. 12
4.6 Scoring Plays Mode .............................................................................................................. 13
4.7 Play-by-Play Mode ............................................................................................................... 14
4.8 Drive Charts ........................................................................................................................... 15
Table of Contents i

This purpose of this manual is to assist users with the installation and operation of the DakStats®
Football GameCast software. This software is designed to be viewed by press personnel including
newspaper reporters, radio announcers, and other on-air personalities. Not only is GameCast a
simple way to navigate through statistics and find exactly what is newsworthy, it can also be used as
an interactive report for coaches to analyze team and player performance.
The following information is readily available through GameCast:
Game overview
Offensive stats
Defensive stats
Special teams stats
Scoring plays
Drive charts
Individual statistics
Game/season leaders
The manual includes the following main sections:
Introduction covers the basic information about the program and this manual. Take time to
read the introduction as it defines terms and explains concepts used throughout the manual.
Installation & Registration describes the software installation procedures.
Initial Setup and In Game Operations explain how to control and configure the application.
Contact Information offers details about who to contact for help.
Daktronics identifies manuals by an ED or DD number located on the cover page of each manual.
Any manuals referenced in this document will be identified by its ED/DD number. For example, this
manual would be referred to as ED15731.
The DakStats Football GameCast application has the following recommended requirements:
CPU: 1.0 GHz or faster
Video: 1024 x 768 resolution
Internet Explorer
Memory: 512 MB or more of RAM
Introduction 1
2000 or XP
6.0 or higher

Indicates an item that requires direct action, such as clicking, pressing,
selecting or formatting.
Indicates onscreen text or labels that are not clickable.
Used to reference items within the manual, such as figures or sections, as
well as other documents and important notes.
Represents a keyboard key that needs to be pressed.
Text or commands that may be typed. Quotes also indicate folder names.
Press and release the left mouse button.
Press and release the left mouse button twice.
Press and release the right mouse button.
Highlight or mark, such as by placing a check mark in a nearby box;
clicking will not necessarily perform an action.
Followed by (ex. File > Open).
This manual contains the following software conventions and terminology:
2 Introduction

The DakStats Football GameCast application can be downloaded from the Internet or
installed from an installation CD. The program will typically be installed on a separate
computer from the DakStats Football stats-entry program, but on the same network.
1. Open an Internet browser and go to
2. In the window that appears, click Run. If an additional window opens, click Run
once more.
3. Follow the onscreen instructions.
4. Click Finish when done.
1. Insert the installation CD.
2. Navigate to the “FootballGameCast” folder.
3. Double-click the “DsFootballGameCast” file to begin the installation process.
4. Follow the onscreen instructions.
5. Click Finish when done.
The DakStats Football GameCast software requires no registration of its own. However, the
DakStats Football program must first be registered in order to output stats to GameCast.
Refer to the DakStats Football Installation and Operation Manual (ED-18036) for more
information about registration.
Installation and Registration 3