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All Sport®, DakStats®, Venus®, and Web-Sync® are trademarks of Daktronics, Inc. All other trademarks used in this manual are
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................. i
The purpose of this manual is to assist users with the installation and operation of the DakStats®
Basketball application. The manual includes the following main sections:
Introduction covers the basic information about the program and this manual. Take time to
read the introduction as it defines terms and explains concepts used throughout the manual.
Installation describes the software installation procedures.
Initial Setup, Pregame Setup, In Game Operations, Creating Reports, Importing &
Exporting, Additional Features & Settings, and Using the Keyboard & Hotkeys explain
how to control and configure the application.
Contact Information offers details about who to contact for help.
Index presents an alphabetical listing of important terms and processes.
Appendix contains supplemental information about or for the application.
Daktronics identifies manuals by an ED or DD number located on the cover page of each manual.
Any manuals referenced in this document will be identified by its ED/DD number. For example, this
manual would be referred to as ED18169.
1.1 System Requirements
The DakStats Basketball application has the following recommended requirements:
CPU: 1.0 GHz or faster
Video: 1024 x 768 resolution
Internet Explorer
Memory: 512 MB or more of RAM
XP or higher
6.0 or higher
1.2 Levels of Play
DakStats Basketball can be used at any level of competition including games, tournaments,
and season statistics for club, high school, college or professional teams. The software is
available with four main entry modes:
Box supports the box statistics entry mode (post game stats entry).
Box Plus includes conferencing features and Web-Sync with the standard Box version.
Play-by-Play has all the features of the previous two plus the ability to enter stats
live during competitions.
Two-Click is a simplified play-by-play mode targeted toward the high school level
that allows operators to click a stat and then click a player.
Introduction 1
Indicates an item that requires direct action, such as clicking, pressing,
selecting or formatting.
Indicates onscreen text or labels that are not clickable.
Bold Italics
Used to reference items within the manual, such as figures or sections, as
well as other documents and important notes.
Represents a keyboard key that needs to be pressed.
Text or commands that may be typed. Quotes also indicate folder names.
Press and release the left mouse button.
Press and release the left mouse button twice.
Press and release the right mouse button.
Highlight or mark, such as by placing a check mark in a nearby box;
clicking will not necessarily perform an action.
Followed by (ex. File > Open).
1.3 Software Conventions
This manual contains the following software conventions and terminology:
2 Introduction
Section 2: Installation
Figure 1: Desktop Icon
2.1 Installation
The DakStats Basketball application can be downloaded from the Internet or installed from
an installation CD.
Downloading from the Internet
1. Download the DakStats Basketball program.
a. Open an Internet browser.
b. Type in the address bar.
c. Find the Basketball row on the web page.
d. Click on Click Here under the Download column.
e. In the window that appears, click Run. If an additional window opens, click
Run once more.
2. Follow the onscreen instructions.
3. Click Finish when done.
4. Double-click the desktop icon (Figure 1) to open the program.
Installing from the Installation CD
1. Insert the installation CD.
2. Choose the DakStats Basketball program to install.
3. Follow the onscreen instructions.
4. Click Finish when done.
5. Double-click the desktop icon (Figure 1) to open the program.
2.2 Season Update
If previous seasons are saved to the computer, go to Configure > Season & System
Preferences. Select each existing season, and then click Update. This ensures older season
databases are compatible with the latest software version.
Installation 3
Section 3: Initial Setup
Figure 2: Splash Screen
The season, teams, rosters, and other game information must first be set up before users can use the
DakStats Basketball application for scores and statistics. Users can set up the entire season and all of
the teams before the first game of the season even begins. It is recommended that games are set up at
least one hour before the game start time.
3.1 Splash Screen
When the DakStats Basketball program is first opened, users are greeted by the splash screen
(Figure 2). Here users may select seasons, games, and rosters to configure as well as
open/import/export games, print detailed reports, and begin Web-Syncing.
Initial Setup 5
Note: This section gives only a brief explanation of the buttons on this screen.
Each function is also available in the File and/or Configure menus at the top of the
screen, and they are described in the sections or documents denoted in parentheses.
Use the drop-down list to select a previously created season (Section 3.2). Click Configure to
edit the season settings (Section 8.1).Click Set as Default Season to keep the same season
selected each time the program is opened.
After selecting a season, select previously created team. Click Configure to edit the team
settings (Section 3.3). Click Set as Default Team to keep the same season and team selected
each time the program is opened.
Note: The default team may also be assigned in the season configuration (Section 8.1).
Figure 3: System Preferences
After selecting the appropriate season and team, the roster will appear in this area if one has
already been created (Section 3.4).
Double-click a player in the roster, or click Configure to edit the roster settings.
Click Download Rosterto get a team’s latest roster for those using DakStats Web-
Sync. Refer to the DakStats Web-Sync Guide (ED-14571) for instructions on setting
up the Web-Sync service.
This area lists all scheduled games for a selected season.
Select a game on the list and click Open, or double-click the game to begin entering
scores and stats for that game.
Select a game and click Configure to edit the game settings.
Click Add New to create a new game for the season (Section 3.5).
Select a user Profile, type in the Password, and click Sync to begin the Web-Sync. Refer to the
DakStats Web-Sync Guide (ED-14571) for instructions on setting up the Web-Sync service.
Common Tasks
This area includes additional frequently used commands.
Print Season Reports: Click to generate a wide variety of printouts (Section 6.3).
Lineup Reports: Click to generate lineup analysis reports (Section 6.5).
Import Game: Click to import a game file (Section 7.1).
Export Game: Click to export a game file (Section 7.2).
3.2 Creating a Season
The first step to set up the DakStats Basketball program is creating the season in which the
games will be played. By default a “Demo” season exists in the “Seasons” file, but users
should create their own seasons for all future games.
To create a season:
1. Go to Configure > Season and System Preferences (Figure 3).
6 Initial Setup
2.In the System Preferences window, click Add.
Figure 4: Creating a New Season
3. In the New Season window (Figure 4), type in the Season Title.
4. Select the Default Play Entry Mode:
Box Score: Game Totals: All game total statistics are entered after the game
is completed.
Box Score: Period by Period: Game statistics are entered for each period
after the game is completed.
Play by Play: Simple mode: Statistics are entered as the game is played,
down to each individual play.
Two-Click mode: Statistics are entered as the game is played, first by
clicking a stat, and then the player to give the stat.
5. Select the Rules File:
Rules HS: Rules set for high schools
Rules NBA: Rules set for NBA teams
Rules NCAA: Rules set for NCAA teams
Rules WNCAA: Rules set for NCAA women’s teams
Note: Refer to Section 8.2 for more information about rules configuration.
6. Select the Default Gender, either Male or Female.
Note: Default Team is only selectable when editing the season. Refer to Section 8.1.
7.Click OK.
Initial Setup 7
Figure 5: Configure Teams Window
3.3 Configure Teams
The next step to set up the DakStats Basketball program is to configure the teams. For the
program to work correctly, both home and guest teams must be configured.
Adding a Team
Choose one of the following ways to add a team:
To Manually Add a New Team
Users are required to enter the team location, nickname, print name, and abbreviation for
teams to be added correctly. All other information is optional.
1. Go to Configure > Teams.
2. In the Configure Teams window (Figure 6), select the Season.
3. Click Add New.
4. Type in the Team Location. (a high school’s or university’s name, for example)
5. Type in the Stadium, City, and State if desired. When a new game is created, these
6. Type in the team’s Nickname. (The team’s mascot may also be entered here).
7. Type in the team’s official name in the Print Name text box. This name appears on
8. Enter the team’s Abbreviation. The abbreviation is used to identify games.
9. Enter the following optional information as desired:
10. Click Save to keep the changes, or click Cancel to discard the changes.
11. Click Close when finished.
Note: Check Female as needed. Users should only check the Disable Team checkbox
when they do not want the selected team to show up in the teams list. Checking Show Disabled Teams will allow the user to view all teams, whether they were disabled or not.
8 Initial Setup
fields will populate based on the selected home team (Section 3.5).
most reports and printouts.
To Add a New Team Via List
Figure 6: Look Up League ID Window
Teams that use the DakStats Web-Sync service are able to add other teams and information
using the Via List option rather than having to enter other teams’ information by hand.
1. Click Via List.
2. In the Look Up League ID window (Figure 6), select the team’s League.
3. Highlight a team, and then click Select.
Note: If no leagues appear in the League dropdown menu, click Update Leagues.
If no teams appear after selecting a league, click Update Teams.
To Import a Team
1. Click Import.
2. Select a team to import.
Note: The importing option is typically used to quickly get information from another
team that also uses DakStats Basketball, rather than typing in all of the information
manually and risking errors. See Section 7 for more information about importing and
exporting teams.
Editing a Team
1. Go to Configure > Teams.
2. In the Configure Teams window (Figure 5), select the Season.
3. Select the team to edit.
4. Enter changes to the team’s information using the text and check boxes.
5. Click Save to keep the changes, or click Cancel to discard the changes.
6. Click Close when finished.
Initial Setup 9
Figure 7: Configure Rosters Window
3.4 Adding or Editing Rosters
On the Configure Rosters window, users are able to add, retrieve, or edit rosters. Users must
enter a roster for their team. If using Play-by-Play mode, opponent rosters are also required.
When using Box Mode or Two-Click, opponent rosters are not necessary.
Adding Players to a Roster
If the team roster has no players or missing players, users may add players to the roster.
1. Go to Configure > Rosters.
2. In the Configure Rosters window (Figure 7), select the correct Season.
3. Select the correct Team.
4. Click Add New.
5. The new player will be displayed at the top of the roster as Add New Player.
6. Fill in the fields with the player’s information. At a minimum, users need to enter the
player’s number, first name, and last name.
7. Click Save to keep the changes, or click Cancel to discard the changes.
8. Click Close when finished.
Note: Users should only check the Disable Player checkbox when they do not want
the selected player to show up in the roster. Checking Show Disabled Players will
allow the user to view all players, whether they were disabled or not.
Deleting and Editing Players
To edit a player: Select the player, and change the player information fields.
To delete a player: Select the player, and then click Delete.
Note: Players with statistics associated with them cannot be deleted. To delete the player
the statistics associated with the player need to be removed or set to zero.
10 Initial Setup
3.5Creating New Games
Figure 8: Game Information Window
The Game Information window allows users to fill in several fields of detailed game information.
The following steps must be completed for a game to be created properly.
To Create a New Game
1. Go to File > New Game and the Game Information window will appear (Figure 8).
2. Select the correct Season.
3. Select the Visiting Team.
4. Select the Home Team.
5. Select the Game Type.
6. Enter the correct Start Time.
7. Select the desired Entry Mode.
8. Enter the correct Date.
9. Click Save Game to keep the changes, or click Cancel Game to discard the changes.
10. Click Done when finished. If the game has not been saved, the user will be prompted
to do so at this point.
Note: The remaining fields are optional and do not need to be filled in when creating a
new game. Return to the Game Information window at any time to adjust this information
(Section 8.3). Remember that the Stadium, City, and State fields will populate if they were
entered during creation of the selected home team (Section 3.3).
Initial Setup 11
Section 4: Pregame Setup
Figure 9: Open Game Window
4.1 Before Game Time
Before using the DakStats Basketball software for the first time, Daktronics suggests a few
simple steps to help make in-game use easy and efficient.
Be Familiar with the Program
There is a one or two game learning curve. It is highly recommended that users take the time
to read this manual and familiarize themselves with the program before game time. Some
other helpful hints include:
Practice taking stats while watching game film.
Identify the location of buttons associated with the most common plays.
Print out a Play-by-Play report from a Demo game, and then re-enter it to learn what
buttons/steps were used to follow the Play-by-play action.
Have a Good Spotter
The spotter is a person who watches the game and tells the operator the plays as they happen
so the software operator can concentrate on entering stats rather than looking back and forth
between the game and a computer screen. Having a spotter who pays close attention to the
game and has a good understanding of the game will help the user more quickly enter data
into the DakStats Basketball program.
Note: It is also helpful to have pens and paper handy in case the operator gets behind
entering stats or there are any technical difficulties.
4.2Beginning the Game
Pregame Setup 13
1. Go to File > Open Game.
2. In the Open Game window (Figure 9), select the correct Season, and Game. Use Sort by
Date to list the games from oldest (Ascending) to newest first (Descending).
3. Click OK.
Note: If a certain game does not appear in the list, return to the Configure Games
window to make sure the game was created in the correct season; create a new game
in the proper season if necessary.
Once a game is opened, users are able to begin entering statistics into the DakStats Basketball
program. Depending on the Default Play Entry Mode (Section 3.5), the screen will appear with a
different layout and certain buttons available on the main toolbar.
5.1 Main Toolbar
Users can click the buttons on the main toolbar (Figure 10) to quickly execute common tasks
during games instead of going through the menus. Use the toolbar buttons to:
1) Create a new game
2) Open a game
3) Print the current game
4) Print the current game shot chart (Play-by-play Mode only)
5) View only the home team’s statistics
6) View only the visiting team’s statistics
7) View both home and visiting team statistics
8) Switch team court sides (Play-by-play Mode only)
9) Display or hide the court (Play-by-play Mode only)
10) Redraw the shot chart (Play-by-play Mode only)
11) View game in progress scoreboard (Play-by-play Mode only)
12) Make single substitutions (Play-by-play Mode only)
13) Make mass substitutions (Play-by-play Mode only)
14) Insert a time out (Play-by-play Mode only)
15) Balance the stats ((Play-by-play and Two-Click mode)
16) View program and system information
Most of the buttons listed above have corresponding keyboard shortcuts.
Refer to Section 9 for more information.
Note: It is possible to click and drag the toolbar anywhere else on the screen, dock it to the
bottom or either side, or remove it completely (go to View > Toolbar to turn it off and on).
In Game Operations 15
Figure 11: DakStats Basketball Play by Play Screen
5.2 Play by Play Mode
The DakStats Basketball program allows users to enter plays as they happen. Operators are
able to input stats by selecting game commands and then entering specific information when
prompted; prompts will default to the most common choice. The Play-by-play screen is
available to users throughout the game, and remains available when the game is finished.
Figure 11 shows the main application screen in Play-by-play mode, with each section of the
screen labeled by function:
Game In Progress: Shows the current game time, quarter, team fouls, bonus, and
possession. This also shows if the Webcast is currently running.
Line Score: Tracks the score for both teams in each period
Data Entry: This is where the action of a play is recorded.
Rosters & Statistics: Shows each player of both teams and their statistics for the
game. It is not possible to edit the stats in this area.
Play by Play & Editing: As stats are entered, a detailed commentary of each play will
appear here. It is possible to modify any previous play as needed, and the rest of the
game data will update accordingly.
Above the Data Entry section is an illustration of a basketball court. This is where the
position of each shot is recorded, including assists and blocks when needed.
16 In Game Operations
Game in Progress Scoreboard
Figure 12: Game in Progress Scoreboard
Figure 13: Entering Starters
Beneath the main toolbar is the game in progress scoreboard (Figure 12). This is for users to
keep track of and update:
Time: displays the game clock and time remaining in the game
Use the [Space Bar] to start and stop the game time.
Half/Quarter: displays the current half or quarter of the game
Team Fouls: displays the number of fouls each team has for that half
Bonus: displays if the team is in bonus fouls
Possession: keeps track of ball possession status
Webcast: turns green if the game is currently being webcast or remains red when
webcasting is disabled
Entering Starters
Before the game will allow plays to be entered, the players/positions for each team must be
1. Press [F2] or click the Substitution button from the main toolbar.
2. Under the team name there is a box with five spaces next to a position number in
green (Figure 13). This area displays the players in the game/starters.
3. Select the five starters either by typing in their jersey numbers and clicking Enter or
by simply clicking their names from the roster. The small basketball icons indicate
the in-game players.
Note: When entering starters, one of the teams will be automatically selected to enter
players. Click the other team button (or press [X]) to enter their rosters.
In Game Operations 17
Figure 14: Entering Shots on the Court
Successful field goal
Missed field goal
Blocked field goal
Successful three point shot
Missed three point shot
Blocked three point shot
Entering Shots
There are two different ways to enter shots taken. Both methods involve clicking the
onscreen buttons or pressing the keyboard key that corresponds to the underlined letter on
the button command.
Entering Shots on the Court
Entering shots on the court creates a detailed view of
where and how many shots were taken (Figure 14).
Select the team in possession of the ball (if not already
done by DakStats Basketball) by clicking on the team
abbreviation above the starters/players window.
Made Shots
Right-click the spot on the court where the made shot
was taken. Continue entering the play as follows:
1. Click Fouled and/or Fastbreak as needed.
2. Select the player who made the shot.
3. Select the player who fouled and/or the
player who made an Assist if necessary.
Missed Shots
Left-click the spot on the court where the shot was
attempted. Continue entering the play as follows:
1. Click Blocked as needed.
2. Select the player who missed the shot.
3. Select the player who made the rebound. Click Offensive if needed.
4. If the shot was Blocked, select the player who made the block.
Note: Whether a shot was made or missed, be sure to select any play options before
clicking on the player names.
Shot Icons
Note: Three point shots are automatically detected when the shot is placed on or behind
the three point arc, as are 2nd chance points and points off turnover.
Entering Shots with Player Information
In the Data Entry section, select the shooter by clicking on the player’s number from the
active player window (Figure 15). Then do one of the following:
If the shot was good, select FG Made, or 3Pnt Made.
If the shot was missed, select FG Attempt or 3Pnt Attempt.
If the shot was blocked, select FG Blocked or B3P.
18 In Game Operations
Entering Rebounds
Figure 15: Entering Shots with Player Information
Figure 16: Entering Rebounds
After selecting FG Attempt,3Pnt Attempt,FG Blocked, 3Pnt Blocked or Free Throw-No Good,
DakStats Basketball asks for the player who rebounded the missed/blocked shot.
Select what type of rebound occurred (Figure 16):
Player Rebound: an individual player rebounded the ball (this is the default
selection). Enter the jersey of the player who rebounded.
Note: Make sure the correct team is on the button behind the player name/number.
Offense Team Rebound: the offensive team got the rebound.
Defense Team Rebound: the defensive team got the rebound.
Offense Deadball: the rebound turned into a deadball and the ball goes to the offense.
Defense Deadball: the rebound turned into a deadball and the ball goes to the defense.
Entering Fouls
When a foul occurs during the game, users may enter this information in two different ways:
as a foul, or as a foul on a made shot.
Foul on a Made Shot
After a shot is made, DakStats will give the option to select if a foul occurred on the made
shot (Figure 17).
If no foul occurred, select No Foul (this is the default selection).
Select either Personal Foul, Intentional Foul, or Flagrant Foul, and then enter the
player who fouled.
Select what occurred after the made shot (multiple options may be selected):
o Fast Break
o Offensive Turnover
o Paint
In Game Operations 19
o 2nd Chance
Figure 17: Entering Fouls on a Made Shot
Figure 18: Entering Fouls During Game Play
Foul During Game Play
1. Click Foul (Figure 18).
2. Enter the number of the player who committed the foul (or click on the player’s
number in the player roster window).
3. Select the type of foul committed.
Personal Foul
Intentional Foul
Flagrant Foul
Player Technical
Coach Technical
Bench Technical
Player Tech Non-Personal
Bench Tech Non-Personal
4.Click Enter.
Entering Steals
When the ball is turned over or stolen, users can select the Steal or Turnover options to
document the ball possession has transferred.
1. Click Steal (Figure 19).
Note: When selecting Steal, Turnover is automatically selected. Likewise, when
Turnover is selected, Steal is also selected.
2. Enter the number of the player who committed the turnover.
3. Enter the number of the player who stole the ball, and then select Team Turnover, or
select No Steal.
20 In Game Operations
Entering Free Throws
Figure 19: Entering Steal/Turnovers
Figure 20: Entering Free Throws
When a free throw is taken, select the Free Throw option and enter the game information
that would normally follow a free throw (Figure 20).
Click Free Throw.
Enter the type of free throw being shot
Double Bonus
One Shot
Two Shots
Three Shots
Enter if the shot was:
No Good
Offense Violation
If the shot was good, select what occurred after the made shot (multiple options may
be selected):
Fast Break
Click Enter.
Offensive Turnover
2nd Chance
In Game Operations 21
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