Daktronics DakStats 3000 Rodeo User Manual

DakStats 3000 Rodeo Software
Installation & Operation Manual
ED-14946 Rev 2 – 29 September 2014
201 Daktronics Drive PO Box 5128 Brookings, SD 57006-5128 Tel: 800-325-8766 605-697-4300 fax: 605-697-4700 www.daktronics.com/support
Product 1092
Rev 2 – 29 September 2014
Copyright 2009-2014
All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, taping or information storage and retrieval systems – without written permission of the publisher.
All trademarks used in this manual are property of their respective owners.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................. i
Section 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 System Requirements ............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Software Conventions ............................................................................................................ 2
Section 2: Installation & Registration ......................................................................................... 3
2.1 Installation ............................................................................................................................... 3
Downloading from the Internet ..................................................................................... 3
Installing from the Installation CD ................................................................................ 3
2.2 Opening & Exiting the Application ...................................................................................... 3
2.3 Registration .............................................................................................................................. 3
Section 3: Rodeo Operation ........................................................................................................ 5
3.1 Creating New Seasons ............................................................................................................ 6
3.2 Creating New Rodeos............................................................................................................. 6
3.3 Opening a Rodeo ..................................................................................................................... 6
Closing a Rodeo ............................................................................................................... 7
Deleting a Rodeo .............................................................................................................. 7
3.4 Rodeo Setup ............................................................................................................................. 7
System Information ......................................................................................................... 7
Display Text ...................................................................................................................... 8
Event Information ............................................................................................................ 8
Adding Custom Events ............................................................................................ 8
Deleting Events ......................................................................................................... 8
Editing Events ........................................................................................................... 8
3.5 Contestant Entry ..................................................................................................................... 9
Adding Contestants ....................................................................................................... 10
Editing Contestants ....................................................................................................... 10
Finding Contestants ....................................................................................................... 10
Copying Contestants ..................................................................................................... 10
Deleting Contestants ..................................................................................................... 10
Contestant Messages ..................................................................................................... 11
Adding New Messages .......................................................................................... 11
Editing Messages .................................................................................................... 11
Deleting Messages .................................................................................................. 11
Displaying Messages .............................................................................................. 11
3.6 Stock Entry ............................................................................................................................. 11
3.7 Import File .............................................................................................................................. 12
Resolving Contestants ................................................................................................... 12
3.8 Performance Entry ................................................................................................................ 13
Rodeo Entry .................................................................................................................... 13
Event Entry ..................................................................................................................... 13
Individual Event ..................................................................................................... 13
Team Event .............................................................................................................. 14
Building Finals ........................................................................................................ 14
Go-Round Entry ............................................................................................................. 14
Individual Events.................................................................................................... 14
Table of Contents i
Team Event .............................................................................................................. 14
Adding Performances ............................................................................................ 14
Removing Performances ........................................................................................ 14
Performance Entry ......................................................................................................... 15
Individual Events .................................................................................................... 15
Team Event .............................................................................................................. 15
3.9 Run Performance ................................................................................................................... 15
Activating Riders ........................................................................................................... 16
Results Entry ................................................................................................................... 16
Scored Events .......................................................................................................... 16
Timed Events ........................................................................................................... 17
Editing Results ........................................................................................................ 17
Display Buttons .............................................................................................................. 17
Leaderboard .................................................................................................................... 18
3.10 Box Entry ................................................................................................................................ 18
Entering/Editing Results .............................................................................................. 18
3.11 Reports .................................................................................................................................... 19
Printing Reports ............................................................................................................. 19
Copying Reports ............................................................................................................ 19
Section 4: Display Profile Configuration .................................................................................. 21
4.1 Display Buttons ..................................................................................................................... 21
4.2 Default Profiles ...................................................................................................................... 21
4.3 Editing Profiles ...................................................................................................................... 22
RTD Options ................................................................................................................... 23
Contestant Messages .............................................................................................. 23
Section 5: Input/Output Configuration ...................................................................................... 25
5.1 Adding New Ports ................................................................................................................ 25
INPUT: Timer ................................................................................................................. 25
OUTPUT: Rodeo In Progress (RIP) RTD .................................................................... 25
OUTPUT: Announcer Monitor .................................................................................... 26
5.2 Editing Ports .......................................................................................................................... 26
5.3 Deleting Ports ........................................................................................................................ 26
5.4 Monitoring Ports ................................................................................................................... 26
Refreshing Outputs ........................................................................................................ 26
Section 6: Season Configuration ............................................................................................... 27
6.1 Adding Seasons ..................................................................................................................... 27
6.2 Editing Seasons ...................................................................................................................... 27
6.3 Deleting Seasons .................................................................................................................... 27
6.4 Utilities.................................................................................................................................... 27
Section 7: Contact Information .................................................................................................. 29
ii Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction

DakStats® 3000 Rodeo software is a results program developed by Daktronics to be part of an integrated stats, timing, and display package for rodeo. The program is used to input and organize event information for display on Daktronics matrix displays. Such information might include: the event leader, current contestant, overall event results, and go-round results. The operator is a critical component in the success of a show and must have a thorough understanding of the system and how each piece of hardware and software works together.
DakStats 3000 Rodeo software is compatible with:
Daktronics All Sport Daktronics LED matrix display controllers Daktronics Announcers Monitor terminals and Daktronics Press Row Monitor software
This manual includes the following main sections:
Introduction covers basic information about the program and this manual. Installation & Registration describes the software installation procedures. Rodeo Operations, Display Profile Configuration, Input/Output Configuration, and
Season Configuration explain how to control and configure the application.
Contact Information offers details about who to contact for help. Appendix contains supplemental information about or for the application.
Daktronics identifies manuals by an ED or DD number located on the cover page. Any other documents referenced in this manual will be identified by the ED/DD number. For example, this manual would be referred to as ED-14946.
5100 and OmniSport® 2000 timing consoles

1.1 System Requirements

The DakStats 3000 Rodeo software operates on a Windows®-based computer. The following list describes the computer requirements for the software:
Windows XP operating system or better (Windows 7/8 – both 32 & 64 bit operating
systems are supported)
CPU and RAM must at least be equal to minimum requirements of operating system Internet Explorer
The following requirements/equipment are optional for software operation:
One serial port for connection to the OmniSport 2000 or All Sport 5100 console (one USB port and USB-to-serial adapter may be used in place of a serial port)
Note: OmniSport 2000 console may instead connect via Ethernet jack (requires network switch/router).
One serial port for connection to announcer monitor Ethernet jack or serial port for connection to display controller interface
6.0 or newer
Introduction 1
Indicates an item that requires direct action, such as clicking, pressing, selecting or formatting.
Indicates onscreen text or labels that are not clickable.
Bold Italics
Used to reference items within the manual, such as figures or sections, as well as other documents and important notes.
Represents a keyboard key that needs to be pressed.
Text or commands that may be typed; also indicate file or folder names
Press and release the left mouse button.
Press and release the left mouse button twice.
Press and release the right mouse button.
Highlight or mark, such as by placing a check mark in a nearby box; clicking will not necessarily perform an action.
Followed by, as in menu navigation (ex. File > Open).

1.2 Software Conventions

This manual contains the following software conventions and terminology:
2 Introduction

Section 2: Installation & Registration

Figure 1: DakStats Rodeo Icon
Figure 2: Registration Screen

2.1 Installation

Downloading from the Internet

1. Open an Internet browser to: http://dakfiles.daktronics.com/downloads/DakStats
2. Click on the “DakStats 3000 Rodeo Installation.exe” file, and then click Run (twice if
necessary) to begin the installation procedure.
3. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation.

Installing from the Installation CD

1. Insert the installation CD.
2. Navigate to the “Rodeo” folder.
3. Double-click on the “DakStats 3000 Rodeo Installation file.
4. Follow the onscreen instructions.
5. Click Finish when done.

2.2 Opening & Exiting the Application

To open the application:
Double-click the “DakStats 3000 Rodeo” icon on the desktop
(Figure 1).
Click the Start menu and navigate to All Programs >
Daktronics > DakStats 3000 Rodeo.
To exit the application:
Click the exit button in the upper-right corner of the window. Left- or right-click the icon in the upper-left corner of the window and click Close. Go to File > Exit.

2.3 Registration

Installation & Registration 3
After installing the DakStats 3000 Rodeo software, users are given a free 30 day trial period. Each time the program is opened, the number of days remaining for the free trial is shown. To use the software without registering, click Continue. When the 30 day trial period is over, users must register the software as described below:
1. Send an email to dakstats@daktronics.com
containing the Serial Number shown on the top right side of the registration screen (Figure 2).
2. Upon proof of purchase, Daktronics will
email an unlock code.
3. Type in or Paste the registration code in the
Enter Eight Digit Unlock Code text box on the registration screen.
4. Click Unlock followed by Continue to begin using the software.

Section 3: Rodeo Operation

Figure 3: DakStats 3000 Rodeo Main Screen
When the software is opened for the first time, the main screen will appear (Figure 3). If the software has been opened before, the previous rodeo and screen that was showing when the software was last closed will appear.
The software organizes data by season, rodeo, event, go-rounds, and performances. Each season is its own database that contains all rodeos, contestants, and stock. Contestants and stock are saved at the season level; once entered into a rodeo, they are always available for any other rodeo in that season. See Section 3.1 for more information about setting up new seasons.
Rodeos are made up of one or more events. Each event has configurations such as the type of event, the number of go-rounds, the number of competitors that will go to finals (if there are finals), and the format that the score or time will be stored. See Section 3.4 for how to set up a rodeo and the events that make up that rodeo.
Contestants can be entered into a season manually (See Section 3.5), or simply imported from a file from the PRCA (see Section 3.7). Stock entry is optional (see Section 3.6).
Note: Remember, contestants and stock can be copied from other seasons.
Once contestants and/or stock have been entered into a rodeo, go to the Performance Entry tab to add performances to each of the go-rounds. Once the performances have been added, contestants need to be assigned to the performance in which they will compete. It is recommended that they be entered in the order that they compete, but for the rough stock events, that may be difficult. The most important thing is to have them in the performance so that the operator can pick them in the Run Performance screen as they get ready to ride. See Section 3.8 for Performance Entry.
The last step is running the performance. This is done on the Run Performance tab (see Section 3.9).
Quick Setup Summary
When setting up a rodeo event, the following steps should be followed:
Set up a new season (as needed). Create the rodeo. Configure the event parameters. Enter the contestants into the rodeo. Add the correct number of performances to each go-round. Assign the contestants to the performance(s) in which they will compete. Run the event.
Rodeo Operations 5
Figure 4: New Rodeo
Figure 5: New Season
Figure 6: Open Rodeo

3.1 Creating New Seasons

A season is where a group of rodeos and the contestants that compete in those rodeos are stored. An example of a season would be the Badlands Circuit 2014. Many of the same competitors will compete in each of the rodeos in that circuit.
1. When first opening the software, go
to File > New Rodeo.
2. In the New Rodeo window (Figure 4),
click New Season.
3. In the New Season window (Figure 5),
enter the following information:
Title: descriptive season name Display Profile: the default setup
for the display buttons (see Section 4)
Rule: select from College or
PRCA rules (At this time, it does
not matter which rules are chosen as they both operate the same)
4. Click OK when finished.
Refer to Section 6 for more about season configurations.

3.2 Creating New Rodeos

1. Go to File > New Rodeo.
2. In the New Rodeo window (Figure 4), select a previously created Season.
3. Enter a descriptive Name for the competition.
4. Set the Start Date if different from the current date.
5. Select a Display Profile if different from the season default.
6. Click one of the following buttons:
Save: Saves the rodeo and keeps the New Rodeo window open to create other
rodeos. Click Close to exit and open the rodeo(s) at a later time.
Save/Open: Saves the rodeo, closes out of the New Rodeo window, and
immediately opens the rodeo to begin scoring.

3.3 Opening a Rodeo

To open a rodeo:
1. Go to File > Open Rodeo.
2. In the Open Rodeo window (Figure 6),
select the Season and Rodeo to open.
3. Click Open.
6 Rodeo Operations

Closing a Rodeo

Figure 7: Delete Rodeo
Figure 8: Rodeo Setup
To close the current rodeo, go to File > Close Rodeo.

Deleting a Rodeo

To delete a rodeo:
1. Go to File > Delete Rodeo.
2. In the Delete Rodeo window
(Figure 7), select the Season and Rodeo.
3. Click Delete.
Note: The rodeo must be closed before it can be deleted.

3.4 Rodeo Setup

After opening a rodeo, the following information can be entered on the Rodeo Setup tab (Figure 8):
Rodeo Operations 7

System Information

The System Information area contains the same information that was entered when the rodeo was created. Users may edit the Name, Start Date, and Display Profile. The Season cannot be changed after creating the rodeo.
Break Away
Bull Fighting
Barrel Racing
Bull Riding
Goat Tying
Saddle Bronc
Steer Roping
Steer Wrestling
Tie Down Roping
Team Penning
Team Roping

Display Text

The Display Text area is where users enter information about the rodeo for display purposes.
The Name of the rodeo can be three lines of text. The Dates are manually typed in and can feature a range of dates instead of a single
date (i.e. May 17-20, 2014).
The Location can be the name of the city or location of the rodeo (arena, event center,
fairgrounds, etc).
Note: Each line of the data is limited to 21 characters.

Event Information

The Event Information area is configurable data for each event in the rodeo. There are 13 default events with default data that cannot be removed from the rodeo. The events and their two-letter abbreviations are as follows:
Note: The default event names and abbreviations may not be changed.
Adding Custom Events
Users can add a new event by clicking New. Custom events are abbreviated CX, where X represents the number in which it was added.
Note: The names of custom events may be changed, but not the abbreviations.
Deleting Events
To delete a custom event, select it in the list and then click Delete.
Note: A custom event must be cleared of any stats before it can be deleted.
Editing Events
1. To edit an event, select it from the list and fill in the following information:
Display Name: The name of the event as it will appear on the display. This field
may only be changed for custom events.
Type: Select from Timed or Scored event type, then select Individual or Team
scoring. This field may only be changed for custom events.
Number of Go-Rounds: Enter a number from “1” through “99”. Number of Competitors In Final: Enter a number from 0” through “999. Precision: This is the measurement of how precise the timing is for the event.
Select from 0.1, 0.01, or 0.001 seconds.
Ranking Order: (Timed events only) Select Shortest to Longest or Longest to
Number of Judges: (Scored events only) Select 1, 2, or 4 judges.
8 Rodeo Operations
+ 25 hidden pages