Daktronics CH-1421V User Manual

Auto Racing Display
Model CH-1421V
Installation & Maintenance Manual
ED 6401
ED-6401 Project#1081 Rev. 2 - 10 August, 1998
Copyright © 1992 Daktronics, Inc.
All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without written permission of the publisher.
Setting New Standards Worldwide
P.O. Box 5128 331 32nd Ave. Brookings, SD 57006 Phone (605)697-4400 or (800) 843-9879 Fax 697-4444
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................1-1
1.1 How To Use This Manual ..........................................................................................1-1
1.2 Scoreboard Overview.................................................................................................1-1
2. Installation ...............................................................................................................2-1
2.1 General System...........................................................................................................2-1
2.2 General System...........................................................................................................2-1
2.3 Display Mounting.......................................................................................................2-2
2.4 Electrical Installation..................................................................................................2-3
2.4.1 Control Signal Wiring...................................................................................2-3
2.4.2 Power Wiring ................................................................................................2-3
2.4.3 Grounding......................................................................................................2-3
3. Maintenance & Troubleshooting............................................................................3-1
3.1 Lamp Replacement.....................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Lamp Driver...............................................................................................................3-1
3.3 Digit Segmentation.....................................................................................................3-2
3.4 Schematic ...................................................................................................................3-2
3.5 Troubleshooting .........................................................................................................3-2
3.6 Replacement Parts......................................................................................................3-3
3.7 Unit Exchange/Replacement Procedure.....................................................................3-3
Table of Contents i
Section 1 : Introduction

1.1 How To Use This Manual

This manual explains the installation and maintenance of the CH-1421V display system. Setup of other control equipment or operation of the CHTS-300 timing console are not covered in this manual. For questions regarding the safety, installation, operation or service of this system, please refer to the telephone numbers listed on the cover page of this manual.
Important Safeguards:
1. Read and understand these instructions before installing.
2. Do not drop the control console or allow it to get wet.
3. Be sure the display is properly grounded with a ground rod at the display location.
4. Disconnect power to the display when it is not in use.
5. Disconnect power when servicing the display.
6. Do not modify the display structure or attach any panels or coverings to the
display without the written consent of Daktronics, Inc.
The box below illustrates Daktronics drawing numbering system. The drawing number “7087-P08A-69945” is how Daktronics identifies individual drawings. This number is located in the lower-right corner of the drawing. This manual refers to drawings by listing the last set of digits and the letter preceding them. In the example below, the drawing would be referred to as Drawing A-69945. Referenced drawings are inserted at the end of the first section which references them.

1.2 Scoreboard Overview

Reference Drawing: Specifications Drawing; CH-1421V .............Drawing A-106019
Daktronics offers a wide variety of displays for oval and road tracks. The CH-1421V auto racing display shown in Drawing A-106019 displays lap number or elapsed race time, the top five racers and race status.


Section 2 : Installation

2.1 General System

Reference Drawings: Driver Enclosure, Power & Signal ...............Drawing A-37915
System Layout ............................................Drawing A-38865
Power wiring and grounding .......................Drawing A-45220
Color Code, 25-Pin J-Box ...........................Drawing A-47207
Shop Dwg, Mounting Details.......................Drawing A-49278
Component Numbering, CH-1421V..........Drawing A-106020
An illustration of the overall system layout for the CH-1421V is shown in Drawing A-38865. A typical installation depicting beams, footings, and wiring conduit is illustrated in Drawing
A-49278. The general procedure for installing the CH-1421V display is as follows:
1. Select beam and footing recommendations from the table below.
2. Dig the footing holes and install beams and footings.
3. Route power and signal cables to the display and control locations as described in Section
4. Mount the display to the beams as described in Drawing A-49278.
5. Route power and signal wires into the display as described in Drawings A-37915, A­38865, A-45220, A-47207, and A-106020.

2.2 General System

Reference Drawing: Shop Dwg, Mounting Details.........................Drawing A-49278
The table below contains recommendations for W-shape beams and footings to support the display. Refer to Drawing A-49278. The first column is wind velocity in miles per hour. The distance in the second column is from the ground to the bottom of the display. The choice from these columns depends upon the display location.
The beams listed below are beams which provide maximum wind load strength for the weight and cost of the beams.
70 mph 10 W8 x 15 4 ¾ ft x 3 ft
15 W6 x 20 5 ½ ft x 3 ft
80 mph 10 W8 x 15 5 ½ ft x 3 ft
15 W8 x 20 6 ¾ ft x 3 ft
90 mph 10 W8 x 17 6 ¼ ft x 3 ft
15 W8 x 24 7 ft x 3 ft
The calculations for footing diameters and depths are based on the assumption that footings are in undisturbed soils, not fill soils. Lateral bearing capacity of 300 psf per foot of depth in natural grade was used to derive these figures. The footings recommendations are based on the allowable soil bearing pressure of 3000 psf vertically and 300 psf/ft of depth horizontally. However, these recommendations are suggestions only and soil bearing pressure at the site must be determined by a sample test


Depth x Dia.
prior to specifying the actual footings. Be sure that the installation complies with local codes and is suitable for particular soil and wind conditions. Daktronics assumes no responsibility for displays installed by others. Daktronics used for beams, and that 28-day (strength 3000 psi) concrete be used for footings.
A note about beam nomenclature: For a typical beam, W8x24 for example, “W” stands for “Wide-Flange Beam”. The first number (8) is the approximate front to rear dimension of the beam in inches. The second number (24) is the weight per foot in pounds. This numbering is a standard in the steel industry. Widths are from 6.00 to 8.125 inches in the chart above.
Note: Recommendations for a single rectangular structural steel tube and footing to support the display as shown in Drawing A-49278 must be determined by a qualified structural engineer using data from a soil sample test at the site.

2.3 Display Mounting

Reference Drawing: Shop Dwg, Mounting Details.........................Drawing A-49278
Drawing A-49278 shows the typical mounting for the display.
Note: The bolts that secure the display to the beam(s) do not go through the beam(s), but run
along both sides of the beam, clamping the display to the beam(s).
A mounting kit consisting of mounting angles and ½” hardware are provided to mount the display.
1. Locate and mark where the center of the beams will be on the back of the display mounting channel if it is different from the c-c distance shown in Drawing A-49278 and the table above.
2. Drill 9/16” holes in the mounting channel on the back of the display at a distance of plus or minus 3.50” or 4.50” from the location which each beam center was marked if it is different from the c-c distance shown in Drawing A-49278 and the table above.
3. Position the display at the front of the beams with the threaded rods extending from the rear of the mounting channels, straddling the beams. Raise the display to the desired height.
4. Slide clamping channels over the ends of the rods and loosely install washers and nuts.
5. Make final adjustments in the positioning of the display.
6. Make sure that the threaded rods are perpendicular to the display and tighten all of the ½”
recommends that W-sections of grade 36 steel be
+ 16 hidden pages