Daktronics C44 User Manual

Daktronics C-44 Drag Race
Timer & Accessories
Installation, Operation
Maintenance Manual
7175 Rev 11 -25 March 2004
331 32nd Ave PO Box 5128 Brookings SD 57006 Tel 605-697-4036 or 877-605-1115 Fax 605-697-4444 www.daktronics.com e-mail: helpdesk@daktronics.com
ED-7175 P1067 Rev 11 — 25 March 2004
Please fill in the information below for your display; use it for reference when calling Daktronics for assistance.
Display Serial No. ______________________________________ Display Model No._______________________________________ Date Installed __________________________________________
Copyright © 2003
All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems – without written permission of the publisher.
CARS™ and C-44™ are trademarks of Daktronics, Inc.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents....................................................................................................................i
List of Figures .........................................................................................................................i
Section 1: Introduction..................................................................................................1-1
1.1 How to Use this Manual.............................................................................................1-1
1.2 C-44 Version Descriptions.........................................................................................1-2
C-44 Version 2.0 Enhancements..............................................................................................1-2
C-44 Version 2.1......................................................................................................................1-3
C-44 Version 2.2......................................................................................................................1-3
C-44 Version 2.3......................................................................................................................1-3
C-44 Version 2.4......................................................................................................................1-3
C-44 Version 2.5......................................................................................................................1-3
C-44 Version 2.6......................................................................................................................1-3
C-44 Version 2.7......................................................................................................................1-3
C-44 Version 2.8......................................................................................................................1-4
C-44 Version 2.9......................................................................................................................1-4
C-44 Version 3.0......................................................................................................................1-4
C-44 Version 3.1......................................................................................................................1-4
1.3 C-44 Computer Update ..............................................................................................1-5
Section 2: New Track Installation.................................................................................2-1
2.1 Unpacking/Damage Information................................................................................2-1
2.2 Daktronics Exchange/Repair & Return Programs......................................................2-1
2.3 Warranty.....................................................................................................................2-2
2.4 Parts Identification .....................................................................................................2-2
2.5 System Diagrams........................................................................................................2-2
2.6 Location Requirements...............................................................................................2-3
Signal Conduit and Cable.........................................................................................................2-3
Power .......................................................................................................................................2-3
2.7 Mounting and Locating Equipment............................................................................2-4
Intermediate and Speed Trap Distances...................................................................................2-5
Tree Mounting Considerations .................................................................................................2-5
Time Slip and Logging Printer Considerations........................................................................2-5
Starters’ Box Interface Mounting.............................................................................................2- 5
Isolation Interface Mounting....................................................................................................2-6
2.8 Field Wiring ...............................................................................................................2-6
Start Line/Isolation Interface Wiring .......................................................................................2-6
Start Line Photocells................................................................................................................2-8
Installation of the Three-Amber Tree.......................................................................................2-8
Intermediate Wiring (Optional) and Finish Line......................................................................2-8
Time Slip Printer/Printer Interface Wiring.............................................................................2-10
Optional: Wiring Between the Isolation Interface and Scoreboards ...................................... 2-10
2.9 Operational Check....................................................................................................2-11
Timer - Monitor - Keyboard - Isolation Interface ..................................................................2-11
Timer - Start Line - Emergency..............................................................................................2-12
Start Line Photocell Check.....................................................................................................2-13
Timer - Intermediate Photocell Check ...................................................................................2-13
Timer - Win Lights - Finish Line Photocell Check................................................................2-13
Scoreboards (Optional) ..........................................................................................................2-13
Final Testing ..........................................................................................................................2-13
2.10 Sighting Infrared Photocells .................................................................................... 2-13
Section 3: C-44 Race Timer Operation ........................................................................3-1
3.1 General Operation...................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 C-44 Race Controller Functions ................................................................................ 3-1
Power Button............................................................................................................................3-1
Entering Dial-ins......................................................................................................................3-1
Timers Reset ............................................................................................................................3-2
Tree Countdown Modes...........................................................................................................3-2
Sure Start..................................................................................................................................3-2
True Win/Breakout ..................................................................................................................3-2
Emergency ...............................................................................................................................3-3
Altitude Adjustment.................................................................................................................3-4
Reaction Timer.........................................................................................................................3-8
Reset Win Light.......................................................................................................................3-8
Photocell Check .......................................................................................................................3-8
Margin of Victory (MOV)........................................................................................................3-8
3.3 Additional Functions.................................................................................................. 3-8
Help Screen..............................................................................................................................3-8
Setup Parameters Menu............................................................................................................3-9
System Configuration Settings...............................................................................................3-13
Category Settings.............................................................................................................. .....3-16
Race Operation.......................................................................................................................3-18
Infractions ..............................................................................................................................3-19
Guard Beam Option Use........................................................................................................3-19
Results System Option: Daktronics Automated Results System (CARS).............................. 3-19
Section 4: Maintenance & Troubleshooting................................................................4-1
4.1 Troubleshooting the System ...................................................................................... 4-1
Tree Problems..........................................................................................................................4-2
Printer Problems.......................................................................................................................4-2
Display Problems.....................................................................................................................4-2
Photocell Problems...................................................................................................................4-3
Monitor Problems.....................................................................................................................4-3
Isolation Interface Problems.....................................................................................................4-3
4.2 Maintenance............................................................................................................... 4-3
4.3 Replacement Parts...................................................................................................... 4-4
Appendix A: Infrared Photocells ......................................................................................... 1
A-1 Introduction to Infrared Photocells................................................................................1
A.2 Installation and Alignment; Opposed Beam Infrared Photocells...................................2
A.3 Installation and Alignment Retro-reflective Photocells.................................................3
A.4 Installation and Alignment: SM30 Series Barrel Sensors.............................................4
Appendix B: Glossary of Drag Racing Terms.....................................................................1
Appendix C: Miscellaneous Drawings................................................................................1

List of Figures

Figure 1: ..............................................................................C-44 Main Screen 3-1
Figure 2: .................................................Altitude Adjustment Example Screen 3-5
Figure 3: ................................Time Slip Printout Showing Adjustment Factors 3-6
Figure 4: .........................................Log Printout Showing Adjustment Factors 3-6
Figure 5: ...............................................................Without Altitude Adjustment 3-7
Figure 6: .............................................................................. C-44 Help Screen 3-9
Figure 7: ..................................................................Setup Parameters Screen 3-9
Figure 8: ............................................................................Altitude Adjustment 3-10
Figure 9: .....................................................................................Combinations 3-10
Figure 10:..........................................................................Finish Line Distance 3-11
Figure 11:........................................................................Time Slip Information 3-11
Figure 12:.................................................................................Change Format 3-11
Figure 13:.....................................................................................Configuration 3-12
Figure 14:.................................................................................. Time and Date 3-12
Figure 15:.............................................................................................Timeout 3-12
Figure 16:....................................................................................... Diagnostics 3-13
Figure 17:....................................................................... Win Light Diagnostics 3-13
Figure 18:........................................................... System Configuration Screen 3-13
Figure 19:..................................................................................... Speed Traps 3-14
Figure 20:........................................................................................ Log Printer 3-14
Figure 21:............................................................................... Time Slip Printer 3-14
Figure 22:................................................................................... Speed Format 3-14
Figure 23:.............................................................................. Scoreboard Type 3-14
Figure 24:...............................................................................Dual Deep Stage 3-15
Figure 25:...................................................................................... Timer Reset 3-15
Figure 26:.............................................................................No Tree Handicap 3-15
Figure 27:......................................................................Reaction Time Display 3-16
Figure 28:..............................................................................Auto Start of Tree 3-16
Figure 29:...........................................................................Tie Break Selection 3-17
Figure 30:...................................................................Category Setting Screen 3-17
Figure 31:............................................................................Category Selection 3-19
Figure 32:................................................................Category Settings Printout 3-19

Section 1: Introduction

1.1 How to Use this Manual
The Daktronics C-44™ timer system utilizes the latest in microprocessor technology and is designed and manufactured for reliability, easy service and long use.
This manual is designed to explain installation and operation of the Daktronics C-44 Drag Race Timer. Details for display maintenance are also given. Follow all instructions as given in the text. All instructions are given in a logical order for best installation and operation. For questions regarding the safety, installation, operation or service of this system, please refer to the telephone numbers listed on the cover page of this manual.
Important Safeguards:
1. Read and understand installation instructions before installing.
2. Do not drop the control console or allow it to get wet.
3. Opening or disassembly of equipment by non-qualified personnel can void the
4. Do not disassemble the control console or the electronic controls of the display
unless you are qualified to do so and there is need for equipment to be installed or serviced or the warranty will be void.
5. Disconnect power from the unit when not in use, or when servicing.
6. Disconnect cables from the back of the C-44 race controller at the end of the day or
when lightning is occurring in the area.
7. If field cabling is to remain connected to the isolation interface when not in use. The
isolation interface should be powered down via the front panel switch and must remain plugged in to a three-conductor earth grounded outlet (to provide a discharge path to ground for any voltage surges picked up by field cabling).
The box below is an illustration of Daktronics drawing numbering system. The drawing number “7087-P08A-69945” is how Daktronics identifies individual drawings. This number is located in the bottom right corner of the drawing. The manual will refer to drawings by the last five digits and the letter preceding them. In the example, the drawing would be referred to as Drawing A-69945. All drawings referred to as such will be inserted at the end of each section unless otherwise specified.
Introduction 1-1
1.2 C-44 Version Descriptions
C-44 Version 2.0 Enhancements
Split Tree Operation Split tree operation allows each side to count down in its own mode. The split tree is enabled by setting up a category with split tree set on and selecting two different tree modes. Next, select the category. Both lanes will default to the 1st tree setting, but either lane can be switched to a different mode. Press <ALT><F5> to select the mode for the left lane and <SHIFT><F5> to select the mode for the right lane. The right lane tree mode will be displayed below the right lane on the C-44 monitor.
When not in a split tree mode, only one line will show below the left lane on the monitor and that will be the mode for both lanes. When in a split tree mode and if the handicap is on or if True Win is on, the timer will account for the different tree times when counting down. For example, if the dial-in times were the same or zero and there was a full tree on the left lane and a pro tree on the right lane, the left tree will start 1st and then the right tree would start after it so that both would go green at the same time. If handicap and True Win were turned off, the tree would start the countdown on both sides at the same time and the right lane would turn green before the left lane.
When using a split tree mode, the scoreboard will display an F or a P in front of the dial­in to show which mode the tree for that lane is currently in. If the mode for the tree is changed after the dial-in is displayed, then the ready key, <F5>, must be cycled to redisplay the new mode.
Auto Start of Tree Countdown After Cars Stage This mode of operation can be selected under the Configuration Settings Menu by selecting the <G> item and then setting the option to On. A delay time of 2, 3, or 4 seconds can also be selected. With this option on, the tree will start to count down after the ready has been set on and both cars have staged for the selected delay time. When this option is on, the Go switch on the starter box will not be active so that the tree will not be started ahead of time by the starter's box. If sure start is on, both the pre-stage and the stage lights for both lanes must be on before the tree will start.
Auto Foul of Car for Not Staging in Time This mode of operation can be selected under the Configuration Settings Menu by selecting the <G> item and then setting the option to On. A delay time of 5, 10, or 15 seconds can also be selected. With this option on, when one car has been properly staged for the selected delay time and the other car has not yet been staged, the tree will start to count for the staged car and the unstaged car will get a red light. The staged car will get an automatic win. The monitor and printouts will show a DNS for “Did Not Stage” for the lane that did not stage. When Sure Start is on, the car must be properly staged with both the pre-stage and stage lights for the delay time before the red light will occur.
Margin of Victory (MOV) The Margin of Victory is the amount of time the winner crossed the finish line ahead of the car in the other lane. This time is displayed on the C-44 monitor by the MOV label. The MOV will also be printed on the time slip on the same line as the Over/Under time. The MOV is calculated by adding the elapsed time and the reaction time for each lane. If there is a handicap, that time is added to the lane that does not have the handicap and then the times are subtracted from each other to get the MOV.
1-2 Introduction
There will not be a MOV displayed or printed if there was a foul, break-out or if True Win was not on.
Auto Retrieve for Next Driver The data for the next driver can be set to retrieve automatically after the next vehicle number is entered. Press <CTRL><F10> to set the C-44 in the auto-retrieve mode and will display the word “Auto” to the right of the left lane next driver dial-in time. Press <CTRL><F10> again to set auto-retrieve to Off and the word “Auto” will be removed.
When set to Auto, the next driver's name and dial-in will be retrieved when the vehicle number is entered, if it is available.
C-44 Version 2.1
Version 2.1 corrected a problem in which reaction time being shown was wrong for the right lane if a split tree was being used and the tree-based reaction times were being used.
C-44 Version 2.2
Version 2.2 corrected a problem with single-line five-digit displays. The right lane would have both decimal points on when the reaction time was displayed. It also corrected a problem where True Win, Sure Start, and Break Out would randomly be set to Off in a category when that category was selected. Finally, it added a 0.5 second increment setting to the delay for Auto Start of the tree.
C-44 Version 2.3
Corrected time slip problem when using split tree mode.
Corrected problem with Margin of Victory being miscalculated when using tree-based reaction time and split tree.
Added information to log printer output. In dead heat races, an asterisk is printed if the winner is calculated based on speed.
C-44 Version 2.4
Corrected scoreboard problem for fixed decimal points between third and fourth digits.
C-44 Version 2.5
Made auto tree delay selections to go from 1.0 to 3.9 seconds in .1 second increments. In addition, the data timing of the tree was adjusted so it would not display out of sync compared to the old tree.
C-44 Version 2.6
Corrected problem with -.001 reaction time not showing a red light or indicating a foul on monitor.
Updated results system for CARS information.
C-44 Version 2.7
Corrected problem with erratic mph caused by turning off Isolation Interface or the 1/4 mile photocells being tripped while the timers are reset on the C-44.
Corrected auto tree so the delay timer can be reset before the tree drops as described in <G> Auto Tree / No Stage Foul in Section 3.3.
Introduction 1-3
C-44 Version 2.8
Added a configuration item to select if tied races will be selected by reaction time or by speed.
Made Auto Tree No Stage Foul selectable from 5 to 20 seconds in 1 second increments.
Made log printout show T-S or T-R to indicate how winners of tied races are selected, by speed or reaction time.
Added configuration item in Auto Tree to enable or disable the Reset/Go switch when Auto Tree is on. If the switch is enabled and Auto Tree is on, the Reset switch will stop the tree countdown and Go will start it.
Made the Auto Tree No Stage Foul on, only if auto tree is on. If Auto Tree is turned on, it then automatically turns off DNS foul.
C-44 Version 2.9
Added a printer selection for an Epson 40 column time slip printer.
Corrected problem of Dial-ins blanking when the tree started counting.
Made the selection of tie break decision or speed or reaction time so it was saved and not altered by the category selection.
C-44 Version 3.0
Added dial-in displays for next driver.
Added use of MPH as tie breaker after ET and reaction time.
Removed extra lines from 40 column printer printout.
Made auto tree have some random time in countdown of +.1 and +.2 sec.
Made minimum time in auto tree setting change to 0.5 sec instead of 1.0 second.
Added option for time trials in category menu.
Changed so it powers up to default of Pro .4 and Full .5 tree settings.
Moved the Reset/Next function to Shift-F7 (from control-F8), so timer is not accidentally reset when trying to print with control-F8.
C-44 Version 3.1
Added a tree countdown mode for crosstalk referred to in the program as 3X mode. This mode will turn on both top amber lights at the same time and then counts each side of the tree based on its dial-in. This was also added to the category settings so it could be set for a certain category.
Added a delay setting for LED trees so the tree will act more like an incandescent tree. With LED trees the light comes on sooner and this causes the drivers to start sooner so they end up red lighting.
1-4 Introduction
1.3 C-44 Computer Update
To correspond to European standards, Daktronics has replaced the C-44 with the new C-44 CE computer. This computer works the same as the C-44, but now conforms to European standards. The software on both machines is identical. Throughout this manual, references to the C-44 also apply to the C-44 CE.
Introduction 1-5

Section 2: New Track Installation

2.1 Unpacking/Damage Information
Open all packages and inspect for shipping damage, such as rattles or dents. See that all equipment is included as shown on the packing slip. Report any deficiencies immediately to Daktronics, Inc. Save all packing for shipping if warranty repair or exchanging is needed. Shipping packages also work well for off-season equipment storage.
2.2 Daktronics Exchange/Repair & Return Programs
To serve customers’ repair and maintenance needs, Daktronics offers both an exchange and a repair and return program. The exchange program reduces down time by providing timely replacement of key components. This service is provided to qualified customers who follow the program guidelines explained below. It is our pleasure to provide this service to ensure you get the most from your Daktronics products. Please call our Help Desk (1-877 / 605-
1115) if you have any questions regarding the exchange program or any other Daktronics service.
When you call the Daktronics Help Desk, a trained service technician will work with you to solve the equipment problem. You will work together to diagnose the problem and determine which exchange replacement part to ship. If, after you make the exchange, the equipment still causes problems, please contact our Help Desk immediately.
If the replacement part fixes the problem, package the defective part in the same packaging the replacement part arrived in, fill out and attach the enclosed UPS shipping document and RETURN THE PART TO DAKTRONICS. (You may use the same box and packing the exchange part was sent in.) This will speed up the transaction and alleviate confusion when the failed component arrives at Daktronics. (Daktronics expects immediate return of the exchange part if it does not solve the problem.) For most equipment, you will be invoiced for the replacement part at the time it is shipped. This invoice is due when you receive it.
Daktronics reserves the right to refuse equipment that has been damaged due to acts of nature or causes other than normal wear and tear.
If the defective equipment is not shipped to Daktronics within 30 working days from the invoice date, it is assumed you are purchasing the replacement part and you will be invoiced for it. This second invoice represents the difference between the exchange price and the
purchase price of the equipment. This amount is due when you receive the second invoice. If you return the exchange equipment after 30 working days from invoice date, you will be credited for the amount on the second invoice minus a 20 percent restocking fee.
@ To avoid a 20 percent restocking charge, please return the defective equipment within 30 days from the invoice date.
Daktronics also offers a Repair and Return program for items not subject to exchange.
Where to Send: To return parts for service, contact your local representative prior to shipment to acquire a Return Material Authorization Number (RMA#). If you have no local representative, call the Daktronics Help Desk for the RMA#. This will expedite the receiving process.
New Track 2-1 Installation
Packaging for Return: Package and pad the item well so that it will not be damaged in shipment. Electronic components such as printed circuit boards should either be installed in an enclosure or should be put in an anti-static bag before boxing. Please enclose your name, address, phone number and a clear description of symptoms.
Mail: Daktronics, Inc., Customer Service
PO Box 5128 331 32nd Avenue Brookings, SD 57006
Phone: Daktronics Help Desk: 1-877/605-1115
or 1-605/697-4036
Customer Service Fax: 1-605-697-4444
e-mail: helpdesk@daktronics.com
2.3 Warranty
Daktronics has a one year warranty on all equipment. Daktronics reserves the option to decide what damage will be covered by the warranty. All installations must use the cables (or equivalent) specified by Daktronics. All installations must also be properly terminated and earth grounded, per Daktronics specification. Failure to do so may void the warranty. The owner has the responsibility of paying for shipping both to and from Daktronics. Upon expiration of warranty Daktronics provides an optional maintenance agreement that provides extended coverage of equipment. Questions concerning maintenance agreements may be directed to Daktronics via the above listed address/phone number.
2.4 Parts Identification
Identify each component of the system by using the illustrations throughout this manual. Once all parts have been identified, group the parts into logical groups for assembly. To avoid unnecessary trips down the track, organize all the equipment into separate groups, for instance: equipment used in the tower, all equipment for the start line, intermediate parts of the track, and finish line. This will organize the installation procedure so that unnecessary trips down the track are avoided.
2.5 System Diagrams
Reference Drawings:
Layout w/AC cells, start line J-box & C44 CE............................. Drawing B-91012
Field Cabling for dwg. B-91012 ................................................ Drawing B-114631
System diagrams show the complete setup for a new track. Refer to Drawings B-91012 and B-114631 when installing the system. Your track may have some variations from this
diagram (i.e. more cable, no guard beam etc.), but basically all tracks will have this configura­tion. On these drawings you will find conduit sizes, cable lengths and type, as well as equipment locations for installing the system.
In addition, these diagrams can aid in removal in the off-season, emergency replacement, maintenance, safety, and security.
The following table refers to the information in Drawing B-91012
2-2 New Track Installation
Infrared Photocells
Item Part No. # Part No. # Part No. # Part No.
1 0A-1067-0128 11 W-1267 21 0A-1067-0108 31 Incl. w/item #28 2
Incl. w/item
12 W-1117 22 0A-1067-0111 32 A-1157
3 A-1305 13 0A-1067-0099 23 0A-1067-0064 33 0A-1081-0016 4 A-1157 14 0A-1067-0100 24 0A-1067-0065 34 Custom 5 W-1239 15 W-1399 25 0A-1067-0063 35 Custom 6 0A-1067-0076 16 0A-1067-0010 26 W-1117 36 0A-1067-0143 7 W-1266 17 0A-1081-0146 27 0A-1067-0080 37 W-1117 8 W-1266 18 W-1237 28 0A-1067-0050 38 EC-1082 9 W-1264 19 0A-1067-0107 29 W-1350 39 A-1078
10 W-1267 20 0A-1067-0071 30 A-1305 40 Custom
2.6 Location Requirements
Reference Drawings:
Field Cabling; C-44 Timer...........................................................Drawing B-75554
This section explains the equipment locations on the track for best operation. Such topics as conduit, power and electrical requirements, noise levels, and other location considerations are discussed. Daktronics recommends that these guidelines be followed as closely as possible.
Signal Conduit and Cable
All cable should be 18 awg twisted shielded pair, Beldon 8760 (Dak W-1117) unless noted. All cable should be in conduit. Refer to Drawing B-75554 for conduit sizes and cable types.
The following is a list of electrical items and their respective power requirements.
Unit Power Requirement (Watts)
Start line outlet 100 Tower outlets 1800 C-44 console 100 Color monitor (C-44) 114 Isolation interface 30 Printer (log or time slip) 30 Time slip printer booth outlet 84 60 ft. line outlet 200 1/8th mile line outlet 30 Starters box interface 100 Color monitor (results) 102 DAKTRONICS 486DX computer 100 Three-amber tree 2000 (min 20 amps)
New Track 2-3 Installation
All electrical equipment used in the timing system runs on standard 120 Volts AC/60 Hz.
Noise (Radio/PA)
Important: The C-44 data cables must never be run with AC (power) or PA (Public Address) cables. The data cables may cross AC or PA cables when absolutely necessary but only at 90-degree angles. If it is necessary to run AC or PA cables parallel to a data able, the cables must not be closer than 24".
In addition, care must be taken to insure that radio transmitters or television high voltage transmitters are far enough from the track to prevent noise interference. If these transmitters are close to the track, all cable must be shielded to prevent interference.
Care must be used to insure that the cable not be crimped or bent into too tight a radius. If it is necessary to put bends in conduit, they should be sweeping nineties.
All equipment used with the timing system must be properly earth grounded. Make sure all outlets and cords are three-conductor (grounded). All extension cords or extra wiring must be three-conductor as well.
Important: Check to be sure that the service entrance (for the power) is properly earth grounded. If it is not grounded, have it properly grounded.
Isolated Power Circuits
Daktronics recommends that the control equipment (i.e. C-44 console) be on a dedicated power circuit to prevent noise interference. Air conditioners, fans, or high­powered electrical equipment may cause noise interference or a brown-out which would reset the system.
Electrical Code
The National Electrical Code and all local codes must be followed when installing electrical equipment. It is the responsibility of the installer to see that this is done. Equipment damage or personal injury can occur if these codes are not followed.
2.7 Mounting and Locating Equipment
Reference Drawing:
Isolation Inter. Encl. Detail.......................................................... Drawing A-56253
Photocell Mnt. Dist. Dia. ............................................................. Drawing A-56354
Starter’s Box Interface................................................................ Drawing A-72242
Layout w/AC cells, st. ln. J-bx &C44CE...................................... Drawing B-91012
Field Cabling for dwg. B-91012 ................................................ Drawing B-114631
This section will explain how and where the track equipment should be mounted for a 1/8th and 1/4th mile track. The distances for track setup are national standards and should be followed.
2-4 New Track Installation
Intermediate and Speed Trap Distances
Refer to Drawing A-56354. With guard beam, the start line is the guard beam line and all points should be measured from there. Without guard beam, the start line is the stage line and all points should be measured from there.
Four different speed trap lengths can be used with the C-44. Each one starts at a different point. Find the length to be used in the list below and mount the start of speed trap photocells that same distance before the finish line. General practice is to use the 66' speed trap.
Possible speed trap lengths: 2' 7-11/16" 13' 2-3/8" 66' 0" 132' 0"
Burn-out Box = 90 ft. from designated box to start line.
Roll Out- Height of the beams must be adjusted as necessary, to provide 12" of roll using standard dragster wheel/tire (22" diameter). Beam height must be low enough to accommodate clearance rulings.
Infrared Photocell Mounts
Mounting- The photocell stands can mount to either the protective guard rail or directly to a concrete surface. Ensure that the mount is level both horizontally and vertically to ensure proper photocell alignment. Photocell mounts are equipped with slots for side to side and up and down alignment.
Photocell Mounting
Mounting- Photocells with pipe mounts must be attached so the photocells are secure. The 60' photocell must be 10 1/2 inches above the crest of the track. All other interval photocells (i.e. 1/8th mile, speed trap, etc.) must be six inches above the crest of the track.
Tree Mounting Considerations
The distance from the start line to the tree must be 38 to 40 ft. The height of the tree should be 80 inches from the ground to the center of the pre-stage bulb.
Time Slip and Logging Printer Considerations
The Time Slip and logging printers will be Epson LX-300's standard. Locate the printers as shown in the system diagram (refer to Drawing B-91012). Care should be taken when choosing a site that can keep the printer from getting wet. The Time Slip printer cable can be routed with the finish line cable or scoreboard cables. Note: The E.T. printer requires two 18 awg twisted shredded pairs, Beldon 8760 (Dak W-1117). The shield should only be connected to earth in the control tower.
Starters’ Box Interface Mounting
Refer to Drawing A-72242 for an example of the starters box interface. The starters box interface has transmit and receive lines hard-wired between the starters box and isolation interfaces, and it is hardwired to the start line for the starters console. J2, located on the starters box interface, is an optional place to plug in the starters console. The starters box interface is located in the control tower as shown in Drawings B-114631 and B-91012.
New Track 2-5 Installation
Isolation Interface Mounting
The isolation interface is designed with all field cabling connections made with clamping screw plugs, and all tower cabling connections made with supplied, D-type connector cables. Field equipment which must be connected to the isolation interface includes all photocells, all start-line equipment via the start line junction box, time slip printer, and ET/MPH displays.
Mounting considerations consist of access to all previously mentioned field cabling, proximity to C-44 timer (all interconnects made with standard 10' cables), position C-44 timer operator unrestricted view of isolation interface LED indicators, and adequate clearance for any high traffic areas. An ideal mounting location would allow the C-44 operator to view both the C-44 monitor and the isolation interface front panel, yet not restrict maintenance access (as depicted in Drawing A-56253). Refer to Drawing B- 91012 for suggested tower equipment location.
2.8 Field Wiring
Reference Drawings:
Iso. Interface Term Blk. Detail .................................................... Drawing A-56252
Iso. Interface Encl. Detail............................................................ Drawing A-56253
Start Box Int. Wiring.................................................................... Drawing A-72242
C-44 Start Line J-Box ................................................................. Drawing A-75431
Field Cabling; C-44 Timer........................................................... Drawing B-75554
Lay. w/AC clls,stlnJ-bx&C44CE.................................................. Drawing B-91012
Field Cabling for dwg B-91012 ................................................. Drawing B-114631
This section pertains to the field wiring of the drag strip. The wiring will be done as follows­start line, intermediate, finish, and then tower. For all wiring, refer to the system diagram and pay close attention to the field cabling diagram Drawing B-75554.
When making connections, make sure all equipment power is off!
Photocell Connection: Connect all photocells (except the start line photocells) in this manner. Photocells are connected to the cables as per wiring instruction found in the power board box.
Daktronics uses only 18 awg twisted shielded cable, Beldon part #8760 (Daktronics part #W-
1117) unless specified. The shield conductor provides protection from electrical noise and interference. To provide proper protection, the shield conductor must be terminated at the isolation interface end only. The field end of the shield should be cut back even with the outer insulation of the cable and wrapped with an electrical insulation tape. When wiring
photocells to isolation, always jumper the unused photocells from positive to negative on the isolation interface.
Start Line/Isolation Interface Wiring
The start line wiring consists of wiring the isolation interface, the start line junction box,
starter’s box interface, start line photocells, and the guard beam (optional).
Cables coming into the tower should come to the isolation interface. Refer to Drawings
A-56252, A-56253, A-72242, A-75431, B-91012, and B-114631 to aid in wiring.
2-6 New Track Installation
Isolation Interface to Starters Box Interface Wiring
Description Form (I/I)*
TB 13-1 Red Trans + Rec-P
Isolation Interface/ Start line Interface
TB 13-2 Black Trans - Rec-N TB 13-3 Shield Not Connected Earth TB 13-4 Green Rec + Trans-P TB 13-5 White Rec - Trans-N TB 13-6
Manhattan u4473
(Dak W-1234)
*Isolation Interface Drawing A-56252 **Start Line Interface Drawing A-72242
Isolation Interface to Start Line J-Box
Description From (I/I)* Cable
Pre-Stage Left Lane
Stage Left Lane
Guard Left Lane
Pre-Stage Right Lane
Stage Right Lane Guard Right Lane
Tree Signal
TB1-9 TB16-1 Red TB1-1 SIG3-P TB16-2 Black TB1-2 SIG3-N TB16-3
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Refer to the Operational Check (Section 2.8) for connection and power up procedure.
*Isolation Interface **Start Line Junction Box
Note: If field cabling for guard beam photocells is present, but guard beam photocells are not used, do not connect unused guard beam cabling to the isolation interface terminal blocks (TB7-7, TB7-8, TB7-9, LGUARDPCL, and TB1-7, TB1-8, TB1-9, RGUARDPCL).
Wire Color To (SLI)** Function
N.C. Not Connected Earth
Wire Color To (SLJB)** Function
Shield No Connection Shield-N
Shield No Connection Shield-N
Shield No Connection Shield-N
Shield No Connection Shield-N
Shield No Connection Shield-N
Shield No Connection Shield-N
Shield No Connection Shield-N
New Track 2-7 Installation
Start Line Interface from Start Line J- Box
Description To (SLI)* Cable
Cable From
SBI to SLJB for
+12V Yel Pair 5 TB2-1 +12V-P
L-Pro Tree Black Pair 1 TB2-2 PROTREE light
L-Ready Red Pair 1 TB2-3 Ready light –N
L-Times Reset Brn Pair 6 TB2-4 Timer Reset
S-STARTGO Blu Pair 4 TB2-5 GO/Reset
S-EMERG Grn Pair 3 TB2-6 Emergency S-SINGLE Wht Pair 2 TB1-3 Singles/Drag
GND Black Pair 2 TB1-4 GND-N
Beldon 9774
(Dak W-1399)
*Start Line Interface Drawing A-72242 **Start Line J-Box Drawing A-75431
Start Line Photocells
The cable used for connecting the start line photocells to the start line junction box (spreader cable) is pre-marked showing which photocell it connects to. Connect the cable to the photocells as marked.
Installation of the Three-Amber Tree
The Daktronics three-amber tree is totally compatible with all Daktronics C-44 race controllers. To install the three-amber tree, connect the tree cables into the connector on the bottom side of the tree. Plug the AC power cord into an outlet capable of supplying a minimum of 20 amps.
Regulations stipulate that the pre-stage bulb should be approximately 80 inches from the ground; a longer mounting pipe will be necessary in some cases.
Eight, 60-watt yellow "bug" lights should be used for the stage and pre-stage lamps. (There are two bulbs for each stage and pre-stage position to prevent confusion should one bulb burn out.) The twelve amber, four green, and four red lamps should be standard 85-watt colored flood lamps (GE part #13472 red, #13474 green, #13463 amber). These should be installed in the sockets using the supplied gasket to provide adequate bulb support and moisture protection. The gaskets should be used with the lamp sockets to seal and prevent vibration. The blue Sure Start lamp (if used) may be any blue-colored reflector-type bulb rated at 100 watts or less.
Due to the increased power consumption of this starting tree, it is essential that the tree be connected to a power supply sufficient to supply a minimum 20-amp current at the outlet. If the power available is insufficient, some slight dimming of the staging lamps will be noticed. This will not harm the tree, but the use of long extension cords should be avoided. Refer to Section 4.2 for details on maintenance.
Intermediate Wiring (Optional) and Finish Line
This section consists of wiring the intermediate section of the track and the finish. This includes the 60 foot (I 1), the 330 foot (I 2), the 1/8th mile speed trap (I 3), the 1/8 mile finish, the 990 foot (I 4), and the 1/4 mile speed trap/finish.
Wire Color From (SLJB)** Function
light-N switch-N switch-N switch-N
2-8 New Track Installation
Intermediate One, 60'- Wiring between the isolation interface and the 60' photocell J­boxes use multiple one pair shielded 18 awg cable. Plugs with clamping screws are used for connection to the isolation interface. Refer to the following connection table to assist in the installation. You may also reference the field cabling diagrams (Drawing B-
91012 and B-114631).
Intermediate Two, 330'- Wiring between the isolation interface and the 330' photocell J-
boxes use multiple one pair shielded 18 awg cable. Plugs with clamping screws are used for connection to the isolation interface. Refer to the following connection table to assist in the installation. You may also reference the field cabling diagrams (Drawings B-
91012 and B-114631).
1/8 mile, 660' (Speed Trap)- Wiring between the isolation interface and the 660' speed
trap photocell J-boxes use multiple one pair shielded 18 awg cable. Plugs with clamping screws are used for connection to the isolation interface. Refer to the following connection table to assist in the installation. You may also reference the field cabling diagrams (Drawings B-91012 and B-114631).
Intermediate 990'- Wiring between the isolation interface and the 990' photocell J-boxes use multiple one pair shielded 18 awg cable. Plugs with clamping screws are used for connection to the isolation interface. Refer to the following connection table to assist in the installation. You may also reference the field cabling diagrams (Drawings B-91012 and B-114631 in Section 2.5).
1/4 mile, 1320' (Speed Trap)- Wiring between the isolation interface and the finish line photocell J-boxes use multiple one pair shielded 18 awg cable. Plugs with clamping screws are used for connection to the isolation interface. Refer to the following connection table to assist you in the installation. You may also reference the field cabling diagrams (Drawings B-56301 and B-114631).
Description To (I/I)*
TB8-1 Red J1-1 SIGNAL-P
60N Left Lane
60N Right Lane
330N Left Lane
330N Right Lane
Start of Speed
Trap #1 Left Lane
Start of Speed
Trap #1 Right
Lane (594N)***
1/8 Mile Left
Lane (660N)
TB8-2 Black J1-3 GND TB8-3 TB2-1 Red J1-1 SIGNAL-P TB2-2 Black J1-3 GND TB2-3 TB8-4 Red J1-1 SIGNAL-P TB8-5 Black J1-3 GND TB8-6 TB2-4 Red J1-1 SIGNAL-P TB2-5 Black J1-3 GND TB2-6 TB9-1 Red J1-1 SIGNAL-P TB9-2 Black J1-3 GND TB9-3 TB3-1 Red J1-1 SIGNAL-P TB3-2 Black J1-3 GND TB3-3 TB9-4 Red J1-1 SIGNAL-P TB9-5 Black J1-3 GND TB9-6
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Wire Color From (Cell)** Function
Shield Not Connected EARTH
Shield Not Connected EARTH
Shield Not Connected EARTH
Shield Not Connected EARTH
Shield Not Connected EARTH
Shield Not Connected EARTH
Shield Not Connected EARTH
New Track 2-9 Installation
1/8 Mile Right
Lane (660N)
990N Left Lane
990N Right Lane
Start of Speed
Trap #2 Left Lane
Start of Speed
Trap #2 Right
Lane (1254N)***
1/4 Mile Left
Lane (1320N)
1/4 Mile Right
Lane (1320N)
TB3-4 Red J1-1 SIGNAL-P TB3-5 Black J1-3 GND TB3-6 TB9-7 Red J1-1 SIGNAL-P TB9-8 Black J1-3 GND TB9-9 TB3-7 Red J1-1 SIGNAL-P TB3-8 Black J1-3 GND
TB3-9 TB10-1 Red J1-1 SIGNAL-P TB10-2 Black J1-3 GND TB10-3
TB4-1 Red J1-1 SIGNAL-P
TB4-2 Black J1-3 GND
TB4-3 TB10-4 Red J1-1 SIGNAL-P TB10-5 Black J1-3 GND TB10-6
TB4-4 Red J1-1 SIGNAL-P
TB4-5 Black J1-3 GND
*Isolation Interface **Intermediate/ Finish Line Photocell J-Box *** Based on a 66 Ft Speed Trap
Time Slip Printer/Printer Interface Wiring
The Time Slip Printer is a 40 column Epson TM-4200 or an Epson LX300 (contact Daktronics for other choices or models). The Time Slip Printer is then plugged into a Printer Interface. The printer interface has a terminal block (TB1) to connect to the cable coming from the isolation interface. Refer to the following table for connecting the cable to the isolation interface. Use two, shielded 18 awg pair cables. You may also reference the field cabling diagrams (Drawings B-91012 and B-114631).
Description From (I/I)* Cable
Time Slip
TB14-1 Red TB1-4 ETFAULT-P TB14-2 Black TB1-5 ETFAULT-N TB14-3 TB14-4 Red TB1-1 ETDATA-P TB14-5 Black TB1-2 ETDATA-N TB14-6
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
*Isolation Interface
Optional: Wiring Between the Isolation Interface and Scoreboards
Wiring between the isolation interface and the scoreboards/dial-in displays use multiple one pair 18 awg shielded cables. Refer to the following wire connection table to assist in the installation. You may also reference the field cabling diagrams (Drawings B-91012 and B-114631).
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Wire Color To (Printer
Shield Not Connected EARTH
Shield Not Connected EARTH
Shield Not Connected EARTH
Shield Not Connected EARTH
Shield Not Connected EARTH
Shield Not Connected EARTH
Shield Not Connected EARTH
Shield Not Connected Earth
Shield Not Connected Earth
2-10 New Track Installation
Isolation Interface to Left Scoreboard Wiring List
Description From (I/I)* Cable
Left Lane SCBD
Left Lane Dial-in
TB15-1 Red TB31-1 SIG1-P TB15-2 Black TB31-2 SIG1-N TB15-3 TB15-1 Red Tip SIG1-P TB15-2 Black Ring SIG1-N TB15-3
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
*Isolation Interface
Isolation Interface to Right Scoreboard Wiring List
Description From (I/I)* Cable
Right Lane SCBD
Right Lane Dial-
In Display
TB15-4 Red TB31-1 SIG2-P TB15-5 Black TB31-2 SIG2-N TB15-6 TB15-4 Red Tip SIG2-P TB15-5 Black Ring SIG2-N TB15-6
*Isolation Interface
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Beldon 8760
(Dak W-1117)
Wire Color To (Left
Shield Not Connected Earth
Shield Not Connected Earth
Wire Color To (Right
Shield Not Connected Earth
Shield Not Connected Earth
2.9 Operational Check
Reference Drawing:
Printer Interface Assy..................................................................Drawing A-65810
C-44Start Line J-Box...................................................................Drawing A-75431
Field Cabling; C-44 Timer.........................................................Drawing B-114631
During the operational check, the final connections are made on the system and preliminary tests are done to determine if all the equipment is working properly. First, the equipment in the tower is checked, then the start line, the intermediate equipment, and finally, the finish line.
Timer - Monitor - Keyboard - Isolation Interface
This section will cover the connection of the equipment in the tower. Refer to the system
diagram and cabling diagram for information on the items that connect to the C-44. Refer
to Drawing A-65810 to view the back panel of the C-44.
Connect the cable that came with the video monitor to the "VIDEO BOARD
(VIDEO 1)" port on the back of the C-44. The power switch is on the lower right side of the monitor.
Connect the cable that came with the keyboard to the "KEYBOARD" port.
Plug the C-44 and the monitor into a tower outlet. Other equipment will be
connected as the system is turned on.
Make sure the timer and monitor are plugged in. Turn on the power to the C-44
and monitor. Check to be sure the green power LED lights up when turned on and the fan in the rear of the console is moving air. Make sure a clear picture of
New Track 2-11 Installation
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