Daktronics BA-515 User Manual

Single-Section Outdoor
Incandescent Scoreboards
Installation, Maintenance,
and Specifications Manual
All Sport
and Cailube
BA-515 BA-718 CT-2001 MS-915 MS-2006 SO-2008 BA-518 BA-1018 CT-2002 MS-918 MS-2011 TI-218 BA-618 BA-2003 FB-824 MS-2002 SO-824 TI-418 BA-624 BA-2004 FB-2340 MS-2004 SO-918 TI-2003
ED11974 Product 1091 Rev 9 – 13 August 2002
Copyright © 2002 Daktronics, Inc.
All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems – without written permission of the publisher.
is a registered trademark of Daktronics, Inc
are trademarks of their respective manufacturers.
Note: Please fill in the information below for your display, and use it as a reference when calling Daktronics for assistance.
Serial No. ___________________________
Model No.___________________________
Date Installed ________________________
PO Box 5128 331 32nd Ave Brookings SD 57006 Tel 605-697-4036 or 877-605-1115 Fax 605-697-4444
www.daktronics.com e-mail: helpdesk@daktronics.com
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction..................................................................................................1-1
1.1 How To Use This Manual ..........................................................................................1-1
1.2 Product Safety Approval ............................................................................................1-1
1.3 Manual Overview ....................................................................................................... 1-2
1.4 Daktronics Exchange and Repair and Return Programs ............................................1-2
Section 2: Model Identification.....................................................................................2-1
Section 3: Specifications ..............................................................................................3-1
3.1 Single-Section Scoreboards........................................................................................ 3-2
3.2 230 Volt Single-Section Scoreboards.........................................................................3-7
Section 4: Component Locations.................................................................................4-1
Section 5: Schematics...................................................................................................5-1
Section 6: Mechanical Installation ...............................................................................6-1
6.1 Footings and Beams ...................................................................................................6-1
6.2 Lifting the Scoreboard................................................................................................6-2
6.3 Scoreboard Mounting................................................................................................. 6-3
Method 1 ....................................................................................................................6-3
Method 2 ....................................................................................................................6-4
6.4 Ad Panel Mounting ....................................................................................................6-5
Models BA-515 and BA-518 .....................................................................................6-5
Section 7: Electrical Installation...................................................................................7-1
7.1 Power Requirements...................................................................................................7-1
Power Installation.......................................................................................................7-2
7.2 Power and Signal Connection ....................................................................................7-3
Section 8: Digit Maintenance and Troubleshooting ...................................................8-1
8.1 Component Access ..................................................................................................... 8-1
Lamp Driver Access...................................................................................................8-1
Digit Access ...............................................................................................................8-1
8.2 Lamp Replacement.....................................................................................................8-2
8.3 Lamp Drivers..............................................................................................................8-2
8.4 Fuses...........................................................................................................................8-3
8.5 Segmentation..............................................................................................................8-3
8.6 Power On Self-Test ....................................................................................................8-3
8.7 Lightning Protection................................................................................................... 8-4
8.8 Replacement Parts ......................................................................................................8-4
8.9 Troubleshooting .........................................................................................................8-5
Table of Contents
Section 9:
9.1 TNMC Schematics..................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 Service Procedures..................................................................................................... 9-2
9.3 Lamp Testing and Replacement................................................................................. 9-3
9.4 Lens Position and Sequence ...................................................................................... 9-4
9.5 Lens/Reflector Assembly Maintenance ..................................................................... 9-4
9.6 Lamp Module Transformer........................................................................................ 9-5
9.7 Fan Filters .................................................................................................................. 9-5
9.8 Filter Removal ........................................................................................................... 9-6
9.9 Fans............................................................................................................................9-6
9.10 Lens Airflow .............................................................................................................. 9-7
9.11 Structural Inspection .................................................................................................. 9-8
9.12 Cleaning the Signal Connectors................................................................................. 9-8
9.13 Troubleshooting......................................................................................................... 9-8
9.14 Replacement Parts List .............................................................................................. 9-9
9.15 TNMC Exchange and Repair and Return Programs................................................ 9-10
Team Name Message Centers Maintenance and Troubleshooting ........9-1
Removing a Module................................................................................................... 9-2
Removing a Lampbank.............................................................................................. 9-2
Replacing a Lampbank .............................................................................................. 9-3
Replacing the Module................................................................................................ 9-3
Individual Lamp Replacement................................................................................... 9-4
Weatherstripping Maintenance .................................................................................. 9-4
Louver Maintenance .................................................................................................. 9-5
Section 10: Scoreboard Options.................................................................................. 10-1
10.1 Team Name Captions – Models BA-624, BA-1518 and BA-1524 ......................... 10-1
10.2 Trumpet Horn .......................................................................................................... 10-2
AC Trumpet Horn Installation (Internally Mounted) .............................................. 10-2
DC Trumpet Horn Installation (Externally Mounted) ............................................. 10-2
Appendix A: Reference Drawings ................................................................................... A-1
Appendix B: Eyebolts........................................................................................................ B-1
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction

1.1 How To Use This Manual

This manual explains the installation of Daktronics Single-Section, Outdoor Incandescent Scoreboards and provides details for display maintenance. For questions regarding the safety,
installation, operation, or service of this system, please refer to the telephone numbers listed on the cover page of this manual.
Important Safeguards:
1. Read and understand these instructions before installing the scoreboard.
2. Do not drop the scoreboard control console or allow it to get wet.
3. Properly ground the scoreboard with a grounding electrode at the scoreboard location.
4. Disconnect power when not using the scoreboard.
5. Disconnect power when servicing the scoreboard.
6. Do not modify the scoreboard structure or attach any panels or coverings to the scoreboard
without the express written consent of Daktronics, Inc.
The box at right illustrates the Daktronics drawing numbering system. Daktronics identifies individual drawings by the drawing number (7087-P08A-69945 in Figure 1), which is located in the lower-right corner of the drawing. This manual refers to drawings by their last set of digits and the letter preceding them. The example would be Drawing A-69945.
Reference drawings are grouped and inserted in alphanumeric order in Appendix A.
The serial and model number of a Daktronics scoreboard can be found on the ID label, located on the display. This label will be similar to the one shown in Figure 2. When calling Daktronics Customer Service, please have this information available to ensure that your request is serviced as quickly as possible.
Figure 2: Scoreboard ID Label
Figure 1: Daktronics Drawing Label

1 .2 Product Safety Approval

Daktronics outdoor scoreboards are ETL-listed, tested to CSA standards and CE-labeled for outdoor use. Contact Daktronics with any questions regarding testing procedures.


1.3 Manual Overview
This manual is divided into the following sections:
Contains an overview of the manual and explains the Daktronics drawing numbering system and Daktronics Exchange and Repair and Return programs.
Contains tables showing all of the mechanical specifications, circuit specifications, and maximum power requirements for each model. Lists drawings needed to determine the location of scoreboard components.
Lists the electrical schematic drawings for each model. Contains information needed for the mechanical installation for each model. Contains information needed for the electrical installation for each model. Contains information needed to service the scoreboards. Contains information needed to service the team name message centers. Contains descriptions and installation instructions for the various scoreboard
options. Contain reference drawings and ED-7244, Eyebolts.
Section 10:
Section 1:
Section 2: Lists the drawings needed to determine scoreboard model numbers. Section 3:
Section 4: Section 5: Section 6: Section 7: Section 8: Section 9:

1.4 Daktronics Exchange and Repair and Return Programs

To serve customers’ repair and maintenance needs, Daktronics offers both an Exchange Program and a Repair and Return Program.
Daktronics’ unique Exchange Program is a quick, economical service for replacing key components in need of repair. If a component fails, Daktronics sends the customer a reconditioned replacement within 24 hours. The customer, in turn, sends the failed component to Daktronics. This not only saves money but also decreases scoreboard downtime. This service is provided to qualified customers who follow the program guidelines explained below.
Daktronics provides this service to ensure users get the most from their Daktronics products. Please call the Help Desk – (877) 605-1115 – if you have questions regarding the Exchange Program or any other Daktronics service.
When you call the Daktronics Help Desk, a trained service technician will work with you to diagnose the equipment problem and determine which replacement part to ship. (If, after you make the exchange, the equipment still has problems, please contact our Help Desk immediately.) If the replacement part fixes the problem, package the defective part in the same box and wrapping in which the replacement part arrived, fill out and attach the enclosed UPS shipping document, and RETURN THE PART TO DAKTRONICS.
For most equipment, you will be invoiced for the replacement part at the time it is shipped. This bill is due when you receive it.
Daktronics expects immediate return of an exchange part if it does not solve the problem. The company also reserves the right to refuse equipment that has been damaged due to acts of nature or causes other than normal wear and tear.
1-2 Introduction
If the defective equipment is not shipped to Daktronics within 30 working days from the invoice date, it is assumed you are purchasing the replacement part, and you will be invoiced for it. This second
invoice represents the difference between the exchange price and the full purchase price of the equipment. The balance is due when you receive the second invoice. If you return the exchange equipment after 30 working days from the invoice date, you will be credited for the amount on the second invoice, minus a restocking fee.
@To avoid a restocking charge, please return the defective equipment within 30 days from the
invoice date.
Daktronics also offers a repair and return program for items not subject to exchange.
Return Materials Authorization: To return parts for service, contact your local representative prior to shipment to acquire a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number. If you have no local representative, call the Daktronics Help Desk for the RMA. This expedites repair of your component when it arrives at Daktronics.
Packaging for Return: Package and pad the item well so that it will not be damaged in shipment. Electronic components such as printed circuit boards should be installed in an enclosure or placed in an antistatic bag before boxing. Please enclose your name, address, phone number and a clear description of symptoms.
This is how to reach us:
Daktronics, Inc.
: Customer Service
P.O. Box 5128 331 32nd Avenue Brookings, SD 57006
: Daktronics Help Desk: 1 (877) 605-1115 (toll free)
or 1 (605) 697-4036
: 1 (605) 697-4444
: helpdesk@daktronics.com
Section 2: Model Identification
Use the following drawings to determine your scoreboard model number. The drawings, located in the Appendix, are inserted in alphanumeric order by drawing number.
Reference Drawings:
Single-Section Scoreboard Models....................................................... Drawing A-124342
Single-Section Scoreboard Models w/TNMC........................................Drawing A-127262
Single Section Scoreboard Models....................................................... Drawing A-152945

Model Identification

Section 3: Specifications
The following tables include all of the mechanical specifications, circuit specifications, and maximum power requirements for each model in this manual. Models are listed in alphanumeric order.
Section 3.1: Single-Section Scoreboards ....................................................................................3-2
Section 3.2: 230-Volt Single-Section Scoreboards..................................................................... 3-5



3.1 Single-Section Scoreboards

Note 1: Signal wires must be a minimum of 22- gauge with shield. Daktronics recommends using W-1234. Note 2: 120/240 or two lines of 120 V AC from a 120/208 WYE service.
Wattage Model Dimensions
Lamp Maximum
25 W 1905 W
30 W 3280 W 120 V AC 27 A
40 W
25 W 1905 W 120 V AC
25 W 2780 W 120 V AC 24 A
40 W
25 W 2110 W 120 V AC
25 W 3035 W 120 V AC 26 A
40 W
25 W 3035 W 120 V AC 24 A
40 W
(See Note 2)
120 V AC
(Height, Width,
BA-515 H3’-0", W6’-0", D11"
(914 mm, 1829 mm, 279 mm)
BA-518 H4’-0", W9’-0", D6"
(1219 mm, 2743 mm, 152 mm)
BA-618 H5’-0", W14’-0", D6"
(1524 mm, 4267 mm, 152 mm)
BA-624 H6’-0", W16’-0", D6"
(1829 mm, 4877 mm, 152 mm)
115 lb 52 kg (118 lb) (54 kg)
120 lb 55 kg (152 lb) (70 kg)
250 lb 114 kg (580 lb) (263 kg)
375 lb 170 kg (770 lb) (350 kg)
Digit Size
and Matrix
Inning, scores 15" 3x5 (381 mm) Inning, scores 15" 4x7 (381 mm) Ball, Strike, Out indicators
Inning, scores 18" 3x5 (457 mm) Inning, scores 18" 4x7 (457 mm) Ball, Strike, Out indicators
All digits 18" 3x5 (457 mm) All digits 18" 4x7 (457 mm) Ball, Strike, Out, H/E indicators
All digits 24" 4x7 (610 mm) Ball, Strike, Out, H/E Indicators
Amps per Line
(Single Phase)
16 A
16 A
18 A
Driver Number
and Address
A1 61
A1 61
A1 61
A1 61
Specifications 3-2
Wattage Model Dimensions
Lamp Maximum
25 W 2555 W 120 V AC
25 W 3780 W 120 V AC 32 A
40 W
25 W 3050 W 120/240 or
25 W 4675 W 120/240 or
40 W 1880 W 120/240 or
25 W 8491 W 120/240 or
25 W 975 W 120 V AC
25 W 1500 W 120 V AC
(See Note 2)
120/208 V AC
120/208 V AC
120/208 V AC
120/208 V AC
Amps per Line
(Single Phase)
22 A
15 A
L2 11 A
23 A
L2 17 A
15 A A1 11
33 A
L2 38 A
15 A
15 A
Driver Number
and Address
A1 62
A1 12
A1 67 A2 68 A3 69
A1 1
(Height, Width,
BA-718 H4’-0", W12’-0", D6"
(1219 mm, 3658 mm, 152 mm)
BA-1018 H6’-0", W14’-0", D6"
(2438 mm, 4877 mm, 152 mm)
BA-2003 H4'-6", W10'-0", D8"
(1372 mm, 3048 mm, 203 mm)
BA-2004 H6'-6", W20'-0", D6"
(2845 mm, 6096 mm, 152 mm)
CT-2001 H2’-0", W6’-0", D11"
(610 mm, 1829 mm, 279 mm)
160 lb 73 kg (490 lb) (222 kg)
270 lb 122 kg (621 lb) (281 kg)
250 lb 113 kg (475 lb) (215 kg)
750 lb 340 kg (1,425 lb) (646 kg)
50 lb 23 kg (83 lb) (37 kg)
Digit Size
and Matrix
Inning, Time, scores 18" 3x5 (457 mm) Inning, Time, scores 18" 4x7 (457 mm) Ball, Strike, Out indicators
All digits 18" 3x5 (457 mm) All digits 18" 4x7 (457 mm)
All digits 36" 4x7 (914 mm)
Ball, strike, out, H/E 18" 3x5 (457 mm) Scoring 15" 3x5 (381 mm)
All digits 18" 3x5 (457 mm) All digits 18" 4x7 (457 mm)
(Height, Width,
CT-2002 H2’-7", W7’-0", D11"
(610 mm, 2133 mm, 279 mm)
FB-824 H4’-0", W14’-0", D6"
(1219 mm, 4267 mm, 152 mm)
MS-915 H4’-0", W8’-0", D11"
MS-918 H5’-0", W14’-0", D6"
H5'-0", W7'-0", D8" (1524 mm, 2134 mm, 203 mm)
(1219 mm, 2438 mm, 279 mm)
(1524 mm, 4267 mm, 152 mm)
75 lb 34 kg (125 lb) (57 kg)
250 lb 114 kg (560 lb) (254 kg)
135 lb 61 kg (220 lb) (100 kg)
110 lb 50 kg (185 lb) (84 kg)
275 lb 125 kg (640 lb) (290 kg)
Digit Size
and Matrix
All digits 24" 4x7 (610 mm)
All digits 24" 4x7 (610 mm) Quarter indicators
All digits 18" 4x7 (457 mm)
All digits 15" 3x5 (381 mm)
Clock, scores 18" 3x5 (457 mm) Inning 15" 3x5 (381 mm)
Clock, scores 18" 4x7 (457 mm) Inning 15" 4x7 (381 mm)
Ball, Strike, Out indicators
Wattage Model Dimensions
Lamp Maximum
25 W 1500 W 120 V AC
25 W
40 W
25 W 3000 W 120/240 or
25 W 2925 W 120/240 or
25 W 3285 W 120/240 or
25 W 4960 W 120/240 or
40 W
4160 W 120/240 or
(See Note 2)
120/208 V AC
120/20 V AC
120/208 V AC
120/208 V AC
120/208 V AC
Amps per Line
(Single Phase)
15 A A1 1
L1 L2 17 A
L1 12.5 A L2
12.5 A
L1 L2 14 A
11 A
L2 17 A
17 A
L2 24 A
Driver Number
and Address
18 A
A1 11
A1 2
11 A
A1 11
A1 11
Specifications 3-4
Wattage Model Dimensions
Lamp Maximum
25 W
25 W
25 W
25 W 10 000 W 120/240 or
25 W 10 000 W 120/240 or
25 W 10 080 W 120/240 or
25 W 7206 W 120/240 or
25 W SO-824 H4’-0", W14’-0", D6"
40 W
4325 W 120/240 or
6245 W 120/240 or
4160 W 120/240 or
(See Note 2)
120/208 V AC
120/208 V AC
120/208 V AC
120/208 V AC
120/208 V AC
120/208 V AC
120/208 V AC
Amps per Line
(Single Phase)
L1 L2 20 A
L1 L2 28 A
28 A
L2 28 A
42 A
L2 42 A
L1 L2 28 A
L1 L2 28 A
L1 L2 17 A
Driver Number
and Address
17 A
A1 11
25 A
A1 11
A1 74 A2 75
25 A
A1 11
22 A
A1 11
18 A
A1 11
(Height, Width,
MS-2002 H4’-6", W16’-0", D6"
(1372 mm, 4877 mm, 152 mm)
MS-2002 w/TNMC
MS-2004 H5’-0", W18’-0", D6"
MS-2011 w/TNMC
H4’-6", W16’-0", D6" (1372 mm, 4877 mm, 152 mm)
(1524 mm, 5486 mm, 152 mm)
H7'-0", W25'-0", D6"
(2134 mm, 7620 mm,
152 mm)
H4'-6", W20'-0", D6" (1372 mm, 6096 mm, 152 mm)
(1219 mm, 4877 mm, 152 mm)
250 lb 114 kg (715 lb) (324 kg)
425 lb 193 kg (740 lb) (336 kg)
375 lb 170 kg (770 lb) (350 kg)
500 lb
227 kg
(850 lb)
(386 kg)
475 lb 215 kg (903 lb) (410 kg)
250 lb 114 kg (560 lb) (254 kg)
Digit Size
and Matrix
Clock, scores 24" 4x7 (610 mm) Period 18" 3x5 (457 mm)
Period 18" 3x5 (457 mm)
All digits 18" 3x5 (457 mm) All digits 18" 4x7 (457 mm)
Clock, scores 30" 4x7 (762 mm) Period 24" 4x7 (610 mm)
Clock, scores 24" 4x7 (610 mm) Period 15" 3x5 (381 mm)
24" 4x7 (610 mm) Half indicators
(Height, Width,
SO-918 H4’-0", W12’-0", D6"
(1219 mm, 3658 mm, 152 mm)
SO-2008 w/TNMC
TI-218 H2’-0", W3’-0", D11"
TI-418 H2’-0", W6’-0", D11"
TI-2003 H3’-0", W4’-0", D11"
H5'-6", W16'-0", D6" (1676 mm, 4877 mm, 152 mm)
(610 mm, 914 mm, 279 mm)
(787 mm, 1829 mm, 279 mm)
(914 mm, 1219 mm, 279 mm)
225 lb 102 kg (455 lb) (206 kg)
300 lb 136 kg (570 lb) (259 kg)
20 lb 9 kg (57 lb) (26 kg)
50 lb 23 kg (87 lb) (40 kg)
110 lb 50 kg (150 lb) (68 kg)
Digit Size
and Matrix
18" 3x5 (457 mm)
18" 4x7 (457 mm) Half Indicators
All digits 18" 3x5 (457 mm)
All digits 18" 3x5 (457 mm) All digits 18" 4x7 (457 mm)
All digits 18" 3x5 (457 mm) All digits 18" 4x7 (457 mm)
All digits 30" 4x7 (762 mm)
Wattage Power Model Dimensions
Lamp Maximum (See Note 2)
25 W 2925 W 120/240 or
120/208 V AC
25 W
40 W
25 W 6145 W 120/240 or
25 W
25 W 1000 W 120 V AC 9
25 W
25 W 2000 W 120 V AC 17
40 W 1600 W 120 V AC 14 A1 2
4500 W 120/240 or
120/208 V AC
120/208 V AC
650 W
1300 W
120 V AC
120 V AC
Amps per Line
(Single Phase)
11 A
L2 17 A
17 A
L2 21 A
L1 L2 30 A
Driver Number
and Address
A1 11
22 A
A1 17
A1 2
A1 1
Specifications 3-6

3.2 230 Volt Single-Section Scoreboards

Note 1: Signal wires must be a minimum of 22-gauge with shield. Daktronics recommends using W-1234.
BA-518 H4’-0", W9’-0", D6"
CT-2001 H2’-0", W6’-0", D11"
(Height, Width,
(1219 mm, 2743 mm, 152 mm)
(610 mm, 1829 mm, 279 mm)
(1219 mm, 4877 mm, 152 mm)
120 lb 55 kg (152 lb) (70 kg)
50 lb 23 kg (83 lb) (37 kg)
250 lb 114 kg (560 lb) (254 kg)
Digit Size
and Matrix
Inning, scores 18" 3x5 (457 mm) Inning, scores 18" 4x7 (457 mm) Ball, Strike Out indicators
All digits 18" 4x7 (457 mm)
24" 4x7 (610 mm)
Half indicators
Wattage Model Dimensions
Lamp Maximum
25 W 1905 W
25 W 2780 W 230 V AC 12 A
40 W
30 W 1800 W 230 V AC
25 W SO-824 H4’-0", W14’-0", D6"
40 W
4160 W 230 V AC L1 9 A
230 V AC
Amps per Line
(Single Phase)
8 A
8 A A1 1
9 A
Driver Number
and Address
A1 61
A1 11
Section 4: Component Locations
Use the following drawings to determine the location of scoreboard components. The drawings are listed below in alphanumeric order by model number. In the Appendix, they are inserted in alphanumeric order by drawing number.
Model Drawing Name Drawing No.
BA-515 Component Locations, BA-515 A-126083 BA-518 Component Locations, BA-518 A-126084
BA-618 Component Locations, BA-618 A-126221 BA-624 Component Locations, BA-624 A-126285
BA-718 Component Locations, BA-718 A-126306
BA-1018 Component Locations, BA-1018 A-126353
BA-2003 Component Locations, BA-2003 A-158315
BA-2004 Component Locations, BA-2004 A-152733
CT-2001 Component Locations, CT-2001 A-126429
CT-2002 Component Locations, CT-2002 A-126430
FB-824 Component Locations, FB-824 A-126431
FB-2340 Component Locations, FB-2340 A-137679
MS-915 Component Locations, MS-915 A-126432
MS-918 Component Locations, MS-918 A-124343
MS-2002 Component Locations, MS-2002 A-127235
MS-2002 w/TNMC Component Locations, MS-2002 w/TNMC A-127193
MS-2002 w/TNMC and 40W Lamps
MS-2004 Component Locations, MS-2004 A-128047
MS-2006 w/TNMC Component Locations, MS-2006 w/TNMC A-132960
MS-2011 w/TNMC Component Locations; MS-2011 A-138889
SO-824 Component Locations, S0-824 A-127285
SO-918 Component Locations, S0-918 A-126433
SO-2008 w/TNMC Component Locations; SO-2008 w/ 832-12 w/TNMC A-150127
TI-218 Component Locations, TI-218 A-126364
TI-418 Component Locations, TI-418 A-126372
TI-2003 Component Locations, TI-2003 A-126434
Component Locations, MS-2002 w/TNMC and 40W Lamps

Component Locations

Section 5: Schematics
Use the following table to determine the schematic for your scoreboard model. The drawings are listed below in alphanumeric order by model number. In the Appendix, they are and inserted in alphanumeric order by drawing number.
Model Schematic Name Drawing No.
BA-515 Schematic, 1 Driver 8 Column A-124298
BA-518 Schematic, 1 Driver 8 Column A-124298
BA-518, 230 V AC Schematic, 1 Driver 16 Col. Overseas A-139639
BA-618 Schematic, 1 Driver 8 Column A-124298
BA-624 Schematic, 1 Driver 8 Column A-124298
BA-718 Schematic, 1 Driver 8 Column A-124298
BA-1018 Schematic, 1 Driver A-124293
BA-2003 Schematic, 1 Driver 8 Column A-124298
BA-2004 Schematic; BA-2004 B-155111
CT-2001 Schematic, 1 Driver 8 Column A-124298
CT-2001, 230 V AC Schematic, 1 Driver 8 Col. Overseas A-139733
CT-2002 Schematic, 1 Driver 8 Column A-124298
FB-824 Schematic, 1 Driver A-124293
FB-2340 Schematic, 1 Driver A-124293
MS-915 Schematic, 1 Driver A-124293
MS-915, 230 V AC Schematic, 1 Driver 16 Col. Overseas A-139639
MS-918 Schematic, 1 Driver A-124293
MS-2002 Schematic, 1 Driver A-124293
MS-2002 w/TNMC Schematic; 1 Drvr with 32 or 48-10 TNMC B-127394
MS-2002 w/TNMC and 40W Lamps
MS-2004 Schematic, 2 Drivers A-124291
MS-2006 w/TNMC Schematic, 2 Drivers w/32 or 48-12 TNMC B-132144
MS-2011 w/TNMC Schematic; 1 Drvr with 32 or 48-10 TNMC A-127394
SO-824 Schematic, 1 Driver A-124293
SO-824, 230 V AC Schematic, 1 Driver 16 Col. Overseas A-139639
SO-918 Schematic, 1 Driver A-124293
SO-2008 w/TNMC Schematic; 1 Drvr with 32 or 48-10 TNMC A-127394
TI-218 Schematic, 1 Driver 8 Column A-124298
TI-418 Schematic, 1 Driver 8 Column A-124298
TI-2003 Schematic, 1 Driver 8 Column A-124298
TNMC, 832-12 Schematic, 832-12 TNMC A-125214
TNMC, 848-12 Schematic, 848-12 TNMC A-125216
Schematic, 2 Drivers w/32 or 48-12 TNMC B-132144


Section 6: Mechanical Installation
Mechanical installation consists of installing concrete footings and steel beams, and mounting the scoreboard and accompanying ad panels to the beams.

6.1 Footings and Beams

Reference Drawings:
Installation Specifications; BA 515.......................................................... Drawing A-55003
Installation Specifications; BA 518.......................................................... Drawing A-55004
Installation Specifications; BA 618.......................................................... Drawing A-55006
Installation Specifications; BA 624.......................................................... Drawing A-55007
Installation Specifications; BA 718.......................................................... Drawing A-55005
Installation Specifications; BA 1018........................................................ Drawing A-61904
Installation Specifications; BA-2003...................................................... Drawing A-158322
Installation Specifications; BA-2004 & BA-2005 ................................... Drawing A-152777
Installation Specifications; FB-2340............................................................ Drawing A-169388
Installation Specifications; MS 824 ....................................................... Drawing A-127287
Installation Specifications; MS-915 .......................................................Drawing A-113568
Installation Specifications; MS 918 ......................................................... Drawing A-55009
Installation Specifications; MS-2002 .....................................................Drawing A-127195
Installation Specifications; MS 2002 w/TNMC ......................................Drawing A-127195
Installation Specifications; MS-2004 .....................................................Drawing A-128788
Installation Specifications; MS-2006 w/TNMC ......................................Drawing A-135575
Installation Specifications; MS-2011 w/TNMC ......................................Drawing A-135414
Installation Specifications; SO 824........................................................Drawing A-127287
Installation Specifications; SO 918..........................................................Drawing A-55010
Installation; TI-2003............................................................................... Drawing A-139316
Installation Specifications; SO-2008 ..................................................... Drawing A-149074
Installation Specifications; TI-2003 ....................................................... Drawing A-169367
Installation Specifications; TI-218 ......................................................... Drawing A-169376
Installation Specifications; TI-418 ......................................................... Drawing A-169380
Refer to the installation specification drawings listed above for the rear view of each of the models.
These drawings specify the number of beams and the recommended spacing between them. It is critical that these dimensions be adhered to for scoreboards with team name message centers because of the ventilation hoods located on the rear of the displays.
These drawings also indicate the size of beams required to support the scoreboard at different heights under various wind speed conditions. All of the beam specifications illustrate "W" shape steel beams (wide-flange I-beams). The first number indicates the front-to-rear depth of the beam, and the second number indicates the weight in pounds per foot of length.
The column and footing size dimensions provided in the drawings assist with estimating installation costs. They are estimates only and are not intended for construction purposes. Be sure that your installation complies with local building codes and is suitable for your particular soil and wind conditions.

Mechanical Installation

The columns and footings and all connection details must be designed and certified by a professional engineer licensed to practice in the state in which scoreboard will be installed. Daktronics does not
assume any liability for any installation derived from the information and drawings provided in this manual or designed and installed by others.

6.2 Lifting the Scoreboard

Reference Drawings:
Lifting Scoreboard ................................................................................... Drawing A-44548
Lifting Small Baseball Scoreboard ..........................................................Drawing A-58668
Small Daktronics scoreboards are not equipped with eyebolts. Refer to Drawing A-58668 for lifting details.
Larger scoreboard sections and message centers are shipped equipped with eyebolts that are used to lift the displays. The eyebolts are located along the top of the cabinet for each scoreboard or scoreboard section.
Daktronics strongly recommends using a spreader bar, or lifting bar, to lift the display. Using a spreader bar ensures that the force on the eyebolts is straight up, minimizing lifting stress. Lifting methods are shown in the illustration below and in Drawing A-44548.
Figure 3: Lifting the Display
Figure 3 above illustrates both the preferred method (left example) and an alternative method (right example) for lifting a scoreboard. When lifting the display:
Use a spreader bar. Use every lifting point provided.
Take special care to ensure the rated load of the eyebolts is not exceeded. Refer to ED-7244, Eyebolts, to determine allowable loads and load angles for the lifting hardware. ED-7244 is located in
the Appendix of this manual.
Avoid using other lifting methods. Cables and chains attached to the eyebolts and directly to a center lifting point, as show in the right-hand example in Figure 3, can create a dangerous lateral force on the eyebolts and may cause the eyebolts to fail. Daktronics scoreboards use eyebolts mounted to a
/8" aluminum plate or steel nut plate, but exceeding load angles or weight limits could cause the bolts to pull out or the scoreboard cabinet to buckle. In either circumstance, the result
/2" and 5/8" shoulder-type
Mechanical Installation
would be serious damage to the scoreboard. If you must use this method, ensure a minimum angle between the chain and scoreboard of at least 45°.
KNote: Daktronics assumes no liability for scoreboard damage resulting from incorrect
setup or incorrect lifting methods.
Eyebolts are intended for lifting only. Do not attempt to permanently support the display by the eyebolts.
In typical multi-section installations, the lower scoreboard section is installed first and secured to the support beams, and then the upper section is placed atop or above the lower section and attached to the beams. There may be cables extending from the top of the lower section. Guide these cables into the hole in the bottom of the upper section for later connection.
If the lift eyebolts are removed, plug the holes with bolts and the rubber sealing washers that were removed with the eyebolts. Apply silicone or another waterproof sealant to the eyebolt openings. Inspect the top and sides of the display for any other holes or openings that may allow moisture to enter the display, and plug and seal those openings as well.
6.3 Scoreboard Mounting
Use the following table to determine the mounting method for your scoreboard.

Method 1

Method 2
BA-618, BA-624, BA-918, BA-1018, BA-2003, BA-2004, FB-824, MS-918, SO­824, SO-918, SO-2008, MS-2002, MS-2004, MS-2011
BA-515, BA-518, BA-718, CT-2001, CT-2002, FB-2340, MS-915, TI-218, TI­418, TI-2003, MS-2006
Method 1
Reference Drawings:
Display Mounting......................................................................... Drawing A-44412
Ad Panel Mounting...................................................................... Drawing A-52187
Installation Specifications, BA 618 ..............................................Drawing A-55006
Installation Specifications, BA 624 ..............................................Drawing A-55007
Installation Specifications, BA-2003.......................................... Drawing A-158322
Installation Specifications; BA-2004 & BA-2005........................ Drawing A-152777
Installation Specifications, FB-824/SO-824............................... Drawing A-127287
Installation Specifications, MS 918.............................................. Drawing A-55009
Installation Specifications, SO 918.............................................. Drawing A-55010
Installation Specifications, BA 1018 ............................................Drawing A-61904
Installation Specifications, MS-2002 ......................................... Drawing A-127195
Installation Specifications, MS-2004 ......................................... Drawing A-128788
Installation Specifications, SO-2008.......................................... Drawing A-149074
Installation Specifications; MS-2011 w/TNMC ..........................Drawing A-135414
Drawing A-44412 shows the hardware used for mounting the scoreboard to the beams. Each section of the scoreboard attaches at the top and the bottom to all the beams. Drawing A-44412 also shows top and side views of the scoreboard secured to the beams. Note that the threaded rods do not pass through the flanges of the beams, but instead run along both sides of each beam. Refer
Mechanical Installation
to the Installation Specifications drawing for your model to determine the center-to-center distance of the poles.
Review the illustrations of the mounting hardware in Drawing A-44412, and then use the following procedure for each section.
1. Loosely attach the inner and outer mounting clamps to the rear flanges of the scoreboard’s horizontal frame members, using the and position the clamps to fit on either side of the beams.
2. Insert a
/2" square nut into each mounting clamp. From the rear, screw a threaded rod
/8" bolts. Measure the beam spacing,
into each of the nuts.
3. Position the scoreboard at the front of the beams with the threaded rods extending from the rear of the clamps, straddling the beams. Raise the scoreboard section to the desired height.
4. Slide clamping angles over the ends of the rods and loosely install the washers and nuts.
5. Make final adjustments in the positioning of the scoreboard. Tighten the
/8" bolts in the
mounting clamps.
6. Make sure that the threaded rods are perpendicular to the scoreboard, and tighten all of the
/2" nuts.

Method 2

Reference Drawings:
Scoreboard Mounting ..................................................................Drawing A-55101
Installation Specifications, BA 515 ..............................................Drawing A-55003
Installation Specifications, BA 518.............................................. Drawing A-55004
Installation Specifications, BA 718.............................................. Drawing A-55005
Installation Specifications, FB-2340 .......................................... Drawing A-169388
Installation Specifications, MS-915 ........................................... Drawing A-113568
Installation Specifications, MS-2006 ......................................... Drawing A-135575
Installation Specifications; TI-2003............................................ Drawing A-169367
Installation Specifications; TI-218.............................................. Drawing A-169376
Installation Specifications; TI-418.............................................. Drawing A-169380
Refer to Drawing A-55101 for mounting details. Refer to the Installation Specifications drawing for your model to determine the center-to-center distance of the poles.
Mount the scoreboard as follows:
1. Use the mounting channel to determine which hole combination to use. Be sure to keep
the bolts as close to the beam as possible.
2. Using the mounting channel as a template, drill
flange of the scoreboard where the supports will go.
3. Place square nuts inside the channel and thread the bolts through.
4. Lift the scoreboard into position with the bolts still in place.
5. Place mounting angles over each pair of bolts and secure with lockwashers and hex nuts.
6. After adjusting the scoreboard to the final desired position, tighten hex nuts firmly.
When mounting a scoreboard with back sheets, remove the back sheets in the areas above and below the holes drilled in the upper and lower rear flange of the scoreboard. Be sure to replace the back sheets after placing the square nuts inside the channel and threading the bolts through the holes.
/16" holes in the upper and lower rear
Mechanical Installation

6.4 Ad Panel Mounting

Reference Drawings:
Ad Panel Mounting.................................................................................. Drawing A-52187
Assembly, Ad Panel, BA-515.................................................................. Drawing A-52585
Ad Panel Mounting, BA-518.................................................................... Drawing A-52811
Refer to Drawing A-52187 for mounting details. Mount the ad panel(s) as follows:
1. Use the mounting channel to determine which hole combination to use. Be sure to keep the bolts as close to the beam as possible.
2. Using the mounting channel as a template, drill of the ad panel where the supports will go.
3. Place square nuts inside the channel and thread the bolts through.
4. Lift the ad panel into position with the bolts still in place.
5. Place mounting angles over each pair of bolts and secure with lock washers and hex nuts.
6. When the panel is adjusted to the final desired position, tighten hex nuts firmly.
When mounting ad panels with back sheets, remove the back sheets in the areas above and below the holes drilled in the upper and lower rear flange of the ad panel. Be sure to replace the back sheets after placing the square nuts inside the channel and threading the bolts through the holes.
/16" holes in the upper and lower rear flange

Models BA-515 and BA-518

Ad panels are mounted directly to the scoreboard for models BA-515 and BA-518. Refer to Drawings A-52585 and A-52811 for mounting details.
Mechanical Installation
Section 7: Electrical Installation
Reference Drawings:
Components 8/16 Pos Power and Signal Entrance.............................. Drawing A-109114
Components 2/4 Pos Power and Signal Entrance................................ Drawing A-125977
Electrical installation consists of:
Providing power and ground to a disconnect near the scoreboard. Routing power and ground from the main disconnect to the scoreboard power and signal
entrance enclosure.
Connecting the scoreboard ground to a grounding electrode at the scoreboard location. Routing the control signal cable from the control location to the scoreboard location. Connecting several cables from the lower to the upper section.
Route power and signal cables into the scoreboard from the rear. There are two knockouts for conduit connection in the back. All wires connect to the entrance plate. Drawings A-109114 and A-125977 illustrate the two types of entrance panels.
7.1 Power Requirements
Reference Drawings:
Components 8/16 Pos Power and Signal Entrance.............................. Drawing A-109114
Components 2/4 Pos Power and Signal Entrance................................ Drawing A-125977
Refer to the chart in Section 3 to determine circuit specifications and maximum power requirements for the models described in this manual.
Daktronics outdoor scoreboards have been designed for easy access to components, and the power and control signal hookup has been simplified. Front panels are removable to allow access to the digits, cabling and other electronic components.
Proper power installation is imperative for proper display operation. The following subsections give details of display power installation.


Displays MUST be grounded according to the provisions outlined in Article 250 of the
National Electrical Code
The display system must be connected to earth-ground. Proper grounding is necessary for reliable equipment operation. It also protects the equipment from damaging electrical disturbances and lightning. The display must be properly grounded or the warranty will be void.
The material of an earth-ground electrode differs from region to region and from conditions present at the site. Consult the National Electrical Code and any local electrical codes that may apply. The support structure of the display cannot be used as an earth-ground electrode. The support is generally embedded in concrete, and if in earth, the steel is either primed or it corrodes, making it a poor ground.

Electrical Installation

. Daktronics recommends a resistance to ground of 10 ohms or less.

Power Installation

There are two basic considerations for power installation: installation with ground and neutral conductors provided, and installation with only a neutral conductor provided. These two power installations differ slightly, as described in the following paragraphs:
Installation with Ground and Neutral Conductors Provided
For this type of installation, the power cable must contain an isolated earth-ground conductor. In this circumstance, do not connect neutral to ground at the disconnect or at the display. This would violate electrical codes and void the warranty. Use a disconnect so that all hot lines and neutral can be disconnected. The National Electrical Code requires the use of a lockable power disconnect within sight of or at the display.
Figure 4: Installation with Ground and Neutral Conductor Provided
Installation with Only a Neutral Conductor Provided
Installations where no grounding conductor is provided must comply with Article 250-32 of the National Electrical Code. If the installation in question meets all of the requirements of Article 250-32, the following guidelines must be observed:
Connect the grounding electrode cable at the local disconnect, never at the display
entrance enclosure.
Use a disconnect that opens all of the ungrounded phase conductors. Bond the neutral and the ground conductors in the display power entrance enclosure.
Figure 5: Installation with Only Neutral Conductor Provided
Electrical Installation
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