Daktronics BA-1518-11 User Manual

Multi-Section Outdoor
Installation, Maintenance,
and Specifications Manual
All Sport® is a registered trademark of Daktronics, Inc. National Electrical Code
BA-1518-11 FB-1424-11 FB-1630-11 FB-2001-11 SO-1424-11 BA-1524-11 FB-1430-11 FB-1630L-11 FB-2002-11 SO-1624-11 BA-2007-11 FB-1524-11 FB-1730-11 FB-2003-11 SO-1830-11 BA-3718-11 FB-1530-11 FB-1830-11 MS-2009-11 SO-1830L-11 BA-3724-11 FB-1624-11 FB-1830L-11 MS-2118-11 SO-1930-11
is a registered trademark of NFPA International.
Scoreboard Models
ED12562 Product 1192 Rev 4 – 28 October 2002
Copyright ã 2002 Daktronics, Inc.
All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems – without written permission of the publisher.
Note: Please fill in the information below for your display, and use it as a reference when calling Daktronics for assistance.
Scoreboard Serial No. _________________
Scoreboard Model No. _________________
Date Installed ________________________
PO Box 5128 331 32nd Ave Brookings SD 57006 Tel 605-697-4036 or 877-605-1115 Fax 605-697-4444 www.daktronics.com e-mail: helpdesk@daktronics.com
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction............................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 How To Use This Manual ..........................................................................................1-1
1.2 Daktronics Nomenclature...........................................................................................1-2
1.3 Manual Overview.......................................................................................................1-3
1.4 Product Overview....................................................................................................... 1-3
1.5 Model Names .............................................................................................................1-4
1.6 Product Safety Approval ............................................................................................ 1-4
Section 2: Model Identification .................................................................................. 2-1
Section 3: Specifications............................................................................................ 3-1
3.1 Multi-Section Scoreboards......................................................................................... 3-2
Section 4: Component Locations .............................................................................. 4-1
Section 5: Schematics................................................................................................ 5-1
Section 6: Mechanical Installation............................................................................. 6-1
6.1 Scoreboard Protective Devices ..................................................................................6-1
6.2 Footings and Beams ................................................................................................... 6-1
6.3 Lifting the Scoreboard................................................................................................6-4
6.4 Scoreboard Mounting.................................................................................................6-5
6.5 Ad Panel Mounting .................................................................................................... 6-6
6.6 Optional One- or Two-Line Message Center Mounting............................................ 6-6
Section 7: Electrical Installation ................................................................................ 7-1
7.1 Power Requirements ..................................................................................................7-1
Grounding ............................................................................................................ 7-2
Power Installation ................................................................................................ 7-2
7.2 Power and Signal Connection .................................................................................... 7-3
Connections Between Sections............................................................................ 7-3
Interconnect Panel Connections ..........................................................................7-4
Section 8: Scoreboard Maintenance and Troubleshooting ..................................... 8-1
8.1 Cabinet Specifications................................................................................................ 8-1
8.2 Component Location and Access...............................................................................8-1
Replacing a Digit .................................................................................................8-2
Replacing a Digit Segment ..................................................................................8-2
Replacing a Breakout Board................................................................................8-3
Replacing a Driver...............................................................................................8-3
8.3 Schematic ................................................................................................................... 8-4
Table of Contents i
LED Drivers............................................................................................................... 8-4
8.5 Segmentation and Digit Designation......................................................................... 8-4
8.6 Power-On Self-Test ................................................................................................... 8-5
8.7 Lightning Protection .................................................................................................. 8-5
8.8 Troubleshooting......................................................................................................... 8-5
8.9 Replacement Parts ..................................................................................................... 8-7
8.10 Daktronics Exchange and Repair and Return Programs............................................ 8-7
Section 9: Team Name Message Center Maintenance.............................................9-1
9.1 Team Name Message Center System Overview........................................................ 9-1
9.2 Maintenance and Troubleshooting Overview............................................................ 9-1
9.3 Signal Summary......................................................................................................... 9-2
9.4 Power Summary......................................................................................................... 9-2
9.5 Service and Diagnostics............................................................................................. 9-2
TNMC Current Loop Interface Card................................................................... 9-3
TNMC Controller................................................................................................ 9-4
Modules and Drivers........................................................................................... 9-6
Power Supplies.................................................................................................... 9-7
Weatherstripping................................................................................................. 9-7
9.6 TNMC Display Maintenance..................................................................................... 9-8
9.7 Troubleshooting......................................................................................................... 9-8
9.8 Initialization Information at Startup .......................................................................... 9-9
9.9 Replacement Parts List .............................................................................................. 9-9
9.10 TNMC Exchange and Repair and Return Programs................................................ 9-10
Section 10: Scoreboard Options ................................................................................10-1
10.1 Football Scoreboard Accessories............................................................................. 10-1
10.2 Captions for Other Sports ........................................................................................ 10-1
Installing and Changing Captions ..................................................................... 10-1
10.3 Trumpet Horn .......................................................................................................... 10-2
120 V Trumpet Horn Installation (Internally Mounted)................................... 10-2
DC Trumpet Horn Installation (Externally Mounted) ...................................... 10-3
10.4 Radio Control........................................................................................................... 10-4
Appendix A: Reference Drawings................................................................................... A-1
Appendix B: Eyebolts..................................................................................................... B-1
ii Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction
1.1 How To Use This Manual
This manual explains the installation of Daktronics Outdoor LED Timing Displays and provides details for display maintenance. For other questions regarding the safety, installation, operation, or service of these systems, contact Daktronics. Customer Service Help Desk telephone numbers are listed on the cover page of this manual. This manual would be referred to as ED12562.
Important Safeguards:
1. Read and understand these instructions before installing the display.
2. Do not drop the control console or allow it to get wet.
3. Properly ground the timer with a grounding electrode at the display location.
4. Disconnect power when the display is not in use.
5. Disconnect power when servicing the display.
6. Do not modify the structure or attach any panels or coverings to the display without the
express written consent of Daktronics, Inc.
The box at right illustrates the Daktronics drawing numbering system. Daktronics identifies individual engineering drawings by the drawing number (7087-P08A-69945 in the example), which is located in the lower right corner of the drawing. This manual refers to drawings by their last set of digits and the letter preceding them. The example would be Drawing A-
Reference drawings are grouped and inserted in alphanumeric order in the Appendix.
Listed below are a number of drawing types commonly used by Daktronics, along with the information that each is likely to provide.
System Riser Diagrams: overall system layout from control room to display, power, and phase requirements.
Shop Drawings: fan locations, transformer locations, mounting information, power and signal entrance points, and access method (front or rear).
Schematics: power wiring, signal wiring, panelboard or power termination panel assignments, signal termination panel assignments, and transformer assignments.
Final Assembly: component locations, part numbers, display dimensions, and assembly/disassembly instructions.
Figure 1: Daktronics Drawing Label

Introduction 1-1

All references to drawing numbers, appendices, figures, or other manuals are presented in bold typeface, as in this example: “Refer to Drawing A-114667 for the location of the driver enclosure.” Additionally, any drawings referenced within a particular subsection are listed at the beginning of that subsection in the following manner:
Reference Drawing:
Shop Drawing; 16 High 2 ½" Small Matrix ................................... Drawing A-114667
Daktronics identifies each manual by assigning an engineering document, or ED, number, which is located on the cover page. This manual, for example, would be referred to as ED13313.
The serial and model numbers of a Daktronics scoreboard can be found on the ID label on the display. The label will be similar to the one shown in Figure 2. When calling Daktronics Customer Service, please have this information available to ensure that your request is serviced as quickly as possible. For
Figure 2: Scoreboard Label
future reference, note your scoreboard model number, serial number, and installation date on the front page of this manual.
Daktronics displays are built for long life and require little maintenance. However, from time to time, certain display components will have to be replaced. The Replacement Parts List in Section 4 provides names and part numbers of components that may require replacement during the life of this display.
Following the Replacement Parts List is an explanation of Daktronics exchange and replacement programs. Refer to these instructions if you must replace or repair any display component.
1.2 Daktronics Nomenclature
To fully understand some Daktronics drawings, such as schematics, it is necessary to know how various components are labeled in those drawings. You will find this information useful when trying to communicate maintenance or troubleshooting efforts.
The label "A" on a drawing item typically denotes an assembly. An assembly can be a single circuit board or a collection of components that function together, usually mounted on a single plate or in a single enclosure.
In addition, the following labeling formats might be found on various Daktronics drawings:
"TB_ _" denotes a termination block for power or signal cable.
"F_ _" denotes a fuse.
"E_ _" denotes a grounding point.
"J_ _" denotes a power or signal jack.
"P_ _" denotes a power or signal plug for the opposite jack.
1-2 Introduction
Finally, Daktronics part numbers are commonly listed on drawings. Those part numbers can be used when requesting replacement parts from Daktronics Customer Service. Take note of the following part number formats. (Not all possible formats are listed here.)
"0P-_ _ _ _-_ _ _ _" denotes an individual circuit board, such as a driver board.
"0A-_ _ _ _-_ _ _ _" denotes an assembly, such as a circuit board and the plate or bracket to which it is mounted. A collection of circuit boards working as a single unit may also carry an assembly label.
"W-_ _ _ _" denotes a wire or cable. Cables may also carry the assembly numbering format in certain circumstances. This is especially true of ribbon cables.
"F-_ _ _ _" denotes a fuse.
"T-_ _ _ _" denotes a transformer.
"PR-_ _ _ _ _ -_" denotes a specially ordered part.
"M-_ _ " denotes a metal part, and "0M_ _ _ _ _ _" typically denotes a fabricated metal assembly.
1.3 Manual Overview
This manual details outdoor LED timing displays with numeric digits. It is divided into the following sections:
Section 1: Provides an overview of the product, product safety information, labeling and
Section 2: Contains a list of drawings to be used in model identification.
Section 3: Contains specifications for scoreboard models listed in this manual.
Section 4: Contains a list of drawings listing component locations.
Section 5: Lists specific schematic drawings for each scoreboard model.
Section 6: Contains information regarding mechanical installation.
Section 7: Contains information pertaining to electrical installation.
Section 8: Provides details concerning scoreboard maintenance and troubleshooting.
Section 9: Provides information for team name message center maintenance.
Section 10: Lists optional scoreboard features.
Appendix A: Contains all engineering drawings referenced in the manual.
Appendix B: Contains information about eyebolts and scoreboard lifting.
The various sections in this manual contain model-specific information, including dimensions, digit configuration, and power requirements. The scoreboard engineering drawings, located in Appendix A, also list dimensions, weight, and mounting instructions for each display. Additionally, the model number and electrical requirements can be found on a label on the display entrance panel.
numbering descriptions.
1.4 Product Overview
Daktronics outdoor LED scoreboards are part of a family of scoring and timing displays designed to offer easy installation, readability and reliability. Microprocessor control assures consistent operation and accuracy.
Introduction 1-3
Featuring large, highly visible digits 15, 18, 24, and 30" tall, the boards use light-emitting diodes to power the scoreboard display. (Light-emitting diodes, or LEDs, are tiny, solid-state lighting units. They are low-energy, high intensity lighting components.) Scoreboards in this series use red-orange LEDs for maximum outdoor visibility.
Because of their LED technology, the scoreboards consume little power. Power usage in this series ranges from little more than a household lamp.
The scoreboards in this series are modular in construction, typically with a top and a bottom section, but some with as many as four different sections. The units are shipped separately and joined at installation. Unpowered sections, connected to the internal power and signal panels with cabling, are referred to as slave sections, while those housing the electronic control components are masters.
Cabinets for the displays are of heavy-gauge aluminum construction. Mounting weights and dimensions for each model are listed in Section 3 of this manual.
KNote: Some drawings and text in this manual refer to team name message centers, or TNMCs.
Team name message centers are scoreboard-mounted matrix LED units which electronically display home and guest team names. TNMCs are available as a standard new scoreboard option with many of the models in this series, and the message centers are also available for retrofit on existing scoreboards. With some TNMC systems still in development, additional models will be added to subsequent editions of this manual. Section 10 of this manual offers step-by-step information of TNMC maintenance and troubleshooting.
1.5 Model Names
Daktronics scoreboards are differentiated by their model numbers: FB-1624, for example, designates a specific football scoreboard. The two-letter prefixes for scoreboards in this manual include the following: BA- baseball; FB-football; MS-multi-sport, and SO-soccer.
In the outdoor LED scoreboard series, the three or four numbers following the prefix typically identify a specific model.
Most Daktronics scoreboards also carry a two-number suffix that refers to indoor-outdoor status and power supply: -9 and -10 are indoor displays, 120 V and 230 V respectively; and -11 and -12 are outdoor scoreboards, 120 V and 230 V. All of the LED displays in this manual carry the -11 suffix, signifying that they have been designed and manufactured for outdoor use and have a 120 V AC power requirement.
1.6 Product Safety Approval
Daktronics outdoor scoreboards and timing displays are ETL listed, tested to CSA standards and CE labeled for outdoor use. Contact Daktronics with any questions regarding testing procedures
1-4 Introduction
Section 2: Model Identification
Use the following drawings to determine the scoreboard model number. The drawings are listed here in alphabetical order by scoreboard model line, and they are inserted in the Appendix in alphanumeric order. Individual scoreboard drawings are also grouped in the Appendix.
Reference Drawing:
Multi-Section Baseball Scoreboards .............................................. Drawing A-126086
Multi-Section Baseball Scoreboards, w/TNMC............................... Drawing A-126362
Multi-Section Football Scoreboards ................................................. Drawing A-42148
Multi-Section Football Scoreboards, w/TNMC ................................. Drawing A-84233
Multi-Section Multi-sport Scoreboards ........................................... Drawing A-128203
Multi-Section Soccer Scoreboards................................................... Drawing A-98161
Multi-Section Soccer Scoreboards w/TNMC .................................. Drawing A-128172

Model Identification 2-1

Section 3: Specifications
The chart on the following pages shows all of the mechanical specifications, circuit specifications and maximum power requirements for each model in this manual. Models are listed in alphanumeric order.

Specifications 3-1

3.1 Multi-Section Scoreboards
Note: Signal wires must be a minimum of 22 gauge with shield. Daktronics recommends using W-1234.
(Continued from previous page)
Model Number
of Sections
BA-1518-11 w/TNMC
2 Total H8'-0", W16'-0", D6"
Top H3'-0", W16'-0", D6"
Bottom H5'-0", W16'-0", D6"
2 Total H8'-0", W16'-0", D6"
Top H3'-0", W16'-0", D6"
Bottom H5'-0", W16'-0", D6"
Dimensions (Height, Width, Depth)
(2438 mm, 4877 mm, 152 mm)
(914 mm, 4877 mm, 152 mm)
(1524 mm, 4877 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 4877 mm, 152 mm)
(914 mm, 4877 mm, 152 mm)
(1524 mm, 4877 mm, 152 mm)
Weight Uncrated (Crated)
400 lb 182 kg
(845 lb) (383 kg)
480 lb 218 kg
(912 lb) (414 kg)
Digit Size Maximum
¡ Indicators
2" (51 mm)
¡ All Others
18" (457 mm)
¡ Indicators
2" (51 mm)
¡ All Others
18" (457 mm)
(Continued on the next page)
250 W 120 V AC 2.1 A A1 63
550 W 120 V AC 4.6 A A1 63
Power Amps Per
Line (Single Phase)
Driver Number and Address
3-2 Specifications
(Continued from previous page)
Model Number
of Sections
2 Total H9'-0", W16'-0", D6"
Top H4'-0", W16'-0", D6"
Bottom H5'-0", W16'-0", D6"
4 Total H9'-4", W36'-0", D6"
2 Top H4'-0", W18'-0", D6"
2 Bottom H5'-4", W18'-0", D6"
Dimensions (Height, Width, Depth)
(2743 mm, 4877 mm, 152 mm)
(2743 mm, 4877 mm, 152 mm)
(1524 mm, 4877 mm, 152 mm)
(2845 mm, 10973 mm, 152 mm)
(1219 mm, 5486 mm, 152 mm)
(1626 mm, 5486 mm, 152 mm)
Weight Uncrated (Crated)
480 lb 218 kg
(1020 lb) (463 kg)
840 lb 381 kg
2 crates (700 lb) (318 kg)
(1125 lb) (510 kg)
Digit Size Maximum
¡ Runs, Hits, Errors
340 W 120 V AC 2.8 A A1 63
18" (457 mm)
¡ Indicators
2" (51 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
¡ Innings, Runs, Hits,
1000 W 120 V AC 8.0 A A1 64 Errors 18" (457 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
Power Amps Per
Line (Single Phase)
Driver Number and Address
A2 A3 66 A4 11
4 Total H7'-0", W28'-0", D6"
(2134 mm, 8534 mm, 152 mm)
2 Top H3'-0", W14'-0", D6'
(914 mm, 8534 mm, 152 mm)
2 Bottom H4'-0", W14'-0", D6"
(1219 mm, 4267 mm,
640 lb 291 kg
2 crates (825 lb) (374 kg)
(525 lb) (238 kg)
¡ Innings, Runs, Hits,
Errors 15" (381 mm)
¡ All Others
18" (457 mm)
650 W 120 V AC 5.5 A A1 64
A2 A3 66
152 mm)
(Continued on the next page)
Specifications 3-3
(Continued from previous page)
Model Number
of Sections
4 Total H7'-0", W28'-0", D6"
2 Top H3'-0", W14'-0", D6"
2 Bottom H4'-0", W14'-0", D6"
4 Total H9'-4", W36'-0", D6"
2 Top H4'-0", W18'-0", D6"
2 Bottom H5'-4", W18'-0", D6"
Dimensions (Height, Width, Depth)
(2134 mm, 8534 mm, 152 mm)
(914 mm, 8534 mm, 152 mm)
(1219 mm, 4267 mm, 152 mm)
(2845 mm, 10973 mm, 152 mm)
(2845 mm, 5486 mm, 152 mm)
(1626 mm, 5486 mm, 152 mm)
Weight Uncrated (Crated)
720 lb 327 kg
2 crates (746 lb) (338 kg)
(468 lb) (212 kg)
840 lb 381 kg
2 crates (700 lb) (318 kg)
(1125 lb) (510 kg)
Digit Size Maximum
¡ Innings, Runs, Hits,
950 W 120 V AC 7.8 A A1 64 Errors 15" (381 mm)
¡ All Others
18" (457 mm)
¡ Innings, Runs, Hits,
695 W 120 V AC Errors 18" (457 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
Power Amps Per
Line (Single Phase)
5.8 A A1 64
Driver Number and Address
A2 A3 66
A2 A3 66
BA-3724-11 w/TNMC
4 Total H9'-4", W36'-0", D6"
(2845 mm, 10973 mm, 152 mm)
960 lb 435 kg
2 crates (856 lb) (388 kg)
¡ Innings, Runs, Hits,
Errors 18" (456 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
990 W 120 V AC 8.25 A A1 64
A2 A3 66
(1112 lb) (504 kg)
(Continued on the next page)
3-4 Specifications
(Continued from previous page)
Model Number
of Sections
2 Total H8'-0", W18'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
2 Total H8-0", W25'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
2 Total H8-0", W25'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
2 Total H8'-0", W18'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
2 Total H8'-0", W18'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
Dimensions (Height, Width, Depth)
(2438 mm, 5486 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W18'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 5486 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 7620 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W25'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 7620 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 7620 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W25'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 7620 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 5486 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W18'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 5486 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 5486 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W18'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 5486 mm, 152 mm)
Weight Uncrated (Crated)
400 lb 182 kg
(805 lb) (365 kg)
560 lb 254 kg (1068 lb) (484 kg)
760 lb 345 kg
(1444 lb) (655 kg)
400 lb 182 kg
(805 lb) (365 kg)
520 lb 236 kg
(844 lb) (383 kg)
Digit Size Maximum
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
¡ Clock
30" (457 mm)
360 W 120 V AC 3 A A1 12
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
¡ Clock
30" (457 mm)
660 W 120 V AC 5.5 A A1 12
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
360 W 120 V AC 3 A A1 12
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
660 W 120 V AC 5.5 A A1 63
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
(Continued on the next page)
Power Amps Per
Line (Single Phase)
Driver Number and Address
Specifications 3-5
(Continued from previous page)
Model Number
of Sections
2 Total H8'-0", W25'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
2 Total H8'-0", W25'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
2 Total H8'-0", W18'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
Dimensions (Height, Width, Depth)
(2438 mm, 7620 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W25'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 7630 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 7620 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W25'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 7630 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 5486 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W18'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 5486 mm, 152 mm)
Weight Uncrated (Crated)
580 lb 263 kg
(1102 lb) (499 kg)
700 lb 318 kg
(1330 lb) (603 kg)
440 lb 200 kg
(900 lb) (408 kg)
Digit Size Maximum
¡ Clock
30" (457 mm)
430 W 120 V AC 3.6 A A1 12
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
¡ Clock
30" (457 mm)
730 W 120 V AC 6.1 A A1 12
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
390 W 120 V AC 3.25 A A1 15
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
Power Amps Per
Line (Single Phase)
Driver Number and Address
A2 16
2 Total H8'-0", W25'-0", D6"
(2438 mm, 7620 mm, 152 mm)
Top and Bottom
H4'-0", W25'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 7630 mm, 152 mm)
600 lb 272 kg
(1140 lb) (517 kg)
¡ Clock
30" (457 mm)
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
18" (457 mm)
395 W 120 V AC 3.3 A A1 15
A2 16
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
(Continued on the next page)
3-6 Specifications
(Continued from previous page)
Model Number
of Sections
2 Total H8'-0", W25'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
2 Total H8'-0", W32'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
2 Total H8'-0", W32'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
Dimensions (Height, Width, Depth)
(2438 mm, 7620 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W25'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 7630 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 9754 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W32'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 9754 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 9754 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W32'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 9754 mm, 152 mm)
Weight Uncrated (Crated)
620 lb 281 kg
(1178 lb) (534 kg)
720 lb 327 kg
(1368 lb) (621 kg)
840 lb 381 kg
(1596 lb) (724 kg)
Digit Size Maximum
¡ Clock
30" (457 mm)
695 W 120 V AC 5.8 A A1 15
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
18" (457 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
¡ Clock
30" (457 mm)
395 W 120 V AC 3.3 A A1 15
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
18" (457 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
¡ Clock
30" (457 mm)
695 W 120 V AC 5.8 A A1 15
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
18" (457 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
(Continued on the next page)
Power Amps Per
Line (Single Phase)
Driver Number and Address
A2 16
A2 16
A2 16
Specifications 3-7
(Continued from previous page)
Model Number
of Sections
2 Total H8'-0", W25'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
2 Total H8’-0”, W25’-0”, D6”
Top and Bottom
2 Total H8'-0", W25'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
Dimensions (Height, Width, Depth)
(2438 mm, 7620 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W25'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 7630 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 7620 mm, 152 mm)
H4’-0”, W25’-0”, D6” (1219 mm, 7620 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 7620 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W25'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 7630 mm, 152 mm)
Weight Uncrated (Crated)
620 lb 281 kg
(1178 lb) (534 kg)
740 lb 336 kg
(1406 lb) (638 kg)
640 lb 291 kg
(1550 lb) (703 kg)
Digit Size Maximum
¡ Clock
30" (457 mm)
400 W 120 V AC 3.3 A A1 15
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
18" (457 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
¡ Clock
30" (457 mm)
700 W 120 V AC 5.8 A A1 15
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
18" (457 mm)
¡ All Others ¡ 24" (610 mm)
¡ Clock
30" (457 mm)
430 W 120 V AC 3.6 A A1 15
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
18" (457 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
(Continued on the next page)
Power Amps Per
Line (Single Phase)
Driver Number and Address
A2 16
A2 16
A2 16
3-8 Specifications
(Continued from previous page)
Model Number
of Sections
2 Total H8'-0", W25'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
2 Total H8'-0", W32'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
2 Total H8'-0", W32'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
Dimensions (Height, Width, Depth)
(2438 mm, 7620 mm, 152 mm)
H3'-0", W14'-0", D6' (914 mm, 8534 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 9754 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W32'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 9754 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 9754 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W32'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 9754 mm, 152 mm)
Weight Uncrated (Crated)
760 lb 345 kg
(1444 lb) (655 kg)
780 lb 354 kg
(1482 lb) (672 kg)
900 lb 408 kg
(1710 lb) (776 kg)
Digit Size Maximum
¡ Clock
30" (457 mm)
730 W 120 V AC 6.1 A A1 15
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
18" (457 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
¡ Clock
30" (457 mm)
450 W 120 V AC 3.8 A A1 15
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
18" (457 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
¡ Clock
30" (457 mm)
755 W 120 V AC 6.3 A A1 15
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
18" (457 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
(Continued on the next page)
Power Amps Per
Line (Single Phase)
Driver Number and Address
A2 16
A2 16
A2 16
Specifications 3-9
(Continued from previous page)
Model Number
of Sections
2 Total H10'-0", W32'-0", D6"
Top H6'-0", W32'-0", D6"
Bottom H4'-0", W32'-0", D6"
2 Total H8'-0", W20'-0", D6"
Top H6'-0", W20'-0", D6"
Bottom H4'-0", W20'-0", D6"
Dimensions (Height, Width, Depth)
(3048 mm, 9754 mm, 152 mm)
(1829 mm, 9754 mm, 152 mm)
(1219 mm, 9754 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 6096 mm, 152 mm)
(1219 mm, 6096 mm, 152 mm)
(1219 mm, 6096 mm, 152 mm)
Weight Uncrated (Crated)
940 lb 426 kg
(1786 lb) (810 kg)
520 lb 236 kg
(988 lb) (448 kg)
Digit Size Maximum
¡ Clock
30" (457 mm)
455 W 120 V AC 3.8 A A1 15
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
18" (457 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
365 W 120 V AC 3 A A1 15
18" (457 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
Power Amps Per
Line (Single Phase)
Driver Number and Address
A2 16
A2 16
FB-2003-11 w/TNMC
2 Total H8'-0", W20'-0", D6"
(2438 mm, 6096 mm, 152 mm)
660 lb 299 kg
(1254 lb) (569 kg)
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
18" (457 mm)
¡ All Others
695 W 120 V AC 5.8 A A1 15
A2 16
24" (610 mm)
(Continued on the next page)
3-10 Specifications
((Continued from previous page)
Model Number
of Sections
2 Total H10'-0", W25'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
2 Total H8'-0", W12'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
2 Total H8'-0", W18'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
Dimensions (Height, Width, Depth)
(3048 mm, 6096 mm, 152 mm)
H5'-0", W25'-0", D6" (1524 mm, 6096 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 3658 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W12'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 5486 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 5486 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", w18'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 5486 mm, 152 mm)
Weight Uncrated (Crated)
480 lb 218 kg
(912 lb) (414 kg)
275 lb 125 kg
(390 lb) (176 kg)
400 lb 181 kg
(805 lb) (365 kg)
Digit Size Maximum
¡ Clock, Score,
360 W 120 V AC 4.7 A A1 71 Period 24" (610 mm)
¡ All Others
18" (457 mm)
¡ Clock, Score,
370 W 120 V AC 3.1 A A1 71 Period 18" (457 mm)
¡ Penalty
15" (381 mm)
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
335 W 120 V AC 2.8 A A1 12
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
Power Amps Per
Line (Single Phase)
Driver Number and Address
A2 72
A2 72
2 Total H8'-0", W18'-0", D6"
(2438 mm, 5486 mm, 152 mm)
Top and Bottom
H4'-0", W18'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 5486 mm,
440 lb 200 kg
(900 lb) (408 kg)
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
385 W 120 V AC 3.2 A A1 13
A2 14
152 mm)
(Continued on the next page)
Specifications 3-11
(Continued from previous page)
Model Number
of Sections
2 Total H8'-0", W18'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
2 Total H8'-0", W25'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
2 Total H8'-0", W25'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
Dimensions (Height, Width, Depth)
(2438 mm, 5486 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W18'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 5486 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 7620 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W25'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 762 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 7620 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W25'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 762 mm, 152 mm)
Weight Uncrated (Crated)
520 lb 236 kg
(988 lb) (448 kg)
560 lb 254 kg
(1064 lb) (483 kg)
680 lb 308 kg
(1292 lb) (586 kg)
Digit Size Maximum
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
685 W 120 V AC 5.7 A A1 13
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
¡ Clock
30" (762 mm)
440 W 120 V AC 3.7 A A1 15
18" (457 mm)
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
¡ Clock
30" (762 mm)
740 W 120 V AC 6.2 A A1 15
18" (457 mm)
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
(Continued on the next page)
Power Amps Per
Line (Single Phase)
Driver Number and Address
A2 14
A2 16
A2 16
3-12 Specifications
(Continued from previous page)
Model Number
of Sections
2 Total H8'-0", W32'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
2 Total H8'-0", W32'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
2 Total H8'-0", W25'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
Dimensions (Height, Width, Depth)
(2438 mm, 9754 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W32'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 9754 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 9754 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W32'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 9754 mm, 152 mm)
(2438 mm, 7620 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W25'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 7620 mm, 152 mm)
Weight Uncrated (Crated)
720 lb 327 kg
(1368 lb) (621 kg)
840 lb 381 kg
(1596 lb) (724 kg)
560 lb 254 kg
(1064 lb) (483 kg)
Digit Size Maximum
¡ Clock
30" (762 mm)
440 W 120 V AC 3.7 A A1 15
18" (457 mm)
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
¡ Clock
30" (762 mm)
740 W 120 V AC 6.2 A A1 15
18" (457 mm)
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
¡ Clock
30" (762 mm)
470 W 120 V AC 4 A A1 15
18" (457 mm)
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
(Continued on the next page)
Power Amps Per
Line (Single Phase)
Driver Number and Address
A2 16
A2 16
A2 16
Specifications 3-13
(Continued from previous page)
Model Number
of Sections
2 Total H8'-0", W25'-0", D6"
Top and Bottom
Dimensions (Height, Width, Depth)
(2438 mm, 7620 mm, 152 mm)
H4'-0", W25'-0", D6" (1219 mm, 7620 mm, 152 mm)
Weight Uncrated (Crated)
950 lb 432 kg
(1550 lb) (703 kg)
Digit Size Maximum
¡ Clock
30" (762 mm)
770 W 120 V AC 6.4 A A1 15
18" (457 mm)
¡ Indicators
8" (203 mm)
¡ All Others
24" (610 mm)
Power Amps Per
Line (Single Phase)
Driver Number and Address
A2 16
3-14 Specifications
Section 4: Component Locations
Use the following drawings to determine the location of scoreboard components. The drawings are listed below by model number and inserted in the Appendix in alphanumeric order by drawing number.
Reference Drawings:
Component Locations, BA-1518-11................................................... Drawing A-141077
Component Locations, BA-1518-11 w/TNMC .................................... Drawing A-144637
Component Locations, BA-1524-11................................................... Drawing A-141745
Component Locations, BA-2007-11 w/LED TNMC ............................ Drawing A-147199
Component Locations, BA-3718-11................................................... Drawing A-141749
Component Locations, BA-3718-11 w/TNMC .................................... Drawing A-144659
Component Locations, BA-3724-11................................................... Drawing A-141751
Component Locations, BA-3724-11 w/TNMC .................................... Drawing A-144678
Component Locations, FB-1424-11................................................... Drawing A-142712
Component Locations, FB-1430-11................................................... Drawing A-147264
Component Locations, FB-1524-11 (w/TNMC).................................. Drawing A-142650
Component Locations, FB-1530-11................................................... Drawing A-145498
Component Locations, FB-1624-11................................................... Drawing A-142652
Component Locations, FB-1630-11................................................... Drawing A-148369
Component Locations, FB-1630L-11................................................. Drawing A-148432
Component Locations, FB-1730-11................................................... Drawing A-148018
Component Locations, FB-1830-11................................................... Drawing A-145120
Component Locations, FB-1830L-11................................................. Drawing A-145554
Component Locations, FB-2001-11................................................... Drawing A-148468
Component Locations, FB-2002-11................................................... Drawing A-148476
Component Locations, FB-2003-11................................................... Drawing A-148545
Component Locations, MS-2009-11.................................................. Drawing A-149704
Component Locations, MS-2118-11.................................................. Drawing A-142620
Component Locations, SO-1624-11 .................................................. Drawing A-142741
Component Locations, SO-1424-11 .................................................. Drawing A-142742
Component Locations, SO-1830-11 .................................................. Drawing A-148537
Component Locations, SO-1830L-11 ................................................ Drawing A-146372
Component Locations, SO-1930-11 .................................................. Drawing A-148531
Component Location
Section 5: Schematics
Reference Drawings:
Schematic; 1 Driver ........................................................................... Drawing A-141799
Schematic; 1 Driver w/TNMC ............................................................ Drawing A-141806
Schematic; 2 Drivers ......................................................................... Drawing A-141807
Schematic; 2 Drivers w/TNMC........................................................... Drawing A-141808
Schematic; 3 Drivers ......................................................................... Drawing A-142358
Schematic; 3 Drivers w/TNMC...........................................................Drawing B-142360
Schematic; 3 Drivers w/TNMC & SOP Driver ....................................Drawing B-146392
Use the following table to determine the schematic for your scoreboard. The drawings are listed below by model number; they have been inserted in the Appendix in alphanumeric order by drawing number.
K Note: All scoreboards listed in this manual are equipped with 16-column drivers.
Models Schematic Name Drawing
BA-1518 Schematic; 1 Driver
BA-1518 w/TNMC Schematic; 1 Driver w/TNMC
BA-1524 Schematic; 1 Driver
BA-2007 w/TNMC Schematic; 3 Drivers w/TNMC & SOP Driver B-146392
BA-3718 Schematic; 3 Drivers
BA-3718 w/TNMC Schematic; 3 Drivers w/TNMC B-142360
BA-3724 Schematic; 3 Drivers
BA-3724 w/TNMC Schematic; 3 Drivers w/TNMC B-142360
FB-1424 Schematic; 1 Driver
FB-1424 w/TNMC Schematic; 1 Driver w/TNMC
FB-1430 Schematic; 1 Driver
FB-1430 w/TNMC Schematic; 1 Driver w/TNMC
FB-1524 Schematic; 1 Driver
FB-1524, w/TNMC Schematic; 1 Driver w/ TNMC
FB-1530 Schematic; 1 Driver
FB-1530 w/TNMC Schematic; 1 Driver w/TNMC
FB-1624 Schematic; 2 Drivers
FB-1630 Schematic; 2 Drivers
FB-1630 w/TNMC Schematic; 2 Drivers w/TNMC
FB-1630L Schematic; 2 Drivers
FB-1630L w/TNMC Schematic; 2 Drivers w/TNMC
FB-1730 Schematic; 2 Drivers
FB-1730 w/TNMC Schematic; 2 Drivers w/TNMC
(Continued on the next page)


(Continued from the previous page)
Models Schematic Name Drawing
FB-1830 Schematic; 2 Drivers
FB-1830 w/TNMC Schematic; 2 Drivers w/TNMC
FB-1830L Schematic; 2 Drivers
FB-1830L w/TNMC Schematic; 2 Drivers w/TNMC
FB-2001 Schematic; 2 Drivers
FB-2002 Schematic; 2 Drivers
FB-2003 Schematic; 2 Drivers
FB-2003 w/TNMC Schematic; 2 Drivers w/TNMC
MS-2009 Schematic; 2 Drivers
MS-2118 Schematic; 2 Drivers
SO-1424 Schematic; 1 Driver
SO-1424 w/TNMC Schematic; 1 Driver w/TNMC
SO-1624 Schematic; 2 Drivers
SO-1624 w/TNMC Schematic; 2 Drivers w/TNMC
SO-1830 Schematic; 2 Drivers
SO-1830 w/TNMC Schematic; 2 Drivers w/TNMC
SO-1830L Schematic; 2 Drivers
SO-1830L w/TNMC Schematic; 2 Drivers w/TNMC
SO-1930 Schematic; 2 Drivers
SO-1930 w/TNMC Schematic; 2 Drivers w/TNMC
Section 6: Mechanical Installation
Mechanical installation consists of installing concrete footings and steel beams, and mounting the scoreboard and accompanying ad panels to the beams.
6.1 Scoreboard Protective Devices
K Note: Some owners install devices to protect the display from projectiles. Scoreboard protection
devices not provided by Daktronics must be approved by Daktronics prior to installation. Failure to follow this approval procedure will void the scoreboard warranty.
Daktronics makes available optional devices, including screens and netting, to help protect the scoreboard from damage due to normal ball impact.
6.2 Footings and Beams
Reference Drawings:
Installation Specifications, BA-1518 ......................................................Drawing A-55008
Installation Specifications, BA-1524 .................................................... Drawing A-120972
Installation Specifications, BA-3718 .................................................... Drawing A-126455
Installation Specifications; BA-3724 .................................................... Drawing A-126445
Installation Specifications; FB-2002 & FB-2003................................... Drawing A-128044
Installation Specifications; MS-2009.................................................... Drawing A-144415
Installation Specifications; MS-2118.................................................... Drawing A-128206
Beam & Footing Recommendations, FB-XX24...................................... Drawing A-44514
Beam & Footing Recommendations, FB-XX30...................................... Drawing A-44515
Beam Spacings, Football/Track/Soccer................................................. Drawing A-70089
Structure, Football................................................................................. Drawing A-44556
Beam Spacing; Displays w/TNMC ......................................................... Drawing A-84292
Beam and Footing Recommendations, FB-XX30L .............................. Drawing A-158779
Beam and Footing Recommendations FB-200X ................................. Drawing A-160931
Use the following tables to determine, which drawings provide the installation specifications for each model.
Models Specification Name Drawing
BA-1518-11 Installation Specifications, BA-1518 A-55008
BA-1524-11 Installation Specifications, BA-1524 A-120972
BA-3718-11 Installation Specifications, BA-3718 A-126455
BA-3724-11 Installation Specifications, BA-3724 A-126445
MS-2009-11 Installation Specifications, MS-2009 A-144415
MS-2118-11 Installation Specifications, MS-2118 A-128206

Mechanical Installation

Models Without Team Name
Message Center
FB-1424-11, FB-1524-11, FB-1624­11, SO-1424-11, SO-1624-11
FB-2001, FB-2002-11, FB-2003-11
FB-1430-11, FB-1530-11, FB-1630­11, FB-1730-11, FB-1830-11, FB­2001-11, SO-1830-11, SO-1830L­11, SO-1930-11
FB-1630L-11, FB-1830L-11
Reference Drawings
Beam & Footing Recommendations, FB-XX24
Beam Spacings, Football/Track/Soccer A-70089
Structure, Football A-44556
Beam Spacings, Football/Track/Soccer A-70089
Structure, Football A-44556
Beam and Footing Recommendations, FB-200X
Installation Specifications, FB-2002 & FB-2003
Beam & Footing Recommendations, FB-XX30
Beam Spacings, Football/Track/Soccer A-70089
Structure, Football A-44556
Beam and Footing Recommendations, FB-XX30L
Models With Team Name
Message Center
FB-1424-11, FB-1524-11, SO-1424­11, SO-1624-11
FB-1430-11, FB-1530-11, FB-1630­11, FB-1730-11, FB-1830-11, SO­1830-11, SO-1830L-11, SO-1930­11
FB-1630L-11, FB-1830L-11
Beam Spacings, Football/Track/Soccer A-70089
Structure, Football A-44556
Reference Drawings
Beam & Footing Recommendations, FB-XX24
Beam Spacing, Football/Track/Soccer A-84292
Structure, Football A-44556
Beam & Footing Recommendations, FB-XX30
Beam Spacing, Displays w/TNMC A-84292
Structure, Football A-44556
Beam & Footing Recommendations, FB-XX30L
Beam Spacing, Football/Track/Soccer A-70089
Structure, Football A-44556
(Continued on the next page)
Mechanical Installation
+ 128 hidden pages