Daktronics All Sport 5100 Timer User Manual

All Sport® 5100 Timer
Operations Manual
ED-12501 Rev 8 – 02 December 2003
Rev 8 – 02 December 2003
Please fill in the information below for your display; use it for reference when calling Daktronics for assistance.
Display Serial No. ______________________________________ Display Model No. ______________________________________ Date Installed __________________________________________
Copyright © 2003
All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems – without written permission of the publisher.
All Sport a registered trademark of its owner.
, Chrondek®, CompuLinkTM, PanaView®, Venus® are trademarks of Daktronics, Inc. Windows® is
Reproduction Reference
ED-12501 – P1196
All Sport 5100 Auto Racing
1. This page is for reproduction reference only and will not be included in the
2. This manual is to be copied on FRONT AND BACK PAGES -8 ½ x 11 paper. Note: The cover page is blank on back. Section heading pages always start on a
new page; never on the back of another page.
3. The following drawings are to be inserted in alphanumeric order in Appendix A: Reference Drawings.
Print both A and B Drawings full size; print A drawings back-to-back.
A Drawings A-115078 A-143770 A-124632 A-164750 A-124690 A-180514 A-125290 A-180521 A-139243 A-180566 A-139244 A-180922 A-139347 A-180923 A-139399 A-181729 A-143444 A-195690 A-143453
B Drawings B-123256 B-145382 B-139666 B-145433 B-144445 B-164173
4. Materials to be inserted in this manual include the following:
Note 1: Appendices B, C, D, E, F and H are permanent, and materials are in place.
Note 2: In Appendix G: Sport Code Labels, insert All Sport 5000 Sport Code Labels (LL-2458)
Note 3: In Appendix I: Auto Racing Sport Codes, insert Drawing A-115078: Address Table, 1-128. Insert drawing after the first page of this appendix.
Note: This drawing is also in Appendix A.
4. Use a blue window cover and a blue back.
5. Punch all pages, window cover and back cover along the left edge and bind.
6. Please direct questions and suggestions to Engineering Support.
Table of Contents
Section 1: All Sport 5100 Operation ..............................................................1-1
1.1 How To Use This Manual ......................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Introduction............................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 Console Overview.....................................................................................1-2
Inspect for Damage ............................................................................ 1-3
1.4 Console Connectors................................................................................... 1-3
1.5 Basic Console Operation ........................................................................... 1-3
1.6 Sport Inserts............................................................................................... 1-3
1.7 Racing Insert Operation.............................................................................1-4
1.8 Startup .......................................................................................................1-6
1.9 Setting Radio Channels ............................................................................. 1-7
Radio Channel Setting: Single Controller Systems............................1-9
Radio Channel Setting: Multiple Controller with Single
Broadcast Group........................................................................1-10
Radio Channel Setting: Multiple Controller with Multiple
Broadcast Systems.....................................................................1-11
Section 2:
2.1 Transponder Interface Overview and Operation ....................................... 2-1
2.2 Menu.......................................................................................................... 2-3
2.3 Edit Settings...............................................................................................2-5
2.4 Manual and Automatic Mode Keys........................................................... 2-9
2.5 Manual Mode Keys ................................................................................. 2-10
2.6 Default Settings.......................................................................................2-11
Transponder Interface Operation ................................................2-1
Basic Operation for Transponder Interface........................................ 2-2
New Race ........................................................................................... 2-3
New Code...........................................................................................2-4
Race/Qualify Mode ............................................................................ 2-5
Blank with 1st Position.......................................................................2-6
Show Passing Lap Time..................................................................... 2-6
Show First Pass .................................................................................. 2-7
Starting Position Displayed................................................................ 2-7
Maximum Position Displayed............................................................ 2-8
Position Display Time........................................................................ 2-8
Restart Position Display Cycle...........................................................2-8
Current Position.................................................................................. 2-9
Position -1, Position +1...................................................................... 2-9
Red, Yellow, Green Status.................................................................2-9
Black Flag ..........................................................................................2-9
Display Laps....................................................................................... 2-9
Display Time.................................................................................... 2-10
Lap.................................................................................................... 2-10
Current Lap Time............................................................................. 2-10
Car Number...................................................................................... 2-10
Lap Number......................................................................................2-11
Time ................................................................................................. 2-11
Table of Contents i
Section 3:
3.1 Oval Track Posting Keys........................................................................... 3-1
Section 4:
4.1 Common Keys...........................................................................................4-2
4.2 Oval Track Timing Keys ...........................................................................4-2
4.3 Lane Track Timing Keys........................................................................... 4-5
4.4 Menu..........................................................................................................4-5
4.5 Photocell Timing Interface ........................................................................4-8
Oval Track Posting ....................................................................... 3-1
Lap 3-1
Red, Yellow, Green Status .................................................................3-1
Black Flag...........................................................................................3-2
Display Black Flag .............................................................................3-2
Display Laps.......................................................................................3-2
Display Time......................................................................................3-2
Count Up/Down .................................................................................3-2
Set Main Clock...................................................................................3-2
Swap Keys..........................................................................................3-3
Place Keys..........................................................................................3-3
Set Car Position..................................................................................3-3
Oval and Lane Track Photocell Timing Operation .................... 4-1
Swap Keys..........................................................................................4-2
Place Keys..........................................................................................4-2
Reset All Places..................................................................................4-2
Red, Yellow, Green Status .................................................................4-3
Black Flag...........................................................................................4-3
Display Black Flag .............................................................................4-3
Reset................................................................................................... 4-3
Display Best Lap Time.......................................................................4-3
Display Running Time........................................................................4-3
Display Time of Day..........................................................................4-3
Set Time..............................................................................................4-4
Start Enable, Lap Enable, Stop Enable...............................................4-4
Start .................................................................................................... 4-5
Reset................................................................................................... 4-5
New Race ...........................................................................................4-5
New Code...........................................................................................4-6
Dimming Level...................................................................................4-6
Separate Photocell Lanes.................................................................... 4-7
Time of Day........................................................................................4-7
Photocell Inputs..................................................................................4-8
Switch Outputs ...................................................................................4-8
Power Connections.............................................................................4-8
Section 5:
ii Table of Contents
Lane Timing/Water Slide Timing ................................................. 5-1
5.1 Timer Information .....................................................................................5-1
Water Slide Timer Information ..........................................................5-1
Lane Timing Information...................................................................5-2
5.2 Timing Keys..............................................................................................5-2
Start Timer.......................................................................................... 5-2
Stop timer........................................................................................... 5-2
Toggle Lane View on LCD................................................................ 5-2
Reset Timer (Lane Timing Mode)...................................................... 5-3
Reset Timer (Water Slide Mode) ....................................................... 5-3
Timer Photocell Status ....................................................................... 5-3
Set Best Time ..................................................................................... 5-4
D.Q. Lane (Lane Timing Mode Only)................................................5-4
5.3 Menu.......................................................................................................... 5-5
New Game.......................................................................................... 5-5
New Code...........................................................................................5-5
Dimming Level...................................................................................5-5
Edit Settings ....................................................................................... 5-6
5.4 Settings...................................................................................................... 5-6
Set Arming Delay...............................................................................5-7
Reset Clock Time............................................................................... 5-7
Set Hold Time .................................................................................... 5-8
Timing Mode...................................................................................... 5-8
Timer Precision .................................................................................. 5-8
Select Best Time................................................................................. 5-9
5.5 Default Settings.........................................................................................5-9
Section 6:
6.1 Track Keys ................................................................................................6-2
6.2 Menu.......................................................................................................... 6-4
6.3 Settings...................................................................................................... 6-8
Track Timing..................................................................................6-1
Reset................................................................................................... 6-2
Lane Mode..........................................................................................6-2
Place Mode.........................................................................................6-3
Non–Lane Mode................................................................................. 6-3
Home and Guest 1, 2 and 3 Score...................................................... 6-3
Event and Heat................................................................................... 6-4
Lane ON/OFF..................................................................................... 6-4
Lane Status......................................................................................... 6-4
Lane Place Order................................................................................6-4
Edit 6-4
New Game.......................................................................................... 6-5
New Code...........................................................................................6-5
Dim 6-5
Home Roster, Guest Roster................................................................ 6-6
Display Menu.....................................................................................6-6
Edit Settings ....................................................................................... 6-7
Time of Day........................................................................................6-7
Guest 2 and Guest 3 ...........................................................................6-8
Lanes Used......................................................................................... 6-9
Timer Precision .................................................................................. 6-9
Cycle Hold Time................................................................................6-9
Default Settings.................................................................................. 6-9
Section 7:
Table of Contents iii
Drag Racing Interface ...................................................................7-1
7.1 CompuLink™ Interface............................................................................. 7-2
7.2 Chrondek C-33 Portatree Interface............................................................7-2
7.3 Test Mode..................................................................................................7-3
7.4 Keys and LCD Function............................................................................ 7-4
Score Test Keys.................................................................................. 7-4
Loopback Test Keys...........................................................................7-4
Data Posting Keys ..............................................................................7-4
7.5 Menu..........................................................................................................7-5
New Game..........................................................................................7-5
New Code...........................................................................................7-5
Dimming Level...................................................................................7-6
Cycle Time .........................................................................................7-6
Monitor Port.......................................................................................7-7
Section 8:
Appendix A: Reference Drawings .....................................................................A-1
Appendix B: Transponder Reference Materials...............................................B-1
Appendix C: All Sport 5100................................................................................C-1
Appendix D: All Sport 5100 Racing RTD Items................................................D-1
Appendix E: Daktronics Racing Display Protocol...........................................E-1
Appendix F: Rmonitor-Supported Protocol Packets ..................................... F-1
Getting Started/Troubleshooting – AMB Timing
Software Interface......................................................................... 8-1
8.1 Getting Started...........................................................................................8-1
8.2 Transponder Software Information............................................................8-1
RentiX Settings...................................................................................8-1
ChronX Settings .................................................................................8-2
8.3 Troubleshooting......................................................................................... 8-2
Appendix G: Sport Code Labels........................................................................G-1
Appendix H: All Sport 5100 Quick Start Reference.........................................H-1
Appendix I: Auto Racing Sport Codes ............................................................. I-1
iv Table of Contents
Section 1: All Sport 5100 Operation
This manual explains the setup and operation of the All Sport® 5100 Auto Racing Control Console. For questions regarding the safety, installation, operation or
service of this system, please refer to the telephone numbers listed on the cover page of this manual.
1.1 How To Use This Manual
Daktronics identifies manuals by their engineering document number, or ED number, which is located on the cover page. Any supplemental manuals referenced in this manual will be identified by their ED numbers. This manual, for example, would be referred to as ED-12501.
Daktronics sales literature is identified by an SL number in one of the lower corners of each page. Typically, the SL prefix, a zero and the last four digits of the number are used for identification, as in SL02345.
The box at right illustrates the Daktronics drawing numbering system. The drawing number is located in the lower-right corner of the drawing label (in the example, 7087-P08A-69945). Drawings in this manual are referenced by their last set of digits and the letter preceding them. In Figure 1, the drawing would be referred to as Drawing A-69945. Drawings are grouped and inserted in alphanumerical order in Appendix A.
Figure 1: Daktronics Drawing Label
1.2 Introduction
This section explains the operation of the All Sport 5100 Auto Racing Control Console, which is part of the Daktronics All Sport 5000 Series family of display controllers.
Important Safeguards
1. Read and understand these instructions before installing your console.
2. Do not drop the control console or allow it to get wet.
3. Do not let power cords touch hot surfaces or hang over the edge of a table
or other surface where they might be damaged or cut.
4. If an extension cord is necessary, use a three-prong, polarized cord.
Arrange the cord with care so that event personnel or spectators cannot trip over it or pull it out.
All Sport 5100 Operation 1-1
Always turn off and/or unplug the control equipment when it is not in use. Never yank a power cord to pull a plug from an outlet. To disconnect, grasp the plug firmly and pull.
6. To avoid electrical shock, do not disassemble the control equipment.
Incorrect reassembly can cause electric shock to the operator, faulty operation, or permanent damage to the controller and display circuits.
1.3 Console Overview
The All Sport 5100 Auto Racing Controller is a state-of-the-art scoring and timing system.
The anodized aluminum console features a sealed, "snap-action" keyboard with changeable keyboard inserts to input race information and/or control the scoreboards. A 32-character, two-line liquid crystal display (LCD) prompts the user through the operation of the controller and provides vital feedback of race data.
The console operates on 120 V AC power (60 Hz, 6 watts maximum), and an internal battery backup assures that the event will be timed even if there is a power failure in the arena. (The console's auto-memory feature stores current event information in case of power failure, even without a battery.)
The LCD screen of the 5100 is backlit to provide optimum viewing of current event information, even in low-light areas, and an audible beep sounds to indicate when a command has been received.
Operation of the All Sport 5100 is simple. The user enters a four-digit code on power-up to indicate the operating mode for the race. Basic choices include Manual mode, which uses infrared photocells for timing, or Automatic mode, with AMB transponders for timing. The type of information that can be displayed is determined by the capabilities of the scoreboard. The All Sport can be used with numeric (digit­only) scoreboards, full matrix displays with alphanumeric character capabilities, or a combination of both.
The controller features timing settings from 1/10th to 1/100th of a second, and photocell timing permits selectable timing to 1/1000th of a second.
The console case is approximately 16.25" (413mm) long by 9" deep (229mm). Its maximum top height is 4.25" (114mm). The controller weighs 7.5 pounds.
As a safety feature, this product has a three-wire, ground-type plug equipped with a third (grounding) pin. This plug only fits into a grounding-type power outlet. (If you are unable to insert the plug into the outlet, contact a qualified electrician to replace the obsolete outlet.) Refer to the table on the following page for specific model descriptions.
Figure 2: All Sport 5000 Series Console
1-2 All Sport 5100 Operation
Model Description
5100 120 volt, standard programming 5120 230 volt, standard programming
Console event data may be transmitted through standard wire signal cabling or fiber­optic cable. A radio-control wireless model is also available.
The All Sport 5100 is ETL-listed to UL standards and is CSA-tested.
Inspect for Damage
When you first open your console packages, inspect for shipping damage such as dents or rattles. Verify that all equipment is included as itemized on the packing slip. Immediately report any deficiencies to Daktronics. Save all packing materials for shipping in case warranty repair or exchange becomes necessary.
1.4 Console Connectors
Reference Drawing:
Rear View, A/S 5100 Connector Assignments............Drawing A-124632
Refer to Drawing A-124632 in Appendix A.
1.5 Basic Console Operation
The console face consists of a two-line by 16-character LCD screen, sport-specific keyboard insert, numeric keypad, operation keys, main clock keys, and LEDs for status.
Throughout this manual the names or letters of keys on the keyboard are enclosed in angle brackets such as < insert are explained in detail in the section of the manual devoted to that specific application.
In addition, Quick Start References for keyboard operation are provided in
Appendix H.
ENTER>. All of the keys pertaining to a specific sport code
1.6 Sport Inserts
Sport inserts, sometimes called keypad inserts, are used to allow a single console to control multiple sports or different applications of the same sport. Select the proper insert from the chart in Section 1.7, and slide it into the insert opening on the left side of the console until it stops. To remove a sport insert, pull on the tab that extends from the left side of the console. The insert will slide out easily.
If an insert is lost or damaged, a copy of the insert drawing in Appendix A can be used until a replacement can be ordered.
All Sport 5100 Operation 1-3
Use the labels provided in Appendix G to attach the correct code number to each sport insert. Write the code number in the space provided in each section of this manual.
If you do not know the code number for your scoreboard, refer to Appendix I. If you do not know the model number of your scoreboard, refer to the installation and maintenance manual provided with the display.
1.7 Racing Insert Operation
A keypad insert identifies the action keys required in the normal course of a race or other sporting event. Each insert has a corresponding list of code numbers and display models. The code numbers configure the console to control the display specified by the model number. For example, Code 301 enables the console to control a CH-2001 display.
Code numbers also configure the console for a specific sport mode as shown on the sport insert. This enables the console to control the display as specified by the keys on the insert. The following table lists the codes available:
Mode of
Displays Insert
401 Manual posting
433 Manual posting
All Sport 5100 Console Only
Transponder interface
Photocell All Sport 5100 Console Only
Photocell All Sport 5100 Console Only
Photocell All Sport 5100 Console Only Photocell All Sport 5100 Console Only
Transponder interface
Transponder interface
(Continued on following page)
Oval track photocell code (CHTS-300 replacement)
CH-2001, CH-2002, CH-700, positions 1-12
Lane track photocell code CHTS-300 replacement
Multiple-lane track timing code lane order
Multiple-lane track timing code place order
Water slide timing 0G-143770 CH-14XX, CH-10XX, CH-8XX,
CH- 16XX, pylon positions 1-45 for AR-XX scoreboards
Alphanumeric car number RTD w/fixed-digit time (no fixed-digit car numbers)
CH-2001, CH-2002, CH-7001, positions 1-12
CH-14XX, CH-10XX, CH-8XX, CH- 16XX, pylon positions 1-45 for AR-XX scoreboards
1-4 All Sport 5100 Operation
(Continued from previous page)
995 Manual posting
Mode of
Compulink Startrak
Chrondek C38/ Portatree
Displays Insert
Compulink timer/display configuration
Chrondek C38/Portatree timer/display configuration
CH-14XX, CH-10XX, CH-8XX, CH- 16XX, pylon positions 1-45 for AR-XX scoreboards
In most cases, pressing a key immediately changes the display. Some control actions require pressing additional keys. Keys that require additional information are marked with a dot, "". The additional information required is usually a number followed by
ENTER> key.
the <
Some keys contain a +1 symbol. Pressing one of these keys once increments (increases) the value of the corresponding field by one. A key with a –1 symbol decrements (decreases) by one.
Certain keys have been grouped together under the heading "Manual." These keys, in addition to the keys used in transponder mode, are used only when operating in
Manual mode.
Other keys on the console include:
CLEAR>Clears the LCD of numeric information. Serves as <NO> for
input prompts.
ENTER*>Completes an action. The asterisk is a reminder that this key
< must be pressed when an asterisk appears on the LCD. Serves as < <
MENU> Invokes sport-specific menu options.
YES> for input prompts.
All Sport 5100 Operation 1-5
1.8 Startup
When the LCD screen message appears as shown, the following actions may be selected:
LCD Display
AS-5100 v1.4.1 ED-11544
= last code selected
nnnn = last code selected
Radio chan nn Enter or change
nn = last radio channel used
The console performs a self-test when it is powered on. During the self-test, a message displays the version of the standard software loaded in the console.
V = version number and revision number O = standard software number
When the self-test completes, a prompt displays the code number for the last event run. This is useful when power to the console is lost during an event.
Press <YES> to resume the last event stored in memory. The console is now ready for operation.
Press <NO> to start a new event or change to a different sport. The console will prompt for a new code number as shown below.
The Select Code prompt allows you to accept the last code selected (displayed on the second line) or enter a new code.
To accept the code shown, press <ENTER>.
To select a new sport code:
1. Get the code number from the sport
insert or the section of the manual for that event.
2. Use the number keys to enter the new
four-digit code. Press <ENTER>.
If a new code is selected and the radio option is installed, the console prompts for a channel. When Resume Game is used, the last channel selected is used.
ENTER> to accept the channel number
Press < or enter a new channel number.
1-6 All Sport 5100 Operation
1.9 Setting Radio Channels
Reference Drawings:
Installation: Outdoor,
Gen IV Radio Receiver..........................................Drawing A-180514
Installation: Indoor,
Gen IV Radio Receiver..........................................Drawing A-180521
Channel Selection;
Single Control Console, Gen IV ............................Drawing A-180566
Channel Selection;
Single Broadcast Group, Gen IV...........................Drawing A-180922
Channel Selection;
Multiple Broadcast Group, Gen IV.........................Drawing A-180923
Indoor LED Driver Update
For Gen IV Radio Receiver...................................Drawing A-181729
Refer to Appendix A for the Reference Drawings listed here.
The radio receiver units used in the scoreboards have a channel setting switch that can be set from 1 to 8 (channels 0, and 9-15 are not used.) A radio receiver will accept data from a console transmitter with the same channel (and broadcast group) setting.
The receivers also have a jumper that can be used to select broadcast group 1 or broadcast group 2. A “Broadcast Group” defines a group of radio receivers that in addition to “listening” to the channel selected on the channel switch will also “listen” for data broadcast on their broadcast channel. There are a total of two broadcast groups available.
Each radio receiver will accept data sent from the broadcast channel of its respective broadcast group. This is selected by setting the transmitter (console) radio to channel 0. Every radio receiver will also accept data sent from the “Master Broadcast” channel. This is selected when a transmitter (console) radio is set to Broadcast Group 0 (BCAST 0) and Channel 0.
The channel number and broadcast group set on the radio installed in each scoreboard can be verified by cycling power to the scoreboard. Approximately seven seconds after power up, the scoreboard will show the current channel in the scoreboard clock digits. A CXX will first be shown where XX is the current radio channel number. This will be followed by BXCY where X is the current broadcast group and Y is the current channel number within this broadcast group.
There are three different radio scenarios that can be accommodated.
1. Single Controller System:
In a Single Controller system, all radio receivers and all scoreboards receive signal from the same All Sport console at all times. The default channel and broadcast group settings on the receiver are not typically modified. An example of this type of system is a typical high school football installation.
2. Multiple Controller System With a Single Broadcast Group:
In a Multiple Controller system with a single broadcast group, there are additional All Sport Controllers for controlling multiple scoreboards.
All Sport 5100 Operation 1-7
There is never a scenario where groups of scoreboards that were run by individual controllers need to be run by a single controller. An example of this type of system is a softball complex with multiple fields and a scoreboard on each field.
3. Multiple Controller with Multiple Broadcast Groups:
In a Multiple Controller with Multiple Broadcast (Split Court Operation) system, there are additional All Sport Controllers that can control multiple scoreboards. The broadcast group jumper is used to select broadcast group 1 or 2. By changing All Sport settings to a Broadcast address, a single All Sport Controller can control all scoreboards or specific groups of scoreboards (defined by the broadcast group.) One example of this scenario is split court operation in Basketball installations, where scoreboards are used to score multiple games at once, but can be grouped together to show one game if necessary. Refer to drawings listed on the previous page for more information.
The All Sport Console will automatically detect when a radio transmitter is installed and will prompt the user for transmitter settings.
The All Sport Console will show the current transmitter radio status on the LCD when a code is entered. An overview of radio settings is shown below.
LCD Display
The LCD will toggle these screens
* = current edit item
Enter to accept clear to modify
The bottom line shows the current setting
bcast group 1 radio chan 01
The default setting is Broadcast 1 Channel 1
The LCD shows the current radio settings along with a prompt to accept or modify these values.
If the radio settings are correct, press <ENTER>.
If these values are incorrect, press <CLEAR>
If <CLEAR> is pressed to modify the radio settings, the LCD at the left is shown, allowing edit of the Channel or Broadcast group setting.
Edit the Broadcast Setting. Use the number keys to enter the desired broadcast group and press <ENTER> to accept.
Broadcast Group Setting
0- Master Broadcast – All Receivers 1- Broadcast Group 1 2- Broadcast Group 2
The asterisk will move to the channel setting. Use the number keys to edit this value and press <ENTER> to accept. Edit the channel number to the desired value and press <ENTER> to accept.
(Continued on following page)
1-8 All Sport 5100 Operation
LCD Display
(Continued from previous page)
Channel Setting
0- Broadcast Channel for this Broadcast Group
BCAST = 0 – Master Broadcast (all radios) BCAST = 1 – Broadcast Group 1 BCAST = 2 – Broadcast Group 2
1-4 Channels that may be used within Broadcast
groups 1 or 2 (BCAST = 1 or BCAST = 2.)
5-8 Channels that may be used within Broadcast
group 1 only (BCAST = 1.)
Radio Channel Setting: Single Controller Systems
Typically all Single Controller systems will use the default setting BCAST = 1, CHAN = 1. All radio receivers must be set with a switch setting of 1 with the Broadcast 1 (BCAST 1) jumper set.
If you suspect interference from a nearby Daktronics system, press <CLEAR> at the “RADIO SETTINGS” prompt to change the channel number.
Typically all Multiple Controller systems will use channel 1 for the first controller. All other controllers will use sequential channel settings (2-8)
LCD Display
The LCD will toggle these screens
Enter to accept clear to modify
bcast group 1 radio chan 01
The bottom line shows default settings.
The LCD shows the current radio settings along with a prompt to accept or modify these values.
If the radio settings are correct, press <ENTER>.
If these values are incorrect, press <CLEAR>
If <CLEAR> is pressed to modify the radio settings, the LCD at the left is shown, allowing edit of the Channel or Broadcast group setting.
Edit the Broadcast Setting. Use the number keys to enter the desired broadcast group and press <ENTER> to accept.
(Continued on following page)
All Sport 5100 Operation 1-9
(Continue from previous page)
LCD Display
Broadcast Group Setting
1- Use this setting for all single controller
The asterisk will move to the channel setting. Use the number keys to edit this value and press <ENTER> to accept. Edit the channel number to the desired value and press <ENTER> to accept.
Channel Setting
1-8 Channels that may be used with broadcast
channel 1. The channel switch on the receiver must match this value and the Broadcast 2 (BCAST2) jumper must be removed.
Radio Channel Setting: Multiple Controller with Single Broadcast Group
Typically all multi-controller systems will use Broadcast 1 and Channel 1 for the first controller and Channels 2-8 for all remaining controllers. All radio receivers must be set with a switch setting corresponding to the console controlling the scoreboard and a Broadcast 1 (BCAST 1) jumper set.
If you suspect interference from a nearby Daktronics system, press <CLEAR> at the “RADIO SETTINGS” prompt to change the channel number.
Typically all Multiple Controller systems will use channel 1 for the first controller. All other controllers will use sequential channel settings (2-8)
1-10 All Sport 5100 Operation
LCD Display
The LCD will toggle these screens
Enter to accept clear to modify
* = current edit item
bcast group 1 radio chan 01
The bottom line shows default settings.
The LCD shows the current radio settings along with a prompt to accept or modify these values.
If the radio settings are correct, press <ENTER>
If these values are incorrect, press <CLEAR>
If <CLEAR> is pressed to modify the radio settings, the LCD at the left is shown, allowing edit of the Channel or Broadcast group setting.
Edit the Broadcast Setting. Use the number keys to enter the desired broadcast group and press <ENTER> to accept.
Broadcast Group Setting
1- Use this setting for all multiple controller
with single broadcast group setups.
The asterisk will move to the channel setting. Use the number keys to edit this value and press <ENTER> to accept. Edit the channel number to the desired value and press <ENTER> to accept.
Channel Setting
1-8 Channels that may be used with broadcast
channel 1. The channel switch on the receiver must match this value and the Broadcast 2 (BCAST2) jumper must be removed.
Radio Channel Setting: Multiple Controller with Multiple Broadcast Systems
Typically all multiple controller systems will use Broadcast Group 1 Channel 1 for the first controller in Broadcast Group 1 and Broadcast Group 2 Channel 1 for the first controller in Broadcast Group 2. All other consoles in each group are added sequentially, using channels 2-4.
All Sport 5100 Operation 1-11
LCD Display
The LCD will toggle these screens
Enter to accept clear to modify
bcast group 1 radio chan 01
* = current edit item
The bottom line shows default settings.
The LCD shows the current radio settings along with a prompt to accept or modify these values.
If the radio settings are correct, press <ENTER>
If these values are incorrect, press <CLEAR>
If <CLEAR> is pressed to modify the radio settings, the LCD at the left is shown, allowing edit of the Channel or Broadcast group setting.
Edit the Broadcast Setting. Use the number keys to enter the desired broadcast group and press <ENTER> to accept.
Broadcast Group Setting
0- Master Group – All receivers 1- Broadcast Group 1 2- Broadcast Group 2
The asterisk will move to the channel setting. Use the number keys to edit this value and press <ENTER> to accept. Edit the channel number to the desired value and press <ENTER> to accept.
Channel Setting
0- Broadcast Channel for this Broadcast
Group. BCAST = 0 – Master Broadcast (all radios) BCAST = 1 – Broadcast Group 1 BCAST = 2 – Broadcast Group 2
1-5 Individual Channel within
Broadcast Group 1 or 2
1-12 All Sport 5100 Operation
Section 2: Transponder Interface Operation
Sport Insert 0G-139243 Reference Drawing:
Insert, Transponder Interface Code..........................................Drawing A-139243
The sport insert drawing is located in Appendix A. The Quick Start Reference is located in Appendix H.
Refer to the information in Sections 1.5 – 1.8 to start the console and to use the sport insert. Read the material carefully to fully understand the following operating instructions.
If an insert is lost or damaged, a copy of the insert drawing in Appendix A can be used until a replacement is ordered.
Use the labels provided in Appendix G to attach the correct code number label at the appropriate location on the sport insert. Write the code number in the boxes below:
Figure 3: 0G-139243
Sport Insert Code (Code 300 is for All Sport 5100 consoles only)
If you do not know the code number for your scoreboard, refer to Appendix I in this manual. If you do not know the model number of your scoreboard, refer to the installation and maintenance manual provided with the scoreboard.
2.1 Transponder Interface Overview and Operation
Reference Drawings:
Oval Track Timing System Layout...............................Drawing B-139666
Insert, A/S 5000, Transponder Interface Code.............Drawing A-139243
Daktronics scoreboards and controllers interface to a combination of AMB Rmonitor and Daktronics results protocol. This protocol is available with a number of AMB results software products, the most common being RentiX and ChronX. RTS, RTSX and SimpliX currently do not offer a Daktronics scoreboard output and can only be used with the Daktronics AMB Interface for Windows Interface for Windows must also be used if a version of ChronX earlier than 2.0 is in place.
Transponder Interface Operation 2-1
software. Daktronics AMB
Daktronics systems can include matrix displays controlled by a Venus
display controller, numeric or scoreboard-type displays, or a combination of both. The interface between AMB results software and Daktronics products depends on the type of display being used as well as the AMB software. Refer to the following chart to locate the desired interface application.
Matrix Matrix and
numeric (fixed digit)
(fixed digit)
Venus series RTS
Venus Series
and All Sport 5100
All Sport
AMB Software Windows
Yes RTSX ChronX
(any version)
SimpliX RentiX
(V 2.0 or later)
RentiX, ChronX
(V2.0 or later)
Refer to
No SL03541
No SL03639
SL03640 SL04016
The following materials illustrate the hardware and software required for the different display applications. These sales reference materials are grouped and inserted in numerical order in Appendix B.
SL03639 – Transponder Feed to Daktronics Pylon SL03640 – Transponder Feed to Daktronics LED Scoreboard SL03641 – Transponder Feed to Daktronics Matrix Scoreboard SL04016 – Transponder Feed to Daktronics Incandescent Fixed Digit
SL04213 – Transponder Feed to Daktronics Matrix and Fixed Digit Time
Refer to Drawing B-139666 in Appendix A for information on connections to the junction boxes, controllers and computers.
K Note: Third-party companies wishing to interface their software packages to
Daktronics numeric scoreboards should refer to Appendix E: Daktronics Racing Display Protocol. This appendix lists the protocol required to feed results data through a Daktronics All Sport controller for presentation on a Daktronics numeric display. For information on interfacing to a Daktronics Venus controller, contact Daktronics, Inc.
Basic Operation for Transponder Interface
In most cases, the top line of the control console's LCD shows position, car number and lane number. The bottom line of the liquid crystal display shows the current lap and the letter "R" or "Q" to indicate if the console is in Race mode or Qualify mode.
2-2 Transponder Interface Operation
A "QP" indicates that the console is in qualifying mode and set to show passing. The illustration below shows car number 15 in the third position, lane 12 on lap 13 in the race mode.
P- 3 # 15 L 12
K Note: Make sure the console is in the correct mode, Qualify or Race. The
console mode should match the mode of the timing system. In Qualify mode, the cars are displayed in order of lap times. In Race mode, the cars are displayed in order of race position.
2.2 Menu
The <MENU> key selects from a list of options specific to the racing sport. The up and down arrow keys < Pressing any key other than the < function.
K Note: Not all prompts must be answered. The following menu functions may be
>, <> allow the user to scroll through the menu list.
YES>, <NO> or arrow keys will exit the menu
New Race
When the LCD screen message appears as shown, the following actions may be selected:
LCD Display
YES> to clear all of the program data
Press < for the last race or the race in progress and begin running a new race.
NO> to resume the event in progress
Press < using the current data and to exit the menu.
Press the down arrow key < next selection.
> to scroll to the
Transponder Interface Operation 2-3
New Code
When the LCD screen message appears as shown, the following actions may be selected:
LCD Display
MENU- Dimming level (0-9): nn%
nn = current level
None = bright <0> 90% = <1>
80% = <2> 70% = <3> 60% = <4>
50% = <5>
40% = <6> 30% = <7> 20% = <8> 10% = <9>
YES> to begin selection of a new code
Press < from the Enter Code prompt.
NO> to resume the race in progress
Press < using the current data and to exit the menu.
Press the down arrow key < next selection
Press <0> through <9>, or use the left or right arrow keys < for the digits on the scoreboard.
Press <NO> to resume the game in progress using the current data, and exit the Menu.
Press the down arrow key < next selection.
> <>, to select the intensity
Dim levels pertain to outdoor LED products. Incandescent and indoor LED products only support one level of dimming at 50%.
> to scroll to the
> to scroll to the
2-4 Transponder Interface Operation
Race/Qualify Mode
LCD Display
* = current setting
Press the left or right arrow keys < to select Race or Qualify mode.
>, <>
The Race/ Qualify setting selects the order of positions displayed. In Race mode, the competitors are listed in order of current race position. In Qualify mode, competitors are listed in order of fastest lap time. Make sure the console setting matches the current race status of the controlling software
K Note: The Race/Qualify status is shown
on the bottom line of the LCD as an "R" or "Q."
2.3 Edit Settings
LCD Display
YES> or the right or left arrow key
Press < <
>, <> to select the Settings submenu
and show the first prompt on the LCD.
NO> to resume the event in progress
Press < using the current data and to exit the menu.
Press the down arrow key < next selection.
> to scroll to the
K Note: All settings pertain to the operation
of the console in transponder interface codes. The Settings menu may be neglected if transponders are not used.
Transponder Interface Operation 2-5
Blank with 1st Position
LCD Display
* = current setting (Y/N)
YES> yes to blank all positions (other
Press < than first place) when a first-place time is received from the transponder.
All other positions will be displayed as they cross the loop.
K Note: This setting is NOT applicable if
the console is in Qualify mode AND set to show passing information.
Show Passing Lap Time
LCD Display
* = current setting (Y/N)
YES> to show lap time information on
Press < the lap time section of the scoreboard when passing information is received from the transponder.
K Note: Passing information will only be
displayed if the console is in Qualify mode. This information will be displayed in the "Current Competitor" RTD item numbers and on fixed-digit, or numeric, time displays. For a more detailed explanation, refer to the All Sport 5100 Enhanced RTD item numbers in Appendix D.
2-6 Transponder Interface Operation
Show First Pass
LCD Display
* = current setting (Y/N)
Press <YES> to show passing information with the first pass. Press <NO> to update the new passing competitor with the second pass.
This setting can be used to configure the passing display to match the qualifying track setup. If the loop is located in such a way that a second car crosses it while the first car is finishing a qualifying lap, set the console to disregard the first pass by selecting "NO." Otherwise, if you want the display to update on the first pass of a competitor, select "YES."
K Note: Passing information will only be
displayed if the console is in Qualify mode.
Starting Position Displayed
LCD Display
nn = current setting (Y/N)
This setting selects the starting position to be displayed in the variable-position car number location on a numeric or fixed-digit scoreboard.
Enter a number between 1 and 45 and press <ENTER> to accept.
K Note: Disregard this setting if your
installation does not include a display showing variable-position car numbers.
Transponder Interface Operation 2-7
Maximum Position Displayed
LCD Display
This setting selects the maximum position to be displayed in the variable-position car number location on a numeric or fixed-digit scoreboard.
nn = current setting (Y/N)
Enter a number between 1 and 45 and press <ENTER> to accept.
K Note: Disregard this setting if your
installation does not include a display showing variable position car numbers.
Position Display Time
LCD Display
nn = current setting (Y/N)
Enter the time (in seconds) for each position group to be displayed on the numeric or fixed­digit scoreboard before moving to the next group.
K Note: Disregard this setting if your
installation does not include a display showing variable-position car numbers.
Restart Position Display Cycle
LCD Display
Restart cycle At start pos? N*
N*= current setting (Y/N)
<YES> to restart the position/car number
Press cycle when the controller receives the position configured as the start position.
<NO> to set the console for continuous
Press cycle.
K Note: Disregard this setting if your
installation does not include a display showing variable-position car numbers.
2-8 Transponder Interface Operation
2.4 Manual and Automatic Mode Keys
Current Position
LCD Display
P-nn #xxx L-yyy CUR POS nn*
Enter the desired position number and press <ENTER>. The car and lap number of the driver with the selected position will be displayed on the LCD.
nn = current position xxx = car number yyy = lap number
Position -1, Position +1
<POSITION -1> displays the car and lap in the next lowest position on the LCD.
POSITION +1> displays the car and lap in the next highest position on the LCD.
Red, Yellow, Green Status
<RED> turns on the red status light on the scoreboard.
YELLOW> turns on the yellow status light on the scoreboard.
GREEN> turns on the green status light on the scoreboard.
K Note: If status is available, the controller will automatically take the status
information from the transponder interface. If this is the case, status received from the interface will override the selected status
Black Flag
LCD Display
<BLACK FLAG > allows the operator to enter the number of the car that is being black-flagged.
nn = car number to black-flag
DISPLAY BLACK FLAG > displays on the scoreboard the number of the car that
< was black-flagged. This number will flash when displayed on the scoreboard.
Display Laps
Displays the current lap number of the leader on the scoreboard.
Transponder Interface Operation 2-9
Display Time
Displays the current lap time of the leader on the scoreboard.
2.5 Manual Mode Keys
The following keys are used only when a manual code is selected.
<CURRENT LAP> allows the operator to enter the value of the current lap.
LAP-1> decrements the lap number by one.
< <
LAP +1> increments the lap number by one.
Current Lap Time
LCD Display
P-nn #xxx L-yyy T HH:MM:SS.DCM
nn = current position xx = car number yy = lap number HH:MM:SS.DCM = current lap
Enter the value of the current lap time to be displayed on the scoreboard.
K Note: This time will be displayed in the
current time position on the scoreboard. To set individual lap times, use the < key.
Car Number
LCD Display
P-nn #-xxx L-yyy
Enter the new car number for the selected position and press <
nn CAR# xxx
nn = current position xx = car number yy = lap number
2-10 Transponder Interface Operation
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