Daktronics AF-3400 User Manual

Galaxy® AF-3400
20 mm Monochrome/RGB
Double-face Displays
ED-17987 Rev 0-2 July 2008
201 Daktronics Dr. PO Box 5128 Brookings SD 57006 Tel: 866-343-3122 or 605-697-4300 Fax: 605-697-4444 www.daktronics.com
email: helpdesk@daktronics.com
ED-17987 Product 1411 Rev 0 – 1 October 2007
Fill in the chart with specific information about this display so these details will be readily available when calling for service or replacement parts.
Information needed for technicians and/or Customer Service
Fill in the blank
Location address of the display: Model number of the display:
AF-3400 20 mm DF (double-face)
Version of software being used:
(Right-click on Venus 1500 name in toolbar, choose “About Venus 1500”)
Method of communication being used:
(Refer to Section 4 for guidance)
Controller version used in the display: Display address on network:
Version 3
Copyright © 2008
All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems – without written permission of the publisher.
Galaxy® is a registered trademark of Daktronics, Inc. All others are trademarks of their respective companies.
Reproduction Reference
ED-17987 – P1411
Display Manual; Galaxy
AF-3400 - 20mm – Mono/RGB Double-face
1) This page is for reproduction reference only and will not be included in the manual.
2) This manual is to be copied on FRONT AND BACK PAGES -8 ½ x 11 paper. Note: The first page, Cover Page, uses the front of the page (blank on back). Section heading
pages always start on a new page; they never start on the back of another page.
3) Insert ED-7244 at the end of Section 2.
4) Insert the listed drawings into Appendix A.
5) Insert ED-14377 within Appendix B.
6) Use a blue window cover and a blue back.
7) Punch all pages, window cover, and back cover along the left edge and bind with a spiral binder.
8) Please direct questions and suggestions to Engineering Secretarial.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Overview of the Displays ........................................................................................... 1
1.1 Display Details ......................................................................................................................... 1
Section 2: Mechanical Installation .............................................................................................. 3
2.1 Support Structure Requirements .......................................................................................... 3
2.2 Display Lifting........................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Display Mounting ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Optional Temperature Sensor Mounting .............................................................................. 5
Section 3: Power Installation ....................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Conduit ...................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Overview of Power/ Signal Connection ................................................................................ 7
3.3 Power Requirements .............................................................................................................. 8
3.4 Grounding ................................................................................................................................. 9
3.5 Power Connection ................................................................................................................. 10
3.6 Power Routing in the Display .............................................................................................. 13
Section 4: Signal Installation Overview .................................................................................... 15
4.1 RS-422 Communication ....................................................................................................... 16
4.2 Fiber Optic Communication ................................................................................................. 17
4.3 Radio Communication .......................................................................................................... 18
4.4 RS-232 Communication ....................................................................................................... 19
4.5 Ethernet Communication ...................................................................................................... 20
4.6 Fiber Ethernet Communication ........................................................................................... 21
4.7 Ethernet Bridge Radio Communication.............................................................................. 22
4.8 Modem Communication ....................................................................................................... 23
Section 5: Start-up Procedure ................................................................................................... 25
5.1 Start-up Checklist .................................................................................................................. 25
5.2 Start-up Sequence ................................................................................................................ 26
Section 6: Maintenance .............................................................................................................. 27
6.1 Display Access ...................................................................................................................... 28
6.2 Ventilation System/ Fans ..................................................................................................... 29
6.3 Annual Inspection .................................................................................................................. 29
Section 7: Diagnostics and Troubleshooting .......................................................................... 31
Safety Precautions ......................................................................................................... 31
7.1 Controller Diagnostics .......................................................................................................... 31
7.2 Troubleshooting Display Problems ..................................................................................... 33
Table of Contents i
Section 8:
Section 9: Daktronics Exchange and Repair & Return Programs .......................................... 47
Appendix A: Reference Drawings ................................................................................................. 49
Appendix B: Temperature Sensor Installation ............................................................................. 51
Parts Replacement .................................................................................................... 37
8.1 Obtaining Replacement Parts .............................................................................................. 37
8.2 Instructions for Replacing Parts .......................................................................................... 39
Module Replacement ..................................................................................................... 39
Controller Replacement ................................................................................................. 40
Power Supply Replacement ......................................................................................... 41
Light Sensor .................................................................................................................... 42
Temperature Sensor ...................................................................................................... 43
8.3 Common Power and Signal Connectors ............................................................................ 44
8.4 Glossary .................................................................................................................................. 45
Table of Contents
List of Figures
Figure 1: Module, Front and Back ..................................................................................................................... 1
Figure 2: Display Terminology .......................................................................................................................... 2
Figure 3: Basic Display Set-up ........................................................................................................................... 2
Figure 4: Correct/Incorrect Lifting Procedures .............................................................................................. 4
Figure 5: Installing Display into Sign Poles ..................................................................................................... 5
Figure 6: Correct Grounding .............................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 7: Power Termination Options ............................................................................................................ 10
Figure 8: Power Installation Wiring ................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 9: 120 V Power Termination ................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 10: 240 V Power Termination .............................................................................................................. 11
Figure 11: 120/240 V Power Termination ...................................................................................................... 11
Figure 12: One-breaker Circuit for 120 V and 240 V ..................................................................................... 12
Figure 13: Two-circuit Power Termination .................................................................................................... 12
Figure 14: Four-circuit 120 V Termination ..................................................................................................... 13
Figure 15: Six-circuit 120-240 V Termination ................................................................................................. 13
Figure 16: Power Routing Summary .............................................................................................................. 14
Figure 17: Quick-connect Signal Inputs ......................................................................................................... 15
Figure 18: RS-422 Communication Layout .................................................................................................... 16
Figure 19: Fiber Serial Communication Layout ............................................................................................ 17
Figure 20: Radio Communication Layout ...................................................................................................... 18
Figure 21: RS-232 Communication Layout .................................................................................................... 19
Figure 22: Ethernet Communication Layout ................................................................................................. 20
Figure 23: Fiber Ethernet Communication Layout ....................................................................................... 21
Figure 24: Ethernet Bridge Radio Layout ....................................................................................................... 22
Figure 25: Modem Communication Layout .................................................................................................. 23
Figure 26: Basic Display Set-up ....................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 27: Location of Internal Components in 32 x 80 Display ................................................................. 27
Figure 28: Module Access Locations ............................................................................................................... 28
Figure 29: Removing a Module ....................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 30: Ventilation Fans .............................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 31: Thermostat ....................................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 32: Interior Component Locations ...................................................................................................... 31
Figure 33: Controller Layout
Figure 34: Temperature Sensor Board ............................................................................................................ 32
Figure 35: Modules Not Working ................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 36: Interior Location of Components .................................................................................................. 37
Figure 37: Typical Label ................................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 38: Access Locations ............................................................................................................................. 39
Figure 39: Removing a Module ....................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 40: Typical Controller ........................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 41: Rotary Switches ............................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 42: Single Unit Power Supply .............................................................................................................. 41
Figure 43: Light Sensor Assembly ................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 44: Temperature Sensor ........................................................................................................................ 43
Figure 45: Wire Around Sensor ....................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 46: Ribbon Cable Connector ................................................................................................................ 44
Figure 47: One Breaker Termination Block .................................................................................................... 44
............................................................................................................................ 32
List of Figures iii
Figure 48: Phoenix Connector ......................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 49: Mate-n-Lok Connector .................................................................................................................. 44
Figure 50: RJ11/RJ45 ........................................................................................................................................ 45
Figure 51: RS232/6-pin Quick-connect Jack ................................................................................................. 45
Figure 52: Fiber Optic Cable ............................................................................................................................ 45
List of Figures
Section 1: Overview of the Displays
Daktronics Galaxy® displays are built for long life and easy maintenance. To ensure the optimal performance of the display, this manual provides information on installation, maintenance and troubleshooting. Diagnostic and parts replacement information are also included within these sections. Definitions of terms and explanations of connectors used in the displays can be found in Section 8.
1.1 Display Details
Galaxy® model numbers are described as follows:
AF-3400 =
RR = CC =
20 =
L =
DF =
A module is the building block of the Galaxy Each module measures 16 pixels high by 16 pixels wide. By placing modules next to one another, a display of any size can be designed and built. Individual modules can be easily removed from the display, if required.
A typical display system is run with a Windows personal computer (PC) running Venus
Venus Windows
1500 is a software package that runs under
98, ME™, NT® 4.0, 2000, XP or Vista Home/Professional operating systems on an IBM compatible computer. This software can manage up to 240 displays on one network. Refer to the Venus operations manual (ED-13530) for installation and operation of the Venus
These displays are offered as double-face units. The face containing the blue dot and light sensor is called Face A (Primary) and the opposite side is referred to as Face B. Refer to Figure 2 and Figure 3.
Outdoor louvered Galaxy display Number of pixel rows high Number of pixel columns long 20 mm pixel to pixel spacing LED color, R (Red), A (Amber),
RGB (Red, Green, Blue - 32,000 color) Double-face display
1500 software.
1500 software.
Figure 1: Module, Front and Back
Overview of the Displays 1
Display terminology is illustrated in Figure 2. The diagram in Figure 3 gives an overview of the basic display set-up. These diagrams will help in the understanding the information in this display manual.
Figure 2: Display Terminology
Figure 3: Basic Display Set-up
2 Overview of the Displays
Section 2: Mechanical Installation
Read the Mechanical, Power, and Signal Installation sections before installing the display(s).
Reference Drawing:
Install, AF-3400-**x**-20-DF ............................................................................... Drawing B-310431
Daktronics engineering staff must approve any changes that may affect the weather­tightness of the display. If any modifications are made, detailed drawings of the changes
must be submitted to Daktronics for evaluation and approval, or the warranty may be void.
Daktronics is not responsible for installations or the structural integrity of support structures done by others. The customer is responsible for ensuring that a qu alified
structural engineer approves the structure and any additional hardware.
2.1 Support Structure Requirements
The installer is responsible for ensuring that the mounting structure and hardware are capable of supporting the display, and the structure follows all local codes.
Because every installation site is unique, no single procedure is approved by Daktronics for mounting Galaxy only and may or may not be appropriate for this particular installation. Refer to Figure 3 for basic display set-up. Refer to Drawing B-310431 for installation details.
A qualified individual must make all decisions regarding the mounting of this display.
Support structure design depends on the mounting methods, display size, and weight. In general, both faces of the display need to be unobstructed to allow for air flow and internal access. Also keep in mind the location of the mounting plates and the power/signal termination shrouding on the sides of the display. Display height and wind loading are also critical factors to be considered. The following information can be found in the Shop Drawings listed here:
Size and weight information
Mounting hardware information
displays. The information contained in this section is general information
List of Shop Drawings
A Shop Drawing was provided when the display was ordered. However, if one is needed, use this list to find the correct number to request from Daktronics Customer Service. Note that they are listed by pixel matrix size.
Shop Dwg, AF-3400-32x80-20-DF* ............................................................. Drawing B-308603
Shop Dwg, AF-3400-32x96-20-DF* ............................................................. Drawing B-308106
Shop Dwg, AF-3400-32x112-20-DF* ........................................................... Drawing B-308604
Shop Dwg, AF-3400-48x112-20-DF* ........................................................... Drawing B-306282
Shop Dwg, AF-3400-48x144-20-DF* ........................................................... Drawing B-308605
Shop Dwg, AF-3400-64x144-20-DF* ........................................................... Drawing B-308606
Mechanical Installation
Pre-installation Checklist
Verify the following before proceeding with installation:
The display is in good condition after shipping and uncrating.
A straight and square mounting structure is provided for the display.
Height variation in any four-foot horizontal section may not exceed ¼-inch.
Adequate support is provided for the display so that the structure will not yield at
any unsupported points after mounting.
Clearance of 4" of unobstructed space above the top of the display is allowed to
remove the eyebolt. Note: No clearance is required once the eyebolts are removed.
Clearance in front of and below the display cabinet is maintained to allow
unobstructed air flow through the vents and fans and to allow access to internal components.
2.2 Display Lifting
The installer is responsible for ensuring that the installation adequately meets local codes and standards, including safe, adequate mounting hardware and procedures.
Note: In order to maintain the structural integrity of the display cabinet, the 90° angle between the cabinet and the lifting method must be maintained.
1. Lift the display into position on the support structure following the guidelines in
Figure 4.
Do not attempt to permanently support the display by the eyebolts.
Figure 4: Correct/Incorrect Lifting Procedures
2. Weld or use ½" Grade-5 bolts and hardware to secure the mounting brackets to the
display and support structure as shown in Drawing B-310431 found in Appendix A.
3. Refer to Section 3 and the appropriate communication manual for information on
routing power and signal to the display.
4. After installation is complete, carefully inspect the display for any holes that may
allow water to seep into the display and seal any openings with silicone.
If the eyebolts on the top of the display have been removed, plug the holes with bolts and the rubber-sealing washer that was removed with the eyebolt, unless an overhead structure protects the area.
Mechanical Installation
2.3 Display Mounting
To mount the display, follow these steps. For additional information, refer to the quick guide
ED-17986 and to Drawing B-310431.
1. Verify the distance between sign mounting poles. Consult the chart on Drawing B-
310431 for dimensions.
2. Drill into the poles at the designated places to provide access for power and signal
cables. Debur holes to prevent wire damage.
3. Attach mounting brackets to sign poles.
4. Verify the primary face of the display by locating the blue dot in the lower left corner
of the cabinet. Note that signal will enter on the left end of Face A and power will enter on the right end.
5. Slide the display mounting brackets into the pole mounting brackets on the sign
poles and attach them.
Figure 5: Installing Display into Sign Poles
6. Bring power cable through the right sign pole and terminate at the J-box on the right
end of the display; refer to Section 3.
7. Bring signal interconnect cable through the left sign pole and plug into the
interconnect jack on the left end of display; refer to Section 4.
8. Use one or two cover plates (as required) to enclose the shrouds. Ensure that these
areas are completely protected.
2.4 Optional Temperature Sensor Mounting
If a temperature sensor will be used with this display, see Appendix B for mounting and signal connections.
Mechanical Installation
Section 3: Power Installation
Read the Mechanical, Power, and Signal Installation sections before installing the display(s).
Only a qualified individual should terminate power and signal cable at this Daktronics display.
All proposed changes must be approved by Daktronics engineering staff or the warranty will be rendered null and void.
Reference Drawing:
Power Specs, AF-3400-20-DF-* ...................................................................... Drawing A-305814
3.1 Conduit
Daktronics does not include the conduit. Separate conduit must be used to route:
signal IN wires to the signal termination enclosure, when applicable.
signal OUT wires to a second set of displays.
The power J-box and the power end of the display are provided with 3/4” threaded holes for use with conduit. Unthreaded knockout holes are provided in the signal enclosures as well. If not using the provided enclosures, use the openings provided in the display cabinet.
3.2 Overview of Power/ Signal Connection
Following is a brief summary of the power and signal connections to the display.
1. Openings are provided on the display for termination of both signal and power. If
the installation does not allow for the use of the power J-box, refer to Section 3.5 for diagrams on internal power termination.
2. Possible methods for signal termination are shown in the manual for the specific
communication type.
3. Route power to the display through a fused disconnect switch capable of opening all
ungrounded power conductors. Install this disconnect within the line-of-sight of any personnel performing maintenance on the display. If the disconnect is located out of sight of the display, it must be capable of being locked in the open position.
Note: Displays are equipped with supplemental protection devices that carry a UL1077 (IEC 60947, VDE 660) rating. These devices are only intended to protect the components
within the display. Suitable devices must be used for the equipment and feeders supplying power to the display.
4. Power conductors from the disconnect to the display should be routed through
conduit in agreement with local code.
5. Display power will terminate to the display at the power termination J-box or
directly to the power termination panel located on the right end of Face A.
Power Installation
6. Connect the grounding electrode conductor at the grounding lug near the J-box on
the right end of Face A.
7. Signal cable is routed to the signal termination enclosure. A grounding electrode
may also be connected there (when required).
8. Signal into the enclosures must be routed through 1/2"conduit.
9. The signal quick-connect cable from the enclosure to the display is routed into the
shrouding on the left end of the display cabinet.
Note: Daktronics strongly recommends that the quick-connect cable be secured to protect it
from weather and vandalism.
3.3 Power Requirements
Conductors of circuits delivering power to a Daktronics display shall be sized in accordance with NEC and local electrical codes so that the power distribution system is capable of delivering full load power to the display while maintaining a voltage within 5% of the utility nominal voltage.
Each display uses a 120VAC or 120/240 VAC single-phase power source. Proper power installation is imperative for proper display operation. Power specifications for various display sizes can be found on Drawing A-305814 in Appendix A. The following sub-sections provide details for display power installation.
Main Disconnect
The National Electrical Code requires the use of a lockable power disconnect near the display. Provide a lockable disconnect switch (knife switch) at the display location so that all power lines can be completely disconnected. Use a 3-conductor disconnect so that both hot lines and the neutral can be disconnected. The main disconnect should be mounted at or near the point of power supply connection. A main disconnect is to be provided for each supply circuit to the display.
The disconnecting means must be located in a direct line-of-sight from the display or outline lighting that it controls. This requirement enables a worker to keep the disconnecting means within view while working on the display.
Exception: Disconnect components that are capable of being locked in the open position may be located elsewhere.
Power Installation
3.4 Grounding
These displays are installed with ground and neutral conductors provided. The power cable must contain an isolated earth-ground conductor.
Under this circumstance, do not connect neutral to ground at the disconnect or at the display. This would violate electrical codes and void the warranty. Use a disconnect so that all hot lines and neutral can be disconnected. The National Electrical Code requires the use of a lockable disconnect within sight of or at the display.
The display system must be connected to earth-ground (Figure 6). Proper grounding is necessary for reliable equipment operation. It also protects the equipment from damaging electrical disturbances and lightning. The display must be properly grounded, or the warranty will be void.
Figure 6: Correct Grounding
Important points about grounding:
Follow local and national codes
region to region and from conditions present at the site. Consult the National Electrical Code and any local electrical codes that may apply.
Support structure cannot be used as an earth-ground electrode
generally embedded in concrete. If embedded in earth, the steel is either primed or it corrodes, making it a poor ground.
One grounding electrode for each display cabinet
each display cabinet. Other grounding electrodes as described in Article 250 of the National Electric Code may be used.
Resistance to ground 10 ohms or less
performance. If the resistance to ground is higher than 10 ohms, it will be necessary to install additional grounding electrodes to reduce the resistance. The grounding electrode should be installed within 25 feet of the base of the display. The grounding electrode must be connected to the ground lug on the back of the display.
: The material of an earth-ground electrode differs from
: The support is
: One grounding rod is necessary for
: This is required by Daktronics for proper display
Power Installation
3.5 Power Connection
Two options are possible for terminating power to the display, depending on the size of the display (Figure 7). Installation instructions for both are provided in this section.
Option 1 - J-box: use the power termination enclosure on the end of the cabinet. Option 2 - Direct: use provided 3/4" conduit opening to go directly to the power
termination panel inside the display cabinet.
Refer to this chart for the method used in a particular size.
Matrix size Monochrome RGB
32 x 80 J-box J-box
32 x 96 J-box J-box 32 x 112 J-box J-box 48 x 112 J-box Direct 48 x 144 J-box Direct 64 x 144 Direct Direct
Figure 7: Power Termination Options
Figure 8: Power Installation Wiring
Power Installation
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