Daktronics AF-3220 User Manual

Galaxy® AF-3220
Installation and Operation Manual
DD1758104 Rev 04 – 22 July 2014
201 Daktronics Drive PO Box 5128 Brookings, SD 57006 tel 800-843-5843 fax 605-697-4700 www.daktronics.com
Product 1620
Rev 04 – 22 July 2014
Complete the chart with specific information about this display so the details are readily available when calling for service or replacement parts.
Information needed for technicians and/or Customer Service Fill in the blank
Location address of the display:
Model number of the display: AF-3220 34 mm
Version of software being used:
Method of communication being used:
Controller version used in the display: Version 3
Display’s address on network
Copyright © 2009-2014 All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems – without written permission of the publisher.
Galaxy® and Venus® are trademarks of Daktronics, Inc. Windows® is a trademark of Microsoft® Corporation. IBM® is a trademark of IBM Corporation. Mate-N-
Lok® is a trademark of AMP Company.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Display Details ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
Section 2: Mechanical Installation ....................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Installation Guidelines ........................................................................................................................................ 3
DO: .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
DON’T: ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Support Structure Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Display Mounting ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Section 3: Power Installation ................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1 Installation Guidelines ........................................................................................................................................ 5
DO: .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
DON’T: ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Conduit .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
3.3 Power Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Main Disconnect ............................................................................................................................................ 6
3.4 Grounding ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.5 Power Connection ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Section 4: Signal Installation Overview ............................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Primary/Mirror Display Interconnections ....................................................................................................... 9
4.2 USB to Ethernet Adapter ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Section 5: Start-Up Procedure ............................................................................................................................11
5.1 Start-up Checklist ............................................................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Boot Sequence ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Section 6: Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................... 13
6.1 Display Access .................................................................................................................................................... 13
6.2 Ventilation System Maintenance .................................................................................................................... 13
Fans ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
Filters ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
6.3 Annual Inspection .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Section 7: Diagnostics and Troubleshooting .................................................................................................... 15
7.1 Controller Diagnostics ....................................................................................................................................... 15
7.2 Troubleshooting Display Problems ................................................................................................................ 15
Tools Required for Troubleshooting: ....................................................................................................... 15
Table of Contents i
One or More LEDs Do Not Light or Are Stuck On ................................................................................ 16
Section of the Display Does Not Work – Extending All the Way to Right End ................................ 16
One Row of Modules Does Not Work or Shows a Distorted Message ............................................... 16
Entire Display Fails to Work ..................................................................................................................... 16
Blank Display Seen After Boot-Up ........................................................................................................... 16
Message Only Appears on One Side of the Display .............................................................................. 16
Unable to Communicate (Send Content) to the Display ....................................................................... 17
Before Calling for Help .............................................................................................................................. 17
Section 8: Parts Replacement ............................................................................................................................ 19
8.1 About Replacement Parts .................................................................................................................................. 19
8.2 Instructions for Replacing Parts ....................................................................................................................... 19
Module Removal/Replacement ................................................................................................................ 19
Controller Replacement ............................................................................................................................. 20
Controller Address Setting ........................................................................................................................ 21
Power Supply Replacement ...................................................................................................................... 21
Section 9: Daktronics Exchange and Repair & Return Programs .................................................................. 23
9.1 Exchange Program ............................................................................................................................................. 23
Before Contacting Daktronics ................................................................................................................... 23
9.2 Repair & Return Program ................................................................................................................................. 24
Shipping Address........................................................................................................................................ 24
Appendix A: Reference Drawings .......................................................................................................................... 27
Appendix B: Temperature Sensor Installation (ED-14377) .................................................................................. 29
Appendix C: Daktronics Warranty and Limitation of Liability (SL-2374) ............................................................ 31
ii Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction

Back View
Clip Angles
Exhaust Vents
Signal Output To Mirror Display, If Present
Ground Lug
Quick-Connect Signal Input Jacks
J Box
Side View
This manual provides installation, maintenance and troubleshooting information to help ensure the optimal performance of the Daktronics Galaxy® AF-3220 series display. Diagnostic and parts replacement information are also included. The back and side views of a typical display are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Back and Side Views of a Typical Display

1.1 Display Details

Galaxy® model numbers are described as follows:
AF-3220-RRxCCC-34-R, A, RGB-XX
AF-3220 = Outdoor Galaxy display
3220 = Series Number of Display
RR = Number of pixel rows high (16 or 24)
CCC = Number of pixel columns long (up to 96 standard
34 = Pixel pitch in millimeters
R, A, RGB =
XX = SF (Primary) or 2V (Primary/Mirror)
LED Color: R (Red), A (Amber), RGB (Full Color – Red, Green, Blue)
The displays are offered as SF (single-face) or 2V (two-view) units. With a 2V (two-view) unit, the first display is called the primary and the second display is referred to as the mirror. If the second display will be mounted at a distance of more than 6 feet from the primary display, then two primary displays must be used.
A typical display system is controlled with a Windows®-based personal computer (PC) running Venus® 1500 software.
Introduction 1

Section 2: Mechanical Installation

Daktronics’ engineering staff must approve any changes that may affect the weather-tightness of the display. If any modifications are made, detailed drawings of the changes must be submitted to Daktronics for evaluation and approval, or the warranty may be void.

2.1 Installation Guidelines

• Inspect the display for damage caused by shipping or uncrating
• Use all lift eyes when lifting the display maintaining 90 degrees between cabinet and lifting method
• Use all clip angles or bolt locations for mounting
• Leave adequate clearance for ventilation
• Ensure mounting location allows for door to pivot open
• Provide an adequate support structure that is straight and level
• Drill holes into the cabinet
• Modify the display without written approval from Daktronics Engineering
• Block intake vents on the bottom of the display
• Block exhaust hoods on back of display
• Use the lift eyes for permanent mounting

2.2 Support Structure Requirements

Daktronics is not responsible for installations or the structural integrity of support structures done by others. The customer must ensure that a qualified structural engineer approves the mounting structure and hardware.
Because every installation site is unique, no single procedure is approved by Daktronics for mounting Galaxy® displays. The information contained in this section is general information only and may or may not be appropriate for this particular installation.
Mechanical Installation 3

2.3 Display Mounting

Use Lift Bar and ALL Eyebolts
Maximum Eyebolt Strength
45° Minimum
No Lift Bar
Eyebolt Strength Compromised
The installer must ensure the installation adequately meets local codes and standards, including safe, adequate mounting hardware and procedures.
Note: To maintain the structural integrity of the display cabinet, a 90-degree angle between the cabinet and the lifting method must be maintained.
1. Lift the display into position on the support structure following the guidelines in Figure 2. Be sure the mounting location leaves adequate space to pivot the door open, as shown in Figure 9. Do not attempt to permanently support the display by the eyebolts.
2. Weld or use ½" Grade-5 bolts and hardware to secure ALL clip angles, as shown in Figure 3, to the support structure as shown in the Shop Drawing.
3. Refer to Section 4 and the appropriate communication manual for information on routing power and signal to the display.
Figure 2: Correct/Incorrect Lifting Procedures
4. After installation is complete, carefully inspect the display for any holes that may allow water to seep into the display and seal any
Figure 3: Clip Angle
openings with silicone.
Note: If the eyebolts on the top of the display were removed, seal the holes with bolts and/or silicone.
4 Mechanical Installation

Section 3: Power Installation

3.1 Installation Guidelines

• Route power to the display through a fused disconnect switch
• Route power conductors through conduit according to local codes
• Install an earth-ground electrode for each display face – if resistance to ground is greater than 10 ohms,
install additional grounding electrodes
• Follow local and national electrical codes
• Provide a main power disconnect for the displays
• Connect the display to any voltage other than that listed on the product label
• Share a circuit or neutral with any other electrical devices such as light ballasts, parking lights, etc.
• Connect the neutral to the ground at the disconnect or the display
• Use the display support structure as an earth-ground electrode

3.2 Conduit

Daktronics does not include the conduit. Separate conduit must be used to route:
• power
• signal IN wires to the signal termination enclosure, when applicable
• signal OUT wires (if not using the provided interconnect cable)
The power J-box is provided with 3/4" threaded holes for use with 3/4" conduit. Unthreaded 1/2" knockout holes are provided in the signal enclosures used with the display. If not using the provided enclosures, use the knockout/drill holes provided in the display cabinet.

3.3 Power Requirements

Important Note:
• Daktronics recommends that a separate circuit be run to the electronic display(s) to isolate it and prevent any issues that could be caused by line voltage fluctuations or high frequency noise on the power line caused by other types of equipment. A separate circuit also makes display maintenance and troubleshooting easier. Daktronics assumes no liability for any issues caused by line voltage fluctuations or other improper power conditions if these recommendations are not followed.
• Size conductors of circuits that deliver power to a Daktronics display according to local and national electrical codes so that the power distribution system delivers full-load power to the display while maintaining a voltage within five percent (5%) of the nominal voltage.
Power Installation 5
• Displays use single-phase power. Proper power installation is imperative for display operation.
Main Disconnect
Daktronics requires using a power disconnect switch with the display. Use a disconnect so that all ungrounded conductors can be disconnected near the point of power connection.
The disconnecting means must be located either in a direct line of sight from the display or can be locked in the open position. This ensures that power will not be reconnected while service personnel work on the display.

3.4 Grounding

Install this sign according national and applicable local codes. This includes proper grounding and bonding of the sign.
Installation with Ground and Neutral Conductors Provided
• These displays are installed with ground and neutral conductors provided. The power cable must contain an isolated earth-ground conductor.
• Do not connect neutral to ground at the disconnect or at the display. This violates electrical codes and voids the warranty.
Display Ground Lug
Thermal Weld Connection Preferred
8 ft.(2.5 m)
Copper Ground Conductor (One Per Display Face)
8 ft.(2.5 m)
• Daktronics does not recommend using the support structure as an
Figure 4: Correct Grounding
Copper Ground Rods
earth-ground electrode; concrete, primer, corrosion, and other factors make the support structure a poor ground.
Note: The support structure may be used as an earth-ground electrode only if designed to do so. A qualified inspector must approve the support structure and grounding methods.
The display system must be connected to an earth ground as shown in Figure 4. Proper grounding protects the equipment from damaging electrical disturbances and lightning. Daktronics requires a resistance to ground of 10 ohms or less. The display must be properly grounded or the warranty will be void.
6 Power Installation

3.5 Power Connection

1. Route the power cable through conduit to the rear of the display and into the power J-box.
2. The power J-box contains two wires plus a ground coming from the interior of the display. These wires are pre-terminated to the power termination panel inside the display.
3. Inside the external power J-box, connect the power wires to the wires coming from the display interior using wire nuts. Refer to Figure 5 for a diagram.
Note: The following colors are used for the pre-terminated wires:
• Line 1 – Black (Brown – 240V)
• Neutral - White (Blue – 240)
• Grounding Conductor – (Green-Yellow)
(Box with Cover Removed)
Wiring from power termination panel inside display
Display Back
Line 1 – Black
Neutral – White
Ground – Green/Yellow
Figure 5: Power Termination Wiring
Power Installation 7
+ 24 hidden pages