Table of Contents iii
410A .....................................................................................................137
3.7 “C5” Indoor Unit: Malfunction of Tank Thermistor (R2T)......................138
3.8 “C9” Indoor Unit: Return Water Thermistor (R4T) ................................139
3.9 “CA” Indoor Unit: Leaving Water Thermistor Error (R5T).....................140
3.10 “CJ” Indoor Unit: Malfunction of Thermostat Sensor in Remote
3.11 “E1” Outdoor Unit: PC Board Defect ....................................................142
3.12 “E1” Indoor Unit: PC Board Defect.......................................................143
3.13 “E3” Outdoor Unit: Actuation of High Pressure Switch.........................144
3.14 “E3” Indoor Unit: Actuation of High Pressure Switch............................146
3.15 “E4” Outdoor Unit: Actuation of Low Pressure Sensor.........................149
3.16 “E4” Indoor Unit: Actuation of Low Pressure Sensor............................151
3.17 “E5” Outdoor Unit: Inverter Compressor Motor Lock............................153
3.18 “E5” Indoor Unit: Inverter Compressor Motor Lock ..............................154
3.19 “E7” Malfunction of Outdoor Unit Fan Motor ........................................155
3.20 “E9” Outdoor Unit: Malfunction of Moving Part of Electronic Expansion
Valve ....................................................................................................157
3.21 “E9” Indoor Unit: Malfunction of Moving Part of Electronic Expansion
Valve (K2E) R-134a circuit ...................................................................159
3.22 “F3” Outdoor Unit: Abnormal Discharge Pipe Temperature .................161
3.23 “F3” Indoor Unit: Abnormal Discharge Pipe Temperature....................162
3.24 “H9” Outdoor Unit: Malfunction of Thermistor (R1T) for Outdoor Air....163
3.25 “J3” Outdoor Unit: Malfunction of Discharge Pipe Thermistor (R2T)....164
3.26 “J3” Indoor Unit: Malfunction of Discharge Pipe Thermistor (R6T) ......165
3.27 “J5” Outdoor Unit: Malfunction of Thermistor (R3T, R5T) for Suction Pipe
1, 2 .......................................................................................................166
3.28 “J5” Indoor Unit: Malfunction of Thermistor (R7T) for Liquid R-134a ...167
3.29 “J6” Outdoor Unit: Malfunction of Thermistor (R6T) for Outdoor Unit Heat
Exchanger ............................................................................................168
3.30 “J7” Outdoor Unit: Malfunction of Thermistor (R7T) for Outdoor Unit Liquid
Pipe ......................................................................................................169
3.31 “J9” Outdoor Unit: Malfunction of Thermistor (R4T) for Subcooling Heat
Exchanger Gas Pipe ............................................................................170
3.32 “JA” Outdoor Unit: Malfunction of High Pressure Sensor.....................171
3.33 “JA” Indoor Unit: Malfunction of High Pressure Sensor........................172
3.34 “JC” Outdoor Unit: Malfunction of Low Pressure Sensor .....................173
3.35 “JC” Indoor Unit: Malfunction of Low Pressure Sensor ........................174
3.36 “L1” Outdoor Unit: Malfunction of PC Board.........................................175
3.37 “L1” Indoor Unit: Malfunction of PC Board ...........................................176
3.38 “L4” Outdoor Unit: Malfunction of Inverter Radiating Fin Temperature
Rise ......................................................................................................177
3.39 “L4” Indoor Unit: Malfunction of Inverter Radiating Fin Temperature Rise
(R8T) ....................................................................................................178
3.40 “L5” Outdoor Unit: Inverter Compressor Abnormal -
R-410A .................................................................................................179
3.41 “L5” Indoor Unit: Inverter Compressor Abnormal -
3.42 “L8” Outdoor Unit: Inverter Current Abnormal......................................181
3.43 “L8” Indoor Unit: Inverter Current Abnormal.........................................182
3.44 “L9” Outdoor Unit: Inverter Start up Error.............................................183
3.45 “L9” Indoor Unit: Inverter Start up Error................................................184
3.46 “LC” Outdoor Unit: Malfunction of Transmission between Inverter and
Control PC Board .................................................................................185