Daikin ATX20KV1B, ATX25KV1B, ATX35KV1B Installation manual







R410A Split Series

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Daikin Industries Czech Republic s.r.o.

01 adeclares under its sole responsibility that the air conditioning models to which this declaration relates:

02 derklärt auf seine alleinige Verantwortung daß die Modelle der Klimageräte für die diese Erklärung bestimmt ist: 03 fdéclare sous sa seule responsabilité que les appareils d'air conditionné visés par la présente déclaration:

04 lverklaart hierbij op eigen exclusieve verantwoordelijkheid dat de airconditioning units waarop deze verklaring betrekking heeft: 05 edeclara baja su única responsabilidad que los modelos de aire acondicionado a los cuales hace referencia la declaración:

06 idichiara sotto sua responsabilità che i condizionatori modello a cui è riferita questa dichiarazione:

07 gδηλώνει με αποκλειστική της ευθύνη ότι τα μοντέλα των κλιματιστικών συσκευών στα οποία αναφέρεται η παρούσα δήλωση:

08 pdeclara sob sua exclusiva responsabilidade que os modelos de ar condicionado a que esta declaração se refere:

09 uзаявляет, исключительно под свою ответственность, что модели кондиционеров воздуха, к которым относится настоящее заявление:

10 qerklærer under eneansvar, at klimaanlægmodellerne, som denne deklaration vedrører:

11 sdeklarerar i egenskap av huvudansvarig, att luftkonditioneringsmodellerna som berörs av denna deklaration innebär att: 12 nerklærer et fullstendig ansvar for at de luftkondisjoneringsmodeller som berøres av denne deklarasjon, innebærer at: 13 jilmoittaa yksinomaan omalla vastuullaan, että tämän ilmoituksen tarkoittamat ilmastointilaitteiden mallit:

14 cprohlašuje ve své plné odpovědnosti, že modely klimatizace, k nimž se toto prohlášení vztahuje:

15 yizjavljuje pod isključivo vlastitom odgovornošću da su modeli klima uređaja na koje se ova izjava odnosi: 16 hteljes felelőssége tudatában kijelenti, hogy a klímaberendezés modellek, melyekre e nyilatkozat vonatkozik:

17 mdeklaruje na własną i wyłączną odpowiedzialność, że modele klimatyzatorów, których dotyczy niniejsza deklaracja: 18 rdeclară pe proprie răspundere că aparatele de aer condiţionat la care se referă această declaraţie:

19 oz vso odgovornostjo izjavlja, da so modeli klimatskih naprav, na katere se izjava nanaša:

20 xkinnitab oma täielikul vastutusel, et käesoleva deklaratsiooni alla kuuluvad kliimaseadmete mudelid:

21 bдекларира на своя отговорност, че моделите климатична инсталация, за които се отнася тази декларация:

22 tvisiška savo atsakomybe skelbia, kad oro kondicionavimo prietaisų modeliai, kuriems yra taikoma ši deklaracija: 23 var pilnu atbildību apliecina, ka tālāk uzskaitīto modeļu gaisa kondicionētāji, uz kuriem attiecas šī deklarācija:

24 kvyhlasuje na vlastnú zodpovednosť, že tieto klimatizačné modely, na ktoré sa vzťahuje toto vyhlásenie:

25 wtamamen kendi sorumluluǧunda olmak üzere bu bildirinin ilgili olduǧu klima modellerinin aşaǧıdaki gibi olduǧunu beyan eder:


01 are in conformity with the following standard(s) or other normative document(s), provided that these are used in accordance with our instructions:

02 der/den folgenden Norm(en) oder einem anderen Normdokument oder -dokumenten entspricht/entsprechen, unter der Voraussetzung, daß sie gemäß unseren Anweisungen eingesetzt werden:

03 sont conformes à la/aux norme(s) ou autre(s) document(s) normatif(s), pour autant qu'ils soient utilisés conformément à nos instructions:

04 conform de volgende norm(en) of één of meer andere bindende documenten zijn, op voorwaarde dat ze worden gebruikt overeenkomstig onze instructies:

05 están en conformidad con la(s) siguiente(s) norma(s) u otro(s) documento(s) normativo(s), siempre que sean utilizados de acuerdo con nuestras instrucciones:

06 sono conformi al(i) seguente(i) standard(s) o altro(i) documento(i) a carattere normativo, a patto che vengano usati in conformità alle nostre istruzioni:

07 είναι σύμφωνα με το(α) ακόλουθο(α) πρότυπο(α) ή άλλο έγγραφο(α) κανονισμών, υπό την προϋπόθεση ότι χρησιμοποιούνται σύμφωνα με τις οδηγίες μας:

08 estão em conformidade com a(s) seguinte(s) norma(s) ou outro(s) documento(s) normativo(s), desde que estes sejam utilizados de acordo com as nossas instruções:

09 соответствуют следующим стандартам или другим нормативным документам, при условии их использования согласно нашим инструкциям:

10 overholder følgende standard(er) eller andet/andre retningsgivende dokument(er), forudsat at disse anvendes i henhold til vore instrukser:

11 respektive utrustning är utförd i överensstämmelse med och följer följande standard(er) eller andra normgivande dokument, under förutsättning att användning sker i överensstämmelse med våra instruktioner:

12 respektive utstyr er i overensstemmelse med følgende standard(er) eller andre normgivende dokument(er), under forutssetning av at disse brukes i henhold til våre instrukser:

13 vastaavat seuraavien standardien ja muiden ohjeellisten dokumenttien vaatimuksia edellyttäen, että niitä käytetään ohjeidemme mukaisesti:

14 za předpokladu, že jsou využívány v souladu s našimi pokyny, odpovídají následujícím normám nebo normativním dokumentům:

15 u skladu sa slijedećim standardom(ima) ili drugim normativnim dokumentom(ima), uz uvjet da se oni koriste u skladu s našim uputama:

16 megfelelnek az alábbi szabvány(ok)nak vagy egyéb irányadó dokumentum(ok)nak, ha azokat előírás szerint használják:

17 spełniają wymogi następujących norm i innych dokumentów normalizacyjnych, pod warunkiem że używane są zgodnie z naszymi instrukcjami:

18 sunt în conformitate cu următorul (următoarele) standard(e) sau alt(e) document(e) normativ(e), cu condiţia ca acestea să fie utilizate în conformitate cu instrucţiunile noastre:

19 skladni z naslednjimi standardi in drugimi normativi, pod pogojem, da se uporabljajo v skladu z našimi navodili:

20 on vastavuses järgmis(t)e standardi(te)ga või teiste normatiivsete dokumentidega, kui neid kasutatakse vastavalt meie juhenditele:

21 съответстват на следните стандарти или други нормативни документи, при условие, че се използват съгласно нашите инструкции:

22 atitinka žemiau nurodytus standartus ir (arba) kitus norminius dokumentus su sąlyga, kad yra naudojami pagal mūsų nurodymus: 23 tad, ja lietoti atbilstoši ražotāja norādījumiem, atbilst sekojošiem standartiem un citiem normatīviem dokumentiem:

24 sú v zhode s nasledovnou(ými) normou(ami) alebo iným(i) normatívnym(i) dokumentom(ami), za predpokladu, že sa používajú v súlade s našim návodom:

25 ürünün, talimatlarımıza göre kullanılması koşuluyla aşağıdaki standartlar ve norm belirten belgelerle uyumludur:


01 following the provisions of:

10 under iagttagelse af bestemmelserne i:

19 ob upoštevanju določb:


01 Directives, as amended.

10 Direktiver, med senere ændringer.

19 Direktive z vsemi spremembami.

02 gemäß den Vorschriften der:

11 enligt villkoren i:

20 vastavalt nõuetele:


02 Direktiven, gemäß Änderung.

11 Direktiv, med företagna ändringar.

20 Direktiivid koos muudatustega.

03 conformément aux stipulations des:

12 gitt i henhold til bestemmelsene i:

21 следвайки клаузите на:


03 Directives, telles que modifiées.

12 Direktiver, med foretatte endringer.

21 Директиви, с техните изменения.

04 overeenkomstig de bepalingen van:

13 noudattaen määräyksiä:

22 laikantis nuostatų, pateikiamų:

Low Voltage 2006/95/EC

04 Richtlijnen, zoals geamendeerd.

13 Direktiivejä, sellaisina kuin ne ovat muutettuina.

22 Direktyvose su papildymais.

05 siguiendo las disposiciones de:

14 za dodržení ustanovení předpisu:

23 ievērojot prasības, kas noteiktas:

05 Directivas, según lo enmendado.

14 v platném znění.

23 Direktīvās un to papildinājumos.

Machinery 2006/42/EC **

06 secondo le prescrizioni per:

15 prema odredbama:

24 održiavajúc ustanovenia:

06 Direttive, come da modifica.

15 Smjernice, kako je izmijenjeno.

24 Smernice, v platnom znení.

07 με τήρηση των διατάξεων των:

16 követi a(z):

25 bunun koşullarına uygun olarak:

Electromagnetic Compatibility 2004/108/EC *

07 Οδηγιών, όπως έχουν τροποποιηθεί.

16 irányelv(ek) és módosításaik rendelkezéseit.

25 Deǧiştirilmiş halleriyle Yönetmelikler.

08 de acordo com o previsto em:

17 zgodnie z postanowieniami Dyrektyw:



08 Directivas, conforme alteração em.

17 z późniejszymi poprawkami.


09 в соответствии с положениями:

18 în urma prevederilor:



09 Директив со всеми поправками.

18 Directivelor, cu amendamentele respective.



Note *

as set out in <A> and judged positively by <B>


Nota *

delineato nel <A> e giudicato positivamente


Information *

enligt <A> och godkänts av <B> enligt


Megjegyzés *

a(z) <A> alapján, a(z) <B> igazolta a megfelelést,


Забележка *

както е изложено в <A> и оценено положително





according to the Certificate <C>.



da <B> secondo il Certificato <C>.



Certifikatet <C>.



a(z) <C> tanúsítvány szerint.



от <B> съгласно Сертификата <C>.




Hinweis *

wie in <A> aufgeführt und von <B> positiv beurteilt


Σημείωση * όπως καθορίζεται στο <A> και κρίνεται θετικά από


Merk *

som det fremkommer i <A> og gjennom positiv


Uwaga *

zgodnie z dokumentacją <A>, pozytywną opinią


Pastaba *

kaip nustatyta <A> ir kaip teigiamai nuspręsta <B>





gemäß Zertifikat <C>.



το <B> σύμφωνα με το Πιστοποιητικό <C>.



bedømmelse av <B> ifølge Sertifikat <C>.



<B> i Świadectwem <C>.



pagal Sertifikatą <C>.




Remarque *

tel que défini dans <A> et évalué positivement par


Nota *

tal como estabelecido em <A> e com o parecer


Huom *

jotka on esitetty asiakirjassa <A> ja jotka <B> on


Notă *

aşa cum este stabilit în <A> şi apreciat pozitiv


Piezīmes *

kā norādīts <A> un atbilstoši <B> pozitīvajam





<B> conformément au Certificat <C>.



positivo de <B> de acordo com o Certificado <C>.



hyväksynyt Sertifikaatin <C> mukaisesti.



de <B> în conformitate cu Certificatul <C>.



vērtējumam saskaņā ar sertifikātu <C>.




Bemerk *

zoals vermeld in <A> en positief beoordeeld door


Примечание * как указано в <A> и в соответствии


Poznámka *

jak bylo uvedeno v <A> a pozitivně zjištěno <B>


Opomba *

kot je določeno v <A> in odobreno s strani <B>


Poznámka *

ako bolo uvedené v <A> a pozitívne zistené <B>




DEKRA (NB0344)



<B> overeenkomstig Certificaat <C>.



с положительным решением <B> согласно



v souladu s osvědčením <C>.



v skladu s certifikatom <C>.



v súlade s osvedčením <C>.














Nota *

como se establece en <A> y es valorado



Свидетельству <C>.


Napomena *

kako je izloženo u <A> i pozitivno ocijenjeno


Märkus *

nagu on näidatud dokumendis <A> ja heaks


Not *

<A>’da belirtildiği gibi ve <C> Sertifikasına göre





positivamente por <B> de acuerdo con el


Bemærk *

som anført i <A> og positivt vurderet af <B>



od strane <B> prema Certifikatu <C>.



kiidetud <B> järgi vastavalt sertifikaadile <C>.



<B> tarafından olumlu olarak değerlendirildiği gibi.















Certificado <C>.



i henhold til Certifikat <C>.












01 **

DICz*** is authorised to compile the Technical Construction File.



Η DICz*** είναι εξουσιοδοτημένη να συντάξει τον Τεχνικό φάκελο κατασκευής.

13 **

DICz*** on valtuutettu laatimaan Teknisen asiakirjan.

02 **

DICz*** hat die Berechtigung die Technische Konstruktionsakte zusammenzustellen.



A DICz*** está autorizada a compilar a documentação técnica de fabrico.

14 **

Společnost DICz*** má oprávnění ke kompilaci souboru technické konstrukce.

03 **

DICz*** est autorisé à compiler le Dossier de Construction Technique.



Компания DICz*** уполномочена составить Комплект технической документации.

15 **

DICz*** je ovlašten za izradu Datoteke o tehničkoj konstrukciji.

04 **

DICz*** is bevoegd om het Technisch Constructiedossier samen te stellen.



DICz*** er autoriseret til at udarbejde de tekniske konstruktionsdata.

16 **

A DICz*** jogosult a műszaki konstrukciós dokumentáció összeállítására.

05 **

DICz*** está autorizado a compilar el Archivo de Construcción Técnica.

11 **

DICz*** är bemyndigade att sammanställa den tekniska konstruktionsfilen.

17 **

DICz*** ma upoważnienie do zbierania i opracowywania dokumentacji konstrukcyjnej.

06 **

DICz*** è autorizzata a redigere il File Tecnico di Costruzione.

12 **

DICz*** har tillatelse til å kompilere den Tekniske konstruksjonsfilen.

18 **

DICz*** este autorizat să compileze Dosarul tehnic de construcţie.

***DICz = Daikin Industries Czech Republic s.r.o.

19 ** DICz*** je pooblaščen za sestavo datoteke s tehnično mapo. 20 ** DICz*** on volitatud koostama tehnilist dokumentatsiooni.

21 ** DICz*** е оторизирана да състави Акта за техническа конструкция.

22 ** DICz*** yra įgaliota sudaryti šį techninės konstrukcijos failą. 23 ** DICz*** ir autorizēts sastādīt tehnisko dokumentāciju.

24 ** Spoločnosť DICz*** je oprávnená vytvoriť súbor technickej konštrukcie. 25 ** DICz*** Teknik Yapı Dosyasını derlemeye yetkilidir.

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Tetsuya Baba Managing Director Pilsen, 2nd of Jan. 2015

Daikin ATX20KV1B, ATX25KV1B, ATX35KV1B Installation manual

Safety Precautions

The precautions described herein are classified as WARNING and CAUTION. They both contain important information regarding safety. Be sure to observe all precautions without fail.

Meaning of WARNING and CAUTION notices


Failure to follow these instructions properly may result in personal injury or loss of life.


Failure to observe these instructions properly may result in property damage or personal injury, which


may be serious depending on the circumstances.

• The safety marks shown in this manual have the following meanings:

Be sure to follow the instructions.

Be sure to establish an earth connection.

Never attempt.




After completing installation, conduct a trial operation to check for faults and explain to the customer how to operate the air conditioner and take care of it with the aid of the operation manual.

The English text is the original instruction. Other languages are translations of the original instructions.


• Ask your dealer or qualified personnel to carry out installation work.

Do not attempt to install the air conditioner yourself. Improper installation may result in water leakage, electric shocks or fire.

• Install the air conditioner in accordance with the instructions in this installation manual.

Improper installation may result in water leakage, electric shocks or fire.

• Be sure to use only the specified accessories and parts for installation work.

Failure to use the specified parts may result in the unit falling, water leakage, electric shocks or fire.

• Install the air conditioner on a foundation strong enough to withstand the weight of the unit.

A foundation of insufficient strength may result in the equipment falling and causing injury.

• Electrical work must be performed in accordance with relevant local and national regulations and with instructions in this installation manual. Be sure to use a dedicated power supply circuit only.

Insufficiency of power circuit capacity and improper workmanship may result in electric shocks or fire.

• Use a cable of suitable length.

Do not use tapped wires or an extension lead, as this may cause overheating, electric shocks or fire.

• Make sure that all wiring is secured, the specified wires are used, and that there is no strain on the terminal connections or wires.

Improper connections or securing of wires may result in abnormal heat build-up or fire.

• When wiring the power supply and connecting the wiring between the indoor and outdoor units, position the wires so that the control box lid can be securely fastened.

Improper positioning of the control box lid may result in electric shocks, fire or over heating terminals.

• If refrigerant gas leaks during installation, ventilate the area immediately.

Toxic gas may be produced if the refrigerant comes into contact with fire.

• After completing installation, check for refrigerant gas leakage.

Toxic gas may be produced if the refrigerant gas leaks into the room and comes into contact with a source of fire, such as a fan heater, stove or cooker.

• When installing or relocating the air conditioner, be sure to bleed the refrigerant circuit to ensure it is free of air, and use only the specified refrigerant (R410A).

The presence of air or other foreign matter in the refrigerant circuit causes abnormal pressure rise, which may result in equipment damage and even injury.

• During installation, attach the refrigerant piping securely before running the compressor.

If the refrigerant pipes are not attached and the stop valve is open when the compressor is run, air will be sucked in, causing abnormal pressure in the refrigeration cycle, which may result in equipment damage and even injury.

• During pump-down, stop the compressor before removing the refrigerant piping.

If the compressor is still running and the stop valve is open during pump-down, air will be sucked in when the refrigerant piping is removed, causing abnormal pressure in the refrigeration cycle, which may result in equipment damage and even injury.

• Be sure to earth the air conditioner.

Do not earth the unit to a utility pipe, lightning conductor or telephone earth lead. Imperfect earthing may result in electric shocks.

• Be sure to install an earth leakage breaker.

Failure to install an earth leakage breaker may result in electric shocks or fire.


• Do not install the air conditioner at any place where there is a danger of flammable gas leakage.

In the event of a gas leakage, build-up of gas near the air conditioner may cause a fire to break out.

• While following the instructions in this installation manual, install drain piping to ensure proper drainage and insulate piping to prevent condensation.

Improper drain piping may result in indoor water leakage and property damage.

• Tighten the flare nut according to the specified method such as with a torque wrench.

If the flare nut is too tight, it may crack after prolonged use, causing refrigerant leakage.

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This appliance is intended to be used by expert or trained users in shops, in light industry and on farms, or for commercial and household use by lay persons.

Sound pressure level is less than 70 dB(A).


Indoor unit

















Mounting plate



Remote controller holder


G Operation manual











Titanium apatite photocatalytic



Dry battery AAA. LR03


H Installation manual



air-purifying filter



















Wireless remote controller



Indoor unit fixing screw





(M4 × 12L)




















Choosing an Installation Site

Before choosing the installation site, obtain user approval.

1. Indoor unit

• The indoor unit should be sited in a place where:

1)the restrictions on installation specified in the indoor unit installation drawings are met,

2)both air inlet and air outlet have clear paths met,

3)the unit is not in the path of direct sunlight,

4)the unit is away from the source of heat or steam,

5)there is no source of machine oil vapour (this may shorten indoor unit life),

6)cool (warm) air is circulated throughout the room,

7)the unit is away from electronic ignition type fluorescent lamps (inverter or rapid start type) as they may shorten the remote controller range,

8)the unit is at least 1m away from any television or radio set (unit may cause interference with the picture or sound),

9)no laundry equipment is located.

2.Wireless remote controller

Turn on all the fluorescent lamps in the room, if any, and find the site where remote controller signals are properly received by the indoor unit (within 7m).



Preparation before Installation



Removing and installing the front panel

• Removal method

1)Place your fingers in the indentations on the main unit (one each on the left and right sides), and open the front panel until it stops.

2)Continue to open the front panel further while sliding the panel to the right and pulling it toward you in order to disengage the front panel shaft on the left side. To disengage the front panel shaft on the right side, slide the panel to the left while pulling it toward you.

• Installation method

Align the tabs of the front panel with the grooves, and push all the way in. Then close slowly. Push the centre of the lower surface panel firmly to engage the tabs.

Removing and installing the front grille

• Removal method

1)Remove the front panel to remove the air filter.

2)Remove the 3 screws from the front grille.

3)In front of the mark of the front grille, there are 3 upper hooks. Lightly pull the front grille toward you with one hand, and push down on the hooks with the fingers of your other hand.

Indentations on the main unit

Front panel shaft

mark area Upper hook (3 locations)

Upper hook Push


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When there is no work space because the unit is close to ceiling


• Be sure to wear protection gloves.

Place both hands under the centre of the front grille, and while pushing up, pull it toward you.

• Installation method

1) Push up.

1)Install the front grille and firmly engage the upper hooks (3 locations).

2)Install 3 screws of the front grille.

3)Install the air filter and then mount the front panel.

3.How to set the different addresses

2) Pull toward you.

When 2 indoor units are installed in one room, the 2 wireless remote controllers can be set for different addresses. Change the address setting of one of the two units.

When cutting the jumper be careful not to damage any of the surrounding parts.

1)Remove the battery cover on the remote controller and cut the address jumper.

2) Press , and at the same time.


3)Press , select , press .

(The indoor unit OPERATION lamp will blink for about 1 minute.)

4)Press the indoor unit ON/OFF switch while the OPERATION lamp is blinking.

If setting could not be carried out completely while the OPERATION lamp was blinking, carry out the setting process once again from the beginning.

After setting is complete, pressing for about 5 seconds will cause the remote controller to return to the previous display.








Indoor unit ON/OFF switch



+ 11 hidden pages