DAF LF 45, LF55, CF65, CF75, CF85 Service Manual

DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
ΛΦ45 ΛΦ55 ΧΦ65 ΧΦ75 ΧΦ85 ΞΦ95
©200438 DAF Trucks N.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
In the interest of continuing product development, DAF reserves the right to change specifications or products at any time without prior notice.
No part of this publication may be reproduced and/or published by printing, by photocopying, on microfilm or in any way whatsoever without the prior consent in writing of DAF Trucks N.V.
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DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual


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1. EBS FAULT CODES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 . . . . . 200438
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 . . . . . 200438
1.2 Explanatory notes to EBS fault codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 . . . . . 200438
2. EBS CUSTOMER PARAMETERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 . . . . . 200438
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 . . . . . 200438
2.2 Explanatory notes to EBS customer parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 . . . . . 200438
3. SYSTEM INSPECTION WITH DAVIE XD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 . . . . . 200438
3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 . . . . . 200438
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DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual



If the electronic unit detects a system fault, this fault is usually stored in the memory of the electronic unit as a fault code. Most system faults will also generate a warning.
EBS fault codes
200438 1-1
EBS fault codes


If there is an electrical fault in the EBS system, the symptom "open circuit in EBS pressure control" or "deactivation of EBS pressure control" may occur as a system reaction.
Open circuit in EBS pressure control
On application of the foot brake valve, the electronic unit will receive information on the desired vehicle deceleration from the brake pedal position sensor in the foot brake valve. In the electronic unit, this vehicle deceleration command is converted into brake pressure to the brake cylinders. If there is no feedback from the output pressure or wheel speed, there will be less accurate electronically controlled deceleration and brake force distribution.
Deactivation of EBS pressure control
The output pressure control in the brake cylinders is entirely pneumatic; i.e. there is no more electronically controlled deceleration and brake force distribution.
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
Fault code Fault code description with possible cause Symptom
11-18 Voltage on pin A8 of the EBS unit is too low due
- contact resistance or poor connection to pin A8 of the EBS unit
11-31 Extremely low voltage (<3 V) on pin A8 of the
EBS unit due to:
- excessive contact resistance on pin A8 of the EBS unit
- interruption on pin A8 of the EBS unit
12-18 Voltage on pin A9 of the EBS unit is too low due
- contact resistance or poor connection to pin A9 of the EBS unit
- short circuit to earth on pin B7 of the EBS unit
12-31 Extremely low voltage (<3 V) on pin A9 of the
EBS unit due to:
- excessive contact resistance on pin A9 of the EBS unit
- interruption on pin A9 of the EBS unit
Short circuit to earth on pin E4 or B7 of the EBS unit
- ABS on front axle deactivated
- ASR brake control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle and drawn vehicle deactivated
- ABS on front axle deactivated
- ASR brake control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle and drawn vehicle deactivated
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on rear axle deactivated
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on rear axle deactivated
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on rear axle deactivated
- Pin B7 is connected to earth inside the EBS unit while the power supply to A9 and E4 is interrupted inside the unit.
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
Fault code Fault code description with possible cause Symptom
13-18 Voltage on pin A7 of the EBS unit is too low due
- contact resistance or poor connection to pin A7 of the EBS unit
14-32 Sensor supply voltage on pins D9, B13 or E1 of
the EBS unit due is too low due to:
- contact resistance or poor connection on specified connection points of the EBS unit
- short circuit to earth on specified connection points of the EBS unit
14-33 Constant voltage, even if the ignition is turned off
and the brake is not applied, on pin D9, B13 or E1 of the EBS unit due to:
- short circuit to supply on specified connection points of the EBS unit
15-33 Constant voltage, even if the ignition is turned off
and the brake is not applied, on pin B7 of the EBS unit due to:
- short circuit to supply on pin B7 of the EBS unit
16-11 Internal failure in EBS electronic unit - ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle, rear axle and drawn vehicle deactivated
EBS fault codes
16-12 Configuration parameters in the electronic unit
incorrect due to:
- incorrect programming
- retrofitted components without identification card (oxford) change
16-15 Internal failure in EBS electronic unit - ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
16-17 Voltage (>32 V) on pins A7, A8 and A9 of the EBS
unit is too high due to:
- excessive alternator/battery voltage
- inductive voltage of external component
16-18 Voltage on pins A7, A8 and A9 of the EBS unit at
a speed of >2 km/h is too low due to:
- insufficient battery voltage
- poor earth connection to EBS electronic unit
16-53 Incorrect tyre size due to:
- incorrectly programmed tyre size
- tyre sizes of front and rear axles in different tyre classes without unit having been reprogrammed
- The difference in peripheral speed between the left and right wheel on the same axle exceeds 10%
21-37 Interruption on pin C4 and/or C5 of the EBS unit,
wheel speed sensor (F513)
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle, rear axle and drawn vehicle deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle, rear axle and drawn vehicle deactivated
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle, rear axle and drawn vehicle deactivated
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle, rear axle and drawn vehicle deactivated
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on front axle, right deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
200438 1-3
EBS fault codes
Fault code Fault code description with possible cause Symptom
21-38 Unacceptable wheel speed sensor frequency
signal from wheel speed sensor (F513) on pins C4 and C5 of the EBS unit due to:
- loose pole ring
- wrong assessment by EBS unit
21-41 Short circuit to earth on pin C4 and/or C5 of the
EBS unit, wheel speed sensor (F513)
21-42 Short circuit to supply on pin C4 and/or C5 of the
EBS unit, wheel speed sensor (F513)
21-44 Short circuit on pin C4 and/or C5 of the EBS unit,
wheel speed sensor (F513)
21-45 Incorrect wheel speed sensor sine-wave signal
from wheel speed sensor (F513) on pins C4 and C5 of the EBS unit due to:
- distorted wheel speed sensor ring
- damaged wheel speed sensor ring
21-46 No uniformity (frequency changes) of wheel
speed sensor signal from wheel speed sensor (F513) on pins C4 and C5 of the EBS unit due to:
- heavy point due to brake disc wobble, for example
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle, rear axle and drawn vehicle deactivated
- ABS on front axle, right deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on front axle, right deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on front axle, right deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on front axle, right deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on front axle, right deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
21-47 Excessive oscillation of wheel speed sensor
signal (maximum/minimum level) from wheel speed sensor (F513) on pins C4 and C5 of the EBS unit due to:
- excessive wheel bearing play
- incorrect mounting of wheel speed sensor ring
21-48 Minimum value of wheel speed sensor signal
from wheel speed sensor (F513) on pins C4 and C5 of the EBS unit is too low due to:
- too large an air gap between wheel speed sensor ring and wheel speed sensor
- contact resistance on pin C4 and/or C5 of the EBS unit
22-37 Interruption on pin D7 and/or D8 of the EBS unit,
wheel speed sensor (F512)
22-38 Unacceptable wheel speed sensor frequency
signal from wheel speed sensor (F512) on pins D7 and D8 of the EBS unit due to:
- loose pole ring
- wrong assessment by EBS unit
22-41 Short circuit to earth on pin D7 and/or D8 of the
EBS unit, wheel speed sensor (F512)
22-42 Short circuit to supply on pin D7 and/or D8 of the
EBS unit, wheel speed sensor (F512)
22-44 Short circuit on pin D7 and/or D8 of the EBS unit,
wheel speed sensor (F512)
- ABS on front axle, right deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on front axle, right deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on front axle, left deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle, rear axle and drawn vehicle deactivated
- ABS on front axle, left deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on front axle, left deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on front axle, left deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
Fault code Fault code description with possible cause Symptom
22-45 Incorrect wheel speed sensor sine-wave signal
from wheel speed sensor (F512) on pins D7 and D8 of the EBS unit due to:
- distorted wheel speed sensor ring
- damaged wheel speed sensor ring
22-46 No uniformity (frequency changes) of wheel
speed sensor signal from wheel speed sensor (F512) on pins D7 and D8 of the EBS unit due to:
- heavy point due to brake disc wobble, for example
22-47 Excessive oscillation of wheel speed sensor
signal (maximum/minimum level) from wheel speed sensor (F512) on pins D7 and D8 of the EBS unit due to:
- excessive wheel bearing play
- incorrect mounting of wheel speed sensor ring
22-48 Minimum value of wheel speed sensor signal
from wheel speed sensor (F512) on pins D7 and D8 of the EBS unit is too low due to:
- too large an air gap between wheel speed sensor ring and wheel speed sensor
- contact resistance on pin D7 and/or D8 of the EBS unit
- ABS on front axle, left deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on front axle, left deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on front axle, left deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on front axle, left deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
EBS fault codes
23-37 Interruption on pin B1 and/or B2 of the rear axle
modulator (D879), wheel speed sensor (F515)
23-41 Short circuit to earth on pin B1 and/or B2 of the
rear axle modulator (D879), wheel speed sensor (F515)
23-42 Short circuit to supply on pin B1 and/or B2 of the
rear axle modulator (D879), wheel speed sensor (F515)
23-44 Short circuit between pins B1 and B2 of the rear
axle modulator (D879), wheel speed sensor (F515)
23-45 Incorrect wheel speed sensor sine-wave signal
from wheel speed sensor (F515) on pins B1 and B2 of the rear axle modulator (D879) due to:
- distorted wheel speed sensor ring
- damaged wheel speed sensor ring
23-46 No uniformity (frequency changes) of wheel
speed sensor signal from wheel speed sensor (F515) on pins B1 and B2 of the rear axle modulator (D879) due to:
- excessive wheel bearing play
- incorrect mounting of wheel speed sensor ring
- ABS on rear axle, right deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on rear axle, right deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on rear axle, right deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on rear axle, right deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on rear axle, right deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on rear axle, right deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
200438 1-5
EBS fault codes
Fault code Fault code description with possible cause Symptom
23-47 Excessive oscillation of wheel speed sensor
signal (maximum/minimum level) from wheel speed sensor (F515) on pins B1 and B2 of the rear axle modulator (D879) due to:
- excessive wheel bearing play
- incorrect mounting of wheel speed sensor ring
23-48 Minimum value of wheel speed sensor signal
from wheel speed sensor (F515) on pins B1 and B2 of the rear axle modulator (D879) is too low due to:
- too large an air gap between wheel speed sensor ring and wheel speed sensor
- contact resistance on pin B1 and/or B2 of the rear axle modulator
24-37 Interruption in wheel speed sensor (F514) on pins
C1 and C2 of the rear axle modulator (D879)
24-41 Short circuit to earth in wheel speed sensor
(F514) on pins C1 and C2 of the rear axle modulator (D879)
24-42 Short circuit to supply in wheel speed sensor
(F514) on pins C1 and C2 of the rear axle modulator (D879)
24-44 Short circuit between pins C1 and C2 of the rear
axle modulator (D879), wheel speed sensor (F514)
24-45 Incorrect wheel speed sensor sine-wave signal
from wheel speed sensor (F514) on pins C1 and C2 of the rear axle modulator (D879) due to:
- distorted wheel speed sensor ring
- damaged wheel speed sensor ring
24-46 No uniformity (frequency changes) of wheel
speed sensor signal from wheel speed sensor (F514) on pins C1 and C2 of the rear axle modulator (D879) due to:
- excessive wheel bearing play
- incorrect mounting of wheel speed sensor ring
24-47 Excessive oscillation of wheel speed sensor
signal (maximum/minimum level) from wheel speed sensor (F514) on pins C1 and C2 of the rear axle modulator (D879) due to:
- excessive wheel bearing play
- incorrect mounting of wheel speed sensor ring
- ABS on rear axle, right deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on rear axle, right deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on rear axle, left deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on rear axle, left deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on rear axle, left deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on rear axle, left deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on rear axle, left deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on rear axle, left deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ABS on rear axle, left deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
24-48 Minimum value of wheel speed sensor signal
from wheel speed sensor (F514) on pins C1 and C2 of the rear axle modulator (D879) is too low due to:
- too large an air gap between wheel speed sensor ring and wheel speed sensor
- contact resistance on pin C1 and/or C2 of the rear axle modulator
- ABS on rear axle, left deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
Fault code Fault code description with possible cause Symptom
31-16 Large deviation between the duty cycle signals
from the foot brake valve (F628) on pins E2 and E5 of the EBS unit due to:
- internal fault in foot brake valve
31-52 Large deviation between the duty cycle signals
from the foot brake valve (F628) on pins E2 and E5 of the EBS unit due to:
- internal fault in foot brake valve
32-37 No signal from brake pedal position switch 1 in
foot brake valve (F628) on pin E3 of the EBS unit due to:
- defective switch
- interruption on pin E3 of the EBS unit
32-41 Brake pedal position switch 1 remains closed in
foot brake valve (F628) or short circuit to earth on pin E3 of the EBS unit
33-37 No signal from brake pedal position switch 2 in
foot brake valve (F628) on pin E6 of the EBS unit due to:
- defective switch in foot brake valve
- interruption on pin E6 of the EBS unit
33-41 Brake pedal position switch 2 remains closed in
foot brake valve (F628) or short circuit to earth on pin E6 of the EBS unit
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle, rear axle and drawn vehicle deactivated
- Low voltage on connection point A9 inside EBS unit
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- The actuating pressure control is active when the brake pedal is not applied; after a specified time (approx. 1 min.) the actuating pressure control will automatically disengage.
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- The actuating pressure control is active when the brake pedal is not applied; after a specified time (approx. 1 min.) the actuating pressure control will automatically disengage.
EBS fault codes
34-41 Lower signal level from brake pedal position
sensor 1 in foot brake valve (F628) on pin E2 of the EBS unit is too low during a specified period of time due to:
- contact resistance on pin E2 of the EBS unit
- internal fault in foot brake valve
- short circuit to earth on pin E2 of the EBS unit
34-43 Upper signal level from brake pedal position
sensor 1 in foot brake valve (F628) on pin E2 of the EBS unit is too high during a specified time or the pulse width of the signal is incorrect due to:
- short circuit to supply on pin E2 of the EBS unit
- internal fault in foot brake valve
- interruption on pin E1 of the EBS unit
- interruption on connection point E2 of the EBS unit
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
200438 1-7
EBS fault codes
Fault code Fault code description with possible cause Symptom
35-41 Lower signal level from brake pedal position
sensor 2 in foot brake valve (F628) on pin E5 of the EBS unit is too low during a specified period of time due to:
- contact resistance on pin E5 of the EBS unit
- internal fault in foot brake valve
- short circuit to earth on pin E5 of the EBS unit
35-43 Upper signal level from brake pedal position
sensor 2 in foot brake valve (F628) on pin E5 of the EBS unit is too high during a specified time or the pulse width of the signal is incorrect due to:
- short circuit to supply on pin E5 of the EBS unit
- internal fault in foot brake valve
- interruption on pin E4 of the EBS unit
- interruption on pin E5 of the EBS unit
41-61 Communication via V-CAN on pins A1 and A3 of
the EBS unit not possible when switching on ignition due to:
- interruption on pin A1 of the EBS unit
- short circuit to earth on pin A3 of the EBS unit
- short circuit to supply on pin A1 and/or A3 of the EBS unit
41-63 Interrupted communication via V-CAN on pins A1
and A3 of the EBS unit due to:
- interruption on pin A1 and/or A3 of the EBS unit
- short circuit to earth on pin A3 of the EBS unit
- short circuit to supply on pin A1 and/or A3 of the EBS unit
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
41-65 No CAN message "ERC1" received within a
specified period of time from the engine management system in relation to the engine braking torque
41-66 No CAN message "EEC1" received within a
specified period of time from the engine management system in relation to the engine torque and engine speed
41-67 No CAN message "ETC1" received within a
specified period of time from the gearbox (AS Tronic) if the drive line is activated
41-68 No CAN message "CCVS" received within a
specified period of time from the engine management system in relation to the parking brake status, vehicle speed and clutch status
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
Fault code Fault code description with possible cause Symptom
41-69 No CAN message "TCO1" received within a
specified period of time from the tachograph in relation to the vehicle speed due to:
- communication problem with the tachograph (MTCO)
- K-factor in MTCO incorrect or not there
- delayed loss of supply voltage on EBS unit when switching off ignition (this is a common production situation but it has been solved in subsequent production versions by the addition of relay G426)
41-71 No CAN message received from VIC within a
specified period of time
42-16 EBS unit does not receive correct CAN message
from the rear axle modulator (D879) on pins B1 and B4 of the EBS unit
42-61 Interrupted CAN communication with the rear
axle modulator (D879) via pins B1 and B4 of the EBS unit due to:
- short circuit to earth on pin B4 of the EBS unit
- short circuit to supply on pin B1 and/or pin B4 of the EBS unit
- short circuit between pin B1 and pin B4 of the EBS unit
43-61 CAN communication problem with the drawn
vehicle ECU via pins B3 and B6 of the EBS unit
43-63 Interrupted CAN communication, with a driving
combination, with the drawn vehicle ECU via pins B3 and B6 of the EBS unit due to:
- interruption on pins B3 and B6 of the EBS unit
- short circuit between pin B3 and pin B6 of the EBS unit
43-75 Interrupted CAN communication, with a driving
combination, with the drawn vehicle ECU via pin B3 (CAN-H) of the EBS unit due to:
- interruption on pin B3 of the EBS unit
- short circuit on pin B3 of the EBS unit
43-76 Interrupted communication, with a driving
combination, with the drawn vehicle ECU via pin B6 (CAN-L) of the EBS unit due to:
- interruption on pin B6 of the EBS unit
- short circuit on pin B6 of the EBS unit
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle, rear axle and drawn vehicle deactivated
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on rear axle deactivated
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
EBS fault codes
45-16 Interruption, short circuit to earth or short circuit to
supply on pin A18 of the EBS unit
51-21 Short circuit to earth on pin D11 of the EBS unit,
ABS valve (B256)
51-22 Short circuit to supply on pin D11 of the EBS unit,
ABS valve (B256)
200438 1-9
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- ABS on front axle, left deactivated
- ABS on front axle deactivated
EBS fault codes
Fault code Fault code description with possible cause Symptom
51-23 Interruption on pin D12 of the EBS unit, ABS
valve (B256)
51-24 Interruption on pin D11 of the EBS unit, ABS
valve (B256)
51-25 Continuous actuation of ABS valve (B256) via
pins D10 and D12 and/or D11 and D12 of the EBS unit due to:
- internal short circuit in EBS unit
51-26 Interruption on pin D10 of the EBS unit, ABS
valve (B256)
51-27 Short circuit to earth on pin D10 of the EBS unit,
ABS valve (B256)
51-28 Short circuit to supply on pin D10 of the EBS unit,
ABS valve (B256)
52-21 Short circuit to earth on pin C2 of the EBS unit,
ABS valve (B257)
52-22 Short circuit to supply on pin C2 of the EBS unit,
ABS valve (B257)
- ABS on front axle, left deactivated
- ABS on front axle, left deactivated
- ABS on front axle deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle and drawn vehicle deactivated
- ABS on front axle, left deactivated
- ABS on front axle, left deactivated
- ABS on front axle deactivated
- ABS on front axle, right deactivated
- ABS on front axle deactivated
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
52-23 Interruption on pin C3 of the EBS unit, ABS valve
52-24 Interruption on pin C2 of the EBS unit, ABS valve
52-25 Continuous actuation of ABS valve (B527) via
pins C1 and C3 and/or C2 and C3 of the EBS unit due to:
- internal short circuit in EBS unit
52-26 Interruption on pin C1 of the EBS unit, ABS valve
52-27 Short circuit to earth on pin C1 of the EBS unit,
ABS valve (B257)
52-28 Short circuit to supply on pin C1 of the EBS unit,
ABS valve (B256)
53-32 Short circuit to earth on pin D12 or C3 of the EBS
unit, ABS valve (B256 or B257)
53-33 Short circuit to supply on pin D12 or C3 of the
EBS unit, ABS valve (B256 or B257)
55-12 Incorrect redundancy valve (B306) parameters
due to:
- redundancy valve connected to the EBS unit without the EBS unit having been programmed for a redundancy valve
55-31 Interruption in redundancy valve (B306),
measured via pin B12 of the EBS unit
- ABS on front axle, right deactivated
- ABS on front axle, right deactivated
- ABS on front axle deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle and drawn vehicle deactivated
- ABS on front axle, right deactivated
- ABS on front axle, right deactivated
- ABS on front axle deactivated
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- ABS on front axle deactivated
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle, rear axle and drawn vehicle deactivated
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on rear axle deactivated
55-32 Short circuit to earth in redundancy valve (B306),
measured via pin B12 of the EBS unit
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on rear axle deactivated
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
Fault code Fault code description with possible cause Symptom
55-33 Short circuit to supply in redundancy valve
(B306), measured via pin B12 of the EBS unit
57-12 Incorrect ASR cut-off valve (B309) parameters
due to:
- ASR cut-off valve connected to the EBS unit without the EBS unit having been programmed for an ASR cut-off valve
57-31 Interruption on pin C6 of the EBS unit, ASR cut-
off valve (B309)
57-32 Short circuit to earth on pin C6 of the EBS unit,
ASR cut-off valve (B309)
57-33 Short circuit to supply on pin C6 of the EBS unit,
ASR cut-off valve (B309)
61-16 The current through the front axle modulator
(B307) magnet coil measured via pins D1 and D2 of the EBS unit is incorrect due to:
- copper short circuit in the magnet coil
- short circuit or contact resistance between pins D1 and D2 of the EBS unit
61-55 Front axle modulator (B307) output pressure
measured on pin D6 of the EBS unit is incorrect in relation to the current through the magnet coil due to:
- defective pressure sensor
- too low a supply pressure
62-42 Pressure sensor failure in front axle modulator
(B307) due to:
- short circuit to supply on pin D6 of the EBS unit
- interruption on pin D3 of the EBS unit
- short circuit to supply on pin D5 of the EBS unit
62-43 With a nonactivated front axle modulator, the
front axle modulator (B307) pressure sensor output signal on pin D6 of the EBS unit is too low or too high due to:
- defective pressure sensor
- no supply voltage or supply voltage too low on pin D9 of the EBS unit
- interruption on pin D6 of the EBS unit
- short circuit to earth on pin D6 of the EBS unit
- air pressure at connection point 4 of the front axle modulator (B307) if the foot brake valve (F628) is not activated
- ABS on front axle deactivated
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle, rear axle and drawn vehicle deactivated
- ASR brake control deactivated
- ASR brake control deactivated
- No noticeable system limitation in EBS
- EBS pressure control on front axle deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle deactivated
- Open circuit in EBS pressure control, front axle
- Open circuit in EBS pressure control, front axle
EBS fault codes
63-25 Permanent actuation of the front axle modulator
(B307) due to:
- short circuit to supply on one side and short circuit to earth on the other side
63-32 Short circuit to earth on pin D1 of the EBS unit,
front axle modulator (B307)
200438 1-11
- Brake remains applied to front axle
- EBS pressure control on front axle deactivated
EBS fault codes
Fault code Fault code description with possible cause Symptom
63-33 Short circuit to supply on pin D1 of the EBS unit,
front axle modulator (B307)
63-34 Short circuit to earth on pin D2 of the EBS unit,
front axle modulator (B307)
63-35 Short circuit to supply on pin D2 of the EBS unit,
front axle modulator (B307)
63-36 Interruption on pin D1 and/or D2 of the EBS unit,
front axle modulator (B307)
64-13 The EBS unit parameters for the rear axle
modulator type do not correspond with the parameters in the rear axle modulator (D879)
64-16 Fault in the solenoid valves of the rear axle
modulator (D879)
64-51 Output pressure of the rear axle modulator
(D879) is too high
64-52 Brake pressure signal difference between both
pressure sensors in rear axle modulator (D879) is too high
64-54 No pressure sensor signal in rear axle modulator
(D879) or signal is incorrect (too high/too low)
64-64 CAN communication problem of the EBS unit with
the rear axle modulator (D879) via pins B1 and B4 of the EBS unit
- EBS pressure control on front axle deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle deactivated
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle, rear axle and drawn vehicle deactivated
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on rear axle deactivated
- ABS on rear axle deactivated
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on rear axle deactivated
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- Open circuit in EBS pressure control, rear axle
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on rear axle deactivated
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
Supply voltage on pin B7 of the EBS unit interrupted
Interrupted earth connection or contact resistance in the earth connection of the rear axle modulator (D879)
66-12 Incorrect drawn vehicle control valve (B308)
parameters due to:
- drawn vehicle control valve connected to the EBS unit without the EBS unit having been programmed for a drawn vehicle control valve
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on rear axle deactivated
- With an interruption on pin B7, connection points A9 and E4 inside the ECU will have a low voltage, causing brake pedal position sensor 2 to give no output signal, for instance. If the measurement is performed at B7, it will also turn out that B7 in this situation will be internally connected to earth in the ECU
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on rear axle deactivated
- ABS on front and rear axles deactivated
- ASR brake/engine control deactivated
- EBS pressure control on front axle, rear axle and drawn vehicle deactivated
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
Fault code Fault code description with possible cause Symptom
66-16 The current measured by the drawn vehicle
control valve (B308) magnet coil via pins B10 and B11 of the ECU is incorrect due to:
- copper short circuit in the magnet coil
- short circuit or contact resistance between pins B10 and B11 of the EBS unit
66-55 Drawn vehicle control valve (B308) output
pressure measured on pin B14 of the ECU is incorrect in relation to the current through the magnet coil due to:
- defective pressure sensor
- too low a supply pressure
67-42 Pressure sensor fault in drawn vehicle control
valve (B308) due to:
- short circuit to supply on pin B14 of the EBS unit
- interruption on pin D3 of the EBS unit
- short circuit to supply on pin D3 of the EBS unit
67-43 With a nonactivated drawn vehicle control valve,
drawn vehicle control valve (B308) pressure sensor output signal on pin B14 of the EBS unit is too low or too high due to:
- defective pressure sensor
- no or too low a supply voltage to pressure sensor
67-51 With a non-activated drawn vehicle control valve
and a speed >30 km/hour, drawn vehicle control valve (B308) pressure sensor output signal on pin B14 of the EBS unit is too low or too high due to:
- defective pressure sensor
68-25 Permanent actuation of the drawn vehicle control
valve (B308) due to:
- short circuit to supply on one side and short circuit to earth on the other side
68-32 Short circuit to earth on pin B10 of the EBS unit,
drawn vehicle control valve (B308)
68-33 Short circuit to supply on pin B10 of the EBS unit,
drawn vehicle control valve (B308)
- EBS pressure control on drawn vehicle deactivated
- EBS pressure control on drawn vehicle deactivated
- Open circuit in EBS pressure control, drawn vehicle
- Open circuit in EBS pressure control, drawn vehicle
- Open circuit in EBS pressure control, drawn vehicle
- Brake remains applied to drawn vehicle
- EBS pressure control on drawn vehicle deactivated
- EBS pressure control on drawn vehicle deactivated
EBS fault codes
68-34 Short circuit to earth on pin B11 of the EBS unit,
drawn vehicle control valve (B308)
68-35 Short circuit to supply on pin B11 of the EBS unit,
drawn vehicle control valve (B308)
68-36 Interruption on pin B10 and/or B11 of the EBS
unit, drawn vehicle control valve (B308)
73-15 If a drawn vehicle with EBS sends a CAN
message to the ECU of the prime mover, indicating that the "serious drawn vehicle failure" needs to be activated on DIP, this fault code will be stored in the prime mover ECU.
200438 1-13
- EBS pressure control on drawn vehicle deactivated
- EBS pressure control on drawn vehicle deactivated
- EBS pressure control on drawn vehicle deactivated
EBS fault codes
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual



Customer parameters
Customer parameters are the settings of an electronic system. The customer parameters permit adapting control functions of a system to the customer's particular wishes and/or needs within certain limits. The customer parameters are stored in a list in the memory of the electronic unit. Customer parameters can be modified using the programming feature of DAVIE XD. Programming using DAVIE XD is only possible if the logged-in user has been registered as a "Master Technician".
Erroneous settings of customer parameters may affect the action of control functions to such an extent that they function eratically or not at all. After modification of the settings the (modified) customer parameters must be stored in the electronic unit using the programming function in the customer parameter overview.
EBS customer parameters
Customer parameter names and codes
Each customer parameter in a system has its own name and code. The following explanation of the customer parameters includes only the codes. The availability of a customer parameter in a system depends on the programmed software in the electronic unit. The programmed software depends on the vehicle configuration/ identity card data.
Standard values
Standard values, options and setting ranges may vary according to the software variants of DAVIE XD and the system. This is why they have not been included in the following explanation of the customer parameters.
200438 2-1
EBS customer parameters DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
drawn vehicle when braking is started.
available on FT vehicles and is only active if a drawn
vehicle without EBS system is coupled.
This setting can be changed if:
- there is a complaint relating to the towing of the
Maximum value to
be set:
Minimum value to
be set:
0 bar 3.5 bar The presssure pulse activation ‚"P inshot" is only
Explanation Dependences: Notes
determines the pulsing "P-inshot" to the drawn


EBS Customer
parameter code
3-01 This is a comfort parameter setting which
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual



If the tyre size is changed or if the vehicle is adjusted in such a way that the configuration is changed, the electronic unit may have to be re­programmed.
System inspection with DAVIE XD
200438 3-1
System inspection with DAVIE XD
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
DAVIE XD diagnostics manual


Page Date
1. UPEC FAULT CODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 . . . . . 200438
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 . . . . . 200438
1.2 Explanatory notes to UPEC fault codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 . . . . . 200438
2. UPEC CUSTOMER PARAMETERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 . . . . . 200438
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 . . . . . 200438
2.2 Explanatory notes to UPEC customer parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 . . . . . 200438
3. SYSTEM INSPECTION WITH DAVIE XD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 . . . . . 200438
3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 . . . . . 200438
3.2 Engine brake test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 . . . . . 200438
3.3 Speed variation control test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 . . . . . 200438
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DAVIE XD diagnostics manual
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