Functional Description
The CY7C480XV25 family of FIFOs is comprised of
high-speed, low-power, CMOS Synchronous (clocked) FIFO
memories, meaning both independent ports employ a synchronous interface. All data transfers through a port are gated
to the LOW -t o-HIGH tra nsition of the cloc k on ei ther port by t he
enable signa l. The cloc ks fo r each port are independen t of one
another and can be asynchronous or coincident. The enable
for each port is arranged to provide a simple unidirectional
interface between microprocessors and/or buses with synchronous control.
T w o kinds of reset are av ailabl e on the CY7C480XV25: Master
Reset and Partial Reset. Mas ter Reset ini tiali z es the read and
write pointers to the first location of the memory array, configures the FIFO for Big Endian or Little Endian byte arrangement, selects the CY standard or First-Word Fall-Through
(FWFT) mode, and determines the configuration of the programmabl e flags . The f lags can b e prog rammed eit her in s erial
mode or in parallel mode. The FIFO also comes with three
possible default flag offset settings: 8, 16, or 64.
Partial Reset also sets the read and write pointers to the first
location of the memory. Unlike Master Reset, any settings existing prior to Pa rtial Reset (i .e., pr ogrammi ng method and partial flag default offsets) are retained. Partial Reset is useful
since it p ermits flus hing of the FIFO memory without changi ng
any configuration settings.
The CY7C480XV25 have two modes of operation: CY Standard Mode or First-Word Fall-Through Mode (FWFT). In the
CY Standard Mode, the first word written to an empty FIFO is
deposited into the memory array. A read operation is required
to access that word (along with all other subsequent words
residing in m emory). In the FWFT Mode, the first w ord written
to an empty FIFO appears automatically on the outputs, and
no read ope ra tion is r equir ed. Ne v ertheless , ac cess ing su bsequent words does necessitate formal read request. FWFT
mode is primarily used for cascading multiple FIFOs.
The FIFO has an EF
/OR flag on port B and FF/IR flag on Port
A. The EF
and FF functions are selected in the CY Standard
Mode. EF
indicates whether or not the FIFO memory is empty .
shows whether or not the memory is full. The IR and OR
functions are select ed in the Fir st-W ord F all-Thr ough mode . IR
indicates whether or not the FIFO has memory locations av ai lable. OR sho ws whet her th e FIFO has data available f or r eading or not. It marks the presence of valid data on the outputs.
The FIFO has a programmable Almost Empty f lag (AE
) and a
programma ble Almost Full f lag (AF
). AE indicates the number
of words left in the FIFO memory is at the user-defined
amount. AF
indicates the number of words written into the
FIFO memory has achieved a predetermined amount.
/IR and AF flags a re synchroni zed to port A cloc k tha t writes
data into its array. EF
/OR and AE flags are synchronized to
Port B clock that reads data from its array. Programmable offsets for AE
and AF are loaded in parall el via P ort A or in serial
via the SD input. The Serial Programming Mode pin (SPM
makes this sel ection. Three def ault offsets sett ing are also provided. The AE
threshold can be set at 8, 16, or 64 locations
from the empty boundary and AF
threshold ca n be set at 8, 16,
or 64 locations from the full boundary. All these choices are
made using the FS0 and FS1 inputs during Master Reset.
The CY7C480XV25 FIFOs are characterized for operation
from 0°C to 70°C commercial, and from –40°C to 8 5°C in dustrial.
Selection Guide
CY7C480XV25-200 CY7C480XV25-166
Maximum Frequency (MHz) 200 166
Maximum Access Time (ns) 3.3 3.7
Minimum Cycle Time (ns) 5 6
Minimum Data or Enabl e Set-Up (ns) 0.9 0.9
Minimum Data or Enable Hold (ns) 0.6 0.6
Maximum Flag Delay (ns) 3.3 3.7
CY7C4808V25 CY7C4806V25 CY7C4804V25
Density 64K x 80 16K x 80 4K x 80
Pac kage 288 FBGA 288 FBGA 288 FBGA