Congratulations! You’ve purchased the best electronic trainer available. With the CycleOps PowerBeamTM
Pro Trainer, you’ll be able to create personalized
training sessions to meet all your goals.
Common Sense Precautions
Before starting any exercise program, consult with
your physician or health professional. He or she can
help establish the exercise frequency, intensity and
time appropriate for your particular age and condition. If you have any pain or tightness in your chest,
an irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, feel faint,
or have any discomfort while you exercise, STOP!
Consult your physician before continuing. Failure to
follow any of these safeguards may result in injury or
serious health problems.
· Do not remove feet from pedals while cycling.
· Do not attempt to ride the bike at high RPM’s or in
a standing position until you have practiced at
lower RPM’s.
Never before has it been this easy to simulate the
conditions of a competition or event while in the
comfort of your home. The CycleOps PowerBeamTM
Pro’s electronic resistance unit (ERU) wirelessly communicates with the CycleOps PowerBeamTM Pro computer to provide exactly the resistance you want. A
target power based workout allows you to accurately
control your exercise intensity. A slope based workout allows you to relive your favorite ride without
leaving your home. Your workouts are automatically
recorded and can be downloaded to your computer
through CycleOps PowerAgentTM software (included
with your CycleOps PowerBeam
Pro), so you can
create workouts and measure your progress.
This user guide will take you through setting up the
CycleOps PowerBeam
how to use the CycleOps PowerBeam
Pro and thoroughly explains
computer to
create workouts that will give you an edge over the
· Do not place fi ngers or any other objects into
moving parts of the trainer or bicycle.
· Keep children and pets away from your bike and
the trainer while in use. Do not allow children to
ride on your bike.
· Never turn pedal crank arms by hand. To avoid
entanglement and possible injury, do not expose
hands or arms to the drive mechanism.
· D o no t di smo un t fro m yo ur b ik e unt il b oth t he
pedals and the rear wheel are at a complete STOP.

Part 1: Setting Up Your CycleOps PowerBeam
1.1: Parts Listing
Your CycleOps PowerBeam
Assembled CycleOps PowerBeam•
Cadence sensor with battery installed (B)•
Cadence sensor magnet with four (4) zip ties for cadence sensor (C)•
Resistance unit power supply (D)•
CycleOps skewer (E)•
CycleOps PowerBeam•
CycleOps PowerBeam•
Heart rate strap (H)•
CD containing PowerAgent•
Race Day• training DVD (J)
Warranty registration card (Not Shown) (you can also register your CycleOps trainer at www.cycleops.•
Pro trainer should come with all of the following components:
Pro Electronic Trainer resistance unit and frame (A)
Pro computer (F) with three (3) AAA batteries (installed)
Pro computer handlebar mounting bracket (G)
and Workout Creator software (I)
If you do not fi nd all of these items in the box, please contact Saris customer service at 800-783-7257 (option 3).

1.2: Trainer Assembly
To begin assembling your trainer, extend the legs as
shown below, then set the trainer on a fl at surface.
Next, insert the resistance unit power cable into the
resistance unit as shown below.
Turn the thumb wheel as shown below to level the
Plug the power supply into the wall outlet.
Use the zip ties to secure the cadence sensor to the
non-drive-side chain-stay of your bicycle as shown
below. Use additional zip ties to secure the magnet
to the crank arm directly across from the cadence
sensor. Be sure the magnet lines up with the line
on the sensor and that the magnet is no more than
3mm from the sensor.

1.3: Attaching your Bike to the Trainer
The CycleOps PowerBeam
Pro trainer is designed
to be used with the provided skewer. Replace the
skewer on the rear wheel of your bike with the one
provided. Make sure the quick release handle is on
the left side of the bicycle and faces upward.
Pull the yellow cam lever down and rotate 90 degrees clockwise to unlatch the resistance unit. Pivot
the resistance unit down to allow clearance for your
rear wheel.
CAUTION: In this position the resistance unit can
move freely, keep fi ngers clear of moving parts.
Latch the resistance unit in a down position by rotating the cam lever 90 degrees counter clockwise and
push the cam lever against the resistance unit.
Rotate the yellow skewer clamp knob clockwise to
allow suffi cient clearance for your skewer.

Lift your bike up by the seat post and insert the right
side (drive side) of the skewer into the fi xed cone
on the corresponding side of the frame (as shown
Align the left side of the skewer with the adjustable
cone, lining the notches in the cone up with the
quick release handle/lever. Rotate the yellow skewer
clamp knob as shown below to secure your rear
wheel into the trainer. Securely tighten the knob
until tightly in place.
The resistance unit should be tight enough to prevent the tire from slipping during accelerations.
A small indentation will be seen in the tire when
tightened properly. If slipping occurs, increase tire
compression by relatching the resistance unit. Pull
the yellow cam lever further down while performing
the initial unlatching step.
Note: Your bike does not need to be centered on the
roller for it to function properly.
Pull the yellow cam lever down and rotate 90 degrees clockwise to unlatch the resistance unit. Push
the resistance unit towards your rear wheel until the
roller contacts the tire. Latch the resistance unit by
rotating the cam lever 90 degrees counter clockwise,
while holding the resistance unit. Compress the
roller against the tire by pulling up on the cam lever
as shown below.
Note: If the cam lever pops open while riding, move
the resistance unit and mount it to the front bolt
hole as shown below. Most tires will fi t using either
mounting hole. Larger tires including 29” MTB tires
require mounting to the rear hole.
Front Holes
Rear Holes
Note: Be certain your tires are infl ated to their proper
pressure. Knobby tires will cause noise and vibration.
For best results, use a slick-tread tire. Note that any
stationary trainer will increase the wear on your tires.
Using harder rubber composed tires will improve
their life.
Note: The CycleOps PowerBeamTM Pro trainer can be
used without the CycleOps PowerBeamTM Pro computer. Simply plug the resistance unit in and it will
provide a resistance curve similar to that of riding on
a fl at road.