he Crown® Macro-Tech® Series is the defi ning
standard for amplifi er design today. No compromises, no gimmicks. Just brilliant engineering
backed by superior manufacturing, support and an
unsurpassed commitment to quality. Like all Crown
amps, the defi ning characteristic of the Macro-Tech
Series is sonic accuracy. A tight, rock-solid low end,
with smooth, detailed highs and a well-defi ned midrange. In short, the most accurate reproduction of an
audio signal you’ve ever heard. And because we put
the quality of sound above all else, a Crown amplifi er
is the most coveted amplifi er in the business.
When it comes to manufacturing amps, our work is
based on one simple fact: there are no shortcuts to
quality. And our Macro-Techs have proven it time and
time again in some of the most demanding applications in the world.
The VZ
Series is a signifi cant leap forward in amplifi er design. Our patented variable impedance (VZ)
technology permits the MA-3600VZ or MA-5002VZ to
dynamically adapt to signal and load requirements in
real time. Whether you need current in a low-impedance sub-woofer situation, or high-voltage swings for
those transient signals, the VZs deliver!
For more details about the Crown Macro-Tech
Series, contact the Crown Technical Support Group
at 800-342-6939 or 574-294-8200. Also, visit the
Crown Audio website at www.crownaudio.com.
Specifi cations
Note: Specifi cations relate to 120 volt, 60 Hz units
in Stereo mode with 8-ohm loads and an input sensitivity of 26 dB gain at 1 kHz rated power unless
otherwise specifi ed. Specifi cations for units supplied
outside the U.S.A. may vary slightly at different AC
voltages and frequencies.
Output Power: See power charts below.
Load Impedance: Safe with all types of loads, even reac-
tive ones. MA-3600VZ is rated for 2 to16 ohms in Stereo.
MA-5002VZ is rated for 2 to 8 ohms in Stereo. Both
amplifi ers are rated for 4 to 16 ohms in Bridge-Mono and
1 to 4 ohms in Parallel-Mono mode.
Voltage Gain to 8 ohm load at rated output at 1 kHz,
maximum level setting:
124.6:1 ±6% or 41.9 dB ±0.5 dB at 0.775 volt
69.2:1 ± 6% or 36.8 dB ±0.5 dB at 1.4 volt sensitivity.
20:1 ±6% or 26 dB ±0.5 dB at +26 dB sensitivity.
1 kHz
2 ohm Dual (per ch.)
4 ohm Dual (per ch.)
8 ohm Dual (per ch.)
4 ohm Bridge-Mono
8 ohm Bridge-Mono
*1 kHz Power: refers to maximum average power in watts
at 1 kHz with 0.1% THD.
• Crown’s Grounded Bridge™ design delivers
large voltage swings without using easily
stressed output-transistor confi gurations like
conventional amplifi ers; the results are lower
distortion and superior reliability
• Patented ODEP® (Output Device Emulation
Protection) circuitry compensates for overheating and overload to keep the amplifier
working when others would fail
(Input/Output Comparator) circuitry
immediately alerts of any distortion exceeding
0.05%, providing dynamic proof of distortionfree performance
• MA-5002VZ accepts Crown PIP2 modules. MA-
3600VZ accepts only the PIP-Lite module when
fi tted with the IQ-PIP-USP2 Adapter
• Patented Variable Impedance (VZ®)power
supplies for each channel provide excellent
132:1 ±12% or 42 dB ±1 dB gain at 0.775 volt
71:1 ±12% or 37 dB ±1 dB gain at 1.4-volt sensitivity.
20:1 ±3% or 26 dB ±0.25 dB gain at the maximum
level setting.
Required AC Mains (MA-3600VZ): 50/60 Hz;
100, 120, and 230VAC (±10%) units are available.
230VAC, 50/60 Hz units can be used with 220 and
240VAC. All versions draw 90 watts or less at idle.
100VAC and 120VAC units can draw up to 30 amps;
230VAC units can draw up to 15 amps. Current,
voltage and frequency requirements are provided on
unit’s back panel.
Required AC Mains (MA-5002VZ): 50 or 60 Hz;
100, 120, 200, 208, 230, 240VAC (±10%). All units
draw 90 watts or less at idle. Current, voltage and
frequency requirements are provided on unit’s back
20 Hz–20 kHz
1 kHz
2 ohm Dual (per ch.)
4 ohm Dual (per ch.)
8 ohm Dual (per ch.)
4 ohm Bridge-Mono
8 ohm Bridge-Mono
*1 kHz Power: refers to maximum average power in watts
at 1 kHz with 0.1% THD.
**20 Hz–20 kHz Power: refers to maximum average power
in watts from 20 Hz to 20 kHz with 0.1% THD.
crosstalk characteristics and the best power
matching to your load; in the MA-5002VZ, three
special modes are provided to control how and
when the supplies shift impedance modes
• Very low harmonic and intermodulation distortion result in the best dynamic transfer function
in the industry
• MA-5002VZ only: Independent error-driven
compressor for each channel that can be set for
fast or slow attack and release times
• Full protection from shorted, open and mismatched loads; general overheating; DC;
high-frequency overloads; and internal fault
• Three-Year, No-Fault, Fully Transferable
Warranty completely protects your investment
and guarantees its specifi cations
AC Line Connector:
MA-3600VZ: NEMA TT30P.
MA-5002VZ: 10 AWG cordset with NEMA TT30P
plug is provided on 120VAC, 60 Hz North American
Frequency Response: ±0.1 dB from 20 Hz to 20 kHz
at 1 watt.
Phase Response: ±10 degrees from 10 Hz to 20 kHz
at 1 watt.
Signal-to-Noise Ratio: > 105 dB A-weighted or 100
dB unweighted below rated power, 20 Hz - 20 kHz.
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD):
MA-3600VZ: At full bandwidth power, < 0.05%
from 20 Hz to 1 kHz increasing linearly to < 0.1%
at 20 kHz.
MA-5002VZ: 1 kHz rated power, 0.05% or less true
Intermodulation Distortion (IMD): (60 Hz and 7 kHz
at 4:1)
MA-3600VZ: Less than 0.05% from 368 mil-
liwatts to full bandwidth power.
MA-5002VZ: Less than 0.05% from rated power to
35 dB below rated power at 8 ohms.
Damping Factor: > 1,000 from 10 Hz to 400 Hz.
Slew Rate: (Slew rates are limited to useful levels for
ultrasonic/RF protection.) > 30 volts per microsecond.
Compressor (MA-5002VZ only): A three-position
back-panel switch is used to control each channel’s
input compressor. The “fast” setting provides an
attack time of 4 milliseconds and a release time of
300 milliseconds; the “slow” setting provides an

attack time of 12 milliseconds and a release time of
600 milliseconds; the “off” setting defeats outputdriven compression.
Enable: A front-panel push button used to turn the
amplifi er on and off.
Input Ground Lift (MA-5002VZ only): A two-position
back-panel switch located on the PIP2-FXQ used to
isolate the input audio signal grounds from the AC
(chassis) ground.
Level: A front-panel rotary potentiometer for each
channel with 31 detents is used to control the output
Loudspeaker Offset Integration (MA-5002VZ only): A
two-position back-panel switch for each channel used
to turn the loudspeaker protection circuitry on and off.
The circuitry protects against DC, off-center woofer
cone movement, and unwanted subsonic and ultrasonic frequencies.
Stereo/Mono: A three-position back-panel switch
used to select Stereo, Bridge-Mono or Parallel-Mono
Sensitivity: A three-position switch used to select the
input sensitivity for both channels: 0.775 volts or 1.4
volts for standard 1 kHz power, or a 26 dB voltage
gain. MA-3600VZ switch is inside the PIP compartment; MA-5002VZ switch is on the back panel.
VZ Mode (MA-5002VZ only): A four-position switch
for each channel inside the front-panel used to control
the switching mode of the VZ power supplies.
Reset (MA-5002VZ only): A back-panel push button
for each channel used to reset the circuit breaker that
protects each power supply. 100 and 120 VAC units
have 15 amp circuit breakers; 230 VAC units have 7.5
amp circuit breakers.
Enable: An amber front-panel indicator that shows the
on/off status of the low-voltage power supply.
Signal/IOC: A green front-panel indicator for each
channel that fl ashes to show amplifi er output. If a
channel’s output waveform differs from its input by
0.05% or more, the indicator fl ashes brightly to show
distortion. This function provides proof of distortionfree performance. In Parallel-Mono mode, the Channel
2 light stays on.
ODEP: Each channel has an amber front panel indicator that shows thermal-dynamic energy reserve. Normally, each ODEP indicator is lit to show available
reserve energy. The indicator will dim proportionally
as the energy reserve for its channel descreases. In
the rare event that a channel has no reserve, its indicator will turn off and the ODEP circuitry will limit the
channel’s output drive.
Crown’s Three-Year, No-Fault, Fully Transferable Warranty
Crown offers a Three-Year, No-Fault, Fully Transferable Warranty for every new Crown amplifi er—an unsurpassed industry standard. With this unprecedented No-Fault protection, your new Crown amplifi er is warranted
to meet or exceed original specifi cations for the fi rst three years of ownership. During this time, if your amplifi er
fails, or does not perform to original specifi cations, it will be repaired or replaced at our expense. About the
only things not covered by this warranty are those losses normally covered by insurance and those caused by
intentional abuse. And the coverage is transferable, should you sell your amplifi er.
See your authorized Crown dealer for full warranty disclosure and details. For customers outside of the USA,
please contact your authorized Crown distributor for warranty information or call 574-294-8200.
ILoad/ILimit (MA-5002VZ only): A two-color (green/
red) LED for each channel that shows load current
and limit current. They glow green to indicate load
current fl owing out the amplifi er, and they turn red
when maximum current is being delivered to the load.
Input Connector: Two balanced 1/4 inch TRS
(6.35-mm) phone jacks on the back panel and two
balanced three-pin female XLR connectors on the factory-installed PIP-FX (MA-3600VZ) or PIP-FXQ (MA5002VZ) module.
Input Impedance (Nominal):
MA-3600VZ: 20 k ohms, balanced. 10 k ohms,
MA-5002VZ: Greater than 10 k ohms, balanced.
Greater than 5 k ohms, unbalanced.
Maximum Input Level: 13 volts peak.
Input Sensitivity: 0.775 volt for standard 1 kHz power,
1.4 volts for standard 1 kHz power, or a 26 dB voltage
Output Connectors (MA-3600VZ): Two sets of colorcoded binding posts.
Output Connectors (MA-5002VZ): A multifunction, high-current output block is provided. Crown
output blocks include three pairs of connectors for
each channel (a total of 12 connectors). This allows
multiple loudspeakers to be easily connected to each
channel. High current screw terminals and color
coded binding posts.
Output Impedance: Less than 10 milliohms in series
with less than 2 microhenries (MA-3600VZ) or 2.5
microhenries (MA-5002VZ).
DC Output Offset: (Shorted input) ±10 millivolts.
Output Signal
Stereo: Unbalanced, two-channel.
Bridge-Mono: Balanced, single-channel. Channel 1
controls are active; Channel 2 should not be used.
Parallel-Mono: Unbalanced, single-channel. Channel
1 controls are active; Channel 2 controls are
Macro-Tech amplifi ers are protected against shorted,
open or mismatched loads; overloaded power supplies; excessive temperature; chain destruction phenomena; input overload damage; and high-frequency
blowups. They also protect loudspeakers from input/
output DC and turn-on/turn-off transients.
If unreasonable operating conditions occur, the patented ODEP circuitry will proportionally limit the drive
level to protect the output transistor stages, particularly in the case of elevated temperature. Transformer
overheating will result in a temporary shutdown of the
affected channel; when it has cooled to a safe temperature, the transformer will automatically reset itself.
Controlled slew-rate voltage amplifi ers prevent RF
burnouts, and input overload protection is provided
by current-limiting resistance at the input.
Turn On: Four-second delay with no dangerous
transients. Delay time can be changed in the
MA-3600VZ (contact Crown’s Technical Support
Group). MA-5002VZ also has “soft start” to avoide
tripping the AC circuit breaker by gradually bringing
the supplies up to full voltage.
MA-5002VZ accepts Crown PIP2 modules. MA3600VZ accepts only the PIP-Lite module when fi tted
with the IQ-PIP-USP2 Adapter, available in limited
quantity from Crown’s Parts Department.
Steel chassis with durable black power-coat fi nish,
aluminum front panel with Lexan overlay, and specially designed fl ow-through ventilation from front to
side (MA-3600VZ) or back (MA-5002VZ) panels.
Cooling: Internal heat sinks with forced-air cooling
(MA-3600VZ) or on-demand, proportional cooling
(MA-5002VZ), custom heat diffusers, and patented
circuitry for rapid, uniform heat dissipation.
Dimensions: EIA Standard 19-inch (48.3-cm) rack
mount width (EIA RS-310-B), 3.5 inches (8.9 cm)
(MA-3600VZ) or 5.2 inches (13.3 cm) high, 16 inches
(40.6 cm) (MA-3600VZ) or 15.875 inches (40.3 cm)
(MA-5002VZ) deep behind the mounting surface and
2.5-inch (6.3-cm) protrusion in front of the mounting
Center of Gravity: Approximately 6 inches (15.2 cm)
behind front mounting surface.
MA-3600VZ (shipping weight):
120VAC, 60 Hz Units: 63 lb, 10 oz (28.9 kg).
100VAC International Units: 63 lb, 0.5 oz (28.6 kg).
120VAC International Units: 63 lb, 10 oz (28.9 kg).
230VAC International Units: 61 lb, 15 oz (28.1 kg).
MA-5002VZ: 77 lb, 9 oz (35.2 kg) net; 88 lb, 10 oz
(40.2 kg) shipping weight.
Crown International
1718 W. Mishawaka Rd.
Elkhart, IN 46517-9439
TEL: 574-294-8200
FAX: 574-294-8FAX
Specifi cations subject to change without prior notice. Latest
information available at www.crownaudio.com.
Grounded Bridge, PIP and PIP2 are trademarks, and Crown,
Crown Audio, IOC, Macro-Tech, ODEP and VZ are registered
trademarks of Crown International. Other trademarks are the
property of their respective owners. Printed in U.S.A.
© 2006 Crown Audio
, Inc.
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