* System® Product Reference
IQ-MSD Sys-Config II Software for DOS
There are several software packages
available for configuring, controlling, and
monitoring IQ System components. The
Sys-Config II software package is the
most powerful of all DOS based IQ
software. The Sys-Config II package
offers security, error reporting, scheduling, simple menus, and the full Turbo
communications engine and graphics
• Multi-level password security.
• Advanced error reporting with outputs
to screen, file, fax, etc.
• Event scheduling.
• Event menus at user interface.
• Full VGA and SVGA color support.
• Powerful communication controls and
sytem diagnostics.
• Powerful Turbo communications and
• Full support of all IQ components,
both original legacy protocol and newer
IQ2 protocol components.
• Full support of all third party IQ components with the graphics package.
• Automatically supports new products
as they are developed and brought to
market with the simple addition of support files. This means that the software
base package does not have to be
revised just to add support for new
• As a DOS package it takes advantage
of full control of the computer's processor for maximum processing, video,
and communication speed.
As a package the Sys-Config II software is actually a set of programs used
together to create a completely custom
user interface runtime.
The IQCONFIG program is the first utility that the installer uses. From this utility
the installer creates the custom runtime
program for the operator. As a utility
IQCONFIG establishes the following
parameters for the operator’s runtime
• Runtime: The program that the operator will use to operate the system.
• Menu: The runtime program event
menu list is generated in IQCONFIG. An
event is literally a dataframe file stored
in the program directory.
• Password Security: There are three
basic levels of password security. The
“Operator” password allows the runtime
program to start. The “Supervisor” password allows access to the Turbo software engine running under the runtime’s
Sys-Config shell. Dataframe events may
also be assigned passwords to limit
access to specific events.
• Error Reporting: There are several
types of system errors that can be reported and several methods of reporting errors from the runtime program. In
IQCONFIG the types of errors to be
reported and the methods of reporting
are established for the runtime.
A runtime program is what the installer
creates using IQCONFIG. IQSYS, another utility included in the Sys-Config II
package, is the template used to create
the runtime. IQSYS is a fully executable
runtime itself, however as a template it
contains no security, menus, or reporting functions. IQSYS may, however, be
used to easily create the dataframes
that another custom runtime could then
use from its event menu list.
• Menu: When a runtime program is run
the operator is presented with the menu
as created in IQCONFIG. This menu
screen is always displayed unless a
graphics plate from a selected menu
item is displayed.
• Security: Enter passwords where required per setup of IQCONFIG.
• Error Reporting: Errors can be reported to any output established in
IQCONFIG when the menu screen is
• Event Scheduling: Events in the menu
may be scheduled in advance to actuate automatically based on the
computer’s internal clock. Events may
be scheduled on a one time basis, daily,
monthly, or annually.
• Turbo Embedding: The Turbo program is embedded in the runtime program as the communication and control/monitor/graphics engine. If custom
graphics are established and properly
configured they can automatically be
displayed upon engagement of the
event from the menu list or scheduler.
The program includes a screen saver
for times when graphics are displayed
and unattended both to preserve sensitive monitors and to allow continuation
of error reporting when the menu screen
is not displayed. The Turbo engine can
be accessed directly from the menu
screen via function key with the Supervisor password (if required).
The Turbo 1.4 package includes full
support for the modular IQ2 protocol
based components and all legacy (original) protocol components.
Processor — 486SX/33 minimum,
Pentium 75 MHz recommended.
RAM — 8MB minimum, 16MB recommended.
Harddrive — Required.
Operating System — MS-DOS 5.0 mini-
mum, DOS 6.22 recommended. Performance on computers with Windows 95
is not guaranteed, however the program usually operates properly when
the PC is booted directly to DOS.
Serial Port — An RS232 serial port must
be available for connection to an IQ
interface. Software supports Com 1
through Com 4 at any IRQ.
UART — 16550 chipset required.
Mouse — A DOS mouse driver must be
loaded and a mouse attached to use the
graphics capabilities of the package.
Third (center) mouse functions are supported and provide various short-cuts.
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Crown International, Inc.
PO Box 1000 Elkhart, IN 46515-1000
Ph. 800-342-6939/219-294-8200
Fax 219-294-8301
Internet: www.crownintl.com
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